Challenges and potential for offshore solar RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ENERGY HUB FOR THE WORLD WINDENERGY HAMBURG DemoSATH floating unit launched into the water OFFSHORE WIND YEAR ANNIVERSARY industry OSI VOL. 15 ISSUE 4 | 2022


PALFINGER has been serving the o shore wind business for many years. Our portfolio includes customized solutions for wind turbine generators, transformer stations, wind farm service operation and supply vessels. –W–CRANESINCHES AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT –BOATS AND DAVITS –SERVICE SOLUTIONS At the Wind Energy Hamburg 2022, we will be presenting a model of our redesigned PALFINGER fi xed boom crane range. Come by and check it out at our booth, B7.521! PALFINGERMARINE.COMVISITUSAT:WINDENERGYHAMBURG27-30SEPT.2022HAMBURG,GERMANY Booth: B7.521

It is good to notice that the oil & gas activities and the renewables industry can live side by side, and even strengthen each other in many ways. This issue of Ofshore Industry gives you the opportunity to read some interesting stories about these developments. And of course, there is much more to read, such as a preview of WindEnergy Hamburg that, together with H2Expo & Conference, will take place from 27 to 30 September. Should you be attending this event, I wish you a successful exhibition, and in case you would like to talk to someone of Yellow & Finch Publishers in Hamburg, do not hesitate to get in touch with us for making an
I OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 1
hope you have all enjoyed a well-deserved summer holiday. Large parts of Europe were facing high temperatures and for most people, some weeks of sunny weather without too much of rain form the basis of a pleasant vacation. However, there are always two sides to a story. The high temperatures combined with a long period of draught also show that there is a climatological change going on, which, according to what experts say, is accelerated, if not caused by human behaviour.
industry Other publications by Yellow & Finch Publishers:
Our magazine is not the right place to discuss this issue. Still, it is evident that the emission of carbon dioxide and nitrogen both have its efect on climate, and people must take action to reverse this process. It is good to know that our industry has taken up the challenge to look for ways to reduce their emissions. When looking at oil & gas, which will remain relevant for the next decades no matter what happens, operators are looking for ways to further optimise their production processes and lower their ecological footprint, for example by using green electricity instead of diesel generators for their power supply. On the other hand, new kids on the block, together with many oil & gas operators, contribute to the energy transition by initiating renewable energy projects. Next to ofshore wind, which has reached a stage of (young) adulthood in large parts of the world, other green power sources are entering stage too, such as ofshore solar power.
ArnoEnjoyappointment.reading.Dirkzwager ARNO@YNFPUBLISHERS.COM

Taking up the challengeEDITOR’SNOTE

2 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 3 StandardsAISI316tiMaximumprecisionApprovals&NormsHighavailability PH Industrie-Hydraulik GmbH & Co. KG Wuppermannshof 8, 58256 Ennepetal, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 2339 6021, Fax +49 (0) 2339 4501, SAFETY FIRST. STAINLESS STEEL CONNECTORSFROMPH. PH andappavailablecatalogueasforAndroidiPad OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 3 ISSUE 4 | 2022 LIFTING & HOISTING 20 Lifting the ofshore wind industry to new levels 36 A 700mt travelling quayside crane OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION 14 Pitch and yaw control of blades and nacelles 26 A great piece of work OFFSHORE INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 33 A very exciting sector O&M 38 Ensuring you are ready for the unexpected On the Cover Saitec Ofshore Technologies and RWE achieved another milestone in the DemoSATH project with the successful completion of the launching operation of the foating unit. The project moves forward at a fast pace for its installation later this summer. Photo courtesy of Saitec Ofshore Technologies. 08 33 16 26 38 20 Contents OFFSHORE WIND 12 DemoSATH foating unit launched into water 24 Historic California ofshore wind goals OIL & GAS 42 Wind-powered oil and gas production facilities R&D 16 Challenges and potential of ofshore solar 30 The world’s frst ofshore hydrogen cluster WIND ENERGY HAMBURG 08 Energy hub for the world REGULARS 01 Editor’s note 04 News in brief 45 People 46 Yellow & Finch pages 48 Next issues & Colophon

AbuDhabi,UnitedArabEmirates31October–3November adipec.comInternationalWindCongres Berlin,Germany7–8Novemberwindcongress.comOffshoreEnergyAmsterdam,TheNetherlands29–
Offshore Events
Orion successfully installs the Fécamp ofshore substation jacket and topside

Miros Group has secured a trio of three-year agreements with Subsea 7 to install its internet of things (IoT) dry-sensor WaveSystem. As part of project requirements for the monitoring of wave and current to a water depth of 10m, WaveSystem will be installed on three of Subsea 7’s pipelay support vessels – Seven Waves, Seven Rio and Seven Sun –alongside access to Miros Cloud services delivering real-time sea state data. The award for Miros follows an agreement between Subsea 7 and Petrobras in Brazil for new long-term, day-rate vessel contracts. Each contract comprises a three-year period plus a subsequent one-year option. The contracts are due to commence between Q1 and Q3 2022.
DEME Ofshore has successfully installed the ofshore substation of the Fécamp ofshore wind farm, deploying Orion.
September October November
NEWS IN BRIEF 4 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Orion has now installed the 1,300t jacket and the 2,200t topside, completing the project on schedule on 11 August.
Just four months previously, DEME carried out the preinstallation of the ofshore substation’s foundations utilising another member of the feet, the DP2 jack-up vessel Sea Installer. DEME Ofshore’s subsea template facilitated a seamless installation, although in challenging environmental and soil conditions. In August 2021, DEME installed the very frst ofshore substation in France at the Saint-Nazaire ofshore wind farm, deploying Allseas’ heavy lift vessel Pioneering Spirit.
Miros wins trio of sensor contracts
Steerprop has been awarded a major order to supply the complete propulsion package for a state-of-the-art Wind Installation Vessel (WIV). The order builds upon Steerprop’s extensive support and successful track record in delivering ft-for-purpose solutions to the ofshore renewables sector. The order was placed in May 2022 by Singapore-based Sembcorp Marine who has secured a contract for the construction of the vessel for Maersk Supply Service. The company’s scope includes six of Steerprop’s ducted L-drive azimuth propulsors with an output power of 4,500kW and two 900kW Steerprop Tunnel Thrusters for dynamic positioning, maneuvering, and transit operations. To support safe and reliable operations with low lifecycle costs, Steerprop Care condition monitoring is also included as part of the package. The jack-up type WIV features a frst-of-its-kind design with a load transfer system patented by Maersk Supply Service. The design also takes into consideration the need to operate safely and efciently in the harsh sea conditions the vessel is likely to face while serving the Empire Ofshore Wind project of the eastern coast of the USA.
NEWS IN BRIEF OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 5 >>| Read more on

Steerprop to supply propulsion package for frst-of-its-kind wind installation vessel
PASSIONATE ABOUT STEEL WWW.SMULDERS.COM Visit us WindEnergyatHamburg&OffshoreEnergy Smulders is an established market leader that offers a full range of services from the engineering and fabrication to complete turnkey solutions (EPCI) of foundations and substations. We have a track record of over 2,000 transition pieces, 160 jackets and 35 substations.
OFFSHORE FLOATING WIND SALES@STIGTERSTAAL.COM HEAVYMARINEPLATES.COM MATERIALQUALITYFROM TO PlatesVL A 3 mm100 mm PlatesVL D364 mm80 mm PlatesVLE36(z35)6mm250mm PlatesVLF36(z35)20mm150mm PlatesVL E408 mm50 mm MATERIAL QUALITY Bulbflat VLA & VLD36 Flat bar S355J2 & VL D36 (inverted) AnglebarVL D36 Hollow section EN 10210 / 10219, S355J2H + 3.1 40,000 TONS OF MARINE GRADE PLATES & PROFILES ON STOCK ACCORDANCE TO DNVGL-OS-B101 WITH 3.2 CERTIFICATION

As the installation of the wind turbines on the SaintNazaire ofshore wind farm is underway, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs and Tidal Transit Limited are pleased to announce the delivery to GE Renewable Energy of Inno’vent, the frst Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) dedicated to the transfer of technicians and their equipment between the coast and the wind farm for turbine maintenance. Louis Dreyfus Armateurs paid particular attention to the choice of local partners and ensured that the most virtuous solutions were implemented. The innovative design of this new unit was created by Mauric, a naval architecture frm based in Nantes and a member of Neopolia, while the construction is being carried out by the French shipyard OCEA, a leader in the design, construction and maintenance of aluminium ships, with production sites in La Rochelle, Les Sables d’Olonne, Fontenay-le-Comte, and Saint-Nazaire. Inno’vent is the frst of two CTVs ordered by GE Renewable energy entirely designed and built in France. They will sail under the French fag, 1st register.
NEWS IN BRIEF | Read more on OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 7 <<
Fugro has been awarded a new marine site investigation contract by Vattenfall for their Norfolk Boreas ofshore wind farm located of England’s east coast. The 1.4GW wind farm forms part of Vattenfall’s Norfolk Zone and will generate enough clean energy to power 1.5 million UK homes while ofsetting 2.3t million of carbon emissions a year. This investigation follows on from a four-month marine site characterisation campaign in 2020. From August 2022, Fugro will mobilise multiple geophysical and geotechnical vessels from local ports to complete full coverage surveys across the Norfolk Boreas wind farm, inter-array cables and export cable routes. These operations will include the use of Fugro’s SEACALF Mk V DeepDrive system for seabed cone penetration tests (CPTs) and Fugro’s innovative Blue Snake geotechnical system. The Blue Snake integrates CPT and sampling technology to enable safe, efcient, and high-quality data acquisition along the cable route. These assets will ensure high rates of operability while also meeting Fugro’s standards for safety and sustainability.
RWE and SolarDuck accelerate ofshore foating solar at scale

RWE and the Dutch-Norwegian company SolarDuck signed a collaboration agreement to develop the use of foating solar parks at sea. To accelerate the learnings on SolarDuck’s foating solar technology, RWE will invest in a frst ofshore pilot in the North Sea. The project is a frst step in the collaboration and lays the foundation for a larger demonstration project at the Dutch ofshore wind farm Hollandse Kust West (HKW). RWE is tendering for this project and has included SolarDuck into its bid with a highly innovative combination of ofshore foating solar with integrated storage solutions. The ofshore foating solar technology, as developed by SolarDuck, establishes a new frontier for solar energy and provides an answer to increasing land scarcity for the generation of renewable energy.


Inno’vent, made in France CTV
Fugro assists Vattenfall with Norfolk ofshore wind development

At WindEnergy Hamburg more than 1,200 companies present their innovations and solutions in ten exhibition halls.

Energy hub for the world
WINDENERGY HAMBURG 2022 8 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
From 27 to 30 September 2022, Hamburg will become an energy hub for the world. For four days, at WindEnergy Hamburg everything will revolve around generating energy from wind and its exploitation. For the frst time, H2Expo & Conference, which is all about the generation, transport, storage, and use of green hydrogen, will take place at the same time and location as WindEnergy Hamburg.
Photo courtesy of Hamburg Messe und Congress / Stephan Wallocha.
very two years, one of the most fascinating industries meets for the leading global networking event for wind energy. At WindEnergy Hamburg, more than 1,200 companies present their innovations and solutions in ten exhibition halls to up to 30,000 visitors from more than 100 countries. Covering 68,500m2 of exhibition space, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers
Photo courtesy of Hamburg Messe und Congress / Stephan Wallocha.
representing all stages of the onshore and ofshore wind energy value chain provide a comprehensive overview of the market. Providers of everything from planning and project design to installation, operation & maintenance, and through to marketing, certifcation, and fnancing take part to showcase their services.
There will be a high-calibre program on offer with specialist forums and conferences, workshops, and lectures.
WINDENERGY HAMBURG 2022 OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 9

Photo courtesy of Hamburg Messe und Congress / Michael Zapf.
A place to come together
Image courtesy of WindEnergy Hamburg.
The organisation expects 30,000 guests from 100 countries.
WINDENERGY HAMBURG 2022 10 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4

68,500m2 of exhibition space, equipment manufacturers and suppliers.
During a pre-show press conference, that took place in May of this year, experts discussed the impact of the Russian aggression in Ukraine on the energy sector, the efects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wind energy industry, and the global acceleration of the hydrogen economy. Climate change and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have for various reasons had a signifcant impact on regional and global business relationships and trade fows. And developments in global politics have made the rapidly increasing need for renewable energies clear. Bernd Aufderheide, Chairman of the Hamburg Messe und Congress board, explains, “We feel the impact of the war all over the world. There is a looming food crisis, which is intensifying the infuence of climate change. We are facing interrupted supply chains, which have an impact on almost every business. Business relationships have been severed because of the sanctions against Russia and (there is) a major energy crisis in Europe. Any country without its own gas and oil reserves is dependent

WindEnergy Match
Auctions: success strategies and best-practice examples. Project management: how to meet the environmental, geographical, and political challenges.
High-calibre program
Mr Aufderheide sends a clear message regarding trade fair participation, “Sustainable societal and political strategies when tackling climate change and eliminating the use of fossil fuels result from dialogue. And this is precisely what we ofer our guests during WindEnergy Hamburg and the H2Expo & Conference in Hamburg. With more than 1,200 exhibiting companies and excellently networked partners such as the experts from the GWEC and WindEurope, as well as national industry associations like the VDMA and BWE, we expect 30,000 guests from 100 countries to help shape a climate-neutral future.”
Hamburg, a stage is ofered for another future-oriented technology sector. The focal topic of green hydrogen expands and develops wind energy and links it via electrolysis processes to the world of hydrogen production, conversion, and use.
New Horizons Stage, organised by WindEurope in collaboration with VDMA, and BWE & partners, informative sessions will take place with important industry representatives from business and politics on the current topics of the wind industry.
At the Speakers’ Corner stage, exhibitors of WindEnergy Hamburg 2022 have the possibility to present their company, their latest innovations, product highlights & projects. With the H2Expo & Conference taking place in parallel with WindEnergy

WINDENERGY HAMBURG 2022 OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 11
From 27 to 30 September 2022, Hamburg will become an energy hub for the world.
The central international matchmaking event for visitors and exhibitors organised by the Enterprise Europe Network on behalf and in cooperation with Hamburg Messe und Congress, has been a regular feature of WindEnergy Hamburg for many years. In 2022 again, the WindEnergy Match is taking place on 28 and 29 September directly on the fairground in Hall B5, directly next to the Speakers’ Corner. The registration is open for visitors and exhibitors, companies, research institutions, startups looking for international business and project partners in the range of wind energy and green hydrogen.
Expect much more than a trade fair. The exhibition is accompanied by conference sessions featuring topranking experts who address the industry’s current key topics. Alle conference sessions will take place free of charge on four Open Stages located directly inside the exhibition halls. With its comprehensive supporting program, WindEnergy Hamburg gives all exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to expand their knowledge and intensify contacts. There will be a high-calibre program on ofer with specialist forums and conferences, workshops, and lectures – all playing a signifcant contribution to the development of the wind energy sector.
Smart Energy: power generation, integration, and sector coupling – the benefts of digital operations management.
The Global Markets Theatre stage is the place to learn about more opportunities in major and emerging markets of the wind industry. The open conference stage is organised by GWEC in cooperation with WindEnergy Hamburg. This is where you can meet the experts, fnd out about opportunities in major and emerging markets, and fnd the right partners for your wind projects. Discussion will focus on diferent regions, from the US to Asia-Pacifc, as well as investigate a series of transversal issues for the industry, such as COP27, nature and biodiversity, new technologies, and the threat of Atdisinformation.the
Key topics
This year’s key topics of WindEnergy Hamburg are: Dynamic markets: developing new market potentials – the strategies of the top players and hidden champions. Cost efciency: what improvements are attainable? The latest innovations for boosting efciency.
on other countries. We need more renewables, not only to save our world from global warming, but also because we need energy security. In the coming years, we have many problems to discuss and to solve. One of the places for the industry to come together is WindEnergy Hamburg.”
A great step
milestone to fulfl as they were the frst of their kind executed for the SATH foating ofshore wind turbine. The operations were thoroughly planned between all the parties involved and the fnal performance was excellent. Once afoat, it took less than 45 minutes to safely berth the DemoSATH wind turbine at quay. After the successful completion of the launching in the Port of Bilbao, we are proud to announce that the demonstrator is ready to become the frst foating wind turbine to be
Firstly, the DemoSATH unit was loaded onto the semisubmersible barge’s deck by means of SPMTs. The barge was then ballasted down lower into the water until the DemoSATH unit became buoyant, after which it was towed off.
OFFSHORE WIND 12 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
previously constructed and assembled, and equipped with a 2MW turbine.
uring the next months, the submarine dynamic cable will be deployed at the installation site and the foater will be towed out to be connected to it, as well as to the mooring lines that were previously installed in lateApril.
The load out and launching operations were performed at Punta Sollana quay, in the Port of Bilbao (Spain), where the prestressed concrete platform was

DemoSATH foating unit launched into water
Saitec Ofshore Technologies and RWE achieved another milestone in the DemoSATH project with the successful completion of the launching operation of the foating unit. The project moves forward at a fast pace for its installation later this summer.
Araceli Martínez, Chief of Engineering at Saitec Ofshore Technologies, says, “This is a great step forward for the DemoSATH project. The load-out and foat-of operations were an important
Firstly, the DemoSATH unit was loaded onto the semisubmersible barge’s deck by means of SPMTs. The barge was then ballasted down lower into the water until the DemoSATH unit became buoyant, after which it was towed of.
commissioned to the mainland Spanish Grid during the next months.”
Unlocking great potential
The 2MW unit using SATH Technology will be installed in a test feld (BIMEP) which is approximately 3.5km of the Basque coast, where the sea is 85m deep. SATH stands for Swinging Around Twin Hull. The SATH design allows the pre-fabrication of concrete components and uses a single-point-of-mooring system that allows the structure to yaw
around its mooring and passively align itself to the wave and current direction. The aim of this demonstrator project is to test the technology for its industrialisation for ofshore wind farms in deep waters.
Saitec Ofshore Technologies and RWE Renewables entered into the partnership to develop DemoSATH project in 2020.
i. i.
Martin Dörnhöfer, Director of Floating Wind at RWE Renewables, adds, “We are glad to see DemoSATH has been launched safely and successfully. This is another important milestone towards the ofshore commissioning of the foating turbine later this year. For us at RWE it is also another milestone on our way to unlock the great potential of foating wind globally, especially in countries with deeper coastal waters, like the US, France, UK, Norway and – certainly – Spain. We aim to have one gigawatt of foating wind capacity in construction or operation by 2030. Jointly with our other pilot projects, DemoSATH enables us to gain early experience for our future developments. Its innovative concrete-based platform further broadens our knowledge on innovative foating wind concepts.”
1. Single point mooring Transition piece (hybrid) Frame structure Horizontal twin hulls Heave plate Conical edges

Single point mooring
OFFSHORE WIND OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 13
Platform details
“After the successful completion of the launching in the Port of Bilbao, we are proud to announce that the demonstrator is ready to become the frst foating wind turbine to be commissioned to the mainland Spanish Grid.”

