We’re so happy you're here! Our goal here at Lovvare is that this mentorship will provide all the tools you need to share and be successful with your business!! Each of us has our own personal reasons, testimony and passion for being here, and it only takes a heart willing to share and help others!

Truly, YOU CAN do this business!
Let this course help guide you along your way. You will learn to share about Lovvare products, as well as about the technical-strategic side of the business.

Feel free to reach out to your sponsor if you have any questions.
Click to watch training video.

What drives you? The answer to this essential question can be that huge "driver" that helps you succeed. Once you determine why you are doing this business, you will have the necessary fuel to go far! This internal motivation will strengthen you to persevere through the highs and lows. In those moments where we feel discouraged, remembering your reason for doing this business in the first place is just what you need to achieve your goals.
REMEMBER the goodness of your dreams, and know that it is worth pursuing. When you start to achieve your goals, gratitude will keep you on the right track.
Are you here to -
Get free from living paycheck to paycheck
Get out of debt
Save for your kid’s college, a vacation, or a downpayment

Have the freedom to homeschool your kids
Create new friendships
Be part of a health-conscious
Be able to travel with your family
Use your gifts to teach and serve
Each of us has our own needs and wants that we would love to see happen through this business. After you think, pray, and decide upon yours, it's time to get started!

Think back to a time in your life when you were part of a community in which you were well cared for. Why was that community so supportive? What did it do, and not do?

Your community in the Lovvare business is the group of people which enroll with you (as well as with those you enroll). By that definition, you will be a leader in your community - but don't worry!

Just as that community you previously experienced probably did, leaders are simply those who serve with selfless love and enduring patience. They are kind, supportive, and encouraging. They treat others how they want to be treated, and lead by example. They make themselves available to help, as best as they can, and understand that everyone grows at their own pace.
As you lead with a positive influence, your community will be full of life, joy, and blessing. Every person will feel valued, no matter how they are doing business-wise. People may come and go as they are led, but they will remember, appreciate, and pass on your wonderful impact!
One common aim we all share with this business is the desire to bring in an income for ourselves and our families.

have to have
Lovvare is the PERFECT opportunity for a new business. The company is just getting started (literally, we’re just getting started), and a collagen like ours is unlike anything out there, just that one product alone is extremely relevant and needed in our world today. Take some time to get to know about our products and take careful note of your own personal journey with our products. Your testimony will be your most powerful tool!

To better understand how much of a blessing this business can be financially, there are two types of income we need to talk about: Active and Passive (Residual).
What Is Active Income?
Active income is earned as a direct trade-o for our time put in. This is how most jobs are. The upside of active income is that you can put in more hours, or work more jobs, to earn more income. But the downside is that your income is limited by your wage and the amount of time you can put in. Especially for those who have families and other important aspects to their life, it isn't feasible to be working all the time. So, active income is trading your time for money. This is the typical way most people earn an income, and there is nothing wrong with that. But most of those same people are also living paycheck-to-paycheck, and feel that their work is like a prison they must endure out of necessity. What if there was a better way to earn an income?
What Is Passive Income?
There is - it's residual (or passive) income!
What Is Residual (Or Passive) Income?
Residual income is when you continue to get paid after the work is done, because of your initial investment continuing to pay o . This includes royalties from books, movies, or songs, and also income that comes from business investments where you (eventually) don’t actually have to be present to continue to earn. Simply put, residual income comes from building an asset that continues to pay you after the initial setup work has been done. A rental property produces residual income for the landlord being paid rent, and a business is an asset to the business owner who does not need to be involved in the day-to-day activities anymore.
Click to watch training video.
A multi-level marketing opportunity, such as with being a LOVVARE brand partner, is a way to earn passive income. This is because you continue to receive commissions on all future orders of the people on your team! After someone enrolls, it is of course still important to maintain a good relationship with them, being a helpful and encouraging support to them and letting them know that you appreciate them being part of the team and community. But the work of enrolling them is only one time, at the beginning, and then you are blessed with the ability to continue earning on their future orders - as well as the orders of anyone that enrolls under them!

Because of the residual aspect, as well as the snowball e ect in which you even earn on the present and future orders of the people who enroll under those who you enroll, a multi-level marketing structure has a huge income potential!
Because of its amazing income potential, there are some in society who claim that multi-level marketing is an unfair or even illegal "pyramid scheme". This is not true (unless a company really does set up an illegal operation, which then by definition would not be a true multi-level marketing organization), for one simple reason: any person who enrolls today can absolutely out-earn someone who has been a distributor for years.

How is this true? It is because of the "leg" and "rank" structure for earning. Let me explain with a hypothetical scenario:
Person A wants to "play the system" and get rich on the backs of the work of everyone else. They enroll only one person
Person B, who is a superstar, enrolling thousands of people and developing a huge organization.

Person A sits back and believes that Person B's hard work will make them rich.
Is this true? Will they? Not at all! This is because no matter how large of an organization that Person B develops, for Person A, that organization is only 1 "leg". With just 1 leg in a multi-level marketing organization, you will only be able to achieve one of the lowest ranks, and therefore your income will be capped at one of the lowest levels.
This is the inherent protection against corruption that true multi-level marketing organizations have. In order to get to the higher levels of earning, you must attain to the higher ranks - which are only attainable by having many legs which are well-developed with many people in turn hitting higher ranks - all of which is only feasible by putting in the hard work and maintaining it along the way.
So in our example, Person B will dramatically out-earn Person A, even though Person A is technically their "upline" who was in the business before (maybe even years) Person B joined.
Hopefully this example also illustrates this point about LOVVARE's income potential: it is certainly there and great, but it's going to require real work along the way. And even after the snowball gets rolling, with people you enroll then in turn enrolling others, you still need to be present, working, sharing, helping, etc.
The income still is residual because you still are receiving the blessing of earning some commission on those future orders of those you enroll and even those who you didn't personally enroll but who enrolled under those you personally enrolled. But if you cease involvement completely, your ranks will only go down, and same with your income.
Just like the owner of a book, music album, etc., they need to continue developing and sharing if their earnings are to continue and grow. For specific numbers details on the ranks and pay, check out Module 4!
Each of us has our own needs and wants that we would love to see happen through this business. After you think, pray, and decide upon yours, it's time to get started!

One of the first things I encourage each of you to do before you begin stacking is to enroll your spouse! There are many benefits to enrolling them:

+ Since you are needing 2 legs and you’re already putting in the work, enrolling your spouse as one of your two is a GAME CHANGING MOVE!!
+ You’ll essentially earn double on the generation fast start bonus! You earn 50% on your personally enrolled brand partner which is your spouse. Here you earn 10% on his brand partners. WHILE he is earning 50% on that same person! See how the benefits stack up here?
+ This ensures that you have one solid leg you can count on and put all your e ort towards!
+ Distributors come and go, but with your spouse you have one VERY DEPENDABLE leg!
Click to watch training video.

Order your Lovvare products
Enroll in autoship with a min of 80pv to unlock all commissions available to you
Join our Lovvare facebook group for customers Lovvare
Join our business group on facebook Lovvare Brand Partners
Find your enrollment link and save it somewhere safe
Sign up for direct deposit
Download our Boards App to gain access to our business building tools
Share your Lovvare testimony with your friends
Find your TWO people to do this business with and consider setting up your spouse as one of your legs
Complete the business mentorship

Share! Share! Share ! Get creative in how you share!
There are platforms such as telegram, marco polo, instagram, youtube, pinterest, what’s app etc.
Hit 1000 in ETQV + flip active to hit your first rank as
- Track your progress as you use our products, and keep others updated - the highs and the lows can both be very encouraging to others. TAKE BEFORE AND AFTER pictures especially when using our collagen!

- Share other testimonies you hear that have personally impacted you.
- Make sure you’re in our Lovvare facebook group to see other’s testimonies posted there.

- Try to accompany testimonies with relevant science and research articles
- Remind that not everyone will have the same experience or testimony

more than

used from any one
from any one
more than
more than
be used from any one line (100,000)CEO


Organic sharing simply means sharing passionately but naturally, instead of forced, salesy, spammy, awkward or weird. Organic sharing does not mean passively sharing, only trying to enroll someone when the "perfect opportunity" arises where the person is practically begging to purchase LOVVARE products from you! It can be strategic. Here are some tips!
Be confident about what we o er, knowing how it can be helpful and why.
We share things all the time with our friends and family. Sharing should be that natural, where it truly comes from your heart.
Remember your testimony! Sharing your testimony related to our products is one of the most e ective ways of organically sharing.
You can still be intentional while organically sharing. Using the most helpful technology/apps, hashtags, etc. is completely fine as long as it is done within the context of sharing naturally.
share in order to help someone while also earning a commission, but holding every potential enrollment with an open hand. Don't be pushy, don't pressure, and be sure to let your friends and family know (although it shouldn't have to be said) that your relationship with them is not dependent at all upon them enrolling with you.

Be confident, yet humble - not ashamed or afraid to share in order to help someone while also earning a commission, but holding every potential enrollment with an open hand. Don't be pushy, don't pressure, and be sure to let your friends and family know (although it shouldn't have to be said) that your relationship with them is not dependent at all upon them enrolling with you.

Some ideas for “HITTING THE GROUND RUNNING” in this business

Have a plan, talk to your enroller for tips and use resources they share with you.
Set up your platform (social media page, website, etc.) that you will direct people to for sharing and enrolling. See needs around you and connect them to the products we o er.
Develop your testimony and share it consistently!
Collaborate with others (especially social media influencers), do giveaways to generate excitement. Have a running partner who will encourage you, keep you accountable, and you can share ideas with.
Don't feel the need to be the expert (and don't present yourself as one, unless you are), but get familiar with all we o er (basic Q & As, read up on the benefits of each product, Facebook group, etc) and be able to point people in the right direction regarding questions they have.
Integrity is essential for the success of any business, and is one of the foundational factors to building a strong solid and thriving network marketing organization (or any organization, for that matter).
Compromising your integrity, just to see a little growth, is simply a recipe for failure in the long term.

If you don’t know what makes LOVVARE unique, and if you don’t know what it can do, you’ll never know who you can share it with, or how to share it with them.
If you stay true to your values and standards of integrity that you set for yourself from the beginning, those values and standards become the very things that nurture and strengthen the life of your business for years to come. Building a team starts with building trust, and that starts with being genuine.
You see, if you truly believe in the product or service that you provide — so much so that you use it yourself — you are going to want to tell everyone about it, and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be as blessed as you are with the product or service.

Just as it is easy to spot a fake person from a mile away, you can also sense if a person is real, genuine, and trustworthy. That sincerity is evident through transparency, humility, and a heart for serving. On the other hand, the insincere person is known by their selfishness.
When you are inviting people to hear your story and share about your journey, the follow up is crucial.
This may come in the form of answering questions from the friend inquiring, asking another team member for additional help or resources to provide them, o ering an incentive, and being present to genuinely help them if they need anything.
Reminder: You’re bringing an opportunity and value to them, so don’t come across as needy. Your posture tells a lot!
Your success doesn’t hinge on any one person, so don’t be addicted to the outcome. It’s not about you. It’s about them.
Ask, ask, ask. The person you are trying to help is the center focus. Learn about their needs, and be genuine.
What are their struggles?
Why did they ask about our products?
How can you help fill that need?
Education on a topic?
Simply providing a listening ear?

Let’s talk Instagram! Posts and stories can serve as a really incredible way to share your brand, life, passions, and what makes you, YOU! This is how your current following will connect with you and how you will attract new people to follow you as well!

1Here are some basic tips when it comes to Instagram:
Finding your time will be even more important for Instagram.
The algorithm with Instagram is extremely picky about who it shows your post to. It will not open it up to a larger audience unless it has some engagement in the first 5 minutes!
Some hot times to post:
Not too early as many people are busy getting ready for their day and won’t see your post. For a lot us, that is 9:30am - 11:30am.
After kiddos are asleep or people are home from work, finished dinner and getting their chill on. For us, that is around 8:00pm.
This comes back to your branding. Make sure you know your brand, you’re in touch with it and share that!
Here’s the thing - we are wellness advocates. If we are sharing LOVVARE products but consistently sharing how we are sick, or that we are using and doing things that are not in line with our product, our audience may feel confused and not feel like it’s genuine when we share how we want them to try what we have to o er so they too can thrive in this life. We don’t have to pretend to be perfect, no one is! BUT, sharing about the areas in your life that reflect and are in line with wellness, will serve you. This can be so many di erent things!! Make your own yogurt? Talk about it! Have a garden? Show us! Also, sharing about your e ort to live a more natural life will connect with so many. There’s so much power behind “I used to do this. Now I do this.”
Having a feed that looks the way you want it to look, represents your style, and feel, is going to help you grow your following and network. Keeping the same preset on your photos will help a lot!
Stories, that’s where you can share more of the bits and pieces of your day. Instagram stories serve as an incredible platform to share about our products every single day without bombarding your personal feed with LOVVARE product photos. Now remember, this is just advice....you run your own business and can take anything you see here and do your own thing with it!
The more you can connect with other people on Instagram, the more you are not only going to make incredible new friendships, but person by person, you are creating your community!! A community of support, friendship and many times, this turns into growing your business! Remember, be a friend first.
Lets go over some ways to be sharing about LOVVARE in a way that doesn’t use sales language.

In short, this is authentic sharing.
You got your LOVVARE collagen in the mail and already are noticing a di erence. You can’t believe how fast it’s working. Your face looks so supple and are noticing less wrinkles…. In only a few weeks! Yep, we are right there with you! NOW if you could just get EVERYONE you know to understand just how amazing it is and the importance of replenishing your collagen is!! Well let us help you!!!
Selling is what we are all used to! Buy this! Isn’t this wonderful??!?! Now buy that! Oh and you need this and here’s why!!! Get 50% o TODAY ONLY and if you don’t buy it today then you will forever for the rest of your life regret it. Selling! It bombards us every single day. When we drive down the road, turn on the radio, open up facebook, it stares us in the face.
The LAST thing that we as a team want to do is just add to the voices of SELLING. Selling is constantly asking for something FROM people.
All of your Facebook or Instagram posts have turned into sign up incentives or LOVVARE posts in general.

Every time you hang out with your friends, you talk about them joining your team.
You bombard your best friends with texts asking them when they are going to enroll.
Every time you hang out with your friends, you talk about them joining your team.
You bombard your best friends with texts asking them when they are going to enroll.
This is a quick way to seclude yourself from even your closest friends. No one wants to be bombarded into buying something that they don’t understand or think
Here are some things that look like selling:
we want to share!!!
Now more than ever, people are building a community with friends online and that drawn to like minded individuals. You have something inside of you that makes you uniquely you. Did deep for that. Mine that out and let that be a part of how you are sharing. This will act as a magnet to attract those that genuinely desire to be a part of your circle and that you can authentically be a part of theirs!
Sally just posted on Facebook that her poor digestion and tummy troubles. Based one your level of relationship with Sally you may feel more comfortable doing

Reaching out to her directly and about how our trim-biotic will help her!

Share something in your stories that will resonate with her and pray she sees it. This we call passive sharing.

Darren Hardy from Success magazine calls it “the jab jab punch”. It’s also called the 80/20 rule.
80% of the time you are giving away….giving away information or perhaps samples and sharing your 20% of the time you are selling. Some people even do the 90/10 rule and only posting about “selling” something 10% of the time. So take this into account. Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram account and see how often you’re talking about LOVVARE. Make sure that it hasn’t completely taken over your feed.
Everything that you’re posting about has a narrative, so we want to be sure that your story is one that is always adding value to others.

I want you to write out the top 5 things you want your business to be known for.
To give you an example, here are the top 5 things I personally want my business organization to be known

Ya'll, this is so so huge!! Following up with your new members can literally be the reason they stick with their supplements - or run far away! (haha...which we DON'T want!! ) Through their wellness journey, they WILL have questions, so you want them to feel free to come to you instead of just quitting.
Here are a few simple ways you can help your people feel welcomed and connected!

Send them a short + sweet welcome email

Add your new member to the Facebook group and tag them in the pinned post
Make sure to touch base when their product arrives in the mail to walk them through how to use it. Meet up to help them to explain all they need to know to begin their journey, or facetime is super great for long distance!

The first and most important thing that you should do before trying to share – is get to know the products first. Learn everything you can about it.
You can’t know your customers, until you know what exactly it is your sharing. You’ve got to know what SOLUTIONS it can provide for people. You can't fix a problem until you have a solution – and that’s what we’re doing with LOVVARE. We’re providing a solution with service.
One of the biggest things to do while learning about the product is learn what it CANNOT do. Our products will NOT treat or cure any disease. It won’t “cure” your IBS, it won’t “heal” someone’s eczema, and it won’t “make your hair grow back in 1000 fold”. There is absolutely no way we can say any of these things – because they are not true. We have no way to tell what the outcome of using our products will be the same for every person. Plus, using these statements (which rightfully so) could bring some unwanted attention from the government– which is probably the last thing we want.
Always be sure to lead with your enthusiasm and passion! If you’re excited about the possibilities that LOVVARE can bring – GOOD! Let it show! People will notice that, and that kind of excitement is contagious. If someone’s excited about something people usually are curious why. That’s a cheap/free way to give a nice boost to your sharing. Make sure it’s authentic, and if it’s not people will see through that.
but the algorithms on Facebook boost the popularity and exposure of Lives over other videos. Guess what – it’s FREEEEEEEEE too. People also like to know who they’re buying something from. You’re not just a product – you’re a face, which one are you putting forward when talking about LOVVARE? People want to hear your story and why YOU are using it. Keep it short, keep it honest, keep it simple. Just tell your story (as FDA compliant as possible) and keep it positive! Videos under 60 seconds are best –or people aren’t going to listen. Even those as short as 15 seconds long work (literally – a video of you mixing your collagen in your cup. There are no rules here – so don’t try to follow them. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

Teaching your team about this residual income concept allows true DUPLICATION to happen. Not continuing to put new wine in old wineskin and running back to the old days where everything depends on YOU, but instead empowering OTHERS to run the race WITH you!! You aren’t the one balance that everything is weighing on. There are hundreds of people who are going to run with you to pull this thing uphill.
We’ve got to be STRATEGIC about our time! If we don’t have a plan for our time, we will NOT be productive - we will feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and TIRED! No thanks!

Let’s make a plan!
Think through your ideal (and realistic) week! What does it look like? What do you want to prioritize?
Are you wanting to be ALL IN with the kids? Are you wanting to catch up with friends? Wanna go for a run 3 times a week?
STRATEGIZE to find 30 min to ONE hour of uninterrupted time to work. Turn o everything. Silence your computer and phone. The amount of work you can get done when you are focused is exponential if you #1 know what needs to be done #2 you are undistracted Set some intentions as you sit down to work and make it a goal to complete the tasks you set out to accomplish!!
A goal without a plan is just a wish

Our compensation plan was designed to bless those who are casually sharing via word of mouth and those who want to pursue it on a more intentional level to create a lasting legacy income for their family.
Click to watch training video.
For more in depth information regarding the compensation plane, please refer to the comp plan document found in your back o ce and watch the accompanying video that goes along with this mentorship.

For every customer you introduce to LOVVARE, you will earn 50% commission on the volume of initial and all recurring orders.
In the first 60 days, you’ll be paid for your New Brand Partner enrollments and their Brand Partner enrollments 4 generations deep.
In your first 60 days, you can earn between $500 - $17,500 in FAST TRACK BONUSES when you progress from Director to CEO.
volume based on rank. Lower volume
Earn up to 20%
are paid out as a % and capped at $200,000 a month
On the
Earn a
with the



receive 30% of her $10,000, which is a $3,000 Matching Bonus.

If Sue enrolls Mike, and Mike earns $2,000 form his dual team pay for the same month,
will earn 10% of the $2,000, which is $200 Matching Bonus.

