1 minute read
Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 1
by idiomagic
Lesson 1
Recognition of greetings Hello / Bye bye. Happy hands (Games).
4 | Go to the door, and get out of the classroom; using the blue hand get into the classroom again and say Hello. Do the same using the green hand for Bye bye
Playful activities
1 | Present the new words using the two Happy hands of different colors to represent the greetings hello and bye bye, remember to have cut the images beforehand and place a balloon stick behind them to obtain puppets, the blue one represents hello and the green one bye bye. Let’s start first with the blue hand Hello. Show them the meaning of hello by doing the mimic. Once they have learnt the word you do the same with the green hand Bye bye
2 | Sit the students in a circle and show one of the hands to each student for them to greet you according to the color hand they see. Now you can listen to the unit song.
3 | Now hide the Happy hands behind your back and show one of them to the pupils to say the greeting, repeat the action altering the hands several times and at higher speed.
5 | Now choose one student and ask her / him to perform the previous activity. Repeat the action with each pupil.
Go to Picture Dictionary
Page 7 - Listen and color
Students will listen to some expressions, they repeat the sentences and point to the corresponding picture on the book, after that they will color them as you indicate.
Audio Script
Listen and show me:
• Hello.
• Hi five.
• I’m a girl.
• I’m a boy.
• I’m a teacher.
• Bye bye.
Go to Songs and Listenings