Teacher's Guide 4

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Play and Learn English: Teacher´s Guide

Flávia Corrêa Magalhães

2ª Edición


Suipacha 404 – Tucumán


ISBN 978-987-29023-7-7

Impreso en talleres propios de la editorial. Libro de edición argentina.

Correa Magalhaes, Flavia

Play and learn english : teacher’s guide . - 1a ed. -

Tucumán : Idiomagic, 2013.

600 p. + Papel : il. ; 21x30 cm.

ISBN 978-987-29023-7-7

1.Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras. 2. Inglés. 3. Guía para el Docente.

I. Título

CDD 371.1

Text © Flávia Corrêa Magalhães.

Design and Ilustration © Idiomagic.

Published 2021.

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2 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
3 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide Unit 1: Greetings Unit 2: More Colors Unit 3: My Breakfast Unit 4: Family Members Unit 5: Numbers Unit 6: My Face Unit 7: Sports Unit 8: Pets Unit 9: More Fruit Unit 10: Clothes / Weather 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 Contents Contents of Play and Learn English Unit Plan Letter to the teacher Elements for the student About the Student’s Book How to use the Student’s Book Elements for the teacher How to use the Teacher’s Guide A typical lesson Other elements included in this guide General Procedures Festivities Index Photocopiable Sec tion 4 5 6 7 10 12 14 14 17 118 123 125

UNIT 1 - Greetings


Vocabulary: Hi, Hello, Bye-Bye, Teacher, Boy, Girl, Student, School, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night


What’s your name?

My name is...

What’s your full name?

My full name is...

How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

Are you a boy or a girl?

I’m a...

Are you a teacher or a student?

I’m a...

Hi 5!


Divide a poster in halves: on one side write the word Hello!, and on the other Bye bye! Your pupils will print their hands in paint, using one color for each greeting.

Objectives for this unit

• Recognition of characters and greetings.

• Acquisition of personal information.

Evaluation criteria

Towards the end of the unit your students should be able to recognize the different moments that are part of the routine of your lesson, as well as the difference in gender.


Flashcards from this unit, Waving hands (Games), Finger puppet play (Games), decorated bottle, ball, popsicle sticks, paper tape, fibers or chalk, circle made out of white construction paper, blindfold, Magical bag.



Total: 11

Hi, hello, bye bye, teacher, boy, girl, student, school, good morning, good afternoon, good night


Total: 4

Set 1: Waving hands

Set 2: Finger puppet play


How are you!

Hello teacher, how are you?

Hello teacher, how are you?

I’m very very well, thanks

I’m very very well, thanks

Hello boys, how are you?

Hello boys, how are you?

I’m very very well, thanks

I’m very very well, thanks

Hello girls, how are you?

Hello girls, how are you?

I’m very very well, thanks

I’m very very well, thanks

18 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide

Student's Book

19 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 5 Greetings 1 Unit 7 13 1 2 3 4 5 11 9 Lesson 1 Lesson 2
4 Lesson 3
Lesson 5

Student's Book

Lesson 1


Presentation of the words belonging to this unit.


Flashcards from this unit, Waving hands (Games), Finger puppet play (Games).

Playful activities

1 | In order to begin presenting the new words, bring to the classroom two Waving hands of different colors to represent the greetings Hello and Bye bye. Take into account that the best option is to have cut the images beforehand: place a balloon stick behind each hand to obtain puppets. After the children have learnt about these two greetings, walk around the classroom placing one of the big hands on the students´ heads for them to greet you properly.

2 | Ask your pupils if they know the expression Hi

5! Explain them its meaning and the occasions in which we use it. Later, allow the children to use the big hands to greet among themselves using this new expression. It is a good idea for you to begin the activity in order to set the example:

Child 1: Hi 5, Ale!

Child 2: Hi 5, Seba!

3 | This time use the boy / girl Finger puppet play; ask each pupil about their gender. Encourage them to answer using the puppet that represents them.

Teacher: Are you a boy or a girl?

Child: I’m a…

4 | Use the Finger puppet play of moments of the day to present Good Morning / Good Af ternoon / Good Night. Make sure they repeat these expressions while holding the puppets.

5 | Show your pupils the different flashcards of the unit to be mentioned correctly. Next, mention only boys for them to name cards; do the same with the girls. Finally, mention boys and girls as you expose the flashcards.

6 | You can also try placing the images of boy, girl and teacher on the floor. As you touch one flashcard with a big hand, the children will have the opportunity to deliver sentences that correspond to the greeting and character exposed. Later on, it could be the pupils the ones to choose the character and big hand with which they will mention the sentence.

Children: Bye-Bye, teacher! /Hello, girl! / Bye-Bye, boy!

Page 5 - Listen and color

Listen and color. Make your students listen carefully, as you show them the mentioned flashcards. Then ask them to color the images on the page, following the instructions.

Audio Script

Listen, repeat and pick up:

Good Morning!

Good Afternoon!

Good Night!

She is a girl. I’m a boy. He is a student. She is a teacher. It’s a school.

Go to Songs and Listenings

20 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
1 Unit
Hello! Bye-bye!
Go to Picture Dictionary


Lesson 2


To teach greetings bearing in mind the different moments of the day.


Flashcards from the unit, Finger puppet play (Games), ball, popsicle sticks, paper tape.

Playful activities

1 | After having checked with the children the words you have previously taught them, ask them which greeting belongs to each moment of the day. They can even add characters to their statements, as you exhibit the flashcards.

Children: Good Morning, teacher!

Good Morning, boy!

Good Morning, girl!

2 | This time you will be able to include proper names to your Greetings. Place the puppets on the floor and mention a student at random. The child will wear the corresponding puppet. You may either ask the rest of the pupils to greet this child, or else he/she can greet you back:

Teacher: Good Afternoon, María!

Children: Good Afternoon, María!

Teacher: Good Morning, María!

Girl: Good Morning, teacher!

associate in a more efficient manner. We suggest the following ones:

Good Morning – stretch your arms as we do when we wake up

Good Afternoon – pretend you are reading or doing some homework.

Good Night – yawn and place your hands to the side of your face.

Once you infer that the movements have been correctly acquired, show your pupils a flashcard for them to mime. You could also try the opposite, that is, do the mimics and let them guess the expression.

4 | Ask the children to sit in a circle on the floor and play the song of the unit. As they listen to it, they will pass a ball to one another. Once you keep the music on hold the student who has the ball will be asked to deliver some sentences, including a greeting, their name and gender. Continue the procedure until everybody has had the opportunity to participate.

Child: Good Morning! / Good Afternoon! / Good Night! My name is... I’m a boy/girl.

5 | This time place the flashcards of boy / girl / teacher on the floor with the image facing downwards. Allow each student to try to discover the character you ask for. Make sure to change the position of the cards every time one is found.

Teacher: Where is the boy?

Student's Book

3 | Remember how important it is to add mimics to the Greetings you teach your students. In this way they

Go to Let’s Sing!

Page 7 - Cut and color!

In order to carry out this activity, the children will have to color and cut out the images from page 107. Once they are ready you can place a popsicle stick behind them to turn the images into puppets. Bear in mind that these elements will be useful for you to present dialogues or for the students to introduce themselves. In this opportunity what you can do is to mention greetings at random for the children to lift the corresponding puppet.

21 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide

Student's Book

Lesson 3


Activities in group; correction of mistakes. Flashcards from this unit, decorated bottle.


on the two cards you mention. Continue naming other children, with the first ones who played on the same position. Whoever loses balance must leave the game.

Playful activities

1 | Begin this lesson putting all the cards in a circle on the floor. Taking turns, each child will name an image and then they will jump on top of it. The idea is that each student who participates will remain still until their classmates place themselves in the circle. You might have to divide the students in small groups, so that everybody has the chance to play.

2 | Give away the flashcards among the students; after that indicate the order in which the children must make a line holding the cards. If the number of children is higher than the flashcards you have, divide them in small groups and start over each time:

Teacher: Good Afternoon! Good Morning!

Good Night! Good Morning!...

3 | Suggest playing Twister: the cards will be on the floor and the child you name will place their feet

4 | Show a flashcard and name it making a mistake. The children must correct your statement:

Teacher: (show the card of Good Afternoon)

Good Morning!

Children: No, no, no! Good Afternoon!

5 | We suggest you to use a small, plastic bottle that could be painted and decorated as you wish. With the children sitting in a circle, spin the bottle in the middle: both of the students who get pointed by its cup and bottom must rise and introduce themselves. Continue the procedure until all the students can perform the activity.

Child 1: Hello! My name is...

Child 2: Hello! My name is...

Go to Let’s Play!

Page 9 - Listen and color

After listening to the track, the students will have to color the corresponding square to each figure. Make sure they use the requested colors.

Audio Script

Listen and color:

• Good Morning - color yellow

• Good Bye - color green

• Good Night - color blue

• Good Afternoon - color red

• Hi - color black

Go to Songs and Listenings

22 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide


To learn how to interpret a dialogue; to learn how to express one’s full name.


Flashcards from this unit, Waving hands (Games), paper tape, fibers or chalk, circle made in white construction paper (one for each student).

Playful activities

1 | Let the children take turns to hold the Waving hands in order to greet you. To each of them ask them about their first name and gender. We also advise you to request about their surname, and full name. It is wise to start talking about yourself, so as to set the example. Remember how important this part of the lesson is, and always pay attention to your students’ answers.

Teacher: Hello!

Child: Hello!

Teacher: Are you a boy or a girl?

Child: I am a boy.

Teacher: What’s your name?

Child: My name is Facundo.

Teacher: What’s your surname?

Child: My surname is Díaz.

Teacher: What’s your full name?

Child: My full name is Facundo Díaz.

2 | This time the children will be in a line on the floor, with their legs spread. In this way the first student will hold the feet of the second child, and so on. Also, select two flashcards and stick them on the board, one above the other. When you mention the first image your students will have to move forward, and if you name the other card they will move backwards, making sure nobody let goes their classmate’s feet. Continue mentioning the flashcards, faster each time. Later on replace these cards and continue the activity. The game ends when all of the flashcards have been used.