Everything that you do will be done over and over and over by everyone who signs up below you. So it’s really important that we are strategic with the things we are communicating even when it comes to our brand!! Our people will duplicate what we do! THIS is the magic of this business! You enroll friends and teach them how to enroll. Then your friends enroll and they teach their friends how to enroll! THIS way the entire structure and responsibility of the business don’t fall on YOU.
When you connect with 2 new peeps, teach 2 classes, the inevitable is gonna happen — You are going to most likely enroll 2 people!

Teach your 2 to do exactly what you did!
2 a month is 24 new members a year! And just imagine what happens when you focus on duplication - teaching 2 to teach 2. Teaching THEM to do the Power of 2! This means that they are bringing in 24 new members a year, and then THEY are teaching their 2 to enroll 24 a year as well. And it just keeps going. This is where momentum starts to happen, and your team explodes.
New enrollment s = fresh energy. Enrollments, Returning Customers, and Duplication are the foundation of a thriving business.


Furthermore, your positive attitude will positively impact your LOVVARE community around you! They will imitate you in putting people before profit, and the entire community will become so much more genuine and full of life.


Here’s the deal -- we ALL want to be Royal Diamond CEO one day.
We have a HUGE visions to:
We have a HUGE visions to:
Pay o Debt
Go on Vacation
Not Live Paycheck to Paycheck
Give/Tithe More
Put Our Kids Through CollegeDebt Free
Retire Our Husband’s From a Job they Hate
Be at Home with Our Babies
Buy a farm ( okay maybe that's just me :D )
Finally Help Women to Find their PURPOSE
Put Our Kids in Extra Curricular Activities
Have Financial Freedom to JUST go to TARGET!
IF you want this - I mean really want this - there has never been a MORE important time to be intentional. Write down and put into action what YOU will do to get to there!
You can’t always control the output, but you can always control the input. ALSO - if what you write down seems to make your heart beat a little bit faster, then you are probably on the right track.
When you are a ROYAL DIAMOND CEO - these will be the "make it or break it" lid-lifting moments you will share to the thousands of leaders who will be on your team. There is SO much power in writing down, in faith, what you will get to experience in the future!
I hear all the time " I want this but...."
There are sweet mamas with kids all at home ROCKING this business, homeschool moms, working moms, full time students juggling multiple jobs.....
Change your wording from " we are so busy or I can't do this right now because..." to... " this just isn't the right season for us".
Because the excuses and the belief in your wording can be so toxic - you might actually start to believe that things are slow because it's just not working or because of the busy.
"You HAVE to make it happen, it's not "just going to happen. No excuses, guys. Stop "wishing," "dreaming," "believing" and "trying."
Don't use any of these as an excuse to avoid the things you know you need to be doing! We will mess up when we "do" things - but you know what? It's OK! If you make a mistake, learn from it, move on, do it better the next time! So, what are you going to DO today?!
Here are some ideas!
People aren’t buying a product –they’re buying YOU.
Without your “driver”, you’re less motivated. It’s di cult to stay the course when you don’t have something that’s driving you to show up and share.
People need to know they can count on you. If you’re only available “now and then”, that’s when you’ll get sales.
I believe with all my heart that each family can experience incredible freedom through this business- I want to share this amazing opportunity with them! What are ways your life has already changed?
I believe that God has given each of us with this business such a sweet responsibility. To share about the possibilities for improving our health, to share about the potential for financial freedom, and most of all to share about HIM and His goodness.
What drives you? Do you know what residual income can do for your family? Do you have your WHY written out to visit each day? Do you know where you are going and WHY you want to be there? For me, it means I am building something that will bless our family for years to come. It means we are FREE to pursue our dreams and our calling. It means we are on a road to be debt free. What does it mean for you?

Write out 10 characteristics that you would WANT in a leader on your team. Take time to recognize where you are with each characteristic. Is this something that you yourself exhibit?

Next to each characteristic you wrote down, on a scale of 1-10, identify what you would rate yourself for this characteristic. This will help you realize where you yourself need to be developed while you are leading your team! Being a leader who is willing to learn is a huge key to success. This list will help you know where to start.
Your Team