References: 1. Adapted from “Violência Doméstica: Intervenção em grupo com mulheres vítimas – Manual para Profissionais” (Matos & Machado, 2011). 2. Authorship/adaptation or source: Adapted by Associazione Culturale Strauss. Formerly adapted by Mark Mains, Extension Specialist for 4-H Youth Development, University of Kentucky from training materials supplied by Deana Reed, Extension Specialist for 4-H Youth Development, University of Kentucky. Originally adapted from “Breaking the Code” by Kansas State University Extension. 3. Authorship/adaptation or source: Brenner, „Cool bleiben statt zuschlagen“, 2002, revised by B. Sinapius. 4. Authorship/adaptation or source: BullyingFree NZ Week 2018 Activity Pack. 5. Authorship/adaptation or source: SALTO Booklet of Project BRAVE – BUILDING RESILIENCE AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM 6. Authorship/adaptation or source: unknown source, adapted by Association PEL. 7. Bullying: Don’t Suffer in Silence – an a 1. anti-bullying pack for schools. 2002. 8. Children and Young People. Queen’s Printer, 2003. 9. Dr. Antanas Valantinas “Problemos apraiškos” / Dr. Antanas Valantinas “Manifestations of the Problem”. 10. Dr. Antanas Valantinas “Problemos apraiškos”: 11. Focus on Bullying. A Prevention Program for Elementary School Communities. British Columbia, 1999. 12. Focus on Harassment and intimidation. Responding to Bullying in Secondary School Communities. British Columbia, 2001.