THE RHYTHM OF THE BUTTERFLY Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa
Almighty God I am, I’m afraid Almighty God I am, let me not be saddened, Let me not be an object to the position held. Often I see you, so mean to derive my name At any account for the fame you long for, Often for the power you want to make And make the world that observes, not me. I made, not to overrule, but to spread the love, Be it any one, to design the world, I longed for. Neither did I divide you nor did I ask you to do, Only, it pricks my mind every now and then, You being divided otherwise, so mean with all, That exactly makes my enemy gain victory, Over you and to have my mission neglected. Why among you divide and flow? I’m afraid, Let it be who you're, stick to what you should, But come, the way I desire not the means. Fights among you an ego that liveth in you Not me, what's asked, but of Satan, it wants. Come to me on any score, but not by man, Let not be deluded by the hungry heart, For those hearts do not favor only themselves. 145