C oncr e te equipment manu f ac tur er PMSA has introduced a high-tech offpacking system for the world’s largest
PRODUCT OFF-PACKING SYSTEMS brick-, block- and paver-making plants. The CMA non-producer member’s
new ULTRA off-packing system provides manufacturers with a variety of options for the removal and packing of cured products from production boards into packs. It can handle production board sizes up to 1 500mm x 1 500mm and is capable of packing 650kg of concrete product per board. With cycle times of under 10 seconds, the ULT R A of f-packing system can achieve up to 3 200 production boards per nine-hour shift. Its servo-driven
marketplaces. This is in line with our
electric operation provides high-force
efforts to bring the best equipment to
and maximum travel speeds for ultra-
market to ensure our customers can
high-performance off-packing of cured
‘buy once, buy right’,” says Booysen.
products including bricks, pavers, maxi
“All our equipment is locally engi-
bricks, hollow blocks, special products,
neered and designed to withstand the
heavy kerbstones and products with up
most demanding conditions. The ULTRA
to 500mm end heights.
is built to last and operate for decades with minimal hassle and reduced down-
time. Longevity results in continually
PMSA’s marketing and sales manager,
reduced cost-to-capital, as this equip-
Quintin Booysen, explains that the
ment doesn’t need to be replaced for
rotating, four-sided servo-driven packer
many years.”
head has powerful clamping for heavy products and is primarily designed for
(Above and left): PMSA’s ULTRA off-packer.
use with a stacker and de-stacker. “ULTRA is our top-of-the-range offpacking system and can be used with
Features of the ULTRA off-packer
ULTRA-3000, RE1400, RE1400-LITE,
• Robustly constructed portal
VB4X and VB4 plants. “The design of the ULTRA off-packing system enables high efficiency and pro-
frame ensures minimal de-
flection and longevity of the
duction capacities, as well as effortless
• Powerful four-sided, servo-
and precise packing of products ready for
driven clamping enables easy
strapping. It’s ideal for fully automated
li f ting o f h e a v y p r o du c t s,
packaging systems where its precision
such as kerbstones and special
movements reduce breakages and waste.
“We designed it to surpass all packing
• Servo and belt-driven cross-
systems in terms of speed, accuracy and
tr a v el o f the p acker he ad
longevity through meticulous engineering
ensures the highest precision
design and the use of the world’s latest
and rapid movement of light
technologies. As a result, it includes
or heavy loads.
servo-driven controls and operation for
• The 180º rotating packer head
the highest productivity and heaviest
products and the most precise packing.
nated during packing for even
product packs.
enables layers to be alter-
• Powerful servo-driven system
“As a South African company, we’re
enables packing of up to 650kg
proud to introduce this world-beating
of products per layer.
solution to the local and international