Success in this labor market starts with a look inside yourself. Every summer I take an annual restorative trip to Lily Dale, NY. This year, I stayed for about a week in order to attend some workshops, not feel like I was missing out on anything, and have the extra time to relax and breathe in the space. Lily Dale was established as a Spiritualist Camp back in the late 1800s. Although it’s gone by a few names, the Lily Dale Assembly is responsible for all the goings on in the small village that never stops celebrating Spirit. Even today, after all these years, when you enter the gates it’s almost like you’re transported into another dimension - the energy is so peaceful and calming. To be surrounded by like-minded individuals, no matter what your passion is, is always a comforting feeling. If you’ve had any discussions with me, or even visited my About page, you’ll know that for a long time I struggled with the polarity of my psychic abilities versus my business sense. It’s two very different worlds. Blue Moon Growth Co was established to bring together those two worlds for others out there feeling like they’re split into 2 beings - one spiritual, one professional. This year, I set an intention to become more connected to my spiritual self and help guide success for Blue Moon Growth. HOLY shit, did the 284
universe deliver. As I sat in a group reading at Inspiration Stump, I had a realization: “This is exactly how intuitive business guidance should work.” How many times have you been to a business seminar, sat in the audience, and thought, “Oh wow, great question - I better listen because this definitely could apply to me…” or alternatively, “Oh wow…. what a question… definitely never doing business with that guy.” This isn’t all that different from spirit readings. We listen in for evidence and messages that could apply to our own situation. Whether or not that message was directed at you, there are still pieces that apply, or at the very least provide some guidelines as a takeaway. And hey, when it is specifically for you, that’s kind of an amazing feeling. Guidance from outside ourselves, especially from a loved one who’s passed, is miraculous because it’s intangible to most. However, it’s never far away and sometimes we just need to learn ways to tune in. When it comes to business, every organization has a particular vision, strategy, and make up - not two are identical. There’s a ton of business consultants out there, but they’re often focused on marketing strategy, specialize in compliance without consideration to culture or human behavior, or give generalized advice on your day to day (schedule blocks of time to review emails? Ok, noted.) Don’t me wrong, these things have their place and are beneficial
partnerships and advice. But, how many out there are really connected to you - owner, operator, leader - the energy of the business itself, and can apply your soul energies into your business operations. Imagine working with a consultant that is the best of both worlds (shameless plug for Blue Moon Growth Co, hello!). But for real, imagine, for a second, you’re a professional working for an employer that truly values this holistic side of business without getting all weird with it. How much more fulfilling would your days be if you clocked out and felt like your authentic self was embraced and you were made available to practice your skills - even if just for a few hours. This labor market is insane. Employees are looking for support in many areas, not limited to a livable wage, affordable benefits, flexible working hours and remote work opportunities. Pizza Wednesdays, birthday cakes, and Jeans Friday’s aren’t gonna cut it anymore. Employees seek real holistic support financial, mental, social, and spiritual. And I have breaking news. This is an employee’s market. Candidates have endless opportunities available, and they are being picky, as they should be! Next time you’re driving down main street, go ahead and count the “Now Hiring” signs. Tables are turning, folks. Employers need to seriously step it up. I’ll spare you from my long astrological explanation of why this massive shift