THE RHYTHM OF THE BUTTERFLY Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa
Beauty and Mind Upon whom shall I bestow? My eyes or my mind, for the choice, For if I prefer my eyes, my mind shall object, And if my mind, my eyes shall not traverse, I’m in a dilemma to end with my conclusion. Ever since she walked-in in beauty, Onto my wheels, me alone on the paving, The miracle overruled me, upon her beauty, And my still eyes just on her, nothing else, Equally if, heaven befell in front of me. Her gradual movement towards me, With her thin wet lips slightly with eagerness, And her inviting dimple right on her left, Pushed me to wonder, with stars solitarily, Together with sweet melodic lines around. Speechless I became, upon her silky threads, When they swam through my face, so gently, And her rapid smell right into my descent, That took my belief out of my psyche, With no notice to my mind before muteness. 55