9 minute read
UNIT 2 Lesson 1 Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 1
by idiomagic
Assimilation of colors.
Flashcards for the unit, colored paint, glue, Mr. Hippo puppet, tape.
Playful activities
1 | Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary. Name a color and ask children to repeat them. Then do the same activity but this time each child will repeat it individually.
2 | Take advantage of your puppet. After presenting it to the class, place the cards on the floor, and tell the pupils that the puppet is very hungry. Mention volunteers at random, and tell them the color that your puppet wants to eat. When the child approaches the card to the toy’s mouth, it is fun for the children if the puppet begins ‘biting’ the child’s hand and arm. Try it with the rest of the students.
3 | Stick the flashcards on the board, making a sequence. After the children have repeated in order the colors they see, ask them to close their eyes. In that moment remove all the cards and ask the pupils to open their eyes. They should be able to remember the sequence of the colors.
4 | Suggest playing Hide and Seek. One child will leave the classroom for a minute, and you will hide the cards with the help of the rest of the pupils. When he/she returns, the volunteer must look for the cards as he/she mentions the colors he/she sees.
5 | Sit the students in a circle and place the flashcards on the floor. Choose a child and ask him / her about the color it is. Teacher: What color is it?
Student: It´s
Page 17 - Listen and color
Make your students listen to the sentences, repeat the colors and color the paint cans. Remember to pause the listening to give them time to color.
Audio Script
Listen, repeat and color:
• It´s blue.
Go to Picture Dictionary
• It’s yellow.
• It´s red.
• It’s green.
Go to Songs and Listenings
To reinforce the knowledge on colors. Flashcards, Color spots (Games), 4 balloons ( blue, yellow, red, green), a ball.
spots where they were and follow the game with another student.
Playful activities
1 | Sit the students in a circle and show them the flashcards and place the cards on the floor. Ask for a volunteer and name a color, the kid will have to touch the color. Repeat the activity with the rest of the class.
2 | Using four chairs, stick the four colors on them, name a student and ask him to sit on the color you name.
3 | For this activity you need the Color spots, so do not forget to cut them in advance. You are going to play a memory game. Show the students the spots and ask them to say the colors, place them on the floor with the color side down, when you finish doing this with all the spots mix them. Ask for a volunteer to choose two of them, if they are the same color we have a winner! if not leave the
4 | Stick the splashes on the board and ask a student to come to the front. He will have to throw a ball to the board and name the color he hits, another option is to name a color and the student has to hit this color with the ball.
5 | Ask the students to stand up and make a circle, show them four balloons (blue, yellow, red and green) that you will need to have blown up beforehand, and explain that they will have to hit the balloons without leaving them to touch the floor, as they hit the balloons they have to say the color of the balloon.
Page 19 - Paint and glue
Put a small amount of paint on your student’s index finger and ask them to color one of the section in the rainbow, repeat the action with the other sections using the colors they have learnt. They can also paste some cotton on the clouds.
Use of commands.
Flashcards, paint (blue, yellow, red, green), magical bag, Splash of color (Games).
Playful activities
1 | This time you are going to play True or False. Show students a flashcard and ask them a yes / no question, they have to answer and correct the false ones.
Teacher: Is it red?
Children: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s blue.
2 | Teach students the command touch, when it is clear ask students to touch objects with the color you name, they have to find them around the classroom. Teacher: Touch something blue!
3 | You need to decorate a bag beforehand for this activity: using different colors, shapes and your imagination decorate a bag to make it more attractive for the children, we are going to call it “the magical bag”. Put inside the bag the spots provided in the games and place on the board to from Splash of color. After that choose a student and ask him/her to come to the front and say a color, then he/she has to close his eyes and take a splash from the magical bag, if he/she takes the same color he/she previously names he/she is a winner. Finally the kit places the spots on the correct paint tube. Repeat the activity with the rest of the students.
4 | Sit the students in a circle and give them the magical bag with the splashes, play some music as they pass the bag, when you stop the music the child who holds the bag takes a splash from the bag and names it.
5 | Prepare four chairs at the front of the class and stick a different color splash on each of them, then call a student and ask him/her to sit in the color you say. Repeat the activity with the whole class.
Go to Let’s Play!
Page 21 - Listen and paint.
The students will listen to the sentences and using some color paint they will color the palette according to what they hear, remember to pause the cd to give them time to color.
Audio Script
Listen and paint:
Let’s paint...
• Let’s paint with the color green.
• Let’s paint with the color blue.
• Let’s paint with the color yellow.
• Let’s paint with the color red.
Go to Songs and Listenings
To reinforce the knowledge of colors, to talk about their favorite colors.
Flashcards from this unit, Mr. Hippo puppet, a shoes box, colored paper.
Playful activities
1 | You have to make a train out of a shoes box, you will need to paste circles of construction paper to each side of the box to imitate the wheels. Decorate the train as you wish and add a piece of string that you will stick on the bottom of the box, in this way the students can drag the box around the classroom. Ask the students to look for the colors that you will have to place in different parts of the room. Choose a student and indicate the color he / she has to find and put in the train.
last student who has to pick up the flashcard of the color he / she heard.
3 | Sit the class on the floor and play with Mr. Hippo. Mr. Hippo will greet them and ask each student about their favorite color.
As students answer they have to show you their favorite color by pointing the flashcard. Teacher: What’s your favorite color?
Child: It’s blue.
Page 23 - Glue.
4 | Stick the flashcards on the floor as they were a path, ask for a volunteer and he / she has to walk on the flashcards as he / she names it. If he / she does not know one of the colors he / she can not continue walking and it is time for another student to repeat the activity.
5 | For this activity you will need four colored crayons (blue, yellow, red and green). Ask for a volunteer who has to order the crayons according to what you say. Repeat the action with the rest of the students. Teacher: Blue, yellow, red, green
2 | Now you can play Pass the message. Ask the students to place themselves one next to the other on a line. At the end of the line place the flashcards. Think about a color and whisper it to the first child on the line, he / she will repeat the action to the next kid and so on, until the message reaches the Go to Let’s Color!
Students will listen to some instructions and will be requested to show different colors in the classroom. After this activity they will have to glue some colored papers according to the paint cans colors.
Audio Script
Listen and show me:
• Show me the color blue.
• Show me the color yellow.
• Show me the color red.
• Show me the color green.
Go to Songs and Listenings
Lesson 5
To reinforce the structures related to colors. Flashcards for the unit, empty milk cans, paint, Happy hands (Games), Color spots (Games), a small ball.
3 | Hide inside the milk cans the splashes from the extra material, place the cans on a table and choose a child. The child will have to choose a can and take one of the spots from the can. He / she has to name first the color of the can and then the color of the spot.
Teacher: Choose a can.
Student: Blue.
Playful activities
1 | Sit your students in a circle and present the flashcards, name and place them on the floor, then using one Happy hand touch one of the flashcards for the students to name the color, then ask for a volunteer and he / she will touch the flashcard you name.
2 | In this activity you will use four milk cans that you have to previously cover with colored papers, you need four different colors for each one (blue, yellow, red, green). Place the cans on the floor, one next to the other and mark on the floor, using paper tape, a throwing point. Choose a student who has to throw the ball to the color you say. Another version for the game is that the student throws the ball and he / she names the color he / she hits.
Teacher: Pick up a spot. What color is it?
Student: It´s red.
4 | Place the empty cans on the floor, ask for a volunteer and give him / her a spot, The child will name the color and place it inside the can with the same color. Repeat the activity with the whole class.
5 | Play Hide and seek. Ask students to close their eyes and hide the splashes in the cans. You will need four spots, one splash for each can. then ask students to choose a can and they have to guess the color of the splash inside it. You can work individually or with the whole class.
Page 25 - Let’s paint!
Place the flashcards on the floor and ask students to perform the action they listen to on the track, then they have to color the tubes using paint.
Audio Script
Listen and follow the instructions:
• Jump to the color blue.
• Jump to the color red.
• Jump to the color green.
• Jump to the color yellow.
Extra Activities
• Let´s play I can see… I can see…. You have to name a color from an object in the classroom and students will point to the object theythink that is the one you have seen.
Teacher: I can see… I can see... something... blue!
• For this activity you will need four balloons (blue yellow - red - green). The students have to stand up in a circle and be prepared to hit the balloons and do not let them fall, as they hit them they have to name the color.
Students: Blue, yellow, red, yellow, green, blue...
• Sit students in a circle and assign them a color. Then start naming colors and the student with that color has to stand up. Give the chance to all the students to participate.
Go to Extra Activities
Page 132 - Paint and cut
For this activity you will need some paint. Students will paint each buckets on the picture as you indicate. Teacher: This is yellow. This is green. This is blue. This is red.
Page 133 - Let’s glue!
Ask your students to glue some colored pieces of paper in each balloon. You have to indicate them the color for each one.
Teacher: It is a yellow balloon. It is a blue balloon. It is a red balloon. It is a green balloon.
Page 136
Students will color the hands (blue, yellow, red, green), then you will help them cutting the puppets and glue a popsicle stick at their backs. Students will produce sentences as they hold the puppets.
Students: It’s green!
Pages 134 and 135
Ask students to color each splash with a different color and the paint brush as they wish. After that, they will cut the parts, then they will simulate coloring each one with the brush as they name the color.
Student: It is blue.