Proportional spool valve WDRFA06_24.
function-determining components of wind turbines. The rotor with the rotor blades turns by the force of the incoming wind. This movement is transferred to the generator by the gearbox, thus ensuring the conversion of wind power into electrical energy. It is important to keep the speed of the rotor constant in order to ensure the synchronisation of the grid frequency via the generator. Furthermore, in order to reduce mechanical load and extend the service life of the turbine, the speed of the rotor must also be kept below the maximum permissable.
All these conditions are met with the help of the rotor blade adjustment, the so-called pitch control. For maximum efciency rotor blades should always be precisely aligned to extract as much usable energy from the wind as possible. To enable efcient conversion,energy the rotor blades’ pitch angles continuouslyare

OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION 14 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
ind turbines, also commonly called wind power plants or simply wind mills, are installed onshore or in so-called ofshore wind farms in the coastal foreland of the oceans. Wind turbines installed on land have a nominal power of up to 5MW, with the largest ofshore turbines developed to date reaching a nominal power of up to 15MW and a total height of over Essentially,200m.awind turbine consists of a foundation, a tower, a rotor consisting of a rotor hub with two or three rotor blades and a nacelle containing a gearbox, a generator, and a braking system. Additional monitoring and measuring devices ensure that the system functions without malfunctions and incidents.
Pitch control with hydraulic valves
The most widespread design of the turbines today is the three-bladed wind turbine lift type, which rotates thanks to the aerodynamic uplift principle. Uplift is created by the pressure diference between the bottom and top of the aerofoil as wind fows around the rotor blade. Rotor blades are elementary and
In the age of renewable energies, wind turbines are by far the most important form of wind energy used today. In this system, the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into electrical energy and fed directly into the public power grid.
Pitch and yaw control of blades and nacelles
adjusted by hydraulic cylinders located directly in the rotor hub. Highly dynamic proportional spool valves, such as the models of the BRWS4D41 and WDRFA06 series, play an important role in this hydraulic actuation. Thanks to their very good dynamic properties, high resolution, and very low hysteresis, these are well suited and reliable components of the pitch system. The valves are equipped with on-board electronics and have integrated spool position control. With the spool position sensor (LVDT), the actual position of the spool is continuously monitored, recorded, and made to follow the transmitted

Control circuit with MD2 electronics.
OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 15
Emergency shutdown in case of strong wind
UNF thread. For the modular construction, the nominal sizes NG3MINI and NG4-MINI, as well as NG6 and NG10 according to ISO 4401-03 / ISO 4401-05 are available.
Brake systems
In order to counteract unfavourable or extremely stormy wind conditions, or to be able to avoid a possible selfdestruction of the wind turbine by a too fast rotation of the rotor, there is a safety function in addition to the rotor blade adjustment. The so-called emergency shutdown. With the help of fow control valves, the rotor blades are turned to ‘0’ within a very short time, out of the wind, so to speak. Due to the decreasing centrifugal force and its own inertia, the wind turbine continues to turn slowly, but comes to a standstill after a short time. Flow control valves keep the speed of a consumer constant, independent of pressure or load. A fxed measuring orifce integrated in the pressure compensator spool determines the volume fow. When the pressure changes, the pressure compensator spool shifts and changes the fow cross-section so that the pressure diference at the measuring orifce is kept constant. The desired fow rate can be adjusted by changing the spring force acting on the pressure compensator spool. Thanks to this load independence, the speed all of the rotor blades’ rotation can be controlled precisely and synchronously, regardless of the wind Wandfuhstrength. has a wide range of fow control valves, proportional and mechanically adjustable. Screw-in cartridges are available with thread size M18, M22, M33, and M42 according to ISO7789 and with
Hydraulics also support another necessary positioning function on wind turbines, the yaw control. It assures that the nacelle is turned so that the rotor is aligned with the rotor blades in the direction of the wind, which leads to optimum efciency of the turbine. The drive required for yaw control is usually an azimuth drive, which is located between the tower and the nacelle. Actuation is by hydraulic motors whose direction of rotation is usually determined by two poppet valves, normally open and normally closed. Various versions and nominal sizes are also available for this task. The most commonly used are direct and pilot operated screw-in cartridges of the SDS and SVS series with various thread sizes from M18 to M42. The fow rate range of these poppet valves extends from 30l –160l per minute.
Typically, for emergency rotor shutdown applications mechanically adjustable two-way fow control cartridges are used. Depending on the thread size, volume fows of less than half a litre up to 160l per minute can be precisely controlled.

Yaw control for optimum efciency
Braking and holding the nacelle in position is done by a hydraulic braking system. The required brake pressure, acting against a spring force, is built up with the aid of a two-way pressure reducing valve. The model MSSPM22 is a typical pressure reducing cartridge for this application. The maximum pressure is 350 bar, with several nominal pressure levels available. The valve is used in accumulator loading operation. Thanks to its seat-tight design, unwanted leakage is prevented, which also helps to avoid rapid discharge of the hydraulic accumulators. Leakage compensation can thus be kept at a low level, which also contributes to the energy efciency of the entire wind turbine. Wind turbines are used in all climatic zones, which means that equipment and materials may be exposed to extreme weather conditions. An additional load is to be expected in ofshore applications. There is a corrosive environment due to the seawater and the high salt content of the air. With the standard zinc-nickel coating of the valves, Wandfuh ofers very good corrosion protection. A wide range of valves is also available in stainless steel. The stainless steel AISI 316L used for this purpose is acidresistant and guarantees a rust resistance of at least 2,000 hours salt spray test according to DIN EN ISO 9227. i.
PASO. Thanks to the IP67 protection class of the on-board electronics, these valves of nominal size NG4-MINI and NG6 according to ISO 4401-03 can also be used in harsh environmental conditions. With the MD2 control electronics, a superordinated position control loop can also be implemented. In contrast to pure amplifer electronics, control electronics reads the actual value as a feedback signal, then calculates the discrepancy to the command value and gives a corresponding correction signal to the valves. Pressure, speed, and position can thus be maintained and precisely controlled independently of external infuences. The MD2 has up to eight solenoid outputs and is optionally available with CANopen feld bus. Thanks to the robust design and IP67 protection, nothing stands in the way of use in harsh conditions.
environment, with wave heights up to 15m. At the same time, there are major challenges on system design, O&M schemes, grid connection and cost. The Dutch top sectors strengthen the economy through innovations that target to help solving important societal challenges such as the energy transition. In this approach the societal and economic goals go hand in hand. Recently, this has substantiated in so called mission-driven innovation. For the energy transition thirteen multi-annual mission-oriented innovation programs (MMIP’s) have been formulated, and MMIP 1, titled ‘Renewable electricity at
There are substantial technological challenges to build and operate foating solar systems in a harsh maritime
R & D 16 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Challenges and potential of ofshore solar
perspective for a proftable business case in a large market. This is only possible if technical problems are likely to be solved and costs can be decreased considerably. Nevertheless, several companies (especially in the Netherlands and in Norway) started investing in system developments that may lead to feasible and afordable solutions for ofshore solar. Based on this, some smaller scale pilots have been established or are planned.
Solar Duck offshore solar truss concept. The platform is located on a certain height above the waterline. Waves can move underneath the truss structure.

Signifcant innovation in this feld by commercial enterprises will only be undertaken if there is enough
Photo courtesy of SolarDuck.
In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in the development of ofshore foating solar power plants. The technology has a very large power generation potential, in particular in the areas used by ofshore wind farms.
n some scenarios, 45GWp solar power in the Dutch part of the North Sea has been projected in 2050. The Dutch Roadmap Solar on Water concludes that in ten to twelve years, large scale application of ofshore solar on the North Sea could ofer possibilities, but it also expresses major concerns about the technical and economic challenges of ofshore foating solar systems.
For the development of the MMIP 1 program, a further analysis of the challenges related to ofshore foating solar was needed. For this, RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) commissioned a report, requested by TKI Ofshore Wind, based on an analysis conducted by TNO. Recently, the results of this report, called ‘Challenges and Potential for Ofshore Solar’, was presented during a webinar. According to Wiep Folkerts, Program Manager Solar at TNO, the Dutch energy system would need an additional 1,000km2 of space to develop solar power plants. “On shore, the Netherlands lack sufcient space to realise the ambitious solar energy goals”, he says. “At sea however, there still is ample space available in the Dutch Economic Zone. Ofshore solar and ofshore wind ofer important synergies, for example because of the infrastructure that could be shared, such as cables and substations. Therefore, ofshore wind farms seem to be ideal location for solar power plants. Another beneft of developing solar power plants at sea is that, because of the higher radiation of the sun at sea, the output of ofshore of solar panels may be slightly higher compared to that of onshore panels.”
R & D OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 17
“Ofshore solar and ofshore wind ofer important synergies, for example because of the infrastructure that could be shared, such as cables and substations.”
Wiep Folkerts, Program Manager Solar at TNO.

Photo courtesy of TNO.
pontoons, relatively close to the water level. The advantage is that the wind load on the panels and the structure is relatively low. Oceans of Energy, and Heliorec are some of the pioneers in developing this concept. Then you have the mattress-like soft and fex approach that fully moves with the waves. The basic idea of this concept is to let the foating structure move with the waves as much as possible. The transfer of mechanical energy from the waves to the structure will therefore be smaller, compared to for instance the pontoon concept, which results in reduced mooring forces. Because of this the structure needs less strength and may achieve lower costs. Solar panels are mounted on the foating body. During high waves, part of the structure may be overfown. Being near the water surface, it is less sensitive to wind loads. Bluewater/Genap have embraced this concept. The fnal concept is based on the well-known technology of fsh farms. Especially in Norway, with companies such as OceanSun and Inseanergy, there is expertise on this approach. A membrane is stabilised with a moored ring and on top of the
Oceans of Energy’s offshore solar energy pontoon installed at the North Sea. The pontoons are substructures that are mechanically coupled into a massively modular structure.

Photo courtesy of Oceans of Energy.
Various concepts
He continues, “Currently, in Europe, such as in the Netherlands and in Norway, there are already various concepts under development. The frst concept is the so-called elevated truss concept. A truss structure is equipped with foaters and some kind of mooring system.
A platform with solar panels is placed on the truss structure, supported by foating elements. The platform is located on a certain height above the waterline. Waves can move underneath the truss structure. The concept avoids the direct contact between (slamming) waves and the solar panels. This way, the mechanical load on the solar panels caused by waves will be less, and the fouling of the solar panels due to sea water residues on the panel surfaces may be SolarDuck and Tractebel are working with this concept. The second concept is a pontoon where the solar system is much closer to the water level. The pontoons are substructures that are mechanically coupled into a massively modular structure. The complete foating structure is moored. Solar panels are mounted on the
sea’, has the goal to contribute to the mission ‘A CO2-free electricity system in 2050’.

