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Juan Antonio García Herrero / ARTICLE •

Coach of the Juvenile Women's team Club Balonmano Cdad. de Salamanca

Introduction The successful format of the magazine "Handheartball" in which documents and articles of different structure are collected, allows me the licence to give my opinion on the technification process in handball without the constrictions of a scientific or academic article. This paper is just another opinion on this process, but, even so, I hope that it can serve as a debate on the measures and interventions that we are having around the individual training of young players. In this way, we will critically analyse some of the decisions that are commonly taken around sport technification in handball, a resource that many federations and clubs strive to implement with their players. Sport technification can be developed under very different practices and deep divisions in its conception. To begin with, it would be useful to clarify what we understand by technification and what we do not, as I believe that in many training contexts the technification process is confused with the development of a game model, collective training or the hackneyed work of "decision making". Let's try to go deeper into these issues.

Playing model and technification. Different clubs, territorial and national federations understand the process of technification as the transmission of resources to their players, linking them to a model of play. It means that they conceive individual offensive or defensive training around a series of collective operating guidelines or systems of play. In this approach, the training of the player is oriented towards the mastery of this or that model of play and under the excuse of: "this is how the first team plays", "these are the systems of play of the whole club" or "in this federation we play like this", the individual work is developed (if it is developed at all). In this way, individual technical-tactical training is linked to a specific training within a specific model of play, And what is the problem here, it is about modelling the player so that when he arrives in the first team he is familiar with the model of the game, isn't it? This approach in individual technification has obvious weaknesses: the game models in clubs or federations are determined by the first team's game proposal, and when there is a change of coach (or the technical director of the federation), it is common for the whole game model to change.



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