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Francisco Manuel Ávila Moreno / ARTICLE

• Teacher at the Escuela de Entrenadores, professor at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, coach of the Viso del Alcor youth team, former coach of the ASOBAL and DH Plata and former Spanish youth naNonal team. • Youth team coach el Viso del Alcor, former ASOBAL and DH Plata coach and former Spanish youth naNonal team coach).

Introduction On several occasions I have been asked to give my perspective on defending 6x7, a task that I do not avoid, but which I postpone in order to address the defence in inferiority in a global way, we must not reverse the order of the processes, laying the foundations, the fundamentals, is the first step to be able to address more specific situations later on. I invite the reader to review the recommended references at the end of the article. My reflection is that, although the differences in attack: the quality of the attackers (the potential for shooting, the anthropometry of the pivots, ...), structure (open pivots, in the centre or charging a lateral zone), or intentionality of the game (enabling shots, inside passes or outside superiority), nuance the defence, together with my own defensive strengths or weaknesses, we find common bases to any defence in inferiority. I will try to describe them, following the spirit of this magazine, starting from proposals of practical activities by selecting some key objectives organised on three structural levels: collective (team), group (coordinations or basic means) and individual (which does not mean isolated). Defending in inferiority requires: A collective organisation that facilitates sufficient density in the ball zone. A coordination of means that allows different levels of individual anticipation and compensates for disadvantages. A formation of the defender that enables him to defend his space from the opponent and the ball simultaneously, provide assistance outside his zone, and intervene in the attacking circulation (it is in this formation where we will place more emphasis).


Defensive organisation (tilting, differentiating functions). Defensive tilting, even when the team is in a low position, must always seek to increase the defensive density in the ball zone. In order to do this, it is not enough to follow the ball, the zone away from the ball (there are degrees) must intervene on the ball by creating doubts, slowing it down, moving it away from the near zones, or even orienting it. In this idea, defensive roles must be clearly differentiated according to the proximity of the ball.



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