“When looking at constructing ofshore solar power plants, the frst challenge is how to design and construct a system that will survive the circumstances at sea, and also how to prove this survival.”

R & D OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 19
“Ofshore solar is promising, so much is true”, Mr Folkerts concludes. “It can be the solution for the large-scale solar
Bluewater/Genap have embraced the soft and fex approach.
this actually is the key challenge. “All ofshore solar projects are aimed at producing substantial volumes of power. It is important, for example for judging investment proposals, to make validated power yield models and reliable models for cost calculations and to show, how scale efects and other efects such as the combination of ofshore wind and solar will afect the LCOE.” Societal acceptance is the fourth challenge described in the report. Relevant aspects in this are recycling and other elements of circularity, the ecological efects of ofshore solar power plants, and the interaction with other uses of the sea.
The TNO report registered four main challenges for the development of ofshore solar power plants. “When looking at constructing ofshore solar power plants,” Mr Folkerts states, “the frst challenge is how to design and construct a system that will survive the circumstances at sea, and also how to prove this survival. Relevant subjects in this are the connectors between the subsystems, the choice of materials used, the structural integrity and mooring, the dynamic power cable connection, and the calculation methodologies for prediction of hydrodynamic response. In fact, it is a matter of interaction between development of calculational methodologies and making the designs, do scale model testing for those designs, build pilots, see and measure how these models behave, give feedback to the methodologies, and thereby building up the knowledge on how to construct such foating structures in a costefective way.” Operations & maintenance has its challenges too, and therefore there is work to be done and more knowledge to be built up over the coming years for this as well. Think for example of ofshore resistant PV modules and electrical components. Not only is it important to fnd out for them how to survive at sea, but also how to make an efective maintenance schedule, for example for fouling prevention and fouling removal. For optimising O&M one could also look at digital twinning approaches.” The third challenge lies in the power production and LCOE, and according to Mr Folkerts
power production that we need. Still, it is a challenging development that needs innovation investments from the sector, which should work together with governments and knowledge institutes. There are diferent concepts in development and all those concepts have their specifc advantages, values, and promises. Several pilots and demonstrators for accelerating the learning curve are underway, however more of them are needed towards scaling up and for winning the confdence of all stakeholders that ofshore solar indeed is a solid solution.”
Photo courtesy of Ocean Sun.
Photo courtesy of TNO.
Solid solution
“All societal acceptance elements come together in permitting and permitting frames”, Mr Folkerts explains.
membrane a solar power installation is installed.”
Ocean Sun Floater. The fsh farm concept is based on the well-known technology of fsh farms. Especially in Norway, there is expertise on this approach. A membrane is stabilised with a moored ring and on top of the membrane a solar power installation is installed.

With its new fxed boom crane range (PF Crane), international technology company Palfnger, headquartered in Salzburg (Austria), is responding to the latest safety requirements of the global ofshore wind industry.

Lifting the ofshore wind industry to new levels
LIFTING & HOISTING 20 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Enhanced crane range
The new fxed boom crane range responds to the latest safety requirements of the global offshore wind industry.

LIFTING & HOISTING OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 21
ith state-of-the art lifting solutions, the company is all set to lift crane operations to the next safety and efciency level. As one of the world’s leading producers and providers of innovative crane and lifting solutions, Palfnger has been demonstrating pioneering spirit for 90 years. With around 12,000 employees, more than 30 manufacturing sites, and a worldwide sales and service network, the company guarantees optimal customer proximity. Three decades ago, the company founded Palfnger Marine. Ever since, Palfnger Marine has developed a comprehensive portfolio of lifting solutions for the maritime and ofshore industry.
To improve safety and efciency of customers’ lifting operations during preventive or corrective maintenance of wind farms, Palfnger has recently launched a range of fxed boom cranes with modular design and standardised outreach from 3 to 7m. The range was designed in accordance with the latest technical requirements of the European standard EN13852-3 for light ofshore cranes. The crane plays a major role in lifting materials and equipment in the daily ofshore wind business and closes the supply chain from the crew transfer vessel (CTV) to the ofshore wind platform. Beyond its modular and compact design, every crane undergoes thorough function and load tests at the assembly plant before being delivered. This procedure ensures ‘ready to work delivery’ to the highest safety standard and minimised installation time. Above all, the simple and reliable solution comes with low maintenance requirements. “Because access to ofshore wind farms is limited and every working hour must be efciently used, we’ve made the new PF cranes highly resistant to the harsh environmental conditions. Furthermore, we reduced the maintenance efort to streamline and lower the life-cycle-costs for the wind park operators and owners”, says Franz Schnöll, Head of Global Marine Product Management.
22 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 Constructive Solutions Rometal B.V. Quarantaineweg 10 | Port no. 2642 3089 KP Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 31 646 00 E WWW.ROMETAL.NL Rometal okt 2020.indd 1 30-09-20 11:55 ENGINEERINGEXCELLENCE 100% TRANSPORTRECYCLABLECRADLES3DPRINTED•FULLFREEDOMOFFORM•LIGHTWEIGHTANDSTRONG GO TO WWW.ROYAL3D.NL FOR MORE INFO OR VISIT US AT HALL B7, BOOTH 540

Ofshore Wind
Ten years after Palfnger developed its frst marine crane, the company became frmly established within the ofshore and wind industry. Following delivery of the frst cranes to leading European companies in the feld of renewable energy in 2004, Palfnger Marine has continued to successfully serve the global wind market with its well-proven cranes. Today, it has provided the ofshore wind business with lifting solutions all around the globe, from the USA to Asia, Great Britain, and many other ofshore wind farms in Europe. One of the largest ofshore wind projects that Palfnger Marine is involved in is Seagreen, Scotland’s largest ofshore wind farm to-be. Situated over 27km from Scotland’s Angus coastline at its closest point, Seagreen will comprise 114 wind turbines and will be capable of powering up to 1.3 million homes each year with low-carbon, renewable energy.
LIFTING & HOISTING OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 23
Palfnger Marine has provided the offshore wind business with lifting solutions all around the globe. This jetty crane is installed in Vlissingen at the maintenance base for the Borssele 1 and 2 offshore wind farm.

Palfnger cranes at Alpha Ventus, the frst German offshore wind farm. Following delivery of these frst cranes in the feld of renewable energy in 2004, Palfnger Marine has continued to successfully serve the global wind market with its well-proven cranes.

Recently, Palfnger Marine entered a new fast-emerging hot spot for the global wind industry. In Vietnam, the company serves the frst two intertidal wind farms Hiep Thanh and Binh Dai with 26 of its feld-proven fxed boom cranes. “At Palfnger, we recognised at an early stage how important it is to expand ofshore wind capacities, both in Europe and worldwide. We are therefore constantly striving to enter new emerging markets to support the goal of climate neutrality”, states Gunther Fleck, Vice President Sales & Service Region Marine at Palfnger.
Palfnger will supply a total of 114 PF20000-7 LDB fxed boom cranes, one for each turbine.
only for illustrative purpose, courtesy of
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has adopted a report establishing ofshore wind goals and moving the state one step closer to development of the clean energy resource of California’s coast.

Wachucik. The planned goals move the state one step closer to development of the clean energy resource off California’s coast. Enough electricity to power 3.75-25 million homes
OFFSHORE WIND 24 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Historic California ofshore wind goals
Photo Equinor/ Michal
“The success of our state’s climate goals requires all hand on deck”, states CEC Vice Chair, Siva Gunda.

California is home to some of the best ofshore wind resources in the country, a power source that can play a major role in helping the state achieve 100% clean electricity and carbon neutrality. Ofshore wind is a critical clean energy source at night complementing solar energy by providing generation at the end of the day and into the evening as the sun sets. “These ambitious yet achievable goals are an important signal of how committed California is to bringing the ofshore wind industry to our state”, says CEC Chair David Hochschild. “This remarkable resource will generate clean electricity around the clock and help us transition away from fossil fuel-based energy as quickly as possible while ensuring grid reliability.”
CEC staf will next study the economic benefts of ofshore wind in relation to seaport investments and workforce development needs. Staf will also
create a roadmap to develop a permitting process for ofshore wind energy facilities and associated electricity and transmission infrastructure. The entire plan must be submitted to the Legislature by June 2023. Plans for renovations to prepare for ofshore wind activities are already underway at the Port of Humboldt Bay
All hands on deck
Ambitious yet achievable
reliminary fndings in the report set planning goals of 2,0005,000MW of ofshore wind by 2030 and 25,000MW by 2045, enough electricity to power 3.75 million initially and 25 million homes by mid-century.
“These ambitious yet achievable goals are an important signal of how committed California is to bringing the offshore wind industry to our state”, says CEC Chair David Hochschild.

OFFSHORE WIND OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 25
The CEC developed the report in coordination with federal, state, and local agencies and stakeholders including Tribal governments, fsheries and other ocean users. It is the frst of several products the CEC must prepare to create a strategic plan for ofshore wind energy development as required by Assembly Bill 525. It refects the latest available research on technical potential. “The success of our state’s climate goals requires all hands on deck and we are committed to ongoing consultation with other agencies and those most impacted by the scale-up needed to achieve 100% clean electricity”, states CEC Vice Chair, Siva Gunda.
Port of Humboldt Bay
with USD 10.5 million in funding approved by the CEC earlier this year. Governor Newsom’s 2022-23 budget proposal builds on this efort and proposes an additional USD 45 million for other needed upgrades at waterfront facilities.
Plans for renovations to prepare for offshore wind activities are already underway at the Port of Humboldt Bay with USD 10.5 million in funding approved by the CEC earlier this year.

