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The exhibition “Doers” in the Museum of New Art delivers a cross-section of the best of Estonian textile art; the audience can get an overview of the works of the artists that have been nominated Textile Artist of the Year through decades. The accompanying publication reveals the creative background of the artists and is an opportunity to learn about the creation of the works seen in the exhibition. The artists open the doors of their ateliers and speak about what drives them and what they dream about while working. Ample selection of photographs unmasks the artists’ work process and the publication gives an overview of the authors’ creative work and acknowledgements through years. The Estonian Textile Artists’ Association (ETAA) has given out yearly awards since 1996. The laureates are chosen by a jury of representatives of different creative fields and art institutions, always including delegates from the Estonian Artists’ Association and the Estonian Museum of Applied Arts and Design. Textile Artist of the Year is chosen based on the creative achievements of past year at the beginning of next year. The jury makes its decision relying on

the submitted portfolios and additional materials. Throughout the years, this has been an excellent opportunity to acknowledge our colleagues, candidates can be set forth by all the members of ETAA. The nominees are confirmed, and the jury is summoned by the board of the Estonian Textile Artists’ Association, the association is represented in the jury by last year’s laureates. As a rule, the textile artists who have won the award last year, cannot be nominated. Over the years, sixteen artists have been nominated the Textile Artist of the Year award: Elna Kaasik, Mare Kelpman, Peeter Kuutma, Krista Leesi, Maasike Maasik, Lylian Meister, Aet Ollisaar, Kadi Pajupuu, Ene Pars, Erika Pedak, Katrin Pere, Tiina Puhkan, Ülle Raadik, Anu Raud, Kaire Tali and Milvi Thalheim. Katrin Pere and Mare Kelpman have received the award three times, Erika Pedak, Krista Leesi and Tiina Puhkan have been awarded two times. The jury can highlight nominees or give out special prizes and acknowledge distinguished authors in different fields (e.g. best product, best interior design, best textile writing, best group exhibition etc).

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