ShipBuilding Industry issue 4 2021

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Photo: Vaan

SBI 2021 | VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 4



i n d u s t r y


hydro vaan

Innovation happens when experts unite

SB I VOL. 15 ISSUE 4 | 2021

Luxury made from scrap

Visit to learn more.


We both share an ambition to make products that are designed for circularity with low emissions. Of 80,000 boats that are scrapped yearly only a few are properly dismantled and most burned, causing massive CO2 emissions. Vaan believes that this must and can be changed for the better. The solution is building luxury yachts from old window frames, pineapple leaves and wind energy and constructed for recycling. We are proud to work with a visionary company like Vaan to address these challenges, and to contribute to the first fully recyclable yacht. The yacht is built with Hydro CIRCAL, aluminium made with at least 75 percent post-consumer scrap.

Crane vessel Les Alizés













Excellent value propulsion and marine genset power Extensive range of low HP application engines Available now from your trusted Baudouin partners across Europe Discover the full range at


Uplifting stories WELCOME TO YET ANOTHER EDITION OF SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY, IN WHICH SOME IMPORTANT PLAYERS IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY TAKE US FOR A LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES. Expert in hoisting and lifting equipment Euro Rope shares about the latest developments in heavy lifting equipment and how the company adheres to the need for equipment that can operate higher working loads, Liebherr has manufactured and delivered well over 1,000