THE RHYTHM OF THE BUTTERFLY Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa
PREFACE The word Poetry is derived from the Greek word “Poiein” which means, “to make.” Poetry is literature in metrical form that resembles beauty and the evocation of feeling. It is the expression of human thought in a musical form that involves figures of speech, rhyme, and rhythm that create ideas and feelings. This book contains one hundred and thirty-one Poems that cover a wide range of themes. This book will encourage a productive exploration that feeds the confidence of the readers both to develop their own responses and to read and enjoy poetry in the target language on their own. The rhythm or the images conveyed in this booklet may not appeal to some readers. They have to choose the most appropriate one for their own taste and interest. I hope that the reader will find this book a delightful source of inspiration that stimulates their reading habits and makes reading a pleasurable pursuit. Santosh Kumar Biswa 1