THE RHYTHM OF THE BUTTERFLY Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa
Come back How jovial I was when you came into my life. Vividly, I call up the pledges you made, That of lasting dreams, until our death. But today, where are those pledges? Oh dear! Whom shall I impugn, you or myself? Maybe I shall, do me, because I dared you a great deal, More than myself, with all my creeds. Maybe in her, you grasped more dreams than mine, So young, with her splendor, just on her skin, Not like me, so much older and no more the charm as of before. Dear! Not for me, but I plead for the kids, Do that not, they scream for your love now and then, Is that your incentive, being the father? Your blood they are, for I see darkness in them.