Here for you
Safeguarding yourself or others Adults: If you are concerned about the welfare of an adult that has needs for care and support and think they may be at risk of, or are experiencing, abuse or neglect you can report this direct to Adult Social Care. You can contact the service for anything from information and advice about the abuse and the safety of adults, to the disclosure of a concern about your own safety or somebody that you know. Your concerns will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately. Call: 0345 603 7630 or email Children: If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed or neglected or is at risk, go to the Essex Effective Support website for information about how to report your concern: www.essexeffectivesupport. 20
Need Help? Alternatively, call 0345 603 7627 and ask for the Children & Families Hub (state that you are a member of the public). You will speak to a Family Adviser who will discuss your concerns with you.
Southend, Essex and Thurrock domestic abuse partnership (SETDAB) provide advice and information on services for those affected by domestic abuse. For more details visit
If the Adviser feels that there are concerns that require Social Care involvement they will complete a request with you.
Call: COMPASS Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline 0330 3337444
If the child is at immediate risk of significant harm, call 0345 603 7627 - ask for the ‘Priority Line’ or call the police on 999.
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. Abuse can be physical, emotional, psychological, financial or sexual. We all have arguments and may disagree with partners, family members and others close to us from time to time. However, anyone forced to alter their behaviour because they are frightened of their partner’s or family member’s reaction is being abused. Domestic abuse is rarely a one-off. Incidents generally become more frequent and severe over time.
Call: Safer Places 03301 025811 Email: In an emergency telephone 999.
Support for carers Carers FIRST Essex offers help and support for carers across the county. The Carers Hub remains open and webchat is available at various times in the week. Action for Family Carers provides information and support to unpaid carers. Carers FIRST Essex Call: 0300 303 1555 Email: Visit: essex Action for Family Carers Call: 0300 770 8090 Email: Visit: