Events KY Year is filled with various events - there definitely is something for everyone! Here are some of the highlights of the year gathered. During Mursu Expo, you will hear more about these and many more. Remember also to join KY Events on Facebook to stay updated.
Orientation week is not only about adapting to the academic world, but also getting to know KY and Aalto, their associations and what they can offer. This includes events ranging from getting to know our community through Otasuunnistus, Aalto Party and Aalto Amazing Race, to getting to know your fellow mursus at Jäänmurtajaiset, Mursujaiset, and Mursu Party or Meet Your Masters, if you are an incoming Master’s student. The whole Orientation week is filled with amazing events for you to meet new people and gain a grasp of what being a student at Aalto University School of Business is all about. KY, as well as the orientation week, is not only about the boozy nights. To ensure this, KY’s Sports and Wellbeing Committee LiHy organizes a playful sports event, Mursu Championships, where tutor groups compete against each other and which is one of the many places where you can get to know KY’s sports associations. At Mursu Expo, in the end of the week, you will get a chance to find out more about KY’s clubs, subcommittees, committees, subject clubs and everything else KY has to offer. Get to know the actors beforehand by reading this Guide! One highlight of the fall, and your KY years, is Mursujaiset. The 24-hour experience is an academic baptism for all new BIZ students, but we won’t reveal too much beforehand! Save the date, 10.9. (and maybe the day after), because this is something you do not want to miss.
Info evenings The weeks following orientation are filled with info evenings organised by various associations of KY. All three subcommittees and many of our clubs have one, so if you are intrigued on joining one, or just solely want to get to know the association better, we suggest you attend. In the info evenings, you will be told more about what the association does, will get to know the people in it and will be able to ask questions. They are also a great way to get to know fellow mursus better!
Welcome to KY!
Photo: Aino Röyskö
Orientation week and mursujaiset