3 | Draw a large window on the board, inside which you will stick a card of greeting. Your students will have to mention the image exposed.

4 | Keep a flashcard of greetings to yourself and stick the rest of them on the board. Then mention a volunteer and stick that card on their back. Their classmates will make a circle around him/her to help this child guess which is the card they are carrying.

5 | Suggest playing Chinese Whisper: the students will be sitting on their chairs in a semi circle. Mention an item from this unit to the first of them, as a whisper. This secret will be repeated along all the children, until it reaches the last of them. This child will have to go to a corner of the classroom where you will have placed the flashcards before, to pick up the mentioned image. Continue playing with them, making everybody have the chance to be the first and last children on the line.

Page 11 - Let’s draw!

Provide a circle of white construction paper to each child so that they can draw their own face. Once the work is finished they will take turns to show their drawing to the rest of the students, while they introduce themselves.

Then play the audio so that the children listen to the dialogue it contains. Request the students to tell you the characters’ full names. As a final activity, the children will paste the circle they turned into their face on the page. Encourage them to write down their name as well. Make sure you will have enough time for all these activities.

Audio Script

Listen and work in pairs:

Hi! My name is George.

What’s your name?

Hi! My name is Rose.

And what’s your full name?

My full name is Rose Jones. And yours?

My full name is George Jones.

23 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 11
Go to Let’s Color! Go to Songs and Listenings

The other students can only say ‘No!’ or ‘Yes!’ to guide them.


Final checking of the vocabulary learnt. Flashcards from this unit, Waving hands (Games), blindfold, ball, Magical Bag, Finger puppet play (Games).


Playful activities

1 | As the first game of this lesson you can place the flashcards on the floor: name a volunteer and hand them a Waving hands. As you mention the cards this child will have to touch the mentioned images with the element you gave them, while they repeat the words:

Teacher: Touch the teacher!

Touch the teacher and the boy!

Touch the teacher, the boy and the school!

2 | Name a student, blindfold their eyes, and mention a second child to greet the first one. The objective for the student with the eyes covered is to infer who is the child greeting them. If this second volunteer changes the tone of their voice, the activity will be more challenging and much funnier. Once this child greets, he/she must return to where the other students are. Remove the blindfold of the first student and let them guess who greeted them.

3 | For our next suggestion the children must make a line. Take a ball and hand it to the first student. Also, expose a flashcard: if this child recognizes and mentions the image correctly, the ball will pass to the student behind; otherwise it will stay there until the first child guesses other card. The objective is for the ball to reach the end of the line.

4 | Put all of the flashcards inside your Magical Bag: take them out one by one and stick them on the board. While you do this action your students must mention each image they see. Once all the cards are stuck ask the children to keep their eyes shut for a moment: remove a flashcard, and then let them infer which one is missing.

Teacher: What’s missing?

Children: Boy!

5 | This time stick on the board the Finger puppet play of boy and girl. Then select a card and stick it below one of the puppets: your students will have to deliver the appropriate sentence.

Children: Good Morning, girl! /Good Af ternoon, boy!

Go to Index

Page 13 - Listen and circle

The children must listen to the track so as to circle the corresponding figure. Each circle should be made in a different color.

Audio Script

Listen and circle:

Number one: It’s a school

Number two: I’m a boy.

Number three: I’m a teacher.

Number four: Good Night!

Number five: Goodbye!

24 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 13 1 2 3 4 5
Go to Songs and Listenings UNIT 1 Lesson 5 Student's Book

Complementary material

Extra Activities

Use the flashcards from the unit to try different games. The first suggestion is to separate the flashcards in two groups: the characters of the unit will be lying on the floor, whereas the cards of greetings will be on a different corner of the classroom.

If you prefer it you can draw two circles with chalk on the floor and place the flashcards there, to avoid confusions on the children.

Ask them to observe the cards, and then indicate them to keep their eyes shut, so you can remove a flashcard from each group. Hide the images behind your back and when your students open their eyes, let them infer which are the missing cards. Finally, they have to deliver a complete sentence including the greeting and the character missing.

Teacher: (pick the cards of teacher and Hi)

Children: Bye bye, girl!

Teacher: No! No! No!

Children: Hi, teacher!

Teacher: Yes! (show the cards you had taken).

Later on you could give some of your students the chance to hide the flashcards, waiting for the remaining classmates to guess.

It could also happen that your students have to find the flashcards corresponding to your statement. In order to do it, place the children in a big circle and the cards from this unit inside the circle, making sure you continue having two

Go to Extra Activities

groups of them. All of the flashcards will be on the floor, with the images facing downwards. Mention a volunteer who will have to turn over two cards, trying to find the images requested by you. Every time a student guesses, those cards are removed from the game.

For the next suggestion, which is ‘Musical Chairs’ you are going to need eleven chairs, placed in different corners of the classroom. Stick a flashcard on the back of each seat and give directions to every student for them to sit down.

Teacher: Good Morning! / Hi, student! / It´s a school. / Bye bye teacher. / Good Night, boy!

