Information Service Information Service
ationUA The Information Service is responsible for collecting information on all subjects related to university activities and making it publicly available. We provide information on: - Organisation and operation of the different centres and services at the UA. - Requirements and methods to access university, academic paths and professional opportunities, relations between courses, etc for all courses offered. - Formalities, requirements and deadlines for administrative and academic procedures: preregistration, registration, credit recognition, etc. - Possibilities to obtain financial aid for studies: calls for grants and financial aid for degrees, mobility, etc. - Information about complementary training: courses, languages, conferences, seminars and other activities, whether recognised as free-elective credits or not. - Complementary information: accommodation, transport, etc. We can help you regarding anything about the University. You can find us at our website at: at the address and telephone number below, as well as in our publications. The website also has a FAQs section that can answer many of your questions. Location: General Lecture Building 2, Ground Floor. Phone: 965 903 456 - Fax: 965 903 755; Opening times: Monday to Thursday from 9 am. to 5 pm. Friday from 9 am. to 2 pm. (During the summer months, July and August, Easter and Christmas, the office will not be open in the evening).