Infinity Spring Preview 2021

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Peace Goals

by Wayne Holmes

Some religions seem to be telling us we can have whatever we want. Believe and persist in prayer, make known your requests to the Universe, ask and receive, or focus your mind on your desire and it will be manifested. Rarely do we hear religions or religious leaders who encourage us to focus on peace. If we could bring peace to ourselves and others, wouldn’t we find contentment with what we have? Instead of seeking more — which only results in taking care of more — why not change our goals and focus on things that will truly bring happiness such as peace and love?

Celebrate St. Patricks Day March 17 “May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness come through your door.”

In order to change our focus we must be intentional. It requires us to change our thinking from getting to giving, for only in creating peace and giving it away are we able to manifest it in our own lives, too. At this point the ego schemes and thinks: To get peace, I have to give it, so, okay, I’ll give it a try and see what happens. That rarely works, because the ultimate goal is based on a selfish motive. The best way to go about any spiritual endeavor is not to ask what’s in it for me — and this question often comes in subtle ways — but to realize, I am rich beyond measure, what can I give today that would benefit someone else. Of course, we’re not talking about money; we’re talking about our time and our spiritual gifts. By changing our thoughts from what can I get to what can I give, we open our lives to being peacemakers — a noble and useful goal.

Wayne Holmes’ Set Your Course shares six months of reflections that will give readers a path to spiritual freedom and help them connect to their soul and inner spirit. Not only does it provide healing from past religious abuse, but also abuse of nearly any form, and beyond that, it provides a path towards taking solid control of one’s religious and spiritual journey.

Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for the future, Religious Recovery. Y

–Jane Phillips 3XEOLVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH

Mr. Holmes’ words resonate way beyond the printed page—they vibrate within your heart as truth. I absolutely LOVE this book! It is the best bridge I have seen joining traditional religion, spirituality, and the spiritual nature of us all. “The integrity of the author in revealing his own story is authentic, reminding me of the humanness of all of our experiences. I felt wrapped in the arms of loving kindness throughout the whole book. I predict this book will enlighten all who read it.” –Liz Loring Educator, Life Coach & Group Facilitator


It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.” –Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance

R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s

Wayne is the author of seven books including the title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at

V By Wayne Holmes

Wayne Holmes is an outstanding individual, a one-of-a-kind author who speaks to you from the heart through his writing. He has inspired thousands of readers and touched our spirits with his gentle teachings and humor, bringing us back to a safe haven of love and peace.”

O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y

Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. Our lives on this plane of existence are of short duration, and we are all “headed home.” Different faith experiences define “home” differently, and each suggests a path or paths. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.

Every Path Leads Home:

About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help.

– Irish Blessing

Wayne Holmes

Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey

Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Web Site:



is t

t Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a Wayne Holmes beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules Phone: 513.205.1057 and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see Email: not religion as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has Web Site: grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name:

Both books can be purchased through Amazon.







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