The last game will enable to make a general revision of all the vocabulary you have taught. Inside a box put pieces of paper with expressions or personal questions written down. This box will be passed from hand to hand as the students listen to the song of the unit. When you keep the music on hold the child who is holding the box will open it to take out a piece of paper. You will read aloud the instruction, for this child to greet back or answer. After they answer, the activity continues. Beware of the fact that all the children have to participate. Bear in mind that children at this age do not read yet, so you will be in charge of interpreting the instructions in all the cases.

We suggest you to write down the following statements and questions: Hi! / Bye bye! / Good Morning! / Good Afternoon! / How are you? / What is it? / Who is she/ he? / What´s your name? / What´s your full name?

Page 128 - Let’s cut, glue and color!

Your students will have to color the windows from the scene as they wish, and also the figures inside the circles. Later on these circles will be cut out to be pasted in the windows. Ask them to deliver the corresponding greetings.

Students: Good morning!

Page 129 - Let’s draw and paint!

Students will draw their own faces on the head and then the teacher will paint the students hands and they stamp it on the character’s arm. It is a good idea to use red paint to represent hello!

25 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
My name is Extra Activity - Unit 1 A v y Play and Learn English Unit 1/2 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher My name is Extra Activity - Unit 1 A Play and Learn English Unit 2/2 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher


Go to Templates

Pages 130, 131, 132 and 133

Students will color the greetings then you will help them cutting the puppets and glue a stick at their backs so students will hold them as puppets. Students will produce sentences.

Students: Good morning, boys!

Page 134

Students will complete and color the school scene.

Finally they will produce sentences.

Students: Hello, boy! / girl! / teacher!

26 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
em s Play and Learn English Unit 1/5 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher mp a Play and Learn English 4 Unit 1 4/5 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher mp a Play and Learn English 4 Unit 1 5/5 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher em s Play and Learn English Unit 2/5 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher mp a Play and Learn English 4 Unit 1 3/5 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher


Use the puppets of the different parts of the day to carry out different activities.

For instance, you can ask the children to sit in a circle; choose a volunteer and hand them the three puppets. Then play the song of the unit so that the children pass these elements from one to the other as fast as possible. When you keep the music on hold, whoever has the masks will have to place one in front of their face. In this way the rest of the students will be able to greet this child, taking into account the image they see.

Child: (picks the mask of the sun)

Children: Good Morning, José!

Child: Good Morning, students!

Continue the same procedure until all of the children participate.

The second idea is to divide the students in three groups: boys, girls and teacher. Once the three teams are on the floor in a circle, place the three masks in the middle. Then deliver sentences which contain these greetings plus a character; the children who represent the character mentioned must take the corresponding mask. Carry out the game faster, to make the activity engaging and dynamic.

Teacher: Good Morning, boys! (the members of this team look for the puppet).

You can vary the activity using other expressions, such as Good Afternoon, teacher! Good Night, girls! etc. Another option might be to draw on the floor a sun that represents Good Morning; a sun covered by a cloud (stands for Good Afternoon), and a moon (Good Night) These drawings should be made in a large size. All of

Go to Tests

the children will be in a circle and as you say the first expression the students who represent that greeting will run towards the corresponding drawing. Make sure you vary the expressions; repeat the same greeting a few times, use other characters, etc. In this way the activity will not be predictable and the children will have to pay attention if they want to score for their team. For instance, try using phrases like Good Morning, teacher! / Good Night, girls! / Good Afternoon, boys and girls! / Good Morning, students!

Draw three windows on the board or on the floor. Inside each of them place a mask of greetings. You can number each window to make the activity easier. Ask the children to shut their eyes so that you can remove the masks. Then dictate a number that belongs to one of the windows: the pupils have to remember what was the corresponding greeting.

of a different color, of this way will do the most prolix activity and easy to comprise. Once that all have connected to the figures will be able to appoint the greetings.

Teacher: Good Morning, teacher!

Hi, girl!

Let´s go to school, student!

Good Afternoon, boy!

Page 136 - Let’s mark an X

Students will cross the pictures the teacher names in some sentences.

Teacher: She is a girl. / This is my school. / Good morning! / Hello! / She is my teacher! / Good afternoon!

Page 135 - Let’s listen and match!

The children will have to listen his teacher to connect a column to the another, always respecting the greetings listened. Each line will have to be

27 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
English Test - Unit 1 My name is Total Points www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher n s Play and Learn English Unit 1/2 English Test - Unit 1 My name is Total Points www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher g h T Play and Learn English 4 Unit 1 2/2

UNIT 2 - More Colors


Black, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Gray, Brown, Purple, Orange, Pink, Light / Dark blue.


What color is it?


I have a…

My balloon is…

What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is…



Make sure you have a copy for each child of the photocopiable balloon (page 140). Once your students have painted it with their favorite color, cut it out and paste it on a piece of construction paper, to help it be more rigid. You can also add a brochette stick. After the work is ready, each child can go to the front of the class to describe their balloon:

Children: My balloon is red. You might want to paste all the balloons on a poster, under the title: My balloon is...

