Suomen Ekonomit You create your own future and we at The Finnish Business School Graduates want to be there to help you achieve your full potential! Together we form a community of like-minded people with the same educational background. Congratulations and welcome to Aalto University! We want to walk along with you - from the beginning of your studies and throughout your whole working life. The Finnish Business School Graduates was founded 1935 by former members of KY who wanted to spend more time together and support each other in their working life. Nowadays, we are a central organization for graduates and students in Economics and Business Administration. There are more than 50 000 of us, including 13 student societies across Finland. We warmly welcome you to join our community. When you sign up as a KY member, you automatically and free of charge become a student member. Our mission is to create a better working life for our members, but also to prepare and guide you along the way towards a career of your dreams.
As a student member you are entitled to several of our services free of charge, for example: •
Our legal counselors advise you every weekday between 9–12, tel. +358 20693205. You can also make an appointment in our booking calendar. They check employment contracts and give advice to many other work life related legal issues.
You can attend webinars, career clinics and group discussions related to career services
One of our main tasks is to negotiate labour market conditions on behalf of our members. For example, all Economics and Business Administration graduates get overall increases to their wages as a result of our negotiations in the labour market. When you experience turning points in working life, we help, find solutions and act as spokesmen for our community as well as for you. Follow your Kylli Saara and keep track on all member benefits and services you are entitled to! Read more: My name is Saara Oksanen and I am your local Kylli, which means that I work as a student liaison for the organization in Aalto University. Therefore I take care of most of the student related matters at Aalto. If you ever have any questions regarding the association or working life in general – or actually pretty much anything – just get in touch with me on Facebook, Instagram or send me an email or give me a call.
Saara Oksanen Student Liaison The Finnish Business School Graduates tel. 050 5524784 Facebook: Kylli Kylteri Instagram: kyllikylteri