ipcm_Protective Coatings n. 42 - June 2022

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ISSN 2282-1767

Protective Coatings ®

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27 30 September 2022

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in this issue 01 EDITOR’S LETTER



Valve manufacturing: qualification requirements for shop-applied internal FBE coatings

07 BRAND NEW © Adobe Stock

12 HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH MontiPower®, preparation from scratch!


© ipcm



The Importance of shot blasting for finishing precision mechanical steelwork: the choice of MTS

© MontiPower


24 INNOVATIONS:PRESENT&FUTURE How to restore rusty equipment with Cortec® biobased rust removers


PPG SIGMAGLIDE 1290 helps Enterprises Shipping & Trading reduce carbon emissions

© Resitec


Eco-Corr® Film received industrial composability certification

30 INNOVATIONS:PRESENT&FUTURE Axalta Coating systems introduces a new series of anticorrosion solutions for every possible requirement


Coating Inspections - Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 7





Resitec and the role of subcontractors in the heavy-duty industry

10 Things to do to create a successful YouTube video



Anticorrosion Let’s protect your project together! A solution for every anticorrosion project. Sustainability, life cycle, cost and materials efficiency: these are the issues our industry must consider today to prepare for the future. An everyday challenge faced by our powder coating market is finding a good solution for the corrosion of metal substrates. Corrosion is the electrochemical interaction between a metal and its environment, leading to alteration or degradation of aesthetic quality, functionality and integrity. To protect metal substrates against corrosion, an adequate system must be selected and applied effectively, bearing in mind the environments the system will face during its lifetime. Thanks to its expertise and its complete general industrial portfolio of thermoplastic, thermosetting and liquid technologies, Axalta Coating Systems is able to overcome most corrosion challenges in all climates. We will guide you through multiple 1 or 2 layer systems, our product range and technical recommendations to consider when starting your project. We present you with a unique product selector digital tool to find the products we recommend for your project, based on specific criteria. Let’s start protecting your project together! Discover our new brochure and all tools on www.axalta.com/anticorrosion or contact your local sales engineer for more information.

Axalta Powder Coating Systems GmbH Uferstrasse 90 CH-4057 Basel Switzerland +41 61 404 4000 info-ch@axalta.com www.powder.axalta.com



ducation first! The sale of a product or service is a meeting between two interlocutors whose level of

knowledge and competence in the field of the sale itself is mutually unknown.

This means that sales often occur when the conditions do not exist for the customer to benefit from them. Avoiding talking about the product or service itself but, on the contrary, starting from the assessment of the objectives and results to be achieved, the ways of solving any problems and, more generally, the relevant processes is therefore the most professional approach to selling any product or service. Two of the articles published in this issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings have given me the opportunity to reflect on this. They both emphasise that realising a correct and effective purchasing dynamic requires the creation of an industrial culture focussing on the technical skills needed to assess a product and its conformity to manufacturing requirements and job specifications. This is even more necessary in a complex sector such as corrosion protection. We know that corrosion has a huge impact on the economy, the environment, and safety. Protecting a structure from corrosion effectively and for as long as possible means guaranteeing its operational safety, durability, and sustainability. Understanding the process and the chemical and physical phenomena behind it, knowing the relevant technical regulations, being able to interpret and follow a specification, and carrying out tests and validations are all prerequisites for the purchase of a product or service. Technical magazines such as ipcm®_Protective Coatings are the first tool for (continuing) education. When authoritative and of quality, they allow market players to train and be trained. They play a role in collecting and aggregating technical and analytical content, providing technical and practical guidance, broadening the technological and scientific discussion, and presenting case studies and success stories. Snubbing technical magazines by virtue of one’s own established success on the market does not seem a far-sighted choice, because the generations of technicians are changing, changing sales conditions favour those who do not sit on their laurels, and thorough reevaluations of long-established specifications can lead to rapidly changing scenarios. Being featured in a technical magazine does not just mean to advertise, but to actively contribute to the cultural growth of the whole industry.

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42


© Adobe Stock


Valve Manufacturing: Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings Meshari S. Al-Otaibi, Hassan S. Al-Sagour and Talmiz Ur Rehman Saudi Aramco, Dhahran – Saudi Arabia

In this paper, a group of valve manufacturers in Italy was surveyed to evaluate the root causes behind coating failures in valves with an internal FBE coating. Subsequently, the requirements of qualifying internal coatings for valves were evaluated by the end-user’s representative in Europe. The survey included 15 valve manufacturers and covered a period of 10 years, and the survey was either physical or online. The result of the survey was not expected as it revealed that none of the approved valve manufacturers had the capability to perform such a critical process in house. In all cases, the coating application was outsourced to specialized coating applicators located mainly in Milan, Italy. Furthermore, the questionnaire revealed that more than 60% of the coating applicators exhibited gaps in the process of compliance with the international standard requirements. Based on the survey, recommendations were given to improve quality control during the application of coating to valves.


usion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coating is a thermosetting material

Many valve manufacturers use FBE coating as a special process for

that achieves a high bond to metal surfaces as a result of a heat

corrosion protection, especially on the wetted parts of the valves and

generated chemical reaction. FBE coatings are used for optimum

fittings for service such as potable water, saline water, sweet and

corrosion protection of metals in severe corrosive environments,

sour crude, liquid and gas etc. FBE Coatings are foreseen applicable

including saltwater, wastewater, petrochemicals, solvents and

on a range of valves such as ball, butterfly, gate, globe, check and

corrosive gases.

plug-valves etc. as per relevant industrial standards.


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


End-user’s specifications and purchase orders have clearly mandated

In this study, the team collected and analysed data of reported cases

manufacturer responsibility for full compliance with the requirements of

of internal FBE coating failures, which were observed during the

internal FBE coatings through maintaining adequate quality assurance

manufacturing phase and receiving inspection at project sites. Several

and quality control processes to guarantee 100% defect-free products.

Non-Compliance Reports (NCRs) and Equipment Deficiency Reports

In the latest revision of relative standards, the requirement mandating

(EDRs) were issued by inspection teams of capital projects in the last

approval of coating procedures by the customers’ central engineering

10 years related to this issue. The investigation highlighted in the EDRs

organization had been removed to improve the logistics. Consequently,

revealed that there were several gaps in interpretation of the customer’s

this revision had transferred the full responsibility of correct selection

specifications between the manufacturer and their sub-suppliers, which

and application of the FBE coating to valve manufacturers, assuming

led to such failures.

they have the right knowledge, technical understanding and ability to apply protective coating in accordance with end-user’s coating

Data analysis


The data analysis indicated in Figure 1 illustrates the valve defect types with respect to the affected quantities reported during inspection at the site since 2007. The coating defects represent the third largest quantity

The objective of this study was to identify the main root causes of FBE

in terms of overall detected defects on received valves. The internal

coating failures during the manufacturing phase, receiving inspection or

FBE coating failure during the inspection at manufacturing phase and

site acceptance test (SAT). Identifying root causes will lead to improving

receiving inspection (including site acceptance tests) is one of the major

the current end-user’s mandatory requirements and enhancing the

issues in terms of valve failures. These details will be further elaborated

control of the internal FBE coating processes.

in the following sections of this study.

© Saudi Aramco

Study objective & methodology

Figure 1 - Distribution of valve defect types and affected quantities.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 2 - Statistics of rejected quantity (EDR + NCR).

Figure 3 - Classification of FBE coating defects.

Figure 2 shows the rejected quantity needed to split all those defects

gaps with respect to the standard requirements and 22% of the

in different types based on their associated root causes. The rejected

manufacturers represented major gaps with respect to compliance

quantities are cumulative of EDRs and NCRs during the manufacturing

with standard requirements. In total, 61%, of the manufacturers were

phases. A total of 1407 valves were reported as defective and trend

identified with minor and major gaps with reference to the standards

along the years shows that huge quantity of defects was encountered


in the past 10 years. Major Gaps Breaking down the relevant defects identified within the EDRs and

• Poor control on the painting supplier

NCRs, as per Figure 3 coating defects on flange serrations represents

• Lack of review and approval of quality documents of coating sub-

50% of the total reported issues while wrong coating system applied


represents 29%. As illustrated in Figure 4, end-user’s Inspection team

• Poor control on the process parameters

performed further investigation to figure out root causes behind the

• Lack of qualification of the coating procedures by valve

aforementioned defects.

manufacturers by type, size and class

The investigation on RCA reveals that 79% of the reported issues

• Lack of validation of cure testing.

are due to lack of awareness and lack of interpretation of the requirements stipulated in the applicable international standards

Minor Gaps

and customer’s specifications. The second largest cause is the

• Unavailability of manufacturers direct NACE qualified personnel

manufacturer’s lack of control on the outsourcing as well as poor

• Lack of manufacturer’s QC coverage during interim coating

quality control coverage by the coating sub-supplier as required by the

application strategies

end-user’s standards.

• No distribution of up-to-date quality requirements to the coating applicators by valve manufacturers

Gap analysis

• Lack of involvement and implementation of repair procedures by the

The results of the distributed questionnaire shown in Figure 5 reveals

coating sub-supplier in case of damage during machining

that 39% of the manufacturer are able to comply fully with standard

• Unclear responsibility in case of customer claim.

requirements. Another 39% of the manufacturers exhibited minor


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 4 - Classification of FBE coating defects based on RCA.

Figure 5 - Results of the distributed questionnaire.

Through analysing the results of the distributed questionnaire, several


gaps were clearly identified, which can be summarized in the Table 1

• Define requirements to qualify valve FBE coating suppliers and

in the next page.

reconsider the need for central engineering to review and approve coating procedures.

Case study

• Manufacturers to maintain a list of qualified coating sub-suppliers

To further build upon the findings from past NCRs and to understand

and evidence of proper control at their shops.

the root causes of failures related to internal FBE coating in valves,

• Adopt the checklist developed by the end-user as best practice and

one of the NCRs related to the wrong interpretation of the customer’s

use it during the assessment of coating suppliers.

specifications is described as a case study below:

• Require valve manufacturers to validate applicable coating

• Valve details: CL 600, WCB Material (CS), Ball valve - Quantity: 686

procedures based on service and relevant design parameters in

Investigation details: the Inspection team conducted a focus

addition to qualification procedures.

assessment and discovered the FBE coating for 600 valves was not

• Introduce more approved products suitable for machining.

aligned with a standard clause prohibiting FBE coating covering on

• Valve manufacturers to clearly indicate the areas to be machined

flanges. All the raised face flanges, with exception of few millimetres,

after FBE coating application, and inspection point to be incorporated

were coated despite the requirements.

in the relevant inspection forms and manufacturer’s Inspection & Test

• Root cause: lack of awareness of the applicable standard

Plan (ITP).

requirement (5.2.10: The internal coating shall be extended up to the

• DFT thickness range to be specified in coating standards before and

face of flat- and raised-face flanges that will not be in contact with the

after machining and the same to be reflected in relevant inspection

gasket. The coating applied shall be machined and ground to ensure


that the surface is levelled properly and to avoid misalignment of

• Coating standards to clearly specify the circumference of the area to

gasket. Only approved coatings that can be machined after application

be excavated and repaired in case of holiday is detected.

shall be used).

• It is recommended to specify the use of Garnet for cast steel valves/

Such defects represent 50% of reported defect types and 79% of

material and metallic abrasive for forged steel valves/material. All

major root causes, as indicated in Fig. 3 and 4 in this study.

pieces that required FBE coating are Carbon Steel (CS) material, so

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



using metallic abrasive for forged for blasting activities and garnet for


cast components is a more efficient way to have a better anchor profile.

- Equipment Deficiency Log, AOC-H-QAU

• Revise the relevant inspection form to incorporate witness point

- Saudi Aramco specs. (09-SAMSS-091, SAES-H-001, H-002&002V, IR091300,

for holiday check & Final DFT after machining at valve manufacturer’s premises before final assembly.

etc.) & relevant International Standards.


various SA-approved valve manufacturers in Italy.

