research centers and educational institutions, and turn a deaf ear to the inhabitants and traditional users whose heritage is curtailed. In Mexico, the NPA are located in territories where human populations have coexisted for generations, where there is historical, biocultural and economic heritage of the historical settlers, but they are proposed, proposed and decreed as if they were uninhabited spaces. In his research Robles-Zavala, he describes it clearly emphasizing that protected areas are not an isolated entity, established in a vacuum, but on the contrary, they are included in an environmental, socio-economic, political and institutional and community setting. From the beginning of the explosion of environmental protectionism and reserves, some social science researchers began to observe that there was a combination of factors that explained the increase in "global concern for wild spaces" that arose from ethical concerns about the loss of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, but that were also encouraged by the increasing availability of international funds for conservation and the possibility of generate income from activities that took advantage of protected areas, such as tourism in protected areas. Other incentives for establishing NPAs were to transform them into political weapons for the ruling elites or as a channel for foreign financial aid. With the creation of an international structure with many millions of dollars in stimulus, and studies such as the economic value of wetland environmental services – in international dollars – the risk of voluntarily or involuntarily introducing perverse incentives became real, under which projects, instruments or policies were created to help solve a problem in a comprehensive way, but instead generating an additional problem or worsening the existing environmental, social or economic problem(s). The generation of perverse incentives forged by the growing market for green business, ecological, conservation, sustainable development, compensatory funds to mitigate environmental impacts and the entire market of funds that arise around, includes not only direct payment to producers or owners of territories, but also the financing of researchers, NGOs and government agencies that force instruments, territories and environmental policies in exchange for direct or indirect economic benefit for their "contribution", "achievement", "work" or "research".