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Juan Pablo Morillo Baro / ARTICLE • • •

National women's national beach handball coach. PhD in Sport Psychology from the University of Malaga, Degrees in Teaching and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Research. National handball coach, he is responsible for beach handball training at the National School of Coaches of the Royal Spanish Handball Federation. He works as a teacher of Physical Education and as a teacher in the Master in Research in Physical Activity and Sport at the University of Malaga.

The rules of the game, which give each team a range of changes, allow for a high degree of specialisaNon of players in acack and defence, a circumstance that enables more direct counteracacks and which coaches use to respond to the principle of economy of effort. This specialisaNon in offensive and defensive players manifests itself in certain specific posiNons, such as the pivot or the specialist. On the other hand, it is common to find a parallelism between the specific posiNons of handball players and the specific posiNons of beach handball in grassroots teams. This is especially noNceable in those teams that are parNcipaNng for the first Nme and that have hardly had any previous training in this modality. Fortunately, the exponenNal increase in interest in beach handball training has resulted in the numerous training courses that are being carried out, which will allow for an improvement in the quality of training, providing coaches with the appropriate knowledge and resources to work with grassroots teams. Specifically, the main objecNve of the work of the specific posiNons in the training stages is to avoid early specialisaNon. Lack of training sessions, extrapolaNng specific posiNons from handball to beach handball or copying and reproducing training sessions from senior teams to grassroots teams are mistakes that need to be corrected to allow for the proper development of the younger players. Not giving them the opportunity to explore other specific posiNons has a negaNve impact on their technical-tacNcal, psychomotor and physical condiNon. In this brief document, I propose a systemaNc set of 10 exercises that address these issues, providing coaches with a valid resource for working with the grassroots in relaNon to this major objecNve.


The common characterisNcs of this set of exercises are: • They link the phases of play, without carrying out defence-acack changes. • They respect the asymmetry of players, a fundamental characterisNc of the development of the game. • They make it possible to improve psychomotor and physical condiNon. • They allow a wide range of variants depending on the objecNve.



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