They also argued that due to the tourist potential of the area and the development that was seen coming, in such a fragile environment they made a protected area urgent. But if we return to the presentation of the benefits of the Ramsar site for the triad presented by Luisa Falcón, there is the ability of cyanobacteria as a biotechnology base to process contaminants. It is very easy to evaluate and demonstrate how the triad discourse changes, depending on who nature is being sold to. They also argued that by joining the local ecological management program, the urban development plan, a strict and adequate program of collection and treatment of wastewater would make possible the sustainable development of the municipalities of Othón. P. Blanco, Bacalar and, in general, southern Quintana Roo. If we remove from the text the phrase: the protected natural area, everything else has been a request of the local population for many years. The triad put the NAP as the central axis of its call and linked it with the rest, arguing that the decree was going to be a mechanism to facilitate the institutional management of other processes for the preservation of the environmental values of the ecosystems, represented within the area, as an ideal legal instrument and ends with emotional blackmail its exposition: "... to protect a series of ecosystems that surround the Bacalar lagoon, a unique body of water in Mexico and in the world, for its extension, scenic beauty, biodiversity and connectivity with the Mayan jungle and the Mesoamerican reef, two ecosystems of continental and global relevance…” When discourses of this type are analyzed, it can be verified that they are repeated in decrees, applications and throughout the environmental marketing of NGOs, government environmental agencies and scientists, to convince public opinion that action is being taken to save nature, in a disinterested, altruistic and almost heroic way. That servility to academic degrees and government positions makes the population not ask questions and does not dare to question things like: • How is the PNA going to do that? If we remove the NAP from the equation, the rest of the instruments, implemented correctly and for which they were created, on their own, would solve any type of negative impact that was being generated on the body of water. • How does the NAP come into the equation that makes it key so that now what has not worked, works? From the answers emerge others such as, that the promoters do not take the trouble to explain. 105