That is why we took the opportunity to conduct the necessary maintenance works as well as small adjustments to the template during the installation of the access platforms. For this we not only used our steel construction skills as the template has various hydraulics to keep the template in the right position. Meanwhile, with the Aeolus being in port, we also were asked to take care of various repair and adjusting works on the vessel. That was quite challenging. Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, we had to take all kinds of measures to
OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION 26 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
In last year’s autumn, the installation of the pin piles came to a halt because of the weather conditions. Van Oord’s
ast year, Van Oord, asked us to construct access platforms for the piling template they are using at the Saint-Brieuc ofshore wind farm project”, Frank Buijk, Project Manager at Hillebrand, says. He continues, “The 62 turbines for this wind farm will be installed on tripod jackets, and for drilling the pin piles needed to anchor the jackets, Van Oord is using a special drilling template.”
Nothing beats a good reference, especially in ofshore construction where top quality is needed to withstand the harsh circumstances at sea. Hillebrand, part of ASK Romein, added another successful project to their already long reference list with an assignment for Van Oord.
vessel Aeolus returned to port with its tools and equipment on board, including the template.

A great piece of work
Easier access
“The platforms enable easier access to the template, for example for maintenance”, Mr Buijk explains. Together with the platforms, we also constructed the necessary safety railings, staircases, and ladders. One can imagine that operating at sea is quite demanding, meaning the template was not totally intact after the frst pin piling campaign.
The prepiling template on the quay of Hillebrand. The company constructed and installed access platforms, safety railings, staircases, and ladders for the template.
be able to work on board, without getting too close to other people on board of the vessel.”
For Hillebrand, Van Oord is a returning customer and according to Mr Buijk more leading ofshore contractors value the company’s expertise. “I can say without exaggeration that the entire ofshore market knows where to fnd us”, he says. “Throughout the years, we have, next to Van Oord, successfully taken care of various projects for other leading contractors such as Boskalis, most recently for their Bokalift 1 and 2, Wagenborg, and Seaway 7, for whom we constructed TP grillages for the Oleg Strashnov for example. Customers like to get back to us because of the quality of our work. Also, they prefer the way we
Last year, Hillebrand invested in the expansion of their location in Vlissingen when they had the opportunity to buy the facilities of shipyard De Donge (left on the photo), which is located next to Hillebrand.

Leading contractors
OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 27
Atinstallation.theendof November, the frst platforms arrived from the coating company, meaning that the installation could start. Just before Christmas, the last platform was installed on the template.
The project’s process
In the new year, the fnal welding of the main scope took place, as well as checking these wells. Until the departure of the Aeolis, Hillebrand executed ample additional works for Van Oord and its subcontractors.

The Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm.
Hillebrand received the order for the construction and installation of the platforms in October. After this, the company immediately started creating the workshop drawings and purchasing the required materials. In November, fabrication of the platforms commenced, which took the whole month. Hereafter, the platforms were transported in phases to an external coating company. In the meantime, the Aeolis arrived at Hillebrand and the template was unloaded from the vessel onto the quay, which enabled the preparative works on behalf of the

Wind cranesof Offshore cranes RL-Series

Last year, the ofshore market was at a low, which has afected all activities for this market. However, this didn’t mean that the people of Hillebrand sat on their hands. On the contrary, they invested heavily in the expansion of their location in Vlissingen when they had the opportunity to buy the facilities of shipyard De Donge, which is located next to Hillebrand. Also, Hillebrand sold their facilities in Middelburg and moved everything over to Vlissingen. This way, they have all the facilities, expertise, and know-how concentrated at one location.
“As we lacked sufcient deep sea mooring space for larger projects, we often had to make use of third-party quays. The acquisition of the former De Donge shipyard now enables us to receive the largest ofshore vessels and barges at our own quayside, which is much more efcient, and in the end also cheaper for our customers”, Mr Buijk elaborates.
operate. We always deliver on time, and for this we are not afraid to take an extra step and to show a fexible approach. On top of this, we are very open and honest. We always say what we do and we do what we say.”
Sustainability eforts
higher-grade steel helps us to produce more energy-efciently. This type of steel is lighter and stronger. This way, less steel is necessary to get the same strength of a construction. Less steel means lower weights and lower weights lead to fuel saving of transport. Also, lighter constructions require thinner welds, which reduces our own energy consumption. With these types of indirect and direct measures, we help the supply chain become more environmentally friendly.”
Throughout the years, Hillebrand has successfully taken care of various projects for leading offshore contractors.
Despite last year’s low in the industry, Mr Buijk is positive, not only because of
As a steel construction company, we try to reduce our energy consumption wherever possible. Also, the use of

Track record
OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 29
The renewables industry has given Hillebrand ample opportunities to create business and realise proft. With the market and society requiring companies to reduce their ecological footprint more and more, Hillebrand is also trying to contribute to a sustainable and renewable supply chain, although according to Mr Buijk this is not easy. “More and more of our customers are demanding sustainability eforts from their suppliers. Also, our license to operate requires our company to take steps to become more sustainable.
For Hillebrand, the recent project for Van Oord was another excellent showcase. “The Saint-Brieuc ofshore wind farm is an important French renewables project, and Van Oord’s piling template is a newly designed state-of-the-art drilling template. Being able to contribute to this important and challenging project and helping improve the template has been very motivating for us. Once again, we have been able to add a great new piece of work to our track record, demonstrating what we are capable of”, Mr Buijk concludes.

the company’s expansion. “Accelerated by the war in Ukraine,” he says, “both the renewables and the oil & gas industry are now progressing again, which of course is a positive development for us. Also, we see growing demand from the decommissioning market. With our expertise and skills, backed-upped by the other subsidiaries of ASK Romein, we are very well capable of meeting the requests from this market as well. Decom contractors ask us to make all sorts of components, for example for the sea fastening of decommissioned jackets and platforms on board of the heavy lift vessels or barges.”
In the future, more and more of our energy will come from wind and solar power. Since nothing changes as much as the weather, the amount of electricity supplied by wind and solar power is also in a constant state of fux.
Photo courtesy of Vattenfall/van der Kloet Foto & Videoproducties.

OFFSHORE HYDROGEN 30 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
The world’s frst ofshore hydrogen cluster
ow can we overcome this? How can we ensure that the supply and consumption of power are as closely aligned as possible? Vattenfall is setting its sights on hydrogen production in the North Sea. The summer holidays are yet to start but Bid Manager of Vattenfall Daan van Eijkel is already looking forward to autumn. This is when the company that has won the tender to build the Hollandse Kust West ofshore wind farm will be announced. Mr Van Eijkel prepared the
bid for part of the wind farm: lot VII. If Vattenfall wins the tender for this lot, the company will build the world’s frst hydrogen cluster as part of an ofshore wind farm there. Three wind turbines will be equipped with electrolysers. The hydrogen they produce will be transported via a pipeline to the Port of Rotterdam and fed into the hydrogen network there. The hydrogen will then be transported to users via a network of pipes – in the same way as with natural gas.
Construction of Hollandse Kust Zuid is in full swing. First power is supplied to the net recently.
Several new wind farms will be built off the coast of the Netherlands in the coming years. The next one scheduled for construction is Hollandse Kust West. Site TwoVTowers, 19 MW Site III and IV 731,5Blauwwind,MW Site I and II 752Ørsted,MW Borssele 1 Site III and IV 760Vatenfall,MW Site I and II Vatenfall, 760 MW Luchterduinen 129 MW Hollandse Kust (zuid) 2 6.000NederwiekMW tender site I: 2025 tender(s) sites II and III: (indicative)2026 7 4.000DoordewindMW tender(s) sites I and II: (indicative)2027 8 Hollandse Kust (west) 2.100 MW tender sites VI and VII: tender2022site VIII: to be determined 4Hollandse Kust (noord) Egmond aan Zee 108 MW Prinses Amalia 120 MW Site V CrossWind, 759 MW 3 IJmuiden Ver 6.000 MW tender(s) sites I to IV: sitestender(s)2023Vand VI: 2025 6Ten noorden van de 700WaddeneilandenMW tender to be determinedGemini600 MW 5 June 2022 Sea Coast 566210077 53 2418,5 0 km 21467 8 5 3 Legend Total ~21,5 GW Existing wind farms ~2,5 GW Future wind farms ~11 GW Wind farms still to be tendered ~8 GW 3 5 1 2 4 7 8 6
Wind Energy Roadmap Image courtesy of Government of the Netherlands. The hydrogen they produce will be transported via a pipeline to the Port of Rotterdam and fed into the hydrogen network there.
Ofshore Wind Energy Roadmap

>> Site TwoVTowers, 19 MW Site III and IV 731,5Blauwwind,MW Site I and II 752Ørsted,MW Borssele 1 Site III and IV 760Vatenfall,MW Site I and II Vatenfall, 760 MW Luchterduinen 129 MW Hollandse Kust (zuid) 2 6.000NederwiekMW tender site I: 2025 tender(s) sites II and III: (indicative)2026 7 4.000DoordewindMW tender(s) sites I and II: (indicative)2027 8 Hollandse Kust (west) 2.100 MW tender sites VI and VII: tender2022site VIII: to be determined 4Hollandse Kust (noord) Egmond aan Zee 108 MW Prinses Amalia 120 MW Site V CrossWind, 759 MW 3 IJmuiden Ver 6.000 MW tender(s) sites I to IV: sitestender(s)2023Vand VI: 2025 6Ten noorden van de 700WaddeneilandenMW tender to be determinedGemini600 MW 5 June 2022 Sea Coast 566210077 53 2418,5 0 km 21467 8 5 3 Legend Total ~21,5 GW Existing wind farms ~2,5 GW Future wind farms ~11 GW Wind farms still to be tendered ~8 GW 3 5 1 2 4 7 8 6
OFFSHORE HYDROGEN OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 31
Earlier this year, Vattenfall received subsidies from the Scottish government to develop the world’s frst hydrogen turbine of the coast of Aberdeen. Vattenfall wants to use Hollandse Kust West as a springboard for taking the next step and connecting multiple hydrogen turbines. Ms Jung says, “Hydrogen is set to play an important role in the future. The experience we gain in Scotland through ofshore production can be applied on a larger scale at Hollandse Kust West. This makes the wind farm an
There are various plans for onshore hydrogen plants, but comparatively few for ofshore production. According to Catrin Jung, Head of Ofshore Wind of Vattenfall, this is a logical development. “Hydrogen production at the source ofers clear advantages, not only in fnancial terms, but because it is practical.” Ms Jung expects ofshore hydrogen production to deliver green hydrogen at competitive prices. In addition, it will ease pressure on the overloaded onshore electricity grids. Hydrogen will become an important part of the energy mix as part of a fossil-free energy supply. This is essential for the ongoing transition to a sustainable energy supply and increasing electrifcation.
important next step towards hydrogen production on a commercial scale.”