In view of the above-mentioned synopsis, we concluded and highly

- Deficiency and Benchmarking Study, Rev. 4. By Nicola Cevoli (QMD-

- Vendor Questionnaire (Internal FBE Painting suppliers): Contributed by

recommended to continue the review and approval process for

AOC-H-QMU-Supervisor), Meshari Al-Otaibi (QMD-AOC-Italy-Inspection

performing Internal FBE coating procedures from the coating suppliers by the end user’s central engineering. ‹

Representative), Abdul Aziz Zahrani (SAO-VID).


approved valve manufacturers in Italy.

- FBE coating MAPS on various types of Valves: Courtesy Of various SA-

The authors would like to thank referees for helpful data without implication for any remaining errors.

Table 1 - Summarized results of the distributed questionnaire.




Inconsistent approach among vendors to qualify and manage sub-supplier activities.


No clear criteria adopted by the valve manufacturers to ensure that the outsourced coating activities are fully controlled.


No proper coating selection criteria although clearly specified by customer’s standards. Missing validations for special sub-processes as machining, verification steps such as holiday tests, repairs in case of pin


holes detected, repair products to be used, testing and Dry Film Thickness (DFT) measurements to be performed after final machining by the valve manufacturer.


Coating qualification procedures are not adopted by the valve manufacturers although mandated by end-user’s Standards mandatory requirements Not all approved products by the customer were suitable for machining. Generally, in all types of the valves, machining of


certain internal areas is required especially on the FBE-WO interface: however, some products do not guarantee the integrity of the coating after machining. No proper control neither by the valve manufacturers nor the coating applicator during interim stages, such as: a) Surface preparation, preheating (baking temperature validation based on the base material) after primer application. b) Powder-based final coats application (only one-time application to achieve desired coating thickness DFT value).


c) Methods to apply liquid-based repair coatings in case of low thickness or holidays detection. d) Any machining required in case of over thickness applied. e) Validation of Cure Test and identification of samples per batch by DSC calorimetry (typical duration for the cure test results is 10 days in case of non-availability of DSC scanner). For the coating applicator, to have a DSC scanner should be mandated.



The latest editions of the customer’s standards do not require any more approval of coating procedures but the inspection forms still mandate the approval of FBE coating procedure.

N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


JOSCO Will Apply the FASTAR® Coating to Its Next Generation 1100TEU Liners The antifouling system FASTAR® I developed by Nippon Paint Marine will be used to protect energy efficient vessels.


he Tsuneishi Group Shipbuilding has

“We have very good experience with Nippon

biocides that we have been able to deliver

recently announced that it is using Nippon

Paint Marine systems on our vessels, so were

a high-performing, low-polishing antifouling

Paint Marine’s nano-based antifouling

keen to add to the overall energy efficiency

system that not only delivers unprecedented

FASTAR I to protect a trio of energy-efficient

of these next generation vessels with the

commercial benefits but also helps shipowners

box ships that the company is building for

new FASTAR system. With the installation of

and operators meet emissions abatement and

Jiangsu Ocean Shipping Co (JOSCO). Each of

advanced technologies designed to reduce

energy efficiency targets,” added Gerald Mao,

the three vessels has an overall length of 146

energy consumption and emissions, these

the Senior Director of Nippon Paint Marine.

metres and a 23.25 metres beam and employs

vessels will be the greenest in the JOSCO fleet.

“Liner operators like JOSCO are facing

Tsuneishi’s low-resistance hull form and an

The application of these two technologies

increased congestion at port with at least

array of energy-saving technologies: the TOP-GR

combined with FASTAR is expected to

30-day waiting times so need a coating that

system optimises number, diameter, shape and

contribute to significant fuel savings and help

delivers consistent 60-month performance

geometric distribution of propeller blades to

us meet environmental standards,” stated Lian

unaffected by seawater temperature and

achieve greater propulsive efficiency, while

Jian Guo, the general manager of the Technical

vessel speed. FASTAR I has been designed to

MT-FAST adds a wing-like device to the front of

Division at JOSCO.

deliver optimum performance and save fuel

the propeller to alter water flows.

“JOSCO’s experience with our LF-Sea and

after longer idling times, when conventional

In addition, the company is planning to also use

A-LF-Sea® antifouling systems has delivered

coatings experience increased biofouling.”

the antifouling FASTAR I, a solution developed by

fuel savings of up to 8%, which can equate to

The antifouling FASTAR system has already

Nippon Paint Marine that contains completely

a voyage free of fuel costs every twelfth trip or

been applied to a passenger ferry and a bulk

new hydrophilic and hydrophobic nano-sized

so. We anticipate FASTAR will deliver further

carrier, and Tsuneishi will also employ it for

silyl acrylate components that will allow a more

cost savings and environmental efficiencies.

three similar 1091TEU vessels designed for

precise control of the release of biocides.

It is by precisely controlling the release of

the intra-regional trade that the company is



planning to construct for Taicang Container Lines Co., LTD. “For a containership with 80% activity, operating at 18kts in seawater temperatures of 26 °C, a FASTAR scheme provides 60 months of service from a dry film thickness of 260 μm on the vertical sides and a 160 μm coat of on the flat bottom. A conventional antifouling covering the same 2000m2 area would require 1018 litres of paint versus 1330 litres. We are delighted that Tsuneishi Group’s next generation of energy efficient box ships are being specified with FASTAR. It’s a win-win coating for owners and builders,” concluded Jun Ye, the M & R Sales Director for Nippon Paint Marine in China.

For further information: © Nippon Paint Marine


ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



Graco Launched the Air-Powered Protective Coatings Airless Sprayer Contractor King™ The mobile and high-performance solution developed by Graco allows to maximise productivity and portability.


raco Inc. has recently presented the air-powered protective

The Contractor King air-powered sprayer solves this by offering a

coatings sprayer Contractor King™ and the spray gun Silver

smaller weight and size, while at the same time offering the same ‘Big

Plus HP™, two professional, mobile and high-performance solutions

Job’ performance of larger sprayers,” stated Bob Gundersen, the Global

specifically developed for contractors who need a more compact

Product Marketing Manager for Specialty Applications at Graco.

and lighter coatings sprayer. The Contractor King offers the same

The Contractor King products range is offered in 45:1, 60:1 and 70:1

performances of traditional air-powered sprayers, but ensures a more

pressure ratio and it is also available in several packages, including the

compact footprint, allowing to maximise productivity and portability: it is

new “Big 150” ready-to-spray package configured with pressure-rated

mounted on a professional grade compact frame, it is up to 85 pounds

accessories such as the Xtreme Duty™ high-pressure fluid hose, the

(38,5 kg) lighter and 48% smaller. The Silver Plus HP gun is pressure

Silver Plus spray gun, fittings and the XHD spray tips. In addition, the air-

rated up to 7,250 psi (500 bar) and is designed to handle all protective

powered sprayer is designed with the QuickChange™ Endurance™ pump

coatings, including high-solid coatings.

that allows an easy on-the-job pump removal and maintenance.

“Typical air-powered sprayers in the marketplace are very large and heavy-trequiring more time and labour to transport and manoeuvre.

For further information: www.graco.com

© Graco


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


Jotun Will Begin Paint Production in Algeria for the Local Market The joint venture with Med Investment Holding Spa will allow Jotun to manufacture protective coatings directly in Algeria.


he Jotun Group has recently announced that it has reached an

Med Investment’s long industrial experience in Algeria,” stated Richard

agreement with Med Investment Holding Spa for establishing

Chapman, the regional director for MEIA Emerging Markets at Jotun.

the joint venture Technover P, that will manufacture paints and

“This production investment is in line with our continuous strategy and

coatings in Algeria. In the new site in the district of Tizi-Ouzou (east of

focus of developing competitive and quality-focused local production.

Algiers) built by the German company Netzsch, the joint venture will

We have successfully done that in the pharmaceutical sector by

produce Jotun decorative paints and protective coatings according to

increasing significantly locally produced medicine market share. With

international standards.

Jotun’s high quality and technically performing products, we expect that

With this new investment, Jotun aims to satisfy the increasing demand

our partnership will succeed in increasing the market share of locally

of the Algerian construction, industrial and energy sector.

produced quality and performant paint and coating,” concluded Lies

“This investment shows Jotun’s long-term commitment to the Algerian

Kerrar, the general manager of Med Investment Holding.

market. We can now bring our clients in Algeria the highest quality, internationally approved decorative paints and protective coatings. This is in line with Jotun Group’s strategy and values and fits well with

For further information: www.jotun.com

© Jotun

Representatives from Jotun, Med Investment and Alusys after signing the agreement.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



New Interpon Powder Coatings White Paper New Interpon powder coatings white paper helps businesses explore innovations and solutions in corrosion protection.


ith the damaging effects of corrosion estimated to cost more than

Jorrit van Rijn, Global Segment Manager Industrial in AkzoNobel Powder

1.5% of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), businesses are

Coatings, says corrosion protection coating jobs can be complex

increasingly aware of the critical need to protect the products, buildings,

tasks and various factors need to be taken into consideration. The

and other structures they create.

substrate and how that substrate is pre-treated are key: “Getting this

But since different metal surfaces present different issues and require

right will determine which powder coating system to use, based on

different approaches to corrosion protection, choosing the right

the environment and conditions to which the surface will be exposed,”

system based on location and application is critical. It not only protects

Jorrit explains. “Choosing the right products to protect metal surfaces

reputations, but it also protects lives.

from the damaging and costly effects of corrosion is essential, but

Against this backdrop, AkzoNobel’s Interpon powder coatings team

so too is understanding the different categorization of corrosion and

has published a new white paper that explores the principal causes

how to meet international standards. Our White Paper helps take

of corrosion and how they can be prevented. It begins by looking at

the guesswork out of choosing the right system to meet your specific

the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous substrates and the


different kinds of chemical and mechanical pre-treatments available.

Jorrit says that whether working through Interpon’s approved applicator

It highlights the International Standard against which protective paint

network or being supported by its technical support team direct, they

systems are measured (ISO 12944), and explains how to accurately

help businesses arrive at the right decision: “With the support of our

benchmark competing products, to ensure like-for-like comparisons and

local R&D laboratories, which can provide extensive testing services,

judgments are made. It details the categorization of corrosion (based

and our bespoke System Finder tool, we can guide our customers to the

on C1 being very low risk to C5 very high) and specifically the different

appropriate coating system for the most difficult of tasks.”

systems available within Interpon’s Redox range of powder coatings,

© AkzoNobel

including its latest innovation, Redox One Coat.


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

For further information: https://bit.ly/3GTIuHT

BRAND-NEW © Teknos

Teknos Launches All-In-One Solution for Fire Protection of Steel Teknos launched a new, all-in-one 100% solids 2-component fire protection coating for steel applications in indoor and outdoor spaces.


eknos launched HENSOTHERM 920 KS, a new intumescent 100%

The system is ideal for paint shop application, for which it is mainly

high solids VOC-free coating that reaches all four fire classes

recommended but, when necessary, it can also be applied on-site.

R30/60/90/120. The quality of passive fire protection is ensured with

The quick drying time of the new paint system enables more economical

ETA accreditation, with further environmental and standardization

construction projects, as it contributes to shorter lead times and


advances delivery date. In fact, the coated steel objects can be

The full coating system includes Teknos primer and topcoat, which

transported after 24 hours of drying time.

ensure corrosion protection and a high-quality finish. With this intumescent system, corrosivity category up to C5 High can be achieved.

For further information: www.teknos.com



MontiPower®, Preparation from Scratch! Alessia Venturi ipcm® In the coating world many people who are involved with sales and customer services do not really have a clue of the importance of proper surface preparation for a successful and durable coating result. Surface preparation is usually underestimated. Nonetheless, in the metal industry a truth is well known: rust is the biggest enemy of metals. It forms where metal reacts with oxygen and moisture. A salty environment, high temperatures or the presence of chemicals, accelerate and intensify the rusting process.


ust is a form of corrosion. Corrosion includes the loss of metals, but

MontiPower® of the Monti Group, with its proven MBX® and Bristle

also any adverse effect on materials as a result of environmental

Blaster® Powertools & Machine Equipment to remove mill scale, rust,


old coating, contaminants and profile a substrate, is all about the

The removal of contaminants such as oil, grease, or salts, imperfections,

power of innovation for clean and safe surface preparation without a

rust and mill scale, plus creating a roughness profile, is called ‘surface

big hassle.

preparation’. Surface preparation is defined as “the cleaning or treating

These advanced technology with handheld, semi-automatic or

of the metal surface prior to the application of a surface coating”.

automatic machines is designed to visibly clean and create roughness

Proper surface preparation ensures the best possible bond between

profiles without any loose abrasives and without the creation of paint

the surface to be coated and the coating to be applied.

or rust dust.


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

© MontiPower

The world of Monti Group goes far beyond surface preparation, though. With the brands MontiPower®, Corronation®, MTest and Allter, the educational program Corrosion Alliance®, and the inspection, training, and project management service company Inspex360, Monti Group is all about the power of a perfect surface preparation in the broadest sense from cleaning to preparation, from coating to testing/inspection down to education and training. “We want to offer every customer the cleanest solution for surface preparation first, for an optimal coating performance then and for an accurate testing and inspection after some time” Drs. J. F. Doddema, Chief Executive Officer & Partner of the Monti Group begins. “We do not talk about a product, we talk about surface preparation as a concept and a process. We put our heart and soul into achieving this. We pursue this mission with a belief that there should be no disagreement or confusion about proper surface preparation in relation to coating quality for long term protection. Our vision is to create reliable cleaning, removal and anchor profiling solutions for various substrates. This improves the long-term protective coating and sealant performances of

© MontiPower

Frits Doddema with the MontiPower's team.

the asset. At the same time, we want to maintain our leading position in the market and impress users with unique innovative, fast, safe, environmentally and user-friendly solutions which go beyond the requirements of our clients”.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH: Inspired by Ferdinand Porsche

which is a Norvestor company. “MontiPower® today is a globally

As a car lover, and as a Porsche racing driver, Werner Montabaur was

renowned manufacturer of rotary bristle blasting technology and special

inspired by perfection and performance. When Werner Montabaur,

surface preparation equipment used for surface cleaning, coating &

inventive genius, founding father and the man who lent his name to the

millscale removal, and anchor profiles” Frits Doddema states. “Our

company, first came into contact with the field of surface preparation

patented technologies and innovative solutions are used to prepare

back in the 80s, he very quickly realized that the tools available were far

metal surfaces prior the application of protective coatings and sealants

from capable of providing the result actually desired.

without the need for abrasive materials and without creating waste.

This discovery almost immediately gave rise to the idea of developing his

The rust/paint particles can easily be collected. The used belts can be

own technology. This led him to establish MONTI-Werkzeuge GmbH in

resharpened for a longerlife and recycled. Monti’s powertools enable

Bonn in 1987.

high performance surface preparation technologies that maximize the

Just 12 months after the company was founded, the 43mm brush belt

long-term protection of assets in various industries, amongst others in

system, known as ‘MontiPower’ is launched and the innovative solution

maintenance of bridges, windmills, pipelines, refineries, trains, planes

for blasting without grit got immediate success.

and cars.

In 2018 the company renamed to MontiPower® after the name of its

The Monti Group is located in the Netherlands with 2 plants. One

successful technology. Today MontiPower is part of the Monti Group,

in Spijk, Eemshaven, and one in Oldenzaal. In Germany, in Hennef,

that comprises the following companies: MONTI-Werkzeuge GmbH

we manufacture our bristle belts and tools for surface preparation.

(Germany), MontiPower B.V. (The Netherlands), MontiPower Americas

We serve also retail under the Decapower brand. Outside the North

Inc. (Virgina, USA), MTEST, (Texas, USA), MontiPower Brasil (Macae),

America (Manassas and Houston), Brazil (Macae), and Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Alltersteel, ActiVet® Petcare, Decapower® and Corronation®. Monti

Monti operates globally through a network of trained distributors and

Group is majority owned by Preservation Holding AS from Norway,

resellers. MontiPower® exports to more than 70 countries”.


© MontiPower

The MontiPower® technology is designed to visibly clean and create roughness profiles without any loose abrasives and without the creation of paint or rust dust.


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


Main feature of the MontiPower® Powertools & Equipment The superior method for surface preparation involves removing rust,


flash rust, mill scale without loose abrasives or other cleaning methods


by bristle tips. Each second, more than 10,000 tips strike the surface




and create simultaneously a clean surface similar to cleanliness grades ISO 8501-1 Sa,2,5 with a profile > 50 micron. It is not a blast and it is not a smearing, and or burnishing brush. This approach is for applicators very safe, and easy to apply. The applicator can see for himself what he or she is doing. The rule of thumb is 1m2, per person, per hour, per 23mm belt. Using MontiPower® Powertools & Machine Equipment is considered more comfortable than conventional loose abrasive spot blasting due to the following:

Bristle Blaster Subsea.

• Low risk of injury to the operator due to no usage of pressures • Ergonomic design of equipment • Nature of bristles without burnishing or smearing • Low RPM, high torque • No disposal of loose abrasive blast media as belts can be recycled or resharpened • Will not cut through ropes (if rope access equipment is used) © Mo

• Low noise and vibration levels


• Easy to operate for applicator for almost any surface, and wear eye


glasses as the minimum PPE requirement. “At MontiPower® we develop surface preparation solutions prior to coating application that provide optimal cleanliness and profile without creating waste or leaving detrimental residue for coating adhesion

Bristle Blaster Cordless.

behind” Doddema explains. “This is not only our philosophy on site and during operation, it is also true for the manufacturing of our bristles. Our bristles are manufactured from A to Z in closed cycle work cells, meeting the highest standards. Each belt is individually checked at each cycle of the production process, leaving no loose ends”.

Today’s industry requirements In line with increasingly adopted circularity principles throughout endmarkets, surface preparation technologies will continue to extend the © Mo

useful lifetime of assets in the respective industries. Anticorrosion and


sealant providers are increasingly adopting powertools that allow a


safe surface preparation in the field, compared to some conventional blasting technologies. The regulatory environment influencing the surface preparation industry is shaped by WEEE and RoHS regulations. The RoHS, for instance, restricts the use of Chromium VI compounds in all electrical and electronic products. Chromium VI is also in some cases a

Vinyl Zapper.

component of paints and protective for adhesion improvement. Paint

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© MontiPower

Cleantech Prepper on pipe.

containing Chromate VI is a health and safety topic in the case of paint

rolled-out and energy & carbon strategy by procuring from the installed

and/or coating removal. That is why special HEPA filters are applied and

rooftop solar PV and offsetting remain indirect emissions through an

connected to all Monti devices.

offsetting programme. Another important project is the MontiPower® League, our circularity program for our users and clients to collect used

Long-term vision for a sustainable industry

belts and machines. Last but not least we believe in our Young Talent

Sustainability is one of the most important and pressing themes of our

recruitment project in collaboration with technical universities”.

age. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are the three central “Powertool providers should ensure quality and safety throughout

A comprehensive platform of products, knowledge and service for surface preparation and corrosion awareness

the supply chain. In addition, companies should focus on optimizing

Beside being a world leader in the field of asset rehab and repair

material efficiency and adequate handling of (hazardous) wastes in line

solutions, the Monti Group has created a comprehensive platform of

with regulations” Doddema declares.

companies that provides technology, services and education.

“The industry will need to shift towards circular business models,

“Our focus in on helping applicators, engineers, asset owners,

thereby minimising waste streams. The industry should have standards

contractors and inspectors to extend the lifetime of critical

that promote innovation, promoting the adoption of technologies that

infrastructural assets through a correct surface preparation, coating

have inherent safety and environmental benefits. In addition, low-

and testing program. We want to educate our own staff, our clients

carbon technologies should be adopted to align with global climate

and anybody who is interested in tools & coatings. That is why, beside

goals (e.g. 1.5 degree Paris agreement)”.

manufacturing surface preparation and coating technologies, we

“Within Monti Group we have defined a selection of projects that

primarily provide a practical education about the process and the

contribute to fulfilling our sustainability ambitions. Monti plays a key

steps that brings the team to a perfect coating result” Frits Doddema

role in enabling the extension of the useful life of assets in our end-


markets. Meanwhile, we are committed to drive improvements in own

“Under the brand Corronation® we have created a United Corrosion

operations” Doddema goes on.

Prevention Group that is unique in its scope and knowledge of all

“The first project we realized was to be CO2 neutral by June 2021. We

aspects of industrial corrosion prevention. With a rich history and

factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of a company.


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broad-ranging experience, Corronation® aims for a sustainable,

coating contracting and development plus sales of so-called visco-

superior and comprehensive approach based on innovative,

elastic coatings, shrinkable sleeves, pipeline tapes and cathodic

environmentally friendly integrated solutions. Corronation believes

protection systems for pipelines. Their mission and battle to combat

that corrosion prevention has five key elements: Cleaning, Preparation,

corrosion remains the same.

Coating, Testing and Education. By mastering each of these elements

Within the Group, Inspex360 is a Consulting, Coating & Corrosion

and working with excellent, proven brands, Corronation® offers

Inspection, NDT Inspection, Training and Education, Audits, and more.

uniquely comprehensive value that is easily accessible while holding

InSpex360 program and project management services range from the

innovation and sustainability in high regard”.

support of individual painting projects to providing a one-stop-shop to

“For educational master classes and solutions, we have the Corrosion

handle all aspects of an entire national painting program. InSpex360’s

Alliance (www.corrosionalliance.com), a collaborate initiative to share

nationwide staff of highly-trained coatings inspectors provide Quality

practical knowledge about corrosion and prevention products and

Control (QC) paint inspectors to supplement contractors’ in-house QC

services. We provide a platform to learn about corrosion from working

staff and on projects that mandate retaining the services of a qualified

practices and with masterclasses given by experts from the field”.

inspector employed by an independent inspection firm and/or a firm.

The platform of Monti Group is completed by Allter, a brand distributed

To complete the offer, MTest is the e-commerce of Monti Group,

by Corronation®. Team members like Sander Hofstee, Cor Prins, Martin

where end users and applicators can find everything they need for

Durcik, Nathan Knight have many years of experience in the field of

sustainable, chemical-free surface preparation, coating and testing


thermal spray aluminium, construction of sandblasting equipment,

tools. ‹


The Importance of Shot Blasting for Finishing Precision Mechanical Steelwork: The Choice of MTS Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®

© ipcm

The key to MTS’ success is providing complete mechanical steelwork-related services, from metal sheets to coated products. As it serves numerous markets with specific requirements for corrosion and high temperature resistance, MTS can adapt its production cycles and its offer to different customer needs. In order to optimise processing times and guarantee surfaces with a high roughness degree for optimum paint adhesion, it has chosen OMSG’s Dinamo 1216 hook shot blasting machine.

Shot blasted components waiting to be coated.



rames and other parts intended for cranes, earth-moving

requirements and provided it with its Dinamo 1216 shot blasting

machines, cableways, and offshore structures call for customised

machine, a system characterised by two hooks, installed on an

production cycles, as well as a very high level of corrosion resistance.

overhead Y line, with a maximum load capacity of 500 kg each, which

For many years now, MTS has been supplying finished products for

has enabled MTS to triple its output and obtain high-quality surfaces

these and other markets and, over time, it has gradually modified

for its medium and small-sized products.

its production processes to help its customers always meet the requirements imposed by international standards.

A family business with an international market

Constantly searching for new solutions and technologies to improve

MTS’s history began in 1973, when Sergio Tonel and his brother

its offer, it has chosen to replace its previous shot blasting machine

founded Officina Meccanica Tonel - OMT on a 500 m2-wide site

with a more modern one supplied by OMSG Officine Meccaniche San

devoted to steelwork fabrication for the production of gates, benches,

Giorgio SpA (Villa Cortese, Italy), with the aim of optimising production

and railings. Subsequently, Tonel decided to enhance the production

times and providing surfaces with a high roughness degree,

of high-precision mechanical parts with traditional milling machines

which is crucial for paint adhesion. OMSG analysed the company’s

and founded MTS Meccanica Tonel Sergio in 1985.

MTS headquarters in Bosconero (Torino, Italy). © ipcm

© ipcm

A coated component waiting to be shipped.

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Machining quality and precision and punctual deliveries enabled his

m in length. In 2017, MTS acquired an additional building for carpentry

company to grow and move from its original small premises to a first

operations such as flame cutting, laser cutting, bending, and manual

factory of about 200 m2, with ten employees. MTS later diversified its

and robotised welding. “The market has been rewarding the quality of

production by opening a new factory manufacturing pedals, spoke

our work and we have been growing steadily. In fact, we plan to open

levers, gearboxes, and door hinges. The choice to combine steelwork

another production site and expand our foreign market to the US by

with precision mechanics proved to be successful and the company

the end of 2022,” explains Daniele Tonel.

also started to produce larger components – such as brackets for earth-moving machinery cabins and parts for industrial automation

Customised production for each specific requirement

– by purchasing a flame cutting machine and a shot blasting machine

Today, MTS occupies a covered area of 11,000 m2; it boasts 90

provided by Carlo Banfi (now part of the OMSG Group).

employees and numerous high-tech machines. “The reasons for our

In 2001, when the new factory building was inaugurated, Tonel was

exponential growth lie in the comprehensiveness of the service we

succeeded by his children Daniele (current CEO), Andrea (CTO),

offer. We perform contract machining operations for multiple markets,

and Paola (CFO). They expanded their father’s business, which had

providing a complete service from metal sheets to coated products,”

meanwhile become capable of machining and welding frames up to 8

states Tonel. Although a great part of its production is focused

© ipcm


OMSG’s Dinamo 1216 shot blasting plant.


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The shot blasting machine with its two hooks for load bar handling.


on frames for construction cranes and forklifts and earth-moving

to cold form sheet metal, if required. The workpiece is then subjected

machinery, MTS also produces power brakes, ABSs, valves, components

to traditional MIG-MAG welding with continuous wire up to 500 °C or

for agricultural machinery, construction machinery, cableways, large

to high productivity robotic welding in compliance with standard ISO

units for industrial automation, assembly lines, portals, automated

1090-1, followed by turning and milling. Finally, the component is shot

warehouses, machine tools, photovoltaic systems, and offshore

blasted and coated. The 4x9x9 m blasting cabinet and the Dinamo


1216 basket shot blasting machine provided by OMSG guarantee the

With its native English, German, Spanish, and French-speaking technical

accurate surface preparation of small and large workpieces, which

staff, the company analyses the specific requirements of each part

are then coated with solvent-based products applied in two spray and

to be produced together with its customers, in order to develop the

drying booths (10x6 and 6x4 m) with dry floor filtration. For customers

most suitable and cost-effective manufacturing cycle. Using advanced

who request it, MTS also takes care of assembly. “For Brennero Gru, we

CAD/FEM technology and based on customer specifications, MTS

directly assemble 5-tonne crane frames with stabilisers, skids, cylinders,

then performs every stage of design and subsequent cutting of

and wiring and we finally test and calibrate them.”

sheets, bars, tubes, and profiles in-house using flame, laser, and high

“We work in three shifts and process about 450 tonnes of material

definition plasma cutting equipment. Subsequently, a press is used

per month. At the same time, in order to deliver parts complying with

© ipcm

The hooks movement system with its gears.

© ipcm

One of the shot blasting machine’s turbines.

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© ipcm

The coating booth.

every customer’s specifications, our production is extremely flexible.

comply with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 1090

For example, some sub-assemblies are shot blasted before welding.

EXC1, EXC2, EXC3, and EXC4, and ISO 3834-2. “As I have said, the

The undercarriages of Dynapac Italia’s road milling machines are

success of MTS is linked to the quality and comprehensiveness of

cut, welded, shot blasted, and painted before undergoing further

the service it offers. This also includes finishing. Customers require

machining; they are then cleaned, deburred, and packaged. Berco’s

finished, ready-to-use parts, and, therefore, shot blasting and coating

components call for a different process, including cutting, welding, shot

are two key operations to meet their standards and needs,” states

blasting, machining, cleaning with a phosphodegreasing product to


remove machining oils, and coating.

MTS’ first shot blasting system is a manual cabinet using SA 2.5-grade

“What all our processes have in common are the shot blasting phase

silica sand-corundum for non-aggressive finishing and smooth

and the application of two coats of paint (primer and top coat) making

surfaces. In March 2022, the company also installed a hanger-type

up anti-corrosion systems (C5, C4, C3, and C2H classes). Coating is

shot blasting system, an OMSG Dinamo 1216 plant featuring three

indeed a basic requirement of our production: this is why we develop

turbines with a power of 7,5 kW each and maximum capacity of ø

the most suitable solution for each specific requirement together with

1200 x 1600 mm with two customised hooks that fit the various load

customers and paint manufacturers, including AkzoNobel, Sherwin-

bars used by MTS. “It uses S230 spherical grit whose granules can

Williams, and Teknos. Some of the frames we produce are intended to

be up to 2 mm in diameter, because certain coating results we are

be subjected to considerable temperature changes, whereas others to

required to achieve call for a high level of surface roughness. It is a

be exposed to marine environments. Therefore, we follow customer

very high-performance and compact plant, suitable for treating small

specifications in terms of both paint products to be used and salt

and medium-sized mechanical parts. In fact, we use it to mechanically

spray resistance to be guaranteed.”

clean all our sub-metre-sized components. In addition, in order to optimise handling speed and cycle times, it was designed to include

The fundamental contribution of shot blasting and coating

a hook system that makes the line movement smoother, faster, and

By means of modern testing technologies for the dimensional

more efficient,” indicates Tonel.

inspection even of components with very complex shapes, all products

Having discontinued the previously used machine, MTS looked for

manufactured by MTS undergo quality checks to guarantee they

a solution that could complement its own production and, after a


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market survey, it turned to OMSG. “They

© ipcm

proved to be reliable and helpful partners. They listened to our needs – they even matched the colours of their machine to those of our brands, orange and black – and they provided us with a shot blasting plant that allowed us to triple our production. The value for money is exceptional, so much so that we have requested an additional roller machine to blast sheet metal, which will be installed in our new factory building,” says Tonel.

Future evolutions In fact, MTS plans to expand its production site with a new 3,000 m2-wide covered facility that will include a 36 m-long cutting plant with six motorised trolleys, a 15 m-long milling machine, a roller shot blasting machine, and a 20x10 m coating booth to further differentiate its production, including even crane booms and turrets and workpieces weighing up to 10 tonnes. “We work in three shifts, from Sunday night to Saturday noon. We have a very diverse production in terms of both technical

© ipcm

requirements and part shapes and sizes. The components we make can be exposed to extremely corrosive environments, with very high or very low temperatures. Finally, their dimensions range from a few centimetres to plates with a thickness of 0.5 m and a length of 12 m; for instance, during one shift we can cut, machine, shot blast, and coat 180 gearbox plates and then a few 6 m-long crane frames. These are the reasons why we are always looking for new technologies and tools that can help us optimise our processes.” ‹

Manual spray painting and coated parts awaiting further machining.

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© Cortec


How to Restore Rusty Equipment with Cortec® Biobased Rust Removers Julie Holmquist Cortec® Corporation – St. Paul (MN), United States


The Cortec® biobased rust removers series offers an alternative to the forms of mechanical rust removal to restore critical equipment and components to usable condition.


n the world of corrosion control, preventing rust is always the best

the market due to their lower acidity and their large percentage of

option. Unfortunately, existing rust can be found in every industry,

ingredients commonly used in the food industry. Both products contain

at almost any plant or jobsite. Sometimes rust takes place only after

91% USDA certified biobased content and are NSF registered as A3

months or years of shipping or storing metals in harsh conditions. Other

acid cleaners in the NSF Nonfood Compounds Registration Program.

times, it occurs within minutes of a part rolling off the assembly line.

VpCI®-422 is a liquid product ideal for use in dip tanks. VpCI®-423 is a

While sandblasting, water blasting, and grinding are commonly used for

gel version for use on vertical surfaces or other areas where the rust

rust removal, these techniques can be cost-prohibitive, labour-intensive,

remover needs to cling. These products remove a significant amount of

or limited by location. When this is the case, Cortec biobased rust

rust in a half hour. However, if faster rust removal action is desired and

removers offer an exciting alternative to sandblasting and other forms of

users are willing to forego the use of a biobased product, they can opt

mechanical rust removal to restore critical equipment and components

for VpCI®-426 (also available in liquid or gel versions). All three formulas

to usable condition.

can be used to remove oxides from iron, steel, and yellow metals.

Cortec® rust removers

How to remove rust

Cortec® rust removers VpCI®-422 and VpCI®-423 are relatively easy

VpCI®-422 is great for dip bath applications and can be used in

to use and are safer than many other rust removal chemicals on

everything from pails to large tanks, depending on the size needed to fit



N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


the rusty component. After being immersed in VpCI®-422 for a half hour

Exciting possibilities for end users

or more (depending on the degree of rust), the part should be removed,

With so many options for use, Cortec® rust removers also present

wiped off, and rinsed in a VpCI -410 Series alkaline cleaner to neutralize

exciting possibilities for different categories of end users. First of all,

the acid and prevent flash rust. Parts that cannot be placed in a dip bath

individuals can use VpCI®-422 and VpCI®-423 to remove rust on their

should be brushed with VpCI -423 and left to sit for 20-30 minutes,

own metal equipment or parts. VpCI®-422 and VpCI®-423 are great to

wiped clean, and rinsed with a VpCI -410 Series cleaner. The process

have on hand for everyday maintenance or for touch-up of flash rust on

can be repeated as necessary for heavier rust.

the production line. Secondly, they are great tools for companies that




provide maintenance or layup services for others. Rust removal is an

Examples of rust removal

important step in preservation to ensure that critical spares inventory

The possibilities for rust removal with Cortec biobased rust removers

is clean and ready to install immediately when needed. Cortec® rust

are endless. Examples of past use include rust/oxide removal from the

removers are often used for similar purposes. Finally, Cortec® rust


removers can be used by those who want to provide dedicated rust

• Pipes lying in a yard

removal services as an alternative to sandblasting. This can be a highly

• Gears

valued procedure for industries with large assets in need of restoration

• Small parts for warehousing

that they do not have the time or resources to perform.


• Valve bonnets • LNG vessel dummy shafts and shaft bearing

A rusty world awaits

• Propellers

Rusty components are everywhere, just waiting to be restored. With

• Ancient Greek bronze statue found at sea.

Cortec® biobased rust removers, anyone can give these small to large

• The list goes on for where and how Cortec® VpCI® rust removers can

assets a new lease on life, without having to perform sandblasting or abrasive grinding. ‹

© Cortec

be used.

© Cortec

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42


EST selected PPG Sigmaglide 1290 coating for its ability to reduce the frictional resistance of the fleet’s hull surfaces, which decreases power demand and related emissions.


PPG SIGMAGLIDE 1290 Helps Enterprises Shipping & Trading Reduce Carbon Emissions Enterprises Shipping & Trading SA has selected PPG SIGMAGLIDE® 1290 fouling release coating to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of its fleet.


PG announced that Enterprises Shipping & Trading SA (EST) has

PPG performed several studies in cooperation with leading independent

selected PPG SIGMAGLIDE®1 1290 biocide-free silicone fouling

marine institutes to measure the power and speed impact on vessels

release coating to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the carbon

retrofitted with PPG Sigmaglide 1290 fouling release coating.

emissions of its fleet.

Those tests determined that the coating provides a 20% reduction in

EST aims to improve its environmental performance through

power consumed at design level, and up to 35% reduction in carbon

investments in energy-efficient technologies. The company selected PPG

dioxide emissions when compared with traditional antifouling coatings.

