Examples of water pocket detection displayed in the optimization software
Using AI makes sense Integration of artificial intelligence technology can be easily achieved to boost sawmill performance
ID Group’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be integrated with existing scanners and across most existing sawmill equipment in the market today. That is certainly the case for bark detection, split detection on
logs, wood species detection, and wood defect detection. “AI is here to stay,” BID Group stated. “We’ve made it easily accessible so you can take advantage of the accuracy, speed and high-performance AI offers.”
Example of a Bark Detection Summary report
24 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2021
AI bark detection with lineal scanners Traditionally, bark detection required someone to observe stems and logs, or analyze wood chips. This time-consuming task can now be replaced with a bark detector. BID Group’s Bark Detection with AI identifies the percentage of residual bark on a stem or a log. This information can be used to determine the performance of the debarker. The Bark Detection software can
be integrated either to the scanner used for the bucking optimizer or the primary breakdown scanner. The existing 3DPro laser heads capture images that are analyzed for bark and this information is displayed in the software interface to show the areas of wood and bark on the log.