Production at the source
Hydrogen, the medium of the future
residual product is water. The great advantage of hydrogen is that it can be stored. This is the major challenge of solar and wind energy at present: once generated, the energy must be used immediately. Storing this energy requires highly expensive batteries. Instead, green energy can also be converted into hydrogen, which can then be transported and brought into contact with oxygen to generate energy when required. This allows surplus energy to be used and ensures there is a sufcient supply in times of scarcity.
It is no coincidence that Vattenfall believes hydrogen will play a key role in the future. Hydrogen is a gas that can be converted to electricity without CO2 emissions and used in sectors where emissions are difcult to reduce, not least because high temperatures are used. Oxygen can be separated from hydrogen using electrolysis, a process in which water is energised. When the hydrogen is brought into contact with oxygen again, this releases energy. And this is all without emissions – the only
Earlier this year, Vattenfall received subsidies from the Scottish government to develop the world’s frst hydrogen turbine of the coast of Aberdeen.
Several new wind farms will be built of the coast of the Netherlands in the coming years. The next one scheduled for construction is Hollandse Kust West. The project consists of two parts, lot VI and lot VII, with lot VII primarily being assessed for system integration, in other words, plans to align the energy system of the future as closely as possible. Vattenfall is competing in both lots. The winner of the construction contract will be announced after the summer.
Self-sufcient hydrogen turbines
In the hydrogen cluster, which consists of three turbines, containers are placed on special platforms. These containers are flled with electrolyser modules, transformers, and batteries. When working in tandem, these containers make it possible to convert the generated electricity in the wind turbines into hydrogen. The planned total capacity for the cluster is 45MW. “We want to show that the next step is already within reach and that we can produce ofshore hydrogen on a large scale”, Mr Van Eijkel explains. “Thanks to the island mode, hydrogen turbines will eventually be self-sufcient, so there will be no need to connect to the electricity grid.”
Photo courtesy of
OFFSHORE HYDROGEN 32 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
System integration
wen Hay has been working for OPITO, the global, not-for-proft, safety and skills body for the energy industry since 2013, when he joined as Standards Manager. In 2017, he was appointed Director of Products, Services & Apprenticeships. Prior to joining OPITO, he worked for major oil and gas service companies including Wood and Petrofac.

In the ofshore industry, a safe and skilled workforce is paramount to ensuring health and safety standards are met, with training and assessment front and centre. In Ofshore Industry Insights, we introduce individuals who have spent their career in this sector and we share how they have contributed to the success of the industry.
Mr Hay: “I was born and raised in Aberdeen, Scotland, and still live there. The energy industry is vital to our regional economy and so I’ve always been exposed to it and the kind of rewarding career it could provide. >>
OFFSHORE INDUSTRY INSIGHTS OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 33
A very exciting sector
Ewen Hay, Director of Products, Services & Apprenticeships of OPITO.
Mr Hay, it looks like you have always been involved in training in the ofshore industry. Can you tell us how you frst got involved?
Ewen Hay, Director of Products, Services & Apprenticeships of OPITO
OFFSHORE INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 34 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
In terms of OPITO’s objectives, what do you fnd the most challenging part of your role?
Mr Hay: “The energy industry continues to evolve, and this looks diferent in diferent locations globally. One of the challenges we face is to constantly anticipate training and competence requirements for the industry, ahead of when they are required, so that the workforce remains safe, skilled and ready to adapt. Over the last two years, working in collaboration with governments and the energy industry globally, OPITO is applying its ffty-year heritage to accelerate the workforce transition at what is arguably a critical time for the climate change agenda and sustainable economic growth. This includes creating new products and standards for emerging energy sectors as well as better harmonising training and skills across multiple sectors.”
Previously you worked for commercial organisations, whereas OPITO is a non-proft organisation. What do you see as being the biggest diference?
Mr Hay: “I have always been involved in the training and competency of people. In previous roles this only involved the skills and competency of staf working for those companies. My role at OPITO allows me to help to develop and drive high levels of training and competency for the entire industry, both in the UK and Asinternationally.theenergytransition continues to progress on a global scale, we must balance decarbonisation targets with energy security while ensuring our workforce have the right skills, training, and support. OPITO, and the products and services we provide, are at the heart of this challenge.”
“In the UK alone, we forecast offshore energy jobs will grow to more than 211,000 by 2030 so it is vital that we prepare and empower a diverse and adaptable workforce.”

I have a strong, personal interest in the areas of training and skills and have been fortunate to pursue a career in a sector I’m passionate about.”
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
Mr Hay: “One of my favourite parts of the job is following trends and keeping up to date with industry.
When looking at safety, have you noticed many changes over the years?
In the past, people that were trained for the oil and gas industry stayed there for their entire career. Now, based on our extensive range of standards, our network of approved training centres not only ofer oil and gas related courses, but also qualifcations in emerging energy sectors such as ofshore wind, hydrogen and CCUS. This way, people have the opportunity to pursue a career not just in oil and gas, but in other energy related sectors as well. At OPITO, we are committed to ensuring that nobody is left behind in the energy transition and that every worker can access the training and development they need to work across the sector and that is personally, really motivating.”
OFFSHORE INDUSTRY INSIGHTS OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 35
Mr Hay: “Safety has always been an important issue in the ofshore industry and throughout the years, with changing rules and regulations, we’ve seen things continuously improve which is very reassuring. It’s important to mention that despite the ofshore industry facing fnancially difcult years during the last decade, most companies have strived to maintain and improve their safety standards demonstrating that safety remains of the highest priority, even when budgets are restricted. Also, even during downturns the industry has always kept on engaging with us on the development of new standards and training for safety critical roles.”
Mr Hay: “The evolution from oil and gas towards ofshore wind, CCUS and hydrogen will continue. This will result in new jobs that require new training and standards. When looking at these qualifcations, the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic towards online and hybrid training and assessment have actually worked out really well, especially for
What new industry trends do you predict for the next few years?
By constantly keeping our standards updated and looking at what global employers require, we can help people to further develop and transition into new careers. In the UK alone, we forecast ofshore energy jobs will grow to more than 211,000 by 2030 so it is vital that we prepare and empower a diverse and adaptable workforce.
virtual reality and simulations will become more and more important too, in order to make training as realistic as possible. Blended learning, and further digitalisation of training will make courses much more fexible for learners. It will also enable them to undertake more of their learning at times which suit their working instead of during their spare time
People have the opportunity to pursue a career not just in oil and gas, but in other energy related sectors as well.

those working at sea and ofshore, and I expect this new way of training and assessment to remain
of view the ofshore industry continues to be a very exciting sector to work in. The industry has always been very good to me, and I look forward to seeing how the energy transition progresses. I continue to enjoy my role at OPITO and I hope to be able to play my part in contributing to a safe ofshore energy industry for many more years to come.”
“Safety has always been an important issue in the ofshore industry and throughout the years, with changing rules and regulations, we’ve seen things continuously improve which is very reassuring.”
Fully electric
The new quayside crane has been designed fully electric, allowing for a direct connection to the quayside power
grid. This allows regenerative energy to be directed back into the utility grid, thus drastically limiting the net energy consumption of the crane. Although the crane is designed to travel on a track 16m wide, this can be adapted to local requirements. Capable of lifting 700mt at a radius of 25m, the crane can bring
Photo courtesy of Huisman.
With the 700mt Travelling Quayside Crane, the load-out process of offshore wind turbine components can take place signifcantly faster compared to the regular methods.
HEAVY LIFTING 36 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
uisman is committed to driving the growth of renewable energy and making heavy project logistics more sustainable. With this 700mt travelling quayside crane, the load-out process of ofshore wind turbine components can take place signifcantly faster compared to the
Huisman has developed a 700mt travelling quayside crane for the load-out of ofshore wind turbine components. The move comes as a result of rising demand for large, 2,600mt and 4,000mt Skyhook Cranes for the load-out of foundation pieces and installation of foating turbines.

700mt travelling quayside crane
regular methods that involve crawler cranes, or a tandem-lifting by two cranes with a capacity around 200mt to 300mt.
Cees van Veluw – Product Manager Cranes at Huisman.
many turbine components to any place in the hold of the majority of the cargo vessels currently used for turbine transportation. The ability to travel at decent speed with load in the hook enables a more fexible delivery schedule of components to the load-out quayside. This results in a more efcient use of the quayside and a quicker turnaround for the transportation vessel.
The Dutch Approach
Find out how our Dutch companies can support you on and make sure to visit us at WindEnergy Hamburg in Hall B7.
• Track width of 16m, can be adjusted to local requirements.
• A 57m long boom, adjustable for other confgurations.
• Cabin ‘eye level’ at 33.5m height above the quayside.
• Optionally the crane can be equipped with a lift-of boost system for increased speed.
HEAVY LIFTING OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 37
• A full electrically driven crane, resulting in high positioning accuracy, efcient energy use, reduced maintenance, reduced noise, and high reliability.
• Design is adjustable for local requirements.
• 700mt lifting capacity at a radius of 25m.
Cees van Veluw, Product Manager Cranes at Huisman, states, “We see a need in the ofshore wind logistics market for increased efciency in smaller ports in newly developed ofshore wind areas. The traditional use of crawler cranes or multiple smaller quayside cranes would require a very large backyard. It also requires the transport vessel to be moored along the quayside for an unnecessarily long time. With this new 700mt Huisman Travelling Quayside Crane, ofshore wind ports can be ready for a quick load-out of turbine components in a sustainable manner.”
Features & benefts
“We see a need in the ofshore wind logistics market for increased efciency in smaller ports in newly developed ofshore wind areas.”
For the Dutch, working at sea is in the blood. For centuries, our companies have worked ofshore gaining a deep understanding of the specifc conditions above and below sea level that can make or break a project. That experience means the Netherlands is home to some of most successful and innovative ofshore wind businesses, maritime companies, and research institutes in the world. Our supply chain is a strong one with global reach and it’s here to help you develop your own ofshore wind industry with confdence.

