Sinus Support Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis)
he pretty little flowers known as Euphrasia or eyebright is steeped in history dating back to antiquity. In Roman and Greek Mythology there were three Charites or “Graces”: Aglaia, the Grace that symbolized Beauty, Euphrosyne, (Euphrasia) the Grace of Delight and Thalia, the Grace of Blossom. According to Greek poet Pindar, these enchanting goddesses were created to fill the world with pleasant moments and goodwill. Thus, the pretty little herb Eyebright helps bring delight to the Eyes of mere mortals; literally as well as figuratively. The Graces found their way onto Italian cameo brooches, being one of the most popular design used in the soap stone carvings that adorn these brooches worn by the rich during the Renaissance. Eyebright has been traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, drying and membrane tonifying qualities and became historically popular as an eyewash and to help with allergies. The herb’s Greek name, Euphrasia, means gladness, referring to how you may feel if the herb restores your eye health! We have placed Eyebright herb into our beautiful Sinus Support Tea, to help us with seasonal allergies so we can become friends with the flowers and bee’s again. This wonderful blend contains Eyebright, Elderflower, Echinacea, Nettle, Chamomile and Peppermint. The Sinus Support tea is gentle and light tasting with a peppermint base. At Gnostic Healing Centre we specialize in creating tea blends to work on a variety of conditions and symptoms. We also love to make customized blends for people and their worries. Please pop in to visit us and get inspired for new ways to improve your wellbeing. Katie works at reception at Gnostic Healing and is also a trained Herbal Medicine Reiki Iridologist.