This body of water has a high ancestral value for the community of Dziuche, because it still celebrates rituals linked to the Mayan culture, such as "Las Primicias", to give thanks to the deities for the rain and the sun, and renew the vows with nature, with Mother Earth, in which all the people participate, which guarantees the conservation of their traditions, and uses and customs. "It's a privilege to have the lagoon. To take care of it, we have rules such as Ejido, which prohibit motorboats, so as not to affect the fauna and stromatolites; not a single tree is cut down 100 meters away, because we seek to take care, thinking about the next generations, "says the ejido authority. The representatives of the Ejidal Commissariat stressed that behind the declaration of natural area, there is interest in taking away the lands and the management of the lagoon system, because there are documents in which "through puns", they restrict the use of resources within the polygon…” Although this declaration was clearly illegal, and demonstrates again the strategies of dispossession carried out by the promoters of PNA, it is also exemplified how they collude among themselves to exert pressure. For those who wonder why communities and locals are affected by the decrees of Protected Natural Areas, how these affect them and how a community with a protected natural area is controlled, even if its activities are not within the decreed polygon, it is exemplified below following the case of Dziuché. After the PNA decree, it took 2 years for the ejido to realize what had happened, as they themselves narrate, because SEMA authorities, members of Amigos de Sian Ka'an and other people arrived with a boat to tour the lagoon, supposedly because they were going to begin to see how to develop it, a disguised dispossession, as the community saw it. From there began the community's resistance against the state Secretary of the Environment and against Friends of Sian Ka'an. In that interim, and after the ejido had been carrying out forest use under management for decades, which had an UMA and had been receiving payment for environmental services for good management practices, in 2016 the SEMA prohibited the ejido from forest use (although it is the responsibility of SEMARNAT) while the Management Program of the Protected Natural Area was not in place. When the decree is reviewed, it is observed that this document establishes: