1 minute read
Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 1
by idiomagic
To learn the words Boy / Girl / Teacher and their meaning and to meet the book puppet Mr. Hippo. Flashcards for the unit, Happy kids (Games), Happy hands (Games), Mr.Hippo puppet.
Playful activities
1 | Revise the words Hello / Bye bye that they have learnt in the previous class and introduce the word Hi five by hitting their hands and saying the expression.
2 | Sit the students in a circle and show them the Happy kids as you explain them the difference, then ask students which one represents their gender Teacher: Are you a boy or a girl?
Child: I’m a...
3 | Now introduce the word Teacher, stand up and present yourself as the teacher, using the Happy hands and altering them, ask your students to greet you.
Students: Hello, teacher! (blue hand)
Bye bye, teacher! (green hand)
4 | Introduce Mr. Hippo by greeting them using the puppet.
Puppet: Hello! My name is Mr Hippo!
Hello boys!
Hello girls!
Ask each stude nt to say hello to Mr. Hippo
5 | Put the cards on the floor and ask students to repeat after you the words, then ask a volunteer to come to the front and point one of the flashcards and the student has to name it. Do the same with each student.
Page 9 - Let’s paint!
Color the hands of your students, one hand will be blue and the other one green. They will print them on the book, representing the boy’s hands.