Placing artificial barriers, even if they allow water to pass, but that reduce the flow and increase the surface of accumulation of cementable particles around the columns that are already accumulating tartar, will generate impacts. But it is also proposed NOT to evaluate the environmental impact for the federal areas that are interested in the triad, this type of infrastructure establishment decisions require a detailed and knowledgeable evaluation to prevent cumulative impacts that sometimes a negative affectation product of the accelerated synergy of introducing artificial elements extensively. Adding also the potential impact of anchoring these structures around. Additionally, there is the security aspect. The strategy proposes to build wooden fences within the body of water, the depth in some areas around the microbialites is more than 3 m, so placing a network of wooden strips of 4 to 5 meters, where at least 30% would have to be buried in the substrate, in areas where there is current of 1 to 3 knots (some seasons) means subjecting areas to a permanent impact from the base of the structure and below; creating unnecessary barriers without an in-depth evaluation and basis of how the system works, more for an inspiration, is not only dangerous but offensive. Your solution to preventing the impact of people approaching the calcium carbonate (tartar) column is to place permanent fences around. A colonialist and childish vision, simplistic and dangerous. In addition, the photo that appears cut in the document is part of the whole of Hamelin Pool in Australia, an ecosystem of marine stromatolites very different from what is Bacalar and even in that site, the structure is not a fence, it is an observatory bridge of 220 meters, in very different conditions. A clear example of the way in which information is manipulated at the convenience of the promoter group.
EP4. Services They propose basic bathroom, shower and evapotranspiration treatment plant services in public places and boarding sites. One should only cite the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency which states that an ET (evapotranspiration) system is a feasible option in semi-arid climates where the annual evaporation rate exceeds the annual rate of precipitation. The 144