Expressing GRIEF through ART with Allison Orthner
Grief. It’s not a pleasant topic. In fact, we try to avoid it. The reality is, however, that we will all face grief at some point in our lives to various degrees. Those who have experienced a deep grief journey will attest to the fact that you don’t ever “get over” it, but you can get through it to a “new normal.” There is always hope. One of the things I have learned through my own grief journey, is that creating art is soul-soothing.
“The main purpose of Soul ART is to dig deep into important matters of the heart and soul through simple art that anyone can do.”
OUR ANGEL IN HEAVEN Stephanie Gammon Smithfield, North Carolina SUPPLIES: Brea Reese heave body acrylic paints and glitter ink, Craft Smart acrylic paint, Sweet ’n Sassy stamps, hymnal page.
SCRAPS OF INFO Stephanie created this canvas a few days after her dad passed away and used the hymn “Amazing Grace”, played at his funeral, to create the angel wings.
50 Creative Scrapbooker | Winter 2022/23