Objectives for this unit

To revise and check the pronunciation of colors learnt. To learn more colors.

To learn and use the possessive form My.

Evaluation criteria


By the end of this unit your students should be able to recognize and name different colors. Flashcards from this unit, dice (made out from a squared box), colored chips, tins wrapped in colored paper, Color spin (Games), plastic hats, small ball, shoes box (decorated as a train wagon), stones made out of colored paper, Splash of color (Games), beans, Magical Bag, shoes box with cover, colored balloons, paper tape, three disposable plates, paint of different colors, rope.

What color?


Blue, yellow, red, green

Blue, yellow, red, green

Blue, yellow, red...

What color is missing?


Brown, purple, orange, pink

Brown, purple, orange, pink

Brown, purple, orange...

What color is missing?



Total: 12

Yellow, red, green, black, white, pink, orange, purple, grey, brown, light blue, dark blue


Total: 5

Set 1: Splash of color

Set 2: Color spin

28 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide

Student's Book

29 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide More Colors 15 2 Unit 17 23 21 1 2 3 19 Lesson 1
4 Lesson 2
5 Lesson 3


will name a color, so you will lift the corresponding hat, to see if the ball was hiding there.

Child 1: Green.

Teacher: (lift the hat) No!

Child 2: Red.

Teacher: (lift the hat and see the ball) Yes!

More Colors

To present the new colors and to review those learnt before. Flashcards from this unit, plastic hats, small ball, shoes box turned into a train wagon and colored stones.


Playful activities

1 | Make use of your flashcards to present the colors. You may begin with those that the children already know; as they look at the cards, ask them to point at objects in the classroom which have those colors.

2 | Previously, look for plastic hats in different colors. Place them on the floor with the children around them. Next, mention a child and a color; this student will have to take the required hat and run with it around their classmates. The child will place the hat on the head of whoever he/she chooses, and will name a different color, to continue playing.

3 | Another option you can consider is to add a small ball to the game. The hats will be on the floor in a line. Your students will close their eyes, and you will hide the ball under one of the hats. Then, each child

4 | Suggest playing Hot Potato. With the children sitting in a circle, look for a ball that will represent the potato. At your signal, the object will pass from one hand to the other as quickly as possible. Shout ‘Stop!’ so that the student who has the ball answers a question:

Teacher: What color is it? (show a flashcard)

Child: It’s blue.

5 | You can turn a simple shoes box into a train’s wagon. Decorate it with imagination and add a piece of thread under it so that the children can pull it. Also, you can make some colored stones: take squares of colored paper and make a wad of paper with each of them. Once they have the shape you wanted you can paint the wads using the colors you are teaching.

Back in the class, hide the ‘colored stones’ in different places of the classroom; then allow each child to pull the train and look for the stones you ask for. These wads will go to the train.

Page 15 - Listen and paint

Your students will listen carefully. Then they can repeat the sentences they hear, and finally, the children will be able to paint each stain. It is a good idea to keep the track on hold so that your students have time to work.

Audio Script

Let’s paint:

• The color black.

• The color white.

• The color blue.

• The color yellow.

• The color red.

• The color green.

• The color gray.

• The color brown.

• The color purple.

• The color orange.

• The color pink.

30 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
15 2 Unit
Go to Picture Dictionary Go to Songs and Listenings
UNIT 2 Lesson 1 Student's Book

UNIT 2 Lesson 2 Student's Book


To acquire the possessive, descriptive sentence: My balloon is…


Flashcards from this unit, Splash of color (Games), beans, Magical Bag, shoes box with cover, balloons of different colors.

Playful activities

1 | After having checked the colors the children are learning, place the flashcards on the floor, as if they were part of a path. Mention a child at random, who will go through the path as they mention the cards. Continue playing with the rest of the students.

2 | For this next activity divide the class in two groups; a member of each team will go to the front to make a sequence with the flashcards, according to the order you (or a classmate) request.

Teacher (or student): Red, green, black, yellow…

3 | Try playing Bingo with the children using the Splash of color set. Divide them in small groups and hand them a Bingo card. After you have put all of your flashcards in your Magical Bag, take one out on each occasion; whoever has the same color you are exposing in their card can place a bean on that color. The first student to complete the chart has to shout

‘Bingo!’ and is the winner of the game.

4 | We suggest you to take advantage of the song of this unit, to keep practicing with the children. Beforehand, you could blow some balloons with the colors you are currently teaching. These balloons will be on the floor, and as you keep the track on hold, one of them (or everybody) will have to look for the balloon with the mentioned color.

5 | This next activity also involves using balloons. Inside a box with cover, put flat balloons; then ask the children to sit in a circle. Teach the expression ‘My balloon is…’ and give some examples, taking different balloons from the box. Once you infer that your students understand the activity, allow them to participate. Each of them will close their eyes as they take a balloon from the box. Then they will have to deliver the corresponding sentence. Later on it could happen that the students say the expression including a color, and take out a balloon, waiting to obtain the same color. This activity could go on as your students compete to blow the balloons; whoever does it first is the winner. The children can even throw the blown balloons up and catch a different one, to deliver new sentences. As you can see the possibilities are unlimited.