Sigmaglide 1290 coating for its ability to reduce the frictional resistance

EST vessels that were retrofitted with energy-efficiency technologies are

of the fleet’s hull surfaces, which decreases power demand and related

demonstrating a power reduction of more than 20%.


PPG Sigmaglide 1290 coating has been a major contributor to this performance.



Sigmaglide is a trademark of PPG Coatings Nederland B.V.

N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


“EST is a pioneer in energy-efficient operations and is committed to

carriers and tankers. The company has a long heritage of investment

minimizing its environmental impact,” said George Sarris, President,

in energy-efficiency technologies and designs that can improve vessel

Enterprises Shipping & Trading SA.

efficiency while minimizing carbon emissions and environmental impact.

“Our investment in PPG Sigmaglide 1290 coating is a major contributor

EST has received ISO 50001:2018 certification for its commitment to

to our goals of achieving the maximum efficiency potential of our fleet

continuously improving its fleet’s energy efficiency and has assessed,

and not only meeting but exceeding the carbon reduction goals set by

evaluated and validated its system against the ISO 26000 standard on

the International Maritime Organization (IMO).”

social responsibility.

IMO’s greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy for the shipping industry calls for a reduction in carbon intensity of 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050


as compared to 2008, as well as a reduction of total GHG emissions

PPG (NYSE:PPG) works every day to develop and deliver the paints,

from shipping by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008. Silicone

coatings and specialty materials that its customers have trusted for

coatings are included among IMO’s published list of energy-efficiency

nearly 140 years.

technologies that can directly shift the power curve.

Through dedication and creativity, it solves its customers’ biggest

“PPG Sigmaglide 1290 silicone coating can help shipowners comply with

challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With

IMO regulations by contributing to a significant speed improvement

headquarters in Pittsburgh, the company operates and innovates in

and increased operational efficiency,” said Ariana Psomas, PPG segment

more than 75 countries and reported net sales of $16.8 billion in 2021.

director, newbuilding and drydocking, Protective & Marine Coatings.

It serves customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and

“The coating’s ultra-smooth surface enables vessel operators to improve

transportation markets and aftermarkets.

their speed and save on power consumption while also resisting even the most difficult fouling conditions.”

For further information: www.estsa.gr and www.ppg.com

About Enterprises Shipping & Trading S.A. Enterprises Shipping & Trading S.A. was established in 1973 in Greece and today manages a combined fleet of 40 vessels consisting of bulk

“We protect and beautify the world” is a trademark and the PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.


© Mariner Communications

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



Eco-Corr® Film Received Industrial Composability Certification EcoCortec®’s Eco-Corr® film has received industrial composability certification.


coCortec® has declared that it has received the industrial

water within 2-3 months in a composting environment.

composability certification of its Eco-Corr film. The “OK compost

Eco-Corr Film® is shelf stable and does not break down prematurely until


INDUSTRIAL” certificate was issued by TÜV Austria and certifies that

disposed in a suitable composting environment. Metal parts packaged

the biodegradable and compostable packaging film complies with the

in Eco-Corr Film® receive continuous protection against salt, excessive

industrial composability criteria according to EN 13432 (European

humidity, condensation, moisture, aggressive industrial atmospheres

equivalent of ASTM D6400). The film provides contact, barrier, and

and dissimilar metal corrosion. The Vapour phase Corrosion Inhibitors

vapour-phase corrosion inhibition.

will vaporise and then condense on the metal surfaces in the enclosed

“EcoCortec’s team is immensely proud and enthusiastic of compost

package. VpCI® reaches every area of the ​​ packaged piece, protecting

certification for this breakthrough packaging film. Eco-Corr® has been

the exterior as well as hard-to-reach internal surfaces. Users will get full

continuously improved for several years by company’s specialists

product protection during storage and during domestic and overseas

in cooperation with scientific intuitions”, said the company based in



Eco-Corr® is available from Cortec’s European plant, EcoCortec®, located

This film can be used in several industrial applications and is an excellent

in Croatia as well as North American film production base, Cortec®

replacement for conventional VCI films which present a significant

Advanced Films. Both plants are daughter companies of global corrosion

threat to the environment. In addition to being environmentally friendly,

protection manufacturer, Cortec® Corporation.

it is a cost-effective option as users do not have expensive disposal procedures. Eco-Corr Film® will disintegrate into carbon dioxide and © Cortec

For further information: https://ecocortec.hr/eng/index

28th August – 1st September 2022 Berlin · Germany


European Corrosion Congress Corrosion in a Changing World – Energy, Mobility, Digitalization

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk_Mathesius

More than 100 lectures focussing on coatings and their applications

Register Now www.eurocorr2022.org

EFC Event-Number 472

Gesellschaft für Korrosionsschutz e.V.


Axalta Coating Systems Introduces a New Series of Anticorrosion Solutions for Every Possible Requirement Edited by ipcm® Sustainability, cost, life cycle, and material efficiency – these are all issues our industry must face now to be future-ready. Whitin the sustainability issue, the fight against corrosion plays a fundamental role because it affects the durability of assets: this means costs for maintenance or premature replacement of the asset. According to the WCO (World Corrosion Organization), corrosion accounts for 3.4% of global gross domestic product. Axalta Coating Systems anticorrosion technologies portfolio has been recently updated with a bunch of new anticorrosion solutions for every possible requirement.


orrosion is an electrochemical process that consists of cathodic and

• the metallic substrate in scope;

anodic reactions produced by electrons and ionic diffusion. A proper

• the surface pre-treatment used;

and accurate surface pre-treatment and applying a first-rate, optimised

• the coating product selected.

anti-corrosion system extends the life of coated surfaces.

With a comprehensive thermoplastic, thermosetting and electrocoating

Axalta’s coating technologies inhibit at least one of these reactions. The

technologies portfolio to choose from, Axalta is well equipped to match

cathodic reaction is halted or reduced because the coating acts as a

your project to the best coating.

barrier; it markedly reduces the diffusion of the elements involved in the

These technologies empower you to combat the maximum range of

corrosion process (H2O, O2).

corrosion challenges in every climate.

and prevention migration, inhibiting anodic reaction. Consequently, no

The importance to identify the substrate

electrochemical action or electrons are generated.

Where powder coating is concerned, substrates are divided into

Efficient corrosion protection is intrinsically linked to four main factors:

degassing substrates and non-degassing substrates. Substrate

• the specific environment and type of corrosion your project will

identification is crucial and depends on the substrate’s nature or design.


And often, both need to be carefully considered in advance.

© Adobe Stock

At the same time, Axalta coating technologies maintain strong adhesion


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Non-degassing substrates:

• Abcite® 2060 - a single-layer anticorrosion solution that can be applied

• Steel with low carbon content

with flame spray technology;

• Alloyed steel

• AquaEC™ 3500 EP- the latest generation of cathodic tin-free

• Zinc electroplating

electrodeposition coatings which offers superior corrosion protection

• Sendzimir

performance for sharp edges;

• Aluminium

• Plascoat® PPA 742 primer - a single layer thermoplastic that can be used as primer and is specifically designed to be overcoated with Alesta®

Substrates prone to outgassing:


• Cast Iron

These latest product arrivals build on the success of its existing

• Hot dip galvanised steel

anticorrosion product portfolio, which comprises a full suite of solutions

• Zn or ZnAl metallised steel.

across its Abcite®, Plascoat®, Alesta® ZeroZinc, and AquaEC™ ranges, to accommodate an increasingly specific variety of anticorrosion

During the curing process, substrates prone to degassing may cause


surface defects. For that reason, adapted coating is required to

Pascal Nicard, Senior Global Technology Manager at Axalta, commented:

counteract the effect of these substrates. Another critical element to

“This announcement is a pivotal moment within the anticorrosion

consider is sharp edges. These tend to be particularly vulnerable to

industry. We recognise that customer needs are continuously changing

corrosion and require custom coating to prevent degradation.

and have developed an environmentally friendly all-in-one anticorrosion

Standard surface treatment and coating does not suffice.

offer that can accommodate the requirements of any project, no matter how harsh the environment. Drawing on 150 years of expertise within

Axalta Technologies: Thermoplastic - Thermosetting - Liquid

industrial coatings and insights from our global customer base, we are

Axalta’s innovative technological approach and solid resources give it

our portfolio of thermoplastic, thermosetting and liquid anticorrosion

a competitive corrosion protection edge. It stands out for its powder

solutions, which offer full compliance from an international regulatory

coating treatments uniquely produced with thermoplastic, thermosetting


and electrocoat technologies. These technologies provide the customer’s

Those in attendance were introduced to Axalta’s full suite of digital tools

project with the best corrosion protection solution based on its unique

and educational resources aimed at providing the clearest and simplest


route to optimal surface coating results. By providing customers with

Thermoplastic and thermosetting applications are powder coatings

the full range of information on the technical aspects of Axalta’s product

with distinct properties that derive from the chemical and physical

range, Axalta is making the process of identifying and implementing the

performance of the material while Axalta’s high-performance electrocoats

best possible solutions as streamlined as possible.

are designed to provide reliable mechanical strength and superior

Pascal Nicard continued: “Our goal is to partner with our customers

corrosion protection. Every product is also water-based, making them

throughout the entirety of their anticorrosion journey, helping them to

environmentally friendly and more sustainable. At the same time, they’ve

navigate their way to exceptional surface coating by equipping them

been formulated to ensure superior performance across a wide variety

with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed. We believe in

of substrates, including hot-rolled steel, cold-rolled steel galvanised steel,

making this journey as straightforward as possible and are committed to

aluminium, and magnesium.

supporting customers through a combination of educational materials,

Axalta also supplies a diverse mix of e-coat formulations, including lead-

training programmes, and dedicated technical support. In doing so, we

free and tin-free products, low VOC and HAPS-free systems, as well as

empower them to apply products in a way that maximises productivity,

formulations with unique benefits such as improved edge protection, low-

efficiency, and quality. The event also highlighted the importance of

temperature bake capability, and improved throwing power.

sustainability within the context of anticorrosion. An increased focus on

Last April Axalta kicked off a European roadshow to announce new

the environment has played a significant role in the design of this latest

additions to its all-in-one anticorrosion portfolio. The first leg of this

range of anticorrosion solutions, all of which are ISO 12944-6/9 accredited

European roadshow at the Parc Olympique Lyonnais in the French city

and provide exceptional performance and aesthetics without the use of

of Lyon, where a select group of customers, journalists and industry

solvent materials”.

stakeholders were given a sneak preview of the latest ground-breaking

Pascal Nicard concluded: “The importance of meeting the sustainability

additions to the Axalta range of anticorrosion solutions. These include:

requirements of the market cannot be overstated and we believe our

• Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime – a universal primer that enables the use of a

solutions can play an integral part in the preservation of the planet and

single primer for any substrate;

its resources by extending the life of surfaces in a range of demanding

the only business that can provide the full range of protection through

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



© Axalta

environments. Providing greater levels of surface protection is more costeffective and efficient for our customers in the long term, eliminating the costly requirement for materials to be replaced. Effective anticorrosion coatings must not come at the expense of the environment, which is why our solutions offer full compliance with environmental regulations across the globe, giving customers peace of mind from both a performance and environmental compliance perspective.” Let’s have a deeper look into Axalta’s new additions to its all-in-one anticorrosion portfolio.

Abcite® 2060 The Flame Spray Technology is the only system which can apply powders on site and with no need for a coating line. It involves depositing semimolten polymer particles onto a heated surface, a process whereby heat causes the particles to flow and fuse into a complete cohesive polymer coating. Abcite® 2060 has been specially designed for this coating technology, combining the exceptional anticorrosion and mechanical performance of Abcite® with the simplicity of use and mobility of the Flame Spray Coating technology.

