Offshore Industry issue 3 2020

Page 40


New offshore port for a sustainable future

The new industrial estate offers great possibilities for meeting the needs of energy transition and advancing important regional and national climate change goals.

THE DREDGE SLUDGE DEPOT AT THE FORMER AVERIJHAVEN NEAR IJMUIDEN IN THE NETHERLANDS WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED INTO A DEDICATED OFFSHORE port, named Energiehaven (Energy Port). A partnership covenant for the new facility was signed in April by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Province of North Holland, the Municipality of Velsen, Tata Steel, IJmuiden Seaport, and Port of Amsterdam. ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF PORT OF AMSTERDAM.

3 8 | O S I 2 0 2 0 | Vo l u m e 1 3 | Issue 3

Energiehaven.indd 38

The dredge sludge depot at the former Averijhaven will soon be developed into a dedicated offshore port.


ccording to the Port of Amsterdam, the development of the Energiehaven is crucial for realising windfarms in the North Sea, as many windfarms will be constructed in the coming years in the North Sea and the offshore port will form an essential operational base for their construction and operational maintenance. The new Energiehaven will, for example, provide support for building the windfarms Hollandse Kust West and IJmuiden Ver off the Dutch coast. It will also play an important role in realising the more intensive use of space and reinforcement of the regional port infrastructure as planned.


The Energiehaven is located on the seaside of the North Sea Canal, right outside the IJmuiden lock complex. The new industrial estate offers great possibilities for meeting the needs of energy transition and advancing important regional and national climate change goals. By making available an industrial estate of 5ha, Tata Steel has shown its support for this future-looking initiative. The steel manufacturer also allows land access to the Energiehaven via its site. This will enable the movement of personnel and access for emergency services. The Energiehaven will have an area of over 15ha. Both the existing acreage of the Averijhaven as well as the adjacent Tata

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28-05-20 10:17

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