Ledbury Focus March 2020

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What’s on in March Needed. welcome. Dogs (bring your own). All tools and Saturday 1st Church Lane, Ledbury. OurChildren work includes painting, 7thFebruary March materials supplied;sculpture, take home furniture, on leads welcome. 10am to 4pm. Repair Cafe Ledbury photography, ceramics and everything you make. Price £40, Normal Admission Charges Apply. Our expert volunteers will be at expert volunteers will be at the Burgage Hall, textiles, all on display in one of Ledbury's most spaces are limited Email 01568 615 721. the Burgage Church Lane, historic buildings. Tel: Please come and pay us a visit. Church Lane,Hall, Ledbury from 10.00 to and 12.30 to repair wobage900@gmail.com to book Berrington Hall, near Leominster, Ledbury from 10.00 to 12.30 to broken household items. Bring something along and Entry is free and we are open from 10.30am to 4.30pm for furtherare information. HR6 For further 0DW information, visit repair broken we'll try to fixhousehold it for you! items. No fee, butordonations Wednesday to Sunday. Woolhope Parish Hall, Berryfields, Bring something along and we'll Friday 21st February welcome. For more information contact our website: www.artistreegallery.org Martin’s Close, Woolhope, try to fix it for you! No fee, but Coddington Vineyard repaircafeledbury@gmail.com HR1 4QS Saturday 28th March donations are welcome. For more Vineyard, listed farmhouse, Saturday 7th March Cradley Singers: From Byrdbarn to the Beatles information contact Saturday 15th February threshing and cider mill. The Cradley Singers, conducted by Katewild Cheetham, Worcester Philharmonic Orchestra, Pershore Abbey repaircafeledbury@gmail.com ‘Love our Planet – we only Garden with terraces, flower will be performing a wide range of music by Classics Concert at 2.30pm. In a popular programme have one!’ meadow, woodland with massed Monday 3rd, 10th & 17th composers starting with ‘B’ at 7.30pm at Christchurch, including Mozart’s Don Giovanni Overture and Reducing Single Use Plastics spring bulbs, large pond with February Highlightswildlife, includestream Brahms’ Liebeslieder Beethoven’s Symphony, the orchestra is Malvern. Charlie Kingswood will inspire, garden with and Grand Whist Pastoral Drive & Raffle inform and update us on the Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata with Tim Sidford joined by internationally renowned soloist, Irina masses of primula and hosta, and New players try any two Mondays challenges of avoiding single use Come along to experience Lyakovskaya for Grieg’s hellebores and snowdrops, for "free". Including raffle.Piano Also Concerto. Tickets £12 Penny Vere at the piano. plastic refusing materials that end an evening of delightful music. Tickets cost £12 available online at worcesterphilharmonicorchestra. hamamelis and parottia. learn or refresh to play whist. up in the waste stream. She will Admission Childrenatfree. and can£3.50, be reserved 01531 ticketsource.co.uk. Minibus Venue: Astwood Bank Club, transport available from (under 16’s are free) us541988 through an awareness Home-made teas. Wine. 11am to 635610 or purchased at the door. Ledbury and Colwall. Details from Janetguide 01684 Redditch area, B966AS. 6.30pm. that even a slight adjustment in 2.30pm. Tel: 01531 To Reserve your seat and for more Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March Friday 13th March our thinking can stall the invasion 641817. Coddington Vineyard, details tel: 01527 893421 or text Daffodil Weekend & Spring Fayre Ledbury & Strömstad Twinning Association of plastics into our everyday lives. Coddington, HR8 1JJ 07833 780561 or e.mail Trading tables in the hall with a variety of goods for Quiz and Social Evening 7.30 pm at Ledbury British Good tips and ideas with the bird8185@gmail.com Leadon Vale Ramblers sale: jewellery, bric- a brac, second hand books, Legion Club. Pay Bar and Raffle. Tickets £2.50 perbeing main message to cards, Review Saturday 8th February Sunday February Rethinkofhow what we cakes, etc., 10am to 5pm. Guided walks home–made person, 23rd in advance or on the night.andTables 4 and - River Severn. Six miles on the Grand Raffle 591373 buy. there will people.Rainbow Contact:Whist Steve&07774 orThe Jill event 01531is free; at 11am and 2.30pm to see the wild daffodils. The Wychavon Way to Holt Fleet. Venue Astwood Bank Club, be refreshments and examples of will be about an hour and a half and 635129 or email: jill_jupp@hotmail.co.uk morning walk 10am. Ring David on 01684 Redditch area, B96 6ASs. 4pm. products available the fromafternoon local about an hour. Information available 547205 for details. Admission £2.50p. Includes Monday 16th March shops and producers. Tel: for people unable to walk re circular vehicular routes guaranteed Rainbow Whist prize Introduction to Gilding Wednesday 19th February 07974 484141. Linton Village from whichHall, daffodils can be seen. Light refreshments win. To reserveOwen-Thomas. your seat & for A beginners’ Tillington. Five miles through Tutor-Caroline workshop Linton Near Ross on Wye (from available including bacon baps and the popular more details tel: 01527 woodland and lanes followed by introducing the various materials andJunction techniques 3 offor the M50 use scones. For cream further information call Jenny 893421 or e-mail. a drink at The Bell. 10am. Ring laying gold leaf on paper as letters and decoration. postcode HR9A7RS;Thick if usingonsat01531 890453, email: jenniferthick@aol. Bird8185@gmail.com Tom on 01886 821544 for nav use HR9 7RX) day of practical information and experimentation com, www.dymockparish hall.co.uk. Dymock Parish with all materials supplied includingSaturday 23ct transfer Saturday 1st February 15th to Hall, GLl18 2AG. details. leaf. Useful all sorts of artwork. The Sunday Masters House, Weave YourforOwn Garden ARTISTREE is a co-operative of 23rd February St Katherines, Ledbury. from Leadon Vale Ramblers Obelisk with Clyde from Tickets available local artists whose work includes Berrington Hall - Wintry garden Wobage Ledbury Library TEL: 01432 383499. adventure trail Wednesday 18th March - Staunton Garden Centre Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Make your own 5ft garden Ceramics, Furniture, Glass, Textile and lanes followed by optional Wrap up warm, popFive on miles your over fields Wednesday 18th March obelisk in a day. ideal for and centre. Encaustic Work. We on exhibit in Ring Lynn 01531 wellies and feel thelunch crunchatofthe garden ARTISTREE beginners. Create a colourful and frost underfoot as you complete 631088 for details. our gallery located above the Is oncesupport again opening its doors to the our public withtrail thethrough the useful for flowers such as Heritage Centre, one of Ledbury's wintry first of four interesting exhibitions that will be Saturday 21st March Malverns sweet peas and runner beans; most- historic buildings in Church gardens. Follow your trail sheet, running throughout the coming year. We are a Strenuous 14 miles over the and also as a structure for a flower Lane. Our Malverns exhibitions runreturn via spot the clues and learn more co-operative of local artists and makers whothe exhibit Mathon and Cockshot. 10am. the Ringyear David throughout andon we01684 open arrangement. Start 10am, finish about garden and its wildlife in our gallery located above the Heritage Centre in 574205 for details. Wednesday to Sunday from 10.30 during winter. Booking Not 3pm with a break for a light lunch


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