Go to Let’s Sing!

Page 17 - Let’s color!

Let’s color! The children will paint the crayons on the page using their favorite colors. Later, each of them can go to the front to describe their finished work. Child: It’s a green crayon, it’s an orange crayon, it’s a blue crayon...

31 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 17


all cases mention two colors for the volunteers to place a foot and a hand on top of them.


To teach Yes/No questions and their answers. Flashcards from this unit, small ball, paper tape.

Playful activities

1 | As a first activity, give a ball to a child: they will have to throw it up as they mention a color and clap their hands once, before the ball touches the floor.

2 | With the children divided in groups, stick the flashcards of colors on the board making a sequence. Once you notice that they remember the order of the colors, turn over the cards. Now the teams will have to order the pencils, hats, balloons, or any other object you had previously given them in the same order as the colors shown. Finally, turn over the flashcards one more time, to check that the students did the activity correctly, and to name the winners.

3 | Play Twister with the children: the flashcards will be on the floor, and your students on a line. In

4 | Pick a child at random and stick a card on their back. This student will turn his/her back to the rest of the classmates, and will start guessing what is the color he/she is carrying. The children can only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:

Child: Is it pink?

Children: No!

Child: Is it purple?

Children: Yes!

5 | As a way to reinforce the expressions previously taught, take a flashcard and show it to your students, while you deliver a statement. This sentence might correspond to the color shown or not. What we want is the children to correct wrong information.

Teacher: My balloon is orange. (the flashcard is orange)

Children: Yes! Orange, orange!

Teacher: My balloon is yellow. (show a blue card)

Children: No! It’s blue!

Page 19 - Listen and draw

As the children listen, they will have to draw and color the balloons following the instructions.

Audio Script

Listen and draw:

I have a red balloon.

I have a yellow balloon.

I have a green balloon.

I have a blue balloon.

I have a pink balloon.

I have a orange balloon.

Go to Songs and Listenings

Go to Let’s Play!

32 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 19
UNIT 2 Lesson 3 Student's Book


Acquisition of the adjectives light/dark.


Flashcards from this unit, three disposable plates, paint of different colors, paper tape or rope.

Playful activities

1 | Ask a child to go to the front and tell him/her a color. This student will have to find an object of that color in the classroom.

2 | Play the Sausage Game. The children will make a line, being one next to the other. Whisper a color to the first of them; this student will repeat the color to their classmate, but will also add a new color. Then the second volunteer will mention three colors (yours, the first child’s and his/hers). The game continues until everybody participates.

3 | Bring disposable plates to the class, and also blue, black and white paint. Put some blue paint in a plate, and after the children mention it, add some black paint. Mix it, and ask the students what color they see. Explain them how we name this color in English.

Teacher: Look! It’s dark blue!

Repeat the procedure mixing blue and white paint. Ask the children what objects are light blue, and then mention the obtained color: Teacher: Look! It’s light blue!

4 | Place a piece of rope, or paper tape on the floor, in the middle of the classroom. The flashcards of light blue and dark blue will be to its sides. Then ask the children to step on the rope; dictate these colors at random, for the students to jump to one side or the other. If you mention the same tone repeatedly, the activity will be funnier and more engaging.

Page 21 - Let’s paint!

As the students listen, they will have the opportunity to remember the difference between the adjectives light and dark. Then allow them to mix paint to obtain different colors and tones. Once they are ready the children can mention the obtained colors.


Red + Yellow = Orange

Blue + Yellow = Green

White + Red = Pink

Audio Script

Listen, look and learn some more.

It’s light blue!

It’s dark blue!

Light is opposite of dark.

33 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide 21 1 2 3
to Let’s Color! Go to Songs and Listenings
UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Student's Book

Student's Book

Lesson 5


Final checking of the words and expressions taught.


Flashcards from this unit, Color spin (Games), chips of different colors, tins wrapped in paper (four).

Playful activities

1 | With time, make some chips of the side of a big coin in artistic cardboard of different colors (five or six coins of each color would be enough). Hide them in the classroom before the children arrive, or else ask them to leave for a moment. On the board give a number to each color. At your signal your students will look for the chips, and once they finish you will check what is the score for each child. The winner of the game is the student who gets the highest score.

2 | Use the same chips from the former activity; give out a coin to each child, without the others seeing it. When you mention a color, all the children who possess it will gather together. Continue naming other colors.

3 | Take four tins and wrap each half (upper and lower sides) of them with a piece of colored paper (choose the same colors that the chips have). Therefore, you will obtain eight colors in four wrapped tins. Divide the children in two teams and explain them that each

group will own two tins. Once the tins are placed under the board, and the students are at the other side of the room, put the chips on the floor. At your signal, both teams will run to put the chips inside the corresponding tins. The first group to do it correctly is the winner.

4 | Another good activity you can try is to run races. Ask the children to separate in two lines. Each team will be assigned with a color. The first student of each line will put themselves in all fours and will place a chip on their back. The objective is to move as quickly as possible towards your direction, to give you the chip. Then the other members of the lines will continue playing. The winning team is the one which gives away all the chips.

