THE RHYTHM OF THE BUTTERFLY Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa
It's me your tongue I am, who I am, and it's me your tongue, The only portion, boneless and flexible. I possess no boundaries or limitations And I keep sledding until you cease, to sin And share the compeer share you hold. Let me spell a few to forefend muteness To not to be a worthless witness by and by, Of you and the God who dwell in Eden. But, if you let me overuse it all through, I shall be a fool for a multitude in words Rather, few it should be without blabber To vindicate or confess the verity within. Use me, but never to testify as a liar And salvage me from bearing false attest Of your neighbor and heaven together. Use me, but never to gossip or backbite Of others, to discord who aren't in front.