2ND YEAR Monsters, Gods, Goddess, Magical Swords. They are all part of great legends and myths that try to explain what happened here, in the world we live now, some years ago. Don’t miss all the great stories this group has chosen to tell you! Monstruos, Dioses, Diosas, Espadas Mágicas. Todos son parte de grandes leyendas y mitos que tratan de explicarnos qué sucedió aquí, en el mundo que habitamos hoy en día, algunos años atrás ¡No se pierdan estas grandes historias que este grupo eligió para contarles!
One stormy night, Captain Van Buren was determined to make a covenant with the God of the seas called Poseidon. At that time, the only thing this captain cared about was to have the fastest ship of all, so that he could reach port in a matter of hours. There was a night in which the captain was in his room, drinking and smoking his pipe like every night, when suddenly huge waves threatened to destroy the boat. Without any choice, the captain went to the bow of the ship and knelt before the God of the sea, Poseidon. He himself listened to Van Buren's prayers and offered him to sail safely and be the fastest of all. In return, the captain will have to give the life of his crew. Without hesitation, he accepted the deal and began sailing without inconvenience and regardless of the lives of his crew members, who had helped this captain so much. The following night, Van Buren began to hear his inner voice that said he had been very selfish. At that precise moment, he felt the punishment of the God of the seas, who condemned him to sail the oceans for all eternity, without being able to reach the harbour again.