5 | This time you will need the Color spin to play with the children. Your students will be sitting in a semi circle and you will place yourself in front of them. The volunteers will spin the arrow, on each occasion, name the obtained color.

Page 23 - Cut and color.

The children will listen to the dialogue, to find out what is the color mentioned in it. Then divide the class in halves to represent the conversation: each group will repeat the sentences of the corresponding character. You could even show them other flashcards, for the students to replace the color mentioned. Once this oral activity is completed, ask the children to color the dice from page 107. Make sure the children use a different color for each side of the dice. Later cut out the dices and assemble them (you could save a lot of time if you cut out the dices in advance!). Once everybody has their dice, they could play the guessing game: the volunteer names a color and throws the dice, expecting it to show the color previously mentioned.

Audio Script

Listen to the dialogue and work in pairs:

Hi, George!

Hi, Ann!

Give me a balloon, please.

Sure! What color?

Light green, please.

Here you are.

Oh, thank you! My light green balloon is beautiful!

34 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
Go to Index Go to Songs and Listenings

Complementary material

Extra Activities

• Place the flashcards on the floor and the children in a circle around them. A volunteer will lift a card, name the color, and then a classmate will look for an object in the classroom with the mentioned color. This time, and with the flashcards remaining on the floor, hold a blown white balloon. While listening to the song of the unit, the students will pass the balloon, one to the other. Once the music stops the child who has the balloon will take a card. After seeing and naming its color, this volunteer will stick the card on the balloon, to deliver the corresponding sentence:

Child: (the flashcard is blue) I have a blue balloon. The next volunteer to play will choose another card, but the previous one will remain on the balloon. The objective is to make more complex sentences each time.

Child: I have a blue balloon and a green balloon. Once this activity is finished, take the cards out of the balloon one by one, as you mention the sentences. It will be funny if the students correct your sentences:

Teacher: I have a yellow balloon.

Child: No! I have a yellow balloon. Allow the children to hide a card and then place a bottle on the floor. The students will be around it, and when you spin it, wait to see who is pointed by the bottle’s top. The rest of the classmates have to guess what is the color that this child is hiding. She/he can only answer Yes or No.

Go to Extra Activities

Teacher: What color is Ana´s balloon?

Children: It is a red balloon.

Girl: No! (her card is pink)

Children: A pink balloon.

Girl: Yes!

Page 138 - Cut and glue

In this case your students must color the envelope in which they will put the chips of the Memory Game. Each envelope must be identified with the name of its owner. Finally, cut out and give shape to the envelope. The chips can be on the floor to play, with the images downwards: each child will turn over two cards, expecting to make a pair. If they do it correctly, they can continue playing, otherwise the chips go back to the first position and another student will have the opportunity to play.

Another option is to keep the chips inside the envelope: each volunteer will take a chip first, and then a second one. If these images match, they will no longer be included in the envelope, but if they do not, they will continue being inside. Make sure the children take home the envelope with the chips, to continue playing.

Page 137 - Color and cut

The children may use crayons or paint to color the figures. Make sure you tell them that they need to paint two pots with the same color, since the final objective of this activity is to play Memory Game.

Page 139 - Let’s draw!

Students will draw and color some pencils in the pencil case. The teacher will indicate the color for each one.

Teacher: My pencil is blue. / My pencil is green. / My pencil is pink. / My pencil is orange.

35 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
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Page 140

This template will be used for the project.

Go to Templates

Page 141

Ask students to color the palette and add splashes using different colors. Using the paint brush they will simulate painting as they name each color. They can expose the palettes on a notice board.

Pages 142 and 143

Students will color the ice cream cone and the ice cream scoops using different colors. They will join the cone and scoops and produce sentences.

Student: My ice cream is yellow, red and blue.

36 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
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• You can offer more entertaining activities for the children to make using balloons. Beforehand, draw a spots on different small pieces of paper, and color them using the colors you have taught throughout this unit. Fold a piece of paper and put it inside a balloon; continue the procedure with other balloons. Back in class and with the children standing in a circle, blow a balloon and throw it to its center. The child who catches it has to sit in the middle of the circle and try to explode the balloon. The objective of this game is for the children to look for the little piece of paper and identify the color. Bear in mind that if you prepare this activity with plenty of time, the game will be dynamic and fun.

Once the children are divided in pairs, hand a balloon to each team. At your signal the members of each group will pass the balloon from one to the other, as they repeat the name of the color of the balloon. At some point you can shout ‘Change!’, so that the students give their balloon to another couple and take a new one, in order to continue playing. Another alternative is to mention two colors each time, so as to have groups of four students and two balloons involved in the game.

Tests Go to Tests

Blow balloons, and keep them outside the classroom. Name a child and ask him/her to leave the classroom; go out with your student and help them hide the balloon under their T-shirt or uniform. When this child is back inside, their classmates will try to guess what is the color of the hidden balloon. Continue the procedure calling other students.

