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Mengikis Mimpimu

Self-Improvement Is More Important

T h a n Y o u r O v e r t h i n k i n g


By: Fahri Pasya & Sheila Maharani | Designer: Rinda Wahyuni | Ilustrator: Adib Faiz A.A.

Have you ever thought negatively, about something that hasn't happened? Even feeling anxious for a period of that time? It is part overthinking. Overthink is a condition where we think about something that hasn't happened excessively, have negative prejudice for something excessively, or have excessive anxiety. This case often occurs in a person with various factors such as fatigue, excessive fear, and some environmental factors that make a sudden change of your condition and so on.

For example, when we are dealing with lecture assignments that must be asked of the lecturer. Therefore, we have to contact him first. When we start to type a message, then you feel fear if your message just left in read and will not be responded to by your lecturer. There was excessive anxiety, what if the lecturer who was contacted turned out to be angry with you because the questions asked were too cliché. Then we hesitate to contact him because of our thoughts run over us. These thoughts can be made from things that cause the emotions that released by the lecturer while teaching in class and some unpleasant stories about the lecturer from other classes. That's why arise a feeling that we don't want him to get angry later. There are several things that can be done to reduce the frequency of overthinking, namely:

Control your emotions in yourself.


Starting to think positively under certain conditions.

Reducing social media consumption if there is a toxic thing.

Doing self-improvement in stages according to ability. In this case, self-improvement is needed to increase capacity and self-quality so that it can be better. The main step so that we can make self-improvement is to grow motivation within ourselves, find out why we need to improve our abilities, then know the benefits we get from doing self-improvement.

Then why is selfimprovement important to do?

Developing ourselves better than the previous

Being the best version of yourself than the previous one, can make you comfortable in carrying out our daily lives. There is no need to envy other people for what they have, we should focus more on what we own in achieving what we want to achieve. You have your own benchmark, don’t use others

2. Increase selfconfidence

This one cannot be done instantly, it needs to be trained and used. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Don't be afraid of differences, because it is a natural thing. You just need to believe in your own abilities. You just haven't realized your potential.

3. Respect yourself.

The most important thing before developing the capacity and quality of yourself is to respect yourself well. How can other people respect you, even though you don't do the same thing. In this case we need to know our own strengths and weaknesses in order to determine how much capacity we can get and how much quality we can achieve. I'm not in competition with anyone but myself. My goals is to improve myself continuously -Bill Gates

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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