Some highs and lows in your working life, while it may not be your first priority, you are in a learning curve which will give harness all of your skills. It is important to prioritise what makes you happy and fulfilled especially for Virgos who are an employer’s dream. Don’t be taken advantage of. Your focus will be on a new health regime, spending quality time with family and even the appearance of a soul mate.
Take control of your relationship and establish some boundaries. You don’t need to be all things to everyone, so don’t be afraid to speak up. Luck will be on your side with Jupiter transiting your sign, so you will be able to manifest your deepest desires.
(AUG 24 – SEP 23)
(SEP 24 – 0CT 23) Think outside the square to promote yourself. You are in a transformative cycle, so don’t get stuck in the old routine but manifest what truly excites you and elevates you to the position you want. Many Librans will be drawn to the arts and will engage more with like-minded people.
(OCT 24 – NOV 22)
By Nellie McKinley
(JUL 24 – AUG 23)
There will be a shift in your professional career. Keep close to your former colleagues, as they can be an asset in the future. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water”. Saturn will oppose your sign until 2023, so there are many lessons to be learned. The challenge will be to stay positive and patient, as you await success and achievement.
No time to compromise and to feel obligated in your relationships. Don’t feel duty bound but be assertive in your dealings with others. A great time to be challenged, so take up a new course of study or hobby that engages you with the passion that Scorpios desire.
It’s a healing time with family. Allow others the space to be their own person. The impetus to give opinions and psychological insights need to be curbed, as others need to learn from their own mistakes. Your curious mind will be open to learn new things and the Archer needs to focus his arrow on health and their physical regime.
The goat will have the desire to cull some friendships that no longer serve them. Choices will be highlighted as to whom you want to spend the time with and the people who support you. Uranus will urge you to break free from conventional modes of operandum. Pluto has had a very transformative affect on your sign, so much regeneration has taken place.
(JAN 21- FEB 19)
(FEB 20 – MAR 20) Prioritise what needs your time rather than scattering your energies. Neptune will continue to inspire your creative and artistic talents, which will promote your self-esteem and confidence. Your career may even be spotlighted and bring you to new heights.
(MAR 21 – APR 20) Look for new ideas and projects that excite and challenge you. You need to act on the important issues and not to become distracted. Fiery Aries will enjoy the passion that the next cycle brings. You will be stirred by the variety and excitement that life can offer you now compared to the restricted cycle your have felt.
(APR 21 – MAY 21)
Romance takes priority during the next few months. Give plenty of time to your relationships. Uranus in the sign of Taurus will create many exciting adventures and challenges, both personally and professionally. Expect the unexpected.
(MAY 22 – JUN 21) Communication is highlighted Geminis, so be direct and honest in your dealings. In the process you need to confront peacefully and diplomatically and allow others to have their opinions. Be guided by your intuition and let go of things that do not serve you well. Destiny is beckoning.
CANCER (JUN 22 – JUL 23)
Sensitive crabs need to realise that conflict with others is not of their making. Focus on creating stability in your professional and person life and the next few months will see you feel more liberated. You will gain momentum in the next few months focusing on your own needs rather than by being weighed down by the dilemmas of others.