pril may be showery, but it has its share of warm sunshine, heralding the approach of Summer. Gardeners will be busy sowing, potting up and pruning and of course controlling Pests and Weeds. A brief outline of other important jobs to be carried out: Bulbs Dead flower stems of Narcissi and Tulips should be cut off. Fruit Protect blossoms from frost
Shrubs, Trees and Climbers Feed and mulch.
Greenhouse Should be thoroughly cleaned.
Vegetables Seed sowing is crucial this month. Practise successional growing. Plant out Broad Beans & Peas and transplant Brassicas.
Stop Fuchsias and Sweet Peas and pot up Begonias and gloxinias.
Water Gardens Clean established pools. Complete new pools. Feed fish.
Hedges Check for bird’s nests before pruning Herbaceous plants Weed, dig and mulch established borders. Sow hardy annuals where they are to flower.
Wildlife Parent birds are busy feeding their young so, body building foods will help.
House plants Increase watering and propagate plants from cuttings. Feed citrus plants.
******* Our Spring show is on Saturday 4th April at The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham, CR3 5TA. Open to the public from 2.30pm to 4pm OR why not enter some of our various classes.
Lawns Repair bare patches or sow new lawns. Rock Gardens Seeds can be sown & overgrown plants can be divided.
Roses Apply an organic fertiliser after pruning. Animal manure is ideal this month.
M 10
ay, a busy time when gardeners put into action plans for beds & borders.