Increased efciency
• Dual Main Hoist, allowing for fexible rigging confgurations without the need for an extensive portfolio of slings and grommets at hand.
manufacturer (OEM) recommendations. Ofshore operators should conduct regular audits to ensure that subsea emergency response equipment providers are maintaining the equipment
O & M 38 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Wild Well subsea response package. The capping stack is the centrepiece of any response package.
Ensuring you are ready for the unexpected
Since the 2010 Macondo disaster in the US Gulf Of Mexico, detailed emergency response planning and access to purpose-built subsea response equipment became the norm to ensure industry readiness in case another deepwater drilling incident should occur.

readiness. Maintenance programs should include detailed record keeping, fuid sampling and testing, function and pressure testing, and elastomer changes in line with original equipment
ith the majority of the equipment aging since it has been manufactured, maintenance and preservation to a high standard are imperative to ensure its
Key considerations for maintenance of subsea response equipment are ensuring it is ready to be deployed promptly and ensuring all equipment tracking, testing, and certifcation documents are valid and up to date. Thankfully, no large-scale deepwater disasters occurred since Macondo. Because of this, complacency becomes a large risk. Equipment providers must undergo a comprehensive program of maintenance outlined in the second edition of API Recommended Practice 17W. However, OEM maintenance recommendations are developed for equipment that is in use every day, or for preservation of equipment in long-term storage. Neither is wholly appropriate for subsea response equipment, so bespoke maintenance programs must be developed and agreed upon with
O & M OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 39 provider. However, they typically include cutting equipment for the removal of subsea debris, a capping stack, and subsea dispersant application equipment such as hoses, ROV wands, and manifolds. The capping stack is the centrepiece of any response package. It is lowered over the incident well to stop or redirect the fow of hydrocarbons to minimise hydrocarbon release into the environment while control of the well is re-established. Wild Well Control, one of the leading providers of well control emergency response, has developed a range of subsea capping solutions via its WellContained division: services include prevention and contingency planning, system and equipment maintenance and testing, and event response to feld deployment of a capping stack onto an uncontrolled well.
to these high standards. This article discusses key components of an efective equipment maintenance program. Since this equipment is safety critical but seldom feld used, it’s crucial that the maintenance program addresses consistency and thoroughness so no efectiveness is lost due to complacency, process failure, or human error. The article also discusses predictive maintenance and fuid sample analysis through technology.
Essential maintenance
The Macondo disaster launched a review of subsea safety processes and procedures globally and initiated the development of dedicated subsea well control prevention, planning, and response equipment. Subsea response packages vary depending on the

Subsea response solutions
Connector disassembled for inspection and recertifcation.
The Macondo disaster launched a review of subsea safety processes and procedures globally and initiated the development of dedicated subsea well control prevention, planning, and response equipment.
40 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 Media Kit 2023 Available Now! Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands • T +31 118 473 398 • E • I

OEMs issue engineering bulletins or equipment notices when there are required upgrades or recommended improvements due to lessons learned from equipment in use in the feld that should be incorporated into maintenance activities.
Predictive consistency through digitalisation
Detailed record keeping incorporating full traceability of parts is critical and should include up to date OEM COCs. COCs are valid for a period of fve to twenty years depending on equipment type and API certifcation, so it is important to stay up to date current on COC expiration dates. Subsea response package providers internal records should include: OEM COCs, material data books,
O & M OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 41

Inspection inside the connector.

periodic testing records, rigging certifcation records, details of any non-conformance fndings and their resolutions along with data logs of operating parameters of the equipment. Elastomer changes should be carried out per recommendations,OEMbut at minimum at each COC renewal.
the equipment OEM. Wild Well Control worked with OEMs over several years to develop maintenance programs that support both the OEM and Wild Well Control’s standards and policies for maintenance of the company’s subsea response equipment.

The increased use of digital technology enables consistent results and record keeping by identifying trends and test anomalies. Wild Well Control’s maintenance software system creates work orders with detailed instructions for technicians to follow, mitigating any missteps. The industry’s commitment to exploration and pushing boundaries of existing technology means subsea response providers must continually adapt. In addition, the introduction of carbon capture projects will require analysis of operational risks in order to determine suitability of existing capping equipment or to develop new requirements for additional equipment.purpose-built
Fluid and pressure testing
The subsea industry made signifcant improvements to ensure that major subsea incidents don’t happen again. Major investments in personnel training, planning, and equipment have been made to certify that the industry is better prepared should events occur. However, it is critical that complacency doesn’t hurt the continued investment in properly maintained equipment.
Sample analysation of equipment operating fuid can reveal much about the internal condition of the equipment. Fluid samples should be taken and sent for laboratory inspection every time the equipment is operated. Lab tests can reveal fuid acidity and determine cleanliness level. Lab analysis of any particles or colouring found in the fuid can also indicate elastomeric seal and internal coating condition. Pressure testing is another clear indicator of performance.equipmentInaddition to providing pass/fail information on the pressure control equipment, pressure testing the functional circuits of the equipment provides data on elastomeric seal condition and other internal conditions. Monitoring and recording running pressures during functioning of the equipment can signal the need for further investigation if the pressures are out of OEM specifcations and can be used simultaneously with predictive maintenance programs to reveal problems proactively.
Ring gasket inspection.
Detailed records
OIL & GAS 42 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
Avalon feld
The pioneering project will help meet the emissions reduction targets agreed between government and industry in the North Sea Transition Deal in March 2021. The provision of wind power will reduce annual CO2 emissions by The20,000t.project will demonstrate the use of foating ofshore wind in decarbonising oil and gas production. Later this summer, applications will open to
20,000t of CO2
nder this agreement, signed in a meeting hosted by Secretary of State Kwasi Kwarteng, the production facility at Ping Petroleum’s Avalon site, located in the UK Central North Sea, will be mainly powered by foating ofshore wind.
Ping Petroleum UK acquired a 100% stake in the Avalon site in August 2021, with production expected to begin in 2025. The feld has a total estimated recovery of 23 million barrels of oil. The proposed development concept for the plans have already been cleared by the North Sea Transition Authority (NTSA), and a feld development plan is to be submitted later this year. Under these plans, Cerulean Winds with its consortium of Tier 1 industrial partners will provide a large foating ofshore wind turbine which will be connected, via a cable, to Ping Petroleum’s Floating
Exceeding energy needs
Image courtesy of North Sea Transition Authority.
The project was enabled by a grant to Cerulean Winds through the Floating Ofshore Wind Demonstration Programme from the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to support the innovation and optimisation of the technology that will be deployed.
developers for seabed leases to drive the decarbonisation of other oil and gas assets across the North Sea.
Wind-powered oil and gas production facilities
Production & Storage vessel. The foating turbine will be one of the largest foating wind turbines built in the UK and will provide the majority of power required by the production & storage vessel. It is expected that green power produced by the turbine will exceed the energy needs of the production vessel, with the partners exploring options to supply excess energy to other nearby production facilities.
Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng states, “The North Sea oil and gas sector has been a major British industrial success story for decades. We must keep supporting production on the UK Continental Shelf for security of supply as we transition to clean, afordable, home-grown energy. In the meantime, we need to cut emissions from production. Platform electrifcation projects such as this are a welcome step forward to reduce emissions from oil and gas production, secure jobs and new skills and deliver on the
Recently, Cerulean Winds and Ping Petroleum UK have signed an agreement to create one of the UK’s frst oil and gas facilities powered mainly by ofshore wind.
Ping Petroleum’s Avalon site is located in the UK Central North Sea.

As part of the agreement with Ping, Cerulean Winds have committed to fully manufacturing and assembling the ofshore wind turbine in the UK. The project is expected to realise between USD 97-121 million in investment in the development and in the UK’s renewable energy supply chain.
BEIS Grant
OIL & GAS OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 43
Photo courtesy of DNeX.
world – scaling the green economy and creating thousands of jobs in the process. We are thankful to BEIS for encouraging research and development which highlights to potential investors that the UK Government endorses the rapid development of integrated foating ofshore wind technologies to support industrial decarbonisation.”
Tan Sri Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir, Group Managing Director of Ping Petroleum UK’s parenting company DNeX, says, “As the world transitions to a low-carbon future, Ping is excited to be an early implementor of this revolutionary technology in the UK North Sea for our new greenfeld project, Avalon. This project which uses ofshore wind to power operations demonstrates our long-term commitment to establish
Seated left to right: Zainal Abidin Jalil, Executive Director of DNeX and also Managing Director of Ping Petroleum; Dan Jackson, Founding Director of Cerulean Winds. Standing left to right: Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Government of UK; Dato’ Robert Fisher, Director of DNeX and Chairman of Ping Petroleum; Tan Sri Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir, Group Managing Director of DNeX.

“We are thankful to BEIS for encouraging research and development which highlights to potential investors that the UK Government endorses the rapid development of integrated foating ofshore wind technologies to support industrial decarbonisation.”
Early implementor
Dan Jackson, Founding Director of Cerulean Winds, says, “Our partnership marks a signifcant milestone for the oil & gas industry in creating one of the UK’s frst production facilities to be powered by clean, green and afordable ofshore wind energy. This innovative and pioneering project will be ‘Made in the UK’ and through our delivery partners, we will be realising signifcant
commitments of the landmark North Sea Transition Deal.”
investment in UK fabrication yards and ports. This is a critical step in scaling the UK supply chain and building experience and a track-record to exploit future opportunities in the fabrication, assembly, and servicing of ofshore wind developments. This project will demonstrate how we can harness the power of afordable, ofshore wind to deliver signifcant reductions in the carbon emissions of oil and gas production. The UK has a golden opportunity to make our domestic oil and gas production the cleanest in the
For the Avalon project, Ping acquired the FPSO Sevan Hummingbird from the marine energy transportation company Teekay Corporation, which was renamed Excalibur recently.