AquaEC™ 3500 EP

By using Abcite® 2060, the end-user will be able to protect large

AquaEC™ 3500 EP is the latest generation of cathodic tin-free

metal structures on site, in most weather conditions and easily repair

electrodeposition coatings from Axalta. This new product shows superior

unplanned damage without dismantling the structure.

corrosion protection performance at sharp edges. Customers benefit

Abcite 2060 possesses exceptional anticorrosion performance: this

from a highly efficient system due to a low dry film density. On top, the

1-layer system is certified CX for extreme corrosive environments in

modular mixing concept allows to customize the optimum cost solution

accordance with the ISO 12944-6/-9 standard for galvanized and grit-

whilst maintaining the performance. The product does not contain

blasted steel.

organic tin compounds and is compliant with REACh regulations. The new


e-coat technology offers an energy saving potential due to its full cure Applications

even at a baking temperature of 150°C and has excellent chemical and

• Corrosion protection in highly corrosive marine, agricultural and

corrosion resistance in combination with very good mechanical properties

industrial environments;

and adhesion on various substrates.

• Pipes, bridges, metal structures, water-proofing, offshore installations.

Manufacturers in many sectors are looking for solutions that will improve performance and meet increasingly complex market demands that

Typical coating thickness: 400μm-3000 μm

reflect different substrates, parts designs, and pre-treatment options. The technology behind the new AquaEC™ 3500 EP is specifically formulated to

Key features and benefits

meet those requirements.

• Application in situ with no need for a coating line • Specially designed for large structures

Market segments

• Outstanding corrosion protection and best in class for salt

• Automotive parts and accessories

• Excellent resistance to alkaline and acid chemical attacks

• Agriculture and construction equipment

• Impermeable barrier, even in case of permanent immersion or

• General industry


• Industrial job coaters.

• Performance unchanged by UV exposure and weathering • Service temperature from -60°C to 75°C

Key features and benefits

• Tough and flexible for high impact and abrasion resistance

• Excellent edge corrosion protection

• No primer, self-adhering mono layer

• Free of tin and toxic heavy metals

• Excellent edge and corner coverage BPA, VOC and halogen free.

• Low curing temperature • Robust operation window


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


© Axalta

solution tailored to every substrate, including degassing metals, and for demanding shapes: expanded metal, perforated sheet steel, sharp edges. Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime is THE multi-function primer: it meets the most stringent anti-corrosion requirements, regardless of the shape and type of the part. It covers the areas that are most difficult to reach. Owing to its versatility, Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime enables the use of a single primer, whatever the nature of the substrate (black steel, galvanised steel, metallised steel, aluminium, etc.) offering ease of application, better stock control and increased productivity. Owing to these properties, Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime is the first-choice primer which meets the construction (e.g. metal structures, exterior claddings, wrought iron), transport (e.g. chassis, systems), industrial machinery, agricultural equipment and all those industries which demand high quality, anti-corrosion protection, with all the advantages of a powder paint. Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime, formulated from epoxy resin, is Qualisteelcoat approved and has been designed to meet the following criteria: • Stability and robustness in application (application and oven-baking) • Superior corrosion protection performance

• Coating areas that are hard to reach

• Stable UF flux rate

• Excellent anti-corrosion performance (to the ISO 12944-6 standard)

• REACh and Haps compliant.

• Degassing performance.

Plascoat® PPA 742 primer Plascoat® PPA 742 is a single layer thermoplastic that can be used as

Digital Tools to help the customer choose the perfect solution

primer and is specifically designed to be overcoated with Alesta® topcoat.

Axalta has come up with a range of digital tools and resources to keep the

Even for parts with strong differential of thermal mass or with sharp

customers informed of the latest developments in coating technologies

edges Plascoat® PPA 742 will bring optimal protection.

and products. That way, end-users can have rapid access to anticorrosion-related information that’s always accurate and up to date.

Key features and benefits Website

• Improved edge covering • Excellent compatibility with Alesta topcoat

The website www.axalta.com/anticorrosion provides the customer with

• Excellent intercoat adhesion

the latest, accurate information about anti-corrosion facts, tips, advice,

• Strong stability during curing of Alesta®

products and services. Even better, the website is constantly updated.

• Good impact and sand abrasion resistance

That means that the end-user can stay on top of the latest anti-corrosion

• Excellent adhesion to metallic substrate

technology solutions and learn about the latest colours and trends.


• Will not crack, chip, flake or fracture. Product Selector Applications

The user can select and configure its project’s criteria, and Axalta

• Urban furniture, fencing, construction, lamposts, metallic structures

product selector will match it to the system that offers the best corrosion

• Metal parts with strong differential of thermal mass

protection. The tool provides detailed specifications and product

• Recommended Coating Thickness: 170-300μm

information so that the customer can make its decision fully informed of

• Appearance Smooth/Glossy – Gloss: 60.

every product’s pros and cons.

Primer Alesta® ZeroZinc Uniprime: the universal primer - entirely safe


Products from the Alesta® ZeroZinc range are formulated in accordance

powder coating products undergoing various lab tests. That provides the

with the High-Density Crosslinking (HDC) technology and provide a

Axalta website features a library of technical videos, including some about customer with the visual proof it needs to choose a product. ‹

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42


© Resitec

Resitec is a resin application company, focused on three main businesses: industrial flooring, waterproofing and grouting.


Resitec and the Role of Subcontractors in the Heavy-Duty Industry Interview with Jo Neefs, Managing Director of Resitec Wommelgem, Belgium


During one of our many travels across Europe to distribute ipcm® Protective Coatings, we had the pleasure of getting in contact with Resitec, a company specialized in resin application. In this interview, Jo Neefs, the company’s General Manager, explains to us the pivotal role played by service providers in the heavy-duty industry.


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


© Resitec

The systems applied by Resitec are particularly suitable for production environments and the manufacturing industry.


n an industry as multifaceted as the heavy duty one, in which

What services does Resitec provide?

projects are often big, governed by strict specifications and requiring

Resitec is a family-owned company founded in 1989, which counts

different experts to work jointly to bring them to fruition, for sure an

23 employees at the moment. We are a resin application company,

important role is played by service providers. They not only bring a set

focused on three main businesses: industrial flooring, waterproofing

of skills not easily replaceable but also count on an experience that

and grouting. We are mainly active in the BENELUX area and in the

makes them able to evaluate the project as a whole and therefore

French regions close to the Belgian border.

understand if said specifications are correct.

The largest business of the company is industrial flooring, that is, the

This invaluable set of skills, together with quality products and

application of functional floorings which provide waterproof, anti-

technologies, are the elements that make it possible for all projects –

static, slip resistant, chemical resistance properties etc., such as epoxy

whether they are meant for the marine, infrastructures or Oil & Gas

floors and polyurethane floors.

and Energy fields – to work.

Our systems are particularly suitable for production environments or

During one of our many travels across Europe to distribute ipcm®

the manufacturing industry, especially in the food, pharmaceutical and

Protective Coatings, we had the pleasure of getting in contact with

petrochemical industries, where a good and functional flooring system

Resitec, a company specialized in resin application. In this interview,

actually represents an added value in terms of production and safety.

Jo Neefs, the company’s General Manager, explains to us exactly the pivotal role played by service providers in the surface treatment

How do you choose which products to apply?


There is a wide range of products available on the market when it

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



comes to industrial flooring. However, it’s not always easy to find

understand when we can do the reparation. This is quite often one

the best solution according to the need of the customer. One of

of the main challenges for us because production usually cannot be

the strengths of Resitec is that we have a great team of engineers

stopped, meaning that we always have to work as quickly and efficiently

who has extensive knowledge of the products available on the

as possible. In addition, our clients often don’t know which products

market and is therefore able to provide the customers with the best

were applied before. Regularly, the application dates back at least 20

solution for their needs, sometimes even by combining the products

years, so we have to understand which new products combine best

of different suppliers. This is actually one of the main challenges in

with what was applied originally.

our line of business: if you only have one supplier, you have a better

We also intervene during the construction of new buildings, following

understanding of their products. However, not every supplier has

the specifications provided by the customer. In this case as well we do a

the best solution for every application, which is why we work with

similar site inspection to actually see if it’s feasible to apply the specified

a variety of suppliers. Having said that, our main suppliers, such as

products. In fact, it happens sometimes that these specifications are

Resiplast, BASF Masters Builders and Sika, support us on the daily in

done based on other specifications for similar projects, which can mean

understanding if the system we’re thinking to apply for that specific

that they are not actually appropriate for the application at hand. To

project is actually the best solution or by suggesting better alternatives.

ensure the best results, we discuss this with the customer and explain which product would actually be better, according to our experience.

When do customers contact you and which steps do you take? Most of the times our customers contact us when there is a problem,

What kind of systems do you usually apply and how long does it

for example the concrete floor getting damaged because there’s an


issue with waterproofing. When this happens, we go on site for an

Most of the applications require 3 to 4 days, we have also had projects

inspection so that we can pinpoint the right solution to provide and

that lasted months.

© Resitec


© Resitec

N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


Depending on the kind of application, we apply a system that usually

which are usually installed on a concrete foundation.

comprises 3-4 layers. We always start with surface preparation, which

The space between the concrete and the equipment is filled with

is shot-blasting or grinding, depending on what the system requires.

grout, a shrink-free resin. This application is very common in the

Then, we carry out a dedusting operation and a final check to make

petrochemical industry.

sure that the surface is actually clean and that all oils and greases

For instance, we applied grouting for a major expansion project of the

have been removed. Afterwards, we apply the primer, which usually

Antwerp facility of one of the main players of the Oil&Gas industry, a

facilitates the adhesion of the subsequent layers, followed by 2 or 3

project that took us two months and a half to complete. ‹

layers of coating or self-levelling coating. We finish off with 1 or 2 top coat layers. We use airless sprayers every now and then but most of the times, we apply the system manually, since we find that it’s the best way we can effectively apply thicker layers. Industrial flooring application is not the only service provided by Resitec. Indeed, as I mentioned earlier, we also do waterproofing and grouting services. When it comes to waterproofing, we have two kinds of applications: waterproofing of bridge decks and waterproofing of reservoir tanks. These are usually coated with a chemical-resistant layer or anti-static layer. Grouting is mainly done in facilities housing compressors or pumps,

From left to right: In early 2022, Resitec applied a waterproof membrane system on a bridge in Mechelen, Belgium. Application of a coloured coating on existing self-leveling epoxy floor. Food, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries are among the most important markets of Resitec.

© Resitec

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42




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Sherwin-Williams Announces 2021 Water & Wastewater Impact Award Winners Sherwin-Williams has announced the winners of the 2021 Water & Wastewater Impact Awards, which honour the companies that successfully overcame challenges while extending the service lives of critical infrastructure assets.


he project team braving tight quarters, steep vertical drops and an

The runner-up project for the 2021 awards realized major savings

aggressive coatings schedule to reline an 8- to 9.5-foot-diameter,

in the restoration of five surface water storage tanks for the City of

1.3-mile-long penstock for the Devil Canyon Powerplant in San

Holyoke, Massachusetts. The project team of Holyoke Water Works,

Bernardino, California, has earned top honours in the 2021 Sherwin-

applicator Champion Painting Specialty Services Corporation and

Williams Impact Award program.

engineering firm Tighe & Bond worked with Sherwin-Williams to save

The Impact Award recognizes exceptional projects that feature high-

more than half of the initial anticipated $2.2 million cost of restoring

performance coating and lining materials from Sherwin-Williams

the tanks. The resulting $1.2 million savings was made possible by

Protective & Marine. The challenging, multi-year project involved

reassessing the tank’s conditions and opting for an overcoat system

blasting and relining the penstock’s entire interior while navigating

on four of the tanks instead of setting up full containment systems for

grades of nearly 75% in spots, figuring out how to manage equipment

each tank and dry blasting their surfaces down to bare metal. Only one

access via 30-inch wide entry points located 1,000 feet apart and

tank required the full restoration treatment, saving the city precious

maintaining warmth inside the pipeline when outside temperatures

budget dollars and enabling the restorations to take place over two

were near freezing and winds occasionally reached 70 mph.


