here are many unseen factors present when a person asks for healing. Some people feel they need to keep their illness in order to receive love, in order to give love. The desire of a sick person to get well has to be present, along with that person’s willingness to let go of whatever created the illness. Throughout time we have poisoned our thoughts with jealousy and greed. Poisoned our bodies with unhealthy foods and artificial substances and our spirits with the lack of gratitude. But most of all with no Aloha, the lack of love and happiness for one’s self. For love is the only thing that heals. For Aloha means to be happy with (one’s self) and happiness leads to healthiness and wealthiness of one’s spirit. Patience is a quality that is necessary in order to have any kind of healing take place. In modern times we are taught to rush about and to accomplish as much as possible every day. When a person has to be talking, hurrying, fidgeting,
or actively engaged all the time, this constant agitation shows the neutral observer that this person has not come to a place of healing. When it comes to our body – it repairs itself at its own rate. A human can’t force the body to mend faster. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing cannot happen without patience and stillness. When frustration and anxiety overwhelm our sense of well-being, it is time to take a break. Spend time in nature, walking, connecting with the tree people. Practice stillness exercises (bear medicine), going inside and listening to what your spirit tells you. People get sick because they don’t like themselves. They spend a lifetime searching for love in all the wrong places. Practicing Aloha has the power to help you heal. To survive you must heal yourself. A healer or Medicine Person is only a conduit for healing. The Medicine Person must put aside any personal need to be successful coming from a pure heart allowing the Universe to do the actual work. Medicine crow is a Master Shaman and Metaphysician. He is available from July for consultations on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Gnostic Forest.