OIL & GAS 44 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
For the Avalon project, Ping acquired the FPSO Sevan Hummingbird from the marine energy transportation company Teekay Corporation, in early July this
year. Recently the FPSO was renamed Excalibur in the Port of Nigg, Scotland (UK). First commissioned in 2008, the Excalibur spans 60m in diameter with a storage capacity of 270,000 barrels of oil. It can produce about 25,000 barrels per day, supported by up to 47 ofshore personnel. “We are proud to be the new asset owner and ready to progress in our maiden greenfeld upstream project, starting on a clean slate in line with DNeX’s and Ping’s growth strategies. Representation from DNeX being present at the event demonstrates the Group’s continued commitment in this project. DNeX and Ping are upbeat about the prospect of Avalon Development”, Mr Tahir says.
Photo courtesy of DNeX.
i. i.
This project which uses ofshore wind to power operations demonstrates our long-term commitment to establish a low carbon development concept.
a low carbon development concept. It will substantially lower the emissions intensity of our operations which supports long term climate change goals globally. In addition, it enables us to seize market opportunities arising from the energy sector’s low-carbon transformation and development. The creation of an additional revenue stream via the supply of excess energy to nearby facilities will positively contribute to our fnancial performance. Furthermore, we will gain experience and exposure to the relevant markets and stakeholders within the renewable energy sector which may lead to strategic business developments ahead.”
Having doubled its team over the last year, further plans to expand in this region include Japan and Vietnam in the midterm, with longer term sights set on Australia and the Philippines. Following on from the appointment of Maida Zahirovic as APAC Regional Vice-President at the start of this year, this expansion marks an important milestone for JF Renewables as it looks to bridge the gap between European and APAC renewables growth.
Gwenllian Elias Project Manager

Matthew Paterson APAC Operations Director
A long-time resident of Houston, Texas, Mr Litt will continue to be based in the area from where he will be driving the future growth of the German manufacturer’s US subsidiary.
Recently, James Fisher Renewables announced six appointments for the Asia-Pacifc (APAC) region, cementing its commitment to boost local capacity and accelerate the global energy
Jon Litt Managing Director OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 45
Jordan Ferguson European Director
Ruaridh Hamilton Australia Country Manager

Simon Massey Managing Director Heavy Lift Division

Maida Zahirovic APAC Vice-PresidentRegional
Francisco Roh Country Manager South Korea

With over a decade of lessons learned in Europe, including its expertise in the extremes to navigate complex weather challenges and superior commitment to safety and risk management, JF Renewables is perfectly poised to expedite the roll-out of ofshore wind projects in a safe, sustainable way for the nascent APAC region.
Ms Elias, who is based in Cardif, has experience in consenting, stakeholder management and renewable energy and will oversee activities in Wales and the west of England for the Llywelyn and Petroc projects.

Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy are expanding their team by appointing Project Manager Gwenllian Elias to continue leading eforts to develop ofshore wind in the Celtic Sea.
include Matthew Paterson, as APAC operations director, and James Wu, country manager Taiwan, as well as the new post of country manager South Korea which has been taken up by Francisco Roh. The appointments will see JF Renewables strengthen its presence in Taiwan which will form the company’s knowledge hub for the region, while launching a physical presence in South Korea for the frst time.
Aberdeen based businessman Jordan Ferguson has joined US hydrogen scanning solutions provider H2scan as European Director and will direct the company’s expansion in Europe, as they broaden their focus into the growing hydrogen economy. Mr Ferguson brings a wealth of experience having worked in several commercial roles including managing corporate development and acquisitions for Hutcheon Mearns, COO for Valor Energy Group, and higher management roles at TDC Parsons Peebles and Sulzer.

Osprey Group has appointed Simon Massey as the new Managing Director of the Heavy Lift division. Mr Massey comes to the business with more than 35 years’ industry experience gained from a range of companies, most recently Sarens UK, Weldex and DeMag, where he earned a reputation and respect from clients and competitors. Osprey Group has opened new premises in the UK recently and is deploying its owner-operated feet of cranes, barges, and SPMTs in support of ever-more complex projects.
The team of G&D North America, welcome Jon Litt as new Managing Director. With his many years of professional experience in the felds of Business Development and Sales, he is a true asset to G&D and will drive the company’s market success even further. In his role as Managing Director, Mr Litt is in charge of the development, coordination and implementation of strategic business plans.
Peterson has announced expansion plans into Australia with the appointment of Ruaridh Hamilton as Australia Country Manager and the opening of a new ofce in Perth. Australia is one of Peterson’s frontier regions and the centre of the company’s vision for delivering industry-leading logistics and consultancy services to clients operating in the region. Peterson has been delivering integrated logistics services for more than 50 years and is established in key energy hubs around the world.
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Emission Control Technology
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Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV feet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.
HUBEL MARINE B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219
Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector.

Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, fltration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!
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The Netherlands
Emigreen also provides services including design, specifcation, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, fow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate flters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation.

Twitter: HubelMarine
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The Netherlands

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Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new buildings. Piening Propellers scope of supply Propellersincludes:FPP > 800mm Ø
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Am Altendeich 83 OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | 47
We are your partner in delivering all kinds of high-tension (S690, S890 and S960) steel structures and even inclusive electrical and hydraulics, if so required. We can be your turn-key partner in the supply, engineering and on-board installation of heavy lift equipment, land and offshore wind structures and (de)mobilisations.
Dutch company Orga has over 40 years’ experience providing customised explosion-proof safety lighting and aids with navigation solutions for the offshore oil and gas industries. Widely used around the world, Orga products meet all local and international code requirements providing robust, reliable and cost effective ser vice in some of the harshest offshore environments. With increasing demands from the oil and gas industries for pioneering technology, improved safety and reduced total cost of ownership, Orga’s continuing drive for innovation has developed the very latest cuttingedge in helideck lighting, marine navigational aids and remote power systems. For more information please visit
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projects, as well as a provider of specialist heavy lifting and cable installation services.
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Do you have problems with fnding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while ftting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it.
The Netherlands
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I rhbwww.rhb.nlstevedoring & warehousing is your independent partner for project cargoes, heavy lifts and assisting offshore vessels during mobilisation or demobilisation. Our private terminal with 730 metres quay length is equipped with own shore cranes up to 208 tons. Floating cranes up to 1,500 tons are available.
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Contact: Martijn van Manen
T +31 (0)79 363 7700
SSC Steel Shape Cutters BV is a new, competent provider of 3D-profling: computer-controlled machine cutting of tubes, beams, hollow sections and plate. Subcontracting does not have to cost a lot, and it will bring substantial savings! With two state-of-the-art machines, we offer a huge range, superb accuracy, and great effciency. Round tubes up to Ø 2,500mm OD, with thicknesses of up to 150mm (oxyfuel and plasma), and robot cutting of beams and sections up to 1,200mm wide, plate up to 1,200mm wide and 3,000mm long. Fast, accurate, and cost effective.
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
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T +31 (0)85 760 3226
F +49 4124 3716
SUHBO INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 6, Mipyeong-ro, 106 beon-gil, Wonsam-Myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Kyunggi-do Korea

I Seawaywww.seaway7.com7,therenewables business unit of Subsea 7, is a capable and experienced partner for the deliver y of fxed and foating offshore windfarm
Contact: Peter Staat
M +82 10 4999 6979 (Korea), +61 434 509 501 (Australia)
P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam
Driving innovation with safety always in mind
Contact: Cindy Jouvenaar Heskes
T +31 (0)10 316 46 00
With combined expertise in project management, engineering, procurement, fabrication, heavy lifting and cable installation services, Seaway 7 can deliver these services in a comprehensive array of contractual structures including engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI), transportation & installation (T&I), and balance of plant (BoP) to our clients in the offshore renewables sector.
SSC STEEL SHAPE CUTTERS BV ‘s-Gravendeelsedijk 200 3316 AZ Dordrecht
T +82 31 334 6979
Contact: Joey Kim, Export Sales EstablishedManager in 1985, Suhbo Industrial Co., Ltd is the major leading Korean manufacturer and supplier of high performance roundsling for heavy & shipping building industries. We have been supplying high performance roundslings to major heavy industries

Also complete document control according to the class bodies lies in our expertise. With our two facilities we have all disciplines in house to enable us to serve our clients in an effcient and reliable way. We are completely certifed according to our customer standard. For more details, please phone us and/or check our website:

F +31 (0)10 429 6459
Strickledeweg 13 3125 AT Schiedam
Waalhaven N.Z. 4 3087 BL
Harbournr: 2637

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Release date: 1 November 2022
• Automation, control & measurement technology
• Adipec
We have already started preparing our upcoming issues of Ofshore Industry. Below you will fnd some of the main topics we are planning to cover. Please feel free to provide our editorial staf with any relevant information, so they can take your input into consideration for publication. Our commercial department will be happy to assist you with your marketing needs.
Offshore Industry is owned and published by Yellow & Finch Publishers.
• Safety & Security
• Ofshore wind turbines
Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands
Advertisement deadline: 15 February 2023
ROB DE KERF | Account Manager
48 | OSI 2022 | Volume 15 | Issue 4
• WindEurope Copenhagen

• Automation, Control & Measurement Technology

Delivery program LR-A, LR-DH36, LR-EH36 (+Z35), VL-D36, VL-E36 (+Z35), VL-E36TM, VL-F36TM S235JR / S355J2+N / S355K2+N S355G10+M / S355MLO / S355G10+N / S355NLO / S420G2+M / S420MLO / S460G2+M / S460MLO S355NL / S355ML / S460NL (+Z35) / S460ML Dillimax 690E (+Z35) – 965T / S690QL1 (+Z35) / S890QL / S960QL Dillidur 400 / 450 / 500 / 550 Dicrest®5 (HIC resistant), SA 516 Gr. 60 / 65 / 70 P265GH / P295GH / P355GH, P355NH / P355NL2 / P460NH / P460NL2 SA 516 Gr. 60, SA 516 Gr. 70, SA 537 Cl. 1