Here for you
Healthy Mind Mind in West Essex
We all need to look after our mental health to help us live our best life during challenging times. Mind in West Essex has a range of services and self-help tools, including counselling, digital social groups, anxiety groups, volunteering, befriending for lonely parents, mental health coaches, wellbeing assistants, training and information. Mind in West Essex Call: 01371 876641 Email: Visit:
Children and young people Many children and young people may be feeling worried or anxious about COVID-19 and finding it difficult not being able to socialise with friends and family in the same way as they used to.
Along with this, having to adhere to social distancing in school and not being able to access usual services like youth clubs, sport and other leisure activities can bring added pressures. Harlow Youth Council has produced a range of resources that can help young people and their parents recognise when they are feeling stressed or anxious; what they can do themselves to help overcome those feelings and where to seek help and support when needed. Visit and search for Youth Council.
Opendoor Counselling Service
If you are aged between 13 and 26 and are feeling sad, lonely, worried or confused and want someone to talk to who won’t judge you, Opendoor is here for you. They offer a free, confidential service for young people living in Harlow and the surrounding area. Call: 07803 17879 Visit: Children and young people might face difficulties in being back at school or college, or have worries about getting or passing on the virus. It’s also still uncertain what further changes we all may face. There is support available if you feel you or your child need it. Please visit Every Mind Matters at If your child needs to talk to someone Childline can help. Call: (free) 0800 1111 Visit: