12 Getting Started
Benefits of a Keto Diet Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain more energy, improve your neurological health or sleep, or just feel better overall, the keto diet is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on your life! Weight Loss When you eat a high-carbohydrate diet, your blood glucose is elevated, leading to the release of insulin. This process sends a signal to your body to store energy as glycogen, which is then converted to fat. This can lead to abdominal obesity, a condition in which fat is stored in your stomach area—a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. A keto diet prevents your body from releasing too much insulin, and instead encourages your body to burn fat for energy. This fat burning helps shrink your waistline and avoid many of those health risk factors—a win-win!
Steady Energy As you learned earlier, unlike glucose (which is more concentrated in the liver and muscle and is generally limited to less than 1,000 calories total or converted to body fat for use later), ketones are utilized by many different parts of the body for energy. This gives your body a steady source of energy rather than the up-and-down energy you get from eating a highcarbohydrate diet.