Student representation and participation
Governing and Representative Bodies Article 46 of Organic University Law 6/2001 (LOU), amended by Organic Law 4/2007, set out to amend Organic University Law (LOMLOU), describes the rights and duties of students, including the following: “To be represented in the governing and representative bodies of the University, in the terms laid down in this Law and the Statutes or regulations concerning the organisation and operation (of universities)”. “Freedom of expression, assembly and association in the university environment”. “To obtain academic recognition for their participation in cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities at university”.
In furtherance of the provisions of the Organic Law of Universities, the Ministry of Education on the proposal of University Students Council of State approved by Royal Decree 1791/2010 (BOE 31/12/2010) UNIVERSITY STUDENT STATUS which contains in its Chapter II the rights and duties of students. Heading II of the Statutes of the University of Alicante (EUA), approved by Decree 25/2012, DOCV, dated 9th February 2012, BOE, dated 27th February 2012, regulates the governing and representative bodies of the University, and Title IV, Chapter III, regulates the rights, duties and governing bodies of the students:
Governing and representative bodies Organic Law 6/2001 on Universities and further amendments, and the UA Statutes developed from this Law, regulate the governing and representative bodies of the UA. g
Decision-making bodies
SOCIAL COUNCIL (Art. 14 of Organic University Law, Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the UA Statutes). This is the body by which society participates in the University, and it must act as an intermediary between them. It is responsible for supervising financial activities and service performance, and it promotes society participation in university funding. GOVERNING COUNCIL (Art. 15 of Organic University Law, Section 3 of Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the UA Statutes). This is the University body responsible for establishing the University’s strategic plans and programmes, as well as the guidelines and procedures for their implementation, with regard to studies planning, research, human and economic resources, and budgeting. It is chaired by the University President and consists of the Registrar, the Comptroller and a maximum of 50 members of the university community, including the VicePresidents and, 20 members representing the different groups within the university community, chosen by and from among the members of the University Senate, organised as follows: 11 Phd lecturers (who have passed the official state examination to obtain a permanent teaching position), 1 lecturer without a Phd (who has passed the official state examination to obtain a permanent teaching position), 1 assistant lecturer, PhD assistant lecturer, associate lecturer, emeritus professor, visiting lecturer, fellowship holder and research staff, 5 students, 2 members of the administration and services staff, the deans and heads of the faculties and schools, 1 representative of the university research institute heads, chosen by and from among them, 3 representatives of the heads of department, chosen by and from among them, and 3 members of the Social Council, not belonging to the university community.
UNIVERSITY SENATE (Art. 16 of Organic University Law, Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the UA Statutes). This is the highest representative body of the university community and exercises supreme power as regards internal rules and regulations, overseeing university management and expressing its positions and aspirations in the different areas of university activity. It is chaired by the University President and consists of the Registrar, the Comptroller and 300 senators representing university groups. FACULTY AND SCHOOL SENATES (Section 1 of Chapter 3 of Title 2 of the UA Statutes). These are the bodies responsible for electing and removing, when applicable, deans and heads, as well as electing their representatives in centre boards from among their members. The elected members of faculty and school senates are renewed every four years, except for student representatives, which are renewed every two years. FACULTY AND SCHOOL BOARDS AND DEPARTMENT COUNCILS (Arts. 18 and 19 of Organic University Law, Section 2 of Chapter 3 and Section 1 of Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the UA Statutes). These are the governing bodies of the university centres. They are chaired by a dean or head and consist of the university groups belonging to each centre. Representatives of the university groups in the University Senate, the Faculty and School Boards and the Department Councils are elected by universal, free, direct and secret vote.