Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) provide on-demand rideshare or ridehailing service to allow users to request a shared or personal ride in real-time using a mobile app. The app can link passengers with available drivers based on the trip’s origin and destination, while also identifying the quickest route.
Source: Kimley-Horn and Associates
DESIGN FEATURES Allow shared or flexible curb space on busy, urban streets so that different functions can use curbs at different peak times or so they can share the same space during specified hours
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Consider partnerships with TNCs to promote carpooling to areas that experience high demand for parking (e.g., downtown district, transit station)
Designate TNC pick-up/drop-off areas along the curb or within parking lots for passenger loading and unloading to make rideshare services more efficient, while also reducing instances of double-parking or idling
MENIFEE Active Transportation Plan
Accompany wayfinding signs with TNC pick-up/drop-off areas to clearly communicate the location to both passengers and drivers
Work with TNCs to create in-app prompts to direct people to dedicated pick-up areas Consider converting parking spaces to TNC pick-up/drop-off areas within a parking lot or passenger loading zones along a curb
Source: Significon
ITDP, Ride Fair: A Policy Framework for Managing Transportation Network Companies SANDAG and ICTIC, Mobility Hub Catalog (December 2017) Significon, Ride App Pickup: Creation of a new Standard