GREENER AGGREGATES FOR CONCRETE Sustainable construction needs to start
mentally conscious companies who’re
at the very foundations of all business
active ASPASA members,” says Pienaar.
projects, with the sand and aggregates that constitute the largest part of just
Keep it green
about every construction project.
Building pr o f e ssionals sh ould also
This is an often-overlooked element
remember that unscrupulously operated
o f sus t ain ab l e c o ns tr u c ti o n . I t is
pits and quarries scar the environments
required that all materials used for
and contaminate water courses. Damage
ground stabilisation and concrete be
in these cases is most often left for
manufactured with sand and stone which
ready-mix or precast concrete suppliers,
future generations to clean up. That
is procured through registered legal
should be able to prove that the supply-
is why mines and quarries belonging to
entities that adhere to all the relevant
ing mine is operating with a valid mining
ASPASA have thrown their full weight
legislation relating to the environment.
licence from the Department of Mineral
behind programmes to help protect
Nico Pienaar, director of the surface
Resources & Energy (DMRE), has land-
the environment upfront and adopt
mining industry association ASPASA,
use rights from the local, provincial and
sustainable mining practices in their
sa y s tha t all t o o o f t en, sand and
national authorities, and is complying
everyday operations.
stone are overlooked by green building
with all relevant environmental protec-
practitioners, yet they constitute the
tion requirements.
“Increasing environmental awareness has prompted our members to lead by
largest component of any construction
“It’s an unfortunate fact that illegal
example and adopt a comprehensive
work. By volume, sand and stone make up
mining practices continue to scar our
compliance programme which ensures
by far the biggest percentage of the dry
landscapes and diminish the lives of sur-
compliance with regional and national
mix of concrete and it is vitally important
rounding communities and others who’re
by-laws and legislation, and requires all
that a paper trail be followed to ensure
affected by the practice. That’s why we
members' sites to be audited on an annual
the materials are obtained from legal
urgently call upon all involved in sustain-
basis to confirm compliance. The DMRE
mining operations.
able and green building projects to make
may also use the information for future
use of materials from legal and environ-
mining licence decisions,” adds Pienaar.
Sand and stone suppliers, as well as
Find our branches at
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SUITABLE FOR: • Car parks • Industrial Estates • Retail Centres • Pedestrian areas • Domestic Drives • Motorways | Garages • Service areas
| k erb s | erosi on
APPLICATIONS: • Tongue & groove • Standard grey or traffic calming colours • Precast • Various sizes available • Highest quality
(Above): Environmentally responsible aggregates.
tio n | r et a i
ni n g
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s|d rain age
Technicrete is a subsidiary of ISG, a leading supplier of innovative infrastructure products to the construction and mining markets in Southern Africa.