The winning team includes the California Department of Water

The 2021 honourable mention project covered the restoration of an

Resources (DWR) and industrial services firm Unified Field Services

elevated water storage tank that celebrates iconic TV legend Andy


Griffith. Serving Griffith’s hometown city of Mount Airy, North Carolina,


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


the water tower boasts a logo featuring a pair of familiar silhouettes

Eligible projects included any water-related structure that was new,

fishing – a scene reminiscent of the actor’s fictional TV hometown, The

restored and/or rehabilitated in 2020 and was completed using coating

Andy Griffith Show’s Mayberry. Water tower maintenance contractor

and lining materials from Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine.

Southern Corrosion Inc. restored the tower’s exterior for the City of Mount Airy using an overcoat system that prevented the need to

For further information: https://industrial.sherwin-williams.com

endure the higher costs and longer time associated with a complete rehabilitation. As the final step, the contractor retraced and filled in the iconic logo by hand, helping the city renew its highest tribute to Griffith. “The 2021 Sherwin-Williams Impact Award winners faced a range of difficult challenges, while successfully overcoming them to extend the service lives of critical infrastructure assets. That’s the kind of dedication we look forward to honouring each year via the program,” said Bryan Draga, Global Vice President – Marketing, Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine. “These winners have found optimal solutions to water and wastewater challenges that save time, labour and precious municipal budget dollars – not only in the execution of the coatings projects but also over the long term as these applied systems continue to prevent corrosion and enhance aesthetics.” The Sherwin-Williams Impact Award program recognizes application contractors, specifiers and owners for excellence on North American water and wastewater projects that have a compelling effect on the industry with regard to public safety, asset protection and infrastructure life cycle improvement.

From left to right: Relining a 1.3-mile-long penstock for the Devil Canyon Powerplant meant navigating grades of nearly 75% in spots, battling occasional winds up to 70 mph and maintaining interior warmth while it snowed outside. Careful coatings assessments enabled the Holyoke Water Works to restore five large-capacity surface water storage tanks for less than half the cost of the original estimate, which would have involved blasting all of the tanks down to bare steel and recoating them. Rehabilitation of the elevated water tower in Mount Airy, North Carolina, brought vibrant new life to the tower’s iconic logo, which celebrates Andy Griffith’s fictional TV hometown – The Andy Griffith Show’s Mayberry.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



Coating Inspections: Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 7 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer cornago@ipcm.it


ur series of articles about the inspection of surface preparation operations on steel and the tests this requires continues with the

presentation of other tests related to surface contamination after the surface preparation phase itself. In this article, we will deal with soluble test contamination, grease and oil contamination, and dust. Again, in these cases, the international standards normally used are NACE, SSPC, ISO, ASTM, and so on.

Amount of soluble salt contaminants on steel surfaces After surface preparation, the Inspector may be required to check that surfaces are free of soluble salt contamination. This test is normally performed after steel has been prepared by blast cleaning. However, if a long interval occurs between the application of two coating layers (i.e. full top coating of a shop-applied primer), it may be advisable to check for contaminants on the existing layer to be overcoated. Contamination of otherwise visually clean steel surfaces can have very serious effects on the coatings applied over them. These adverse effects include as follows:

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• Osmotic blistering of coatings. • Acceleration of corrosion.

• Nature and amount of contamination.

• Interference with the action of chemical corrosion inhibitors, such as

• Generic type and design of the coating system.

chromates (particularly with chloride contamination).

• Coating thickness.

There are numerous sources of soluble salt contamination, including the

The international standard NACE5/SSPC-SP12 defines three levels of

following ones:

soluble salt contamination as follows:

• Atmospheric contamination from ocean spray, combustion of fuel

1. Condition SC-1: An SC-1 surface shall be free of all detectable levels

(sulphates), and chemical processes.

of contaminants as determined using available field test equipment with

• Exposition to and direct contact with seawater.

sensitivity approximating laboratory test equipment. For purposes of

• De-icing salts on highways and bridges, especially in the winter season.

this standard, contaminants are water-soluble chlorides, iron-soluble

• Contaminated abrasive.

salts, and sulphates. 2. Condition SC-2: An SC-2 surface shall have less than 7 µg/cm2 chloride

Chlorides and sulphates being the most common soluble salt

contaminants, less than 10 µg/cm2 of soluble ferrous ion levels, and

contaminants, their effects on coating performance depend on as

less than 17 µg/cm2 of sulphate contaminants, as verified by field or


laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.

• Service environment.

3. Condition SC-3: An SC-3 surface shall have less than 50 µg/cm2


N. 42 - 2022 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


collection container. The extraction process is not very efficient, as only half of a contaminant may be recovered. • Bresle cell (ISO 8502-6): it is a small adhesive patch (latex rubber cell) that forms a pocket when attached to a steel surface (vertical or horizontal). A syringe is used to apply water onto the surface to be tested for about 15 seconds and transfer the extract into a sample container (vial). The aim is to determine its chloride ion concentration, ferrous ion concentration, or pH soluble salt concentration by different methods: titration test strips for chloride ions, test strips for ferrous ions, field titration for chloride ions (ISO 8502-2), testing for sulphates, and a conductivity meter for soluble salts (ISO 8502-9).

Grease and oil contamination After surface preparation, the Inspector may also be required to check that the surface is free of grease and oil contamination as specified. Indeed, visually clean coated or uncoated surfaces may be contaminated with a thin film of grease, oil, or other water insoluble materials. Unless detected and removed before coating, such contamination may reduce coating adhesion. The most common sources of grease and oil contamination in painting operations are natural oils from the hands of workers and from lubricants used in compressors or power tools used in mechanical cleaning. The more common testing methods are the following ones: 1. Detecting non-visible grease or oil with the water break test: it is used to detect films of grease, oil, or other water-insoluble contaminants on coated or uncoated surfaces that visually appear to be clean. This test visually distinguishes differences in water-spreading characteristics (surface energy) between clean and contaminated surfaces. It is conducted as follows: • Spray a mist of atomised distilled water on the surface to be tested and observe what happens. chloride and sulphate contaminants as verified by field or laboratory

• If the water gathers in lenses that last about 25 seconds before flowing

analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.

out, the surface is clean. • If the water gathers into droplets (forming a “water break”) within 25

Extracting soluble salt contaminants from steel surfaces

seconds, the surface is likely contaminated with grease, oil, or other

The standard SSPC91-07 titled “Effect of Surface Contaminants on

water-insoluble materials.

Coating Life” describes several extraction procedures, such as the swabbing method and the Bresle method.

2. Detecting non-visible grease or oil with ultraviolet (black)

In fact, possible extraction methods include as follows:

light: it is used to detect grease or oil contamination as required

• Limpet (Soltz) cell: it consists of a machined plexiglass cell plate with

in specifications. However, observations are subject to different

four adjustable magnets to hold the cell onto a steel surface, and a

interpretations. This test is more commonly done on cleaned surfaces;

rubber seal to retain the aqueous extracts. A syringe is used to pump

occasionally, however, it is employed prior to cleaning, when solvent

extraction water in and out of the cell into a sample container. The cell

cleaning to remove grease or oil is required before washing in the

contains a built-in conductivity meter.

surface preparation specifications. This procedure is most commonly

• Swabbing techniques: this extraction operation is conducted using

employed on crude oil tanks. Because these products absorb UV light

a measured amount of distilled water (from a graduate cylinder), cotton

and then emit this energy as visible light, some synthetic oils do not

swabs, gloves (to prevent contamination by hand perspiration), and a

exhibit fluorescence. A shield (black cloth) must be used during daylight

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42



hours; however, lint on the cloth may produce a slight fluorescence,

colour and comparing it to pictorial references. The test is conducted as

so care must be taken not to confuse it with fluorescence from


contaminated surfaces. The test is conducted as follows:

• Press a piece of clear adhesive cellophane tape against the cleaned

• Shine a UV lamp onto the surface and observe what happens.

surface leaving one end up for easy removal of the tape, taking care not

• “Bright yellow” or “lime green” fluorescence indicates contamination by

to contaminate the surface with oil from fingers.

grease and oil.

• Remove the cellophane tape using the exposed end and visually

• Absence of fluorescence indicates that the surface is not

compare it to pictorial references.

contaminated by grease and oil.


2. Detecting dust using the clean cloth method: The presence of dust on a steel surface already prepared for coating can be detected by

Any dust particles collected on cleaned surfaces can interfere with

rubbing it with a clean cloth. However, this method is less precise than

coating adhesion. The Inspector should therefore verify that the

the pressure sensitive tape one and it may deposit lint on the surface.

prepared surfaces are free of dust. Abrasive blasting and other sources

Moreover, the amount of particles on the cloth must be subjectively

at the jobsite can leave dust on a cleaned surface.

evaluated. It is very impractical to expect a surface to pass a white glove

Several simple tests are available for detecting dust on a steel surface.

test. In determining the presence of excessive dust, it is more practical

These involve wiping the surface with a clean rag or contacting the

to examine the surface for streaks or marks left by the cloth. The test is

surface with the sticky side of clear tape. The rag or tape is then visually

conducted as follows:

examined for particles. If dust is detected on a prepared surface, the

• Wrap a clean cloth around the index fingertip and make strokes

Inspector should check that it is removed before coating application is

(around 15 cm) across the surface with medium pressure.

allowed to start. Dust should be removed by vacuuming, if possible. It

• Remove the cloth and visually inspect the cloth itself and the surface

may also be removed by blow-off with compressor air; however, care

for any dust.

must be taken to ensure that the air is clean and dry, using the blotter test method.

In conclusion, in order to ensure proper surface preparation, the Inspector should verify that the specified level of surface cleanliness

1. Detecting dust using the pressure sensitive tape method (ISO

is attained (using visual and/or written standards and jobsite

8502-3): The method consists in pressing a clear adhesive cellophane

standards), that the specified surface profile is attained, and that the

tape onto the surface, removing it, and searching for any dust particles.

surface contamination degree lies within the range allowed by the

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The tape is examined by placing it on a display board of a contrasting

specifications. ‹

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10 Things to do to Create a Successful YouTube Video Barbara Pennati eos Mktg&Communication Srl


Video marketing is certainly one of the most effective and easily doable strategies for brands, especially thanks to the many tools that have recently emerged that make it easier for those who are not video makers to create video content. And YouTube is definitely the perfect platform for video marketing. However, breaking through the 500,000+ videos uploaded to YouTube every day may not be an easy feat. In this article, we’ve summarized 10 things you need to do to create a YouTube video that has all it takes to be successful.


hen it comes to video content, YouTube is unmatched. The latest

clear. How to do that? In addition to linking you to our guide on how to use

report from We Are Social and Hootsuite tells us that YouTube is

YouTube to promote a company3, in this article we report 10 things to do to

the second most used platform in the world, that Android users spend

create a successful YouTube video, differentiating yourself from competitors

an average of 23.7 hours on YouTube each month and that the potential

and promoting the brand from the very first seconds of the video.

YouTube ad reach is 2.56 billion users, +11.9% compared to 2020. But that is no t all. YouTube also proves to be in step with the times and

1. Do keyword research

with the changing needs of the public: it recently introduced YouTube

Researching keywords relevant to our business is the first step to create

Shorts, the short-video format that gives a nod to TikTok and Reels, and

a successful video. This will allow us to understand not only what our

announced its intention to enter the world of streaming , Netflix style, and

reference sector is looking for (and therefore choose which topic to cover

the podcast business2. In light of all this, the potential that this platform

and how) but also which keywords to include in our video, and in its title and

offers us to communicate our brand through videos is clear. However,


with over 500,000 videos uploaded to YouTube every day, the importance

The goal of creating a video should be to promote and provide useful

of creating content that captures the attention of our audience is equally

information on a product or service, thus responding to the needs of our


audience. But if we don’t know at the outset what our audience needs and https://techcrunch.com/2022/03/23/youtube-to-stream-free-ad-supported-tv-shows-for-the-firsttime/?guccounter=1





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how they’re looking for that information, we likely won’t be able to reach it. 3



2. Create a customized intro

In the video of Figure 1 (https://www.youtube.com/

With the number of videos on YouTube it is easy to go unnoticed,

watch?v=HvOjcigOsQw), marketing expert Neil Patel goes straight to

especially in the eyes of the most distracted user. However, there are

the point by saying clearly what the problem is and promising that, by

some gimmicks that can help us to leave our signature prominently in all

watching the video, users will know how to solve it. He then proceeds to

the content we upload to the platform. Among these, there is certainly the

introducing himself and the topics covered during the video.

intro of the video.