As a last option you can divide the children once again in couples, each one with a balloon. That can be held only by their foreheads, without letting it fall. You can play the song of this unit to make the activity more entertaining. The couple that cannot hold the balloon must leave the game.

4- It’s a green balloon.

5- It’s a pink balloon.

6- It’s a blue balloon.

Page 144 - Listen and color

Your students have to follow your instructions to complete the lines and color the corresponding balloons.

Teacher: 1- It’s a yellow balloon.

2- It’s a red balloon.

3- It’s a purple balloon.

Page 145 - Let’s color!

Students will color the sequence as the teacher indicates.

Teacher: 1- light blue - yellow - red - green

2- brown - purple - orange - pink

3- dark green - black - blue - white

37 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
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Festivities EASTER

•In order to celebrate Easter, it is a good idea that, once you have taught the children the vocabulary, you suggest an activity. For example, you can organize a race with Easter eggs: they will be made by you. You can use small balls or those containers that come inside chocolate eggs. Whichever you decide to use, decorate them as Easter eggs, painting them. Also, take with you some spoons. Chose two or three students on each occasion, put a piece of paper tape on the floor and ask the children to step on it. Also, let the students put the spoon in their mouth, and the Easter egg on it. Whoever gets to the finish line first without dropping the spoon (they cannot hold it with their hands), is the winner of the competition. Make sure everybody has the chance to participate.

Page 223 - Cut and color

Students will color the Easter bunny and cut the different parts. Finally students will join and glue the bunny body on the picture. They will also color the carrots.

Indicate the children to paint the Easter Bonnie using cheerful colors. Do not forget to add the little card with the salutation.

Page 224 - Let’s glue!

Students will count the eggs in each basket and color the correct numbers.

118 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
Festivities - Easter My name is s e s e Play and Learn English 4 1/3 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher My name is Festivities - Easter s e s Play and Learn English 4 2/3 www.idiomagic.net © Idiomagic Publisher
Go to Festivities


1 2 3 4 5

Hi, Hello, Bye-bye, Teacher, Boy, Girl, Student, School, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night.

I´m a boy.

I´m a girl

She is a girl.

He is a student.

She is a teacher.

It´s a school.


What´s your name?

My name is…

What´s your full name?

My full name is…

How are you?

I´m very well, thanks.

Black, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Gray, Brown, Purple, Orange, Pink.

Milk, Coffee, Tea, Bread, Cookie, Cake, Sugar, Yoghurt, Cheese, Corn flakes.

Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Sister, Brother, Baby, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin.

Numbers: zero to twenty.

What color is it? It’s…

I have a… balloon.

What´s your favorite color?

My favorite color is….

It´s light/dark….

Give me a… balloon, please.

What do you want for breakfast?

I want…, please Yummy yummy I like…

Yuck yuck

I don’t like…

I’m very, very hungry.

This is my family. I love my family. I love my...

Who is she?

She is my…

Who is he?

He is my…

Let’s count! Let’s count down! How old are you?

I’m… years old.

123 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide Index

Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Hair, Head, Eyebrows, Tongue.


Judo, Cycling, Running, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Dance, Swimming, Rugby.


Touch the…

Open your…

Show me your…

Close your…

I have a big…

I have a little…

She has long black hair.

He has short brown hair.

I do…

I play..

What can you do?

I can…

What can´t you do?

I can’t…

What´s your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is….

Let’s play…!

Turtle, Hamster, Cat, Dog, Fish, Bird, Parrot, Rabbit.

Apple, Pear, Orange, Pineapple, Banana, Watermelon, Melon, Lemon, Papaya, Strawberry, Coconut, Peach, Mango, Grapes, Cherry.

Dress, Skirt, T-shirt, Belt, Cap, Tennis shoes, Socks, Shoes, Coat, Pants, Shorts.

I have a blue…

I love my pets.

What animal is it?


What color is your dog?

My dog is black.

I have three yellow hamsters.

I don’t have two brown cats.

Yummy yummy

I like…

Cut the…

Mix them together

There are four brown coconuts.

I want…

Let’s prepare a fruit salad.

What do you like?

I like….

What don’t you like?

I don’t like…

I like…, but I don’t like…

The T-shirt is…

I’m wearing a…

She/He is wearing a…

Today is a rainy day!

Today is a sunny day!

Today is a cloudy day!

What’s the weather like today?

Today is a rainy day. He is wearing…

124 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide
Index Unit
7 8 9

Photocopiable Section

125 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide



Book of activities:


Do not forget that...

126 Play and Learn English 4 / Teacher’s Guide PLAY AND LEARN ENGLISH 4
Contents Vocabulary





Oral Expression Intellectual Knowledge Social Interaction

The student has the capacity to:

Say words

Follow the teacher’s commands

Make simple sentences


Carry out activities related to the oral comprehension

Understand and repeat dialogues

Use simple commands

The student can:

Memorize correctly the concepts that he was taught Apply new commands

Focus to follow the instructions given

Perform the activities requested

The student can:

Participate of the lesson with joy

Show interest on the language

Integrate himself to the group and also has an active disposition

Handle the didactic material carefully

Respect the limits

Enjoy working in group


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