Student Guide
Student Exchanges and Mobility Exchange and mobility grants allow students to spend part of their time studying at a different university, guaranteeing that the academic value of these studies will be recognised and that they can be adapted to the students’ original degree programmes.
European programmes. Erasmus + This European Union exchange programme offers students the chance to spend part of their time studying at European universities associated with the programme, currently more than 300. You may check which universities and countries are available, as well as full information about calls at
In order to apply for Erasmus grants it is necessary to be a student of an undergraduate degree, official master’s degree or doctoral programme, and there must be an agreement between the centre where the applicant studies and other centres abroad. Students taking undergraduate degrees must have gained at least 60 credits when they apply. The duration of the exchanges varies between 3 and 12 months. Applications can be made through the UA Cloud. Generally, applications open between the months of November and December of the preceding academic year. There is also an extraordinary call for applications in September the same academic year. Mobility Office. International Relations building. Phone: 965 909 846;
Non-European programmes This exchange programme is promoted by the University of Alicante and offers students the chance to spend part of their time studying at non-European universities with which the UA has signed student exchange agreements (Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latin America, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States and Vietnam). In order to apply for these grants, students taking undergraduate degrees must have passed the credits set out in the call for applications. The duration of these exchanges is six months. Calls are usually published in November-December. Mobility Office. International Relations building. Phone: 965 909 910;