In the video of Figure 2 (https://www.youtube.com/

If you notice, most of the videos produced in a professional or semi-

watch?v=qFVaNwsaFl0), Dutch youtuber and make-up artist NikkieTutorial

professional manner have a personalized introduction that is the same

begins the video with a highlight of the content, aimed at capturing the

for all videos and coordinated with the brand image, whether personal or

user’s attention and serving as a teaser.


The “Coming Up” writing at the top left suggests the intention of wanting

A personalized intro makes our content immediately recognizable as

to bring to the attention of the user a pivotal moment which is considered

such, promotes brand awareness and, as mentioned, makes our content

capable of capturing the attention of the channel’s target audience.

look professional. To create a personalized intro, we can give free rein to our imagination, as

4. Use video and audio transitions

long as everything is coordinated with the brand image. In addition, it is

With each passing minute, our attention span decreases. This is as true

better not to exceed in length: the intro serves as a signature of the video

in class or at work as it is when watching a video, however interested we

but should not bore or unnecessarily prolong the user’s wait to access the

may find it.

content that prompted them to click on our video.

Our brain needs continuous stimuli to maintain a constant level of attention. One way to do this is to subject the user to regular visual or

3. Take advantage of the first 10 seconds to capture attention

auditory stimuli through video and audio transitions that separate the

What we just discussed is perfectly in line with this third point. The

the viewer to pay attention. A way to let the brain “rest” for a few seconds

number of videos and content typically found on YouTube and the

and keep the attention high.

Internet made it easier for users to get their questions answered. At the

There is no written rule on the number of transitions to insert in a video.

same time, competition has increased dramatically for those who provide

It is not necessary to interrupt the narration every 10 seconds, however,

such answers.

keeping the same shot with the same music or narration voice for more

For this reason, immediately capturing the attention of our audience is

than a few minutes could decrease the level of attention of the viewer.

important to ensure that the user keeps watching the video. In practice,

The RoomieOfficial video of Figure 3 (https://www.youtube.com/

(almost) everything depends on the first 10 seconds of the video.

watch?v=iQFt2VCwHKY ) gives a good idea of what it means to create

How to immediately grab the attention of those who watch our video?

visual and auditory stimuli to keep the level of attention high. Clearly,

One of the most used expedients is to start the video (even before the

the content covered in the video lends itself to short but frequent

intro) showing the noteworthy moments/topics that will be addressed

interruptions. However, it is not a rule that applies to everyone: it will be

in the following minutes. A sort of teaser to encourage users to keep

up to us to decide how many transitions to use based on the length of the

watching. Let’s see some examples.

video, the communication style and the topic at hand.

various moments of the video, creating breaks in the narrative that force



ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2022 JUNE - N. 42


5. Use cards and the end screen When uploading a video to YouTube, the platform provides us with two very interesting expedients to create a common thread with the other videos on our channel and with the channel itself: • Cards, that is, small boxes that can be clicked by the user and that appear at the top right of the video. Cards can link to another uploaded video, to a playlist, to the channel or, if we are a YouTube Partner, to a direct link. This tool is particularly


useful if, for example, during the narration we mention a product we had already discussed in the past: when we mention it, we can add a card that refers to that particular video, so that the user can easily learn more about it, if interested (Fig. 4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yiTYNTGWT8&t=471s). • The end screen, which consists of a clickable screen that appears in the last few seconds of the video. This screen can be customized with different elements: references to other videos or playlists or a call to action that invites users to subscribe to the channel (Fig. 5, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu6IdivSGA&t=347s).

6. Optimize title and description The title is certainly one of the most important elements of our video. Together


with the thumbnail (which we will address shortly), it is also one of the first pieces of information that the user comes into contact with and that the algorithm uses to show the most relevant results to the user’s query. It is better to opt for short titles that contain keywords related to the topic covered by the video and that briefly explain what users can expect by watching it. Above all, avoid click bait titles. The description also plays a fundamental role in providing accurate information about our video to both users and the YouTube algorithm. Therefore, it is equally important to include keywords related to our content in the description. Furthermore, we can use the description to divide our video into chapters, simply by entering a timestamp and a brief description of what is being discussed in that specific clip. YouTube will automatically create chapters that can be clicked by the user, so that they can quickly and easily choose which point of the video to watch,


based on their interest (Fig. 6).

7. Create a thumbnail As anticipated, within the YouTube feed, what immediately catches the eye is the title and the thumbnail, i.e., the preview image of the video. Although we can choose a frame of the video as a thumbnail, our advice is to create a customized one based on the content and the series the video belongs to. This will allow us not only to create a common thread between the contents of the same type but also to do branding and to make our video immediately stand out as such. This time around, as well, it is better to avoid misleading thumbnails, which show images that do not align with the content (Fig. 7). The videos for the “how to create a youtube thumbnail” query show, as a matter

6 48

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of fact, a thumbnail that aims at attracting users’ attention with the promise of providing them with an easy, fast or free solution (Fig. 8).


At the channel level, thumbnails help promote the brand image and make the content visually appealing.

8. Add subtitles Many people watch videos without audio, this is a fact and one of the reasons why most videos (whether they are on YouTube or other social media) have subtitles. However, subtitles are not only useful for those who are watching the video with the sound off. Let’s think, for instance, of those who do not have an advanced understanding of the language or who do not even speak the language spoken in the video. Adding subtitles not only allows people to read what they are hearing, making it easier to understand, but also to involve a wider audience, subtitling content in English (or another language generally spoken by our audience).


YouTube allows us to add subtitles created by us or to automatically generate them in the language spoken in the video. In the latter case, we will only have to check that the transcription is correct.

9. Organize videos in playlists To keep our channel organized and allow users to find and enjoy our content easily, we can create playlists in which to add our videos based on their topic (Fig. 9). In addition, by clicking on a playlist, YouTube will automatically play all the videos in that playlist (Fig. 10). Therefore, playlists are not only useful for organizing content but are also a simple


and functional way to promote other videos on the channel and provide users with comprehensive information.

10. Create calls to action As in any self-respecting marketing activity, we cannot fail to create calls to action that invite users to perform a certain action: like, comment, subscribe to the channel, activate notifications, watch another video, visit the website, follow us on other social channels, contact us by email etc. The possibilities are truly endless! There are also several ways to integrate them into our videos: we can explicitly say it during the video, perhaps asking users to comment on a specific topic addressed during the video; we can wrap up the video by inviting users to keep following us; we can take advantage of the aforementioned end screen or rely on more “ingenious” methods such as the “Subscribe” t-shirt worn by the presenter of


the previous screenshot. ‹

Scan or click the QR code to read this article in our blog and to watch the videos and leave your comment on it


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IVS 2022 Wraps up With Record Numbers: 12 Thousand Visitors from Over 60 Countries The fourth edition of Industrial Valve Summit recorded the highest number of visitors, exhibitors, exhibition space and number of scientific conferences.

© PhotoLombardi


© PhotoLombardi

he fourth edition of IVS - Industrial Valve Summit, the most important

During the three-day event in Bergamo, various studies and analyses

international event dedicated to industrial valve technologies and flow

were presented and the state of the art of the sector was illustrated on a

control solutions, promoted by Confindustria Bergamo and Promoberg,

national and international level.

which took place at the Bergamo Exhibition Centre (Italy) from 24th to 26th

“The 2022 edition of Industrial Valve Summit - says Stefano Scaglia,

May, wrapped up with record numbers.

President of Confindustria Bergamo - has further confirmed the

Despite the travel restrictions that are still in effect in some areas of

importance of an event stemming from the virtuous collaboration

the world and the delicate evolutions that the global scenarios have

between companies in the area and strongly supported by the

undergone in recent years, the fourth edition of the Summit ended with

Association. IVS has consolidated a great deal in recent years, despite the

a final attendance of 12,000 visitors, from over 60 countries representing

stop due to the pandemic, highlighting all the potential of an attentive

all five continents, marking an even higher attendance than the third

approach to the supply chain, thanks to which a district of excellence can

Summit. IVS welcomed almost 300 exhibitors (+17% compared to the

be valorised at an international level”.

last edition) representing 12 countries: in addition to Italy, these were

“We are very pleased with this result, which was anything but taken for

Germany, Great Britain, the United States of America, France, South

granted, given the turmoil that has characterised the last few years -

Korea, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, South Africa, Turkey and the

commented Fabio Sannino, Presidente of Promoberg. The response from

Czech Republic. Record-breaking is also the surface area of the Summit,

operators, buyers, and foreign delegations was excellent, and they had

which has expanded to a total of 15 thousand square metres in 2022,

the opportunity to develop trade relations and business opportunities

thanks to the creation of a third pavilion. These numbers tell how IVS

under the best conditions. The thousands of people involved by IVS were

has become an essential appointment for the entire global supply chain

able to get to know Bergamo also from a tourist point of view, with very

connected to industrial valves and flow control.

positive spin-offs for the hospitality industry and for the promotion of our

The conference part of the event consisted of five sessions of technical

territory at an international level”.

lectures, as many workshops, a discussion panel, and the round table, the

The event organisers have announced that the fifth edition of IVS will take

very first of its kind, which examined the role of hydrogen in the industry

place at the Bergamo Exhibition Centre on 15th and 16th May 2024.

in the light of the new scenarios connected to decarbonisation. Around 50 experts from across the globe took the floor.


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For further information: https://industrialvalvesummit.com


EURONAVAL Launches the SEAnnovation 2022 Call for Applications On Wednesday 30th March, Euronaval 2022, the world’s largest naval defence exhibition, which will be held in Paris Le-Bourget from 18th to 21st October 2022, launched its call for applications for SEAnnovation, the space dedicated to startups and technologies of the future, in partnership with EOLOS.


EAnnovation, the EURONAVAL exhibition’s business incubator

The SEAnnovation space, strategically located near the Ministry of

created in 2018, SEAnnovation is at the heart of the exhibition and

Defence and GICAN stands, allows startups to take advantage of the

aims to host and promote around thirty French and foreign startups in

exhibition’s international visibility to develop their reputation.

a dedicated space animated by round tables, keynotes and pitches over

SEAnnovation was one of the great successes of EURONAVAL 2018. The

the four days. All startups involved in technological innovation in the naval

French President, Emmanuel Macron, spent a long time at SEAnnovation

defence or dual-use sector, including vehicles of the future, predictive

to exchange with the startups during his visit to the exhibition. Application

maintenance, connectivity, cyber defence or artificial intelligence for

form available using this link: shorturl.at/abnA3

navies, are invited to apply. The aim is to cover all areas of naval defence expertise. Once the call for applications has closed, all the applications will

SEAnnovation key figures:

be examined by the Euronaval board and a maximum of 36 startups will

• 36 startups expected

be selected to exhibit at the exhibition under privileged conditions.

• 18 pitch sessions each day, i.e. 2 pitches per startup over the four days of the exhibition

Enter into an ecosystem dedicated to innovation

• 129 official delegations from 64 countries present at the exhibition

For the selected startups, this is a unique opportunity to get to know the

• 25,000 professional visitors.

naval industry’s prime contractors, to meet naval officers and decisionmakers from all over the world.

For further information: www.euronaval.fr

© Euronaval

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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti

Massimo Cornago

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan - Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Edoardo Tevere

ISSN 2282-1767

Protective Coatings ®

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Prof. Paolo Gronchi Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section

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Indipendent Nace inspector lev. 3 QC/QA

Ing. Luca Valentinelli Materials Engineer, PhD, Nace inspector lev.3

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