Cyberbullying and online hate speech stories for pupils

Page 73

When will this situation stop? STORY DESCRIPTION

8 am, Monday, the alarm is on and I do not want to open my eyes. The weekend ended and I feel lost. I do not know why a 15 years old girl feels like this. I am not hungry, I am nervous and I am eating a piece of cake just because my mum is watching me as she thinks I am very skinny. I prefer to be skinny than fat as it would be worse for me. At 8.45 am, I hear my mum shouting as she thinks I am going to be late. She does not know that I do it on purpose. She believes that the reason why I do not pass my tests is that I do not study as much as I should and that is not it because if I get good marks the punishment from other girls would be worse. I leave my house and I start walking, it is very cold and yesterday it snowed a little bit. I arrive at my school and I go to my class. Everybody is there. There are a few people looking at me and that makes me feel very uncomfortable. I try not to look at them. The first hour ended, my heartbeat is getting very fast and I feel paralyzed. Adriana, Marta, Fátima, and Mónica are talking and laughing, I hope they are not talking about me. I wish I could have some friends and talk to them as well. The history lesson starts, I like this subject. My phone is ringing which is strange as nobody texts me. Text from Adriana: why are you laughing stupid?. I look at her and she is laughing with her friends. They are coming towards me: What are you doing? Why don't you answer our text? Alvaro told me that Raul texted you last weekend. I feel brave and I say yes...and why is he talking to you? Monica seems very angry as she likes Raúl a lot. I don´t know. I didn't answer his messages. Don´t do it, okay? Are you listening to me? -she said. Everybody is leaving and I am alone in the middle of the classroom. Nobody knows I am here, not even Laura who used to be my friend. I want to cry, why do I have to feel like this? Why is this happening to me? I am going to the bathroom to wash my face as I feel weak, maybe because I am hungry or maybe because I am scared. I am giving up as nothing will change. I am trying to calm myself down but it is kind of impossible as I am very scared of them. I leave the bathroom and I can see Raúl is around. I have to recognize that I really like him. I am trying to avoid him but he has seen me. He looks at me and smiles. He is walking towards me...Hi, Marina-he says. Hi Raúl-. How are you? I texted you on Saturday but you didn't text me back- I am good thank you and sorry, I didn't notice you messaged me. Raúl is smiling while he is looking at me: oh don´t worry, I just wanted to know if you had plans for the weekend.

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Articles inside


pages 86-88

Koizora, a drama full of love

pages 80-81

A superhero story

pages 76-77

When will this situation stop?

pages 73-75

Mum, how much time do I have left to be with God?

pages 71-72

I am WHO I am

pages 65-70

No HATE be my MATE

pages 50-56


pages 57-64

I am not a thief

pages 44-49

We are all different but equal

pages 40-43

Check what to publicize (Sigita’s story

pages 36-39

Writing comments in a public space

pages 33-35

Protection of personal data

pages 28-29

Security of sharing content (Antanas’ story

pages 30-32

"It's a joke and we're just having fun" (Iris’s story

pages 21-23

“I am the girl with epilepsy ” (Claudia’s story

pages 19-20

“You are a jerk. I hope you will die!” (Cristian’s story

pages 17-18

Treat as you would like to be treated (Saulė’s story

pages 24-27

You are “fat, stupid and ugly ” (Diana’s story

pages 15-16

Forms of cyberbullying

page 5

Insults in cyberspace (Marius story

page 9

A Facebook nightmare (Clara’s story

pages 13-14

Insults in cyberspace (Irma’s story

pages 7-8

Impersonation and damage to one's reputation (Danute story

page 11


page 4

Insults in cyberspace (Thoma’s story

page 12

Impersonation and damage to one's reputation (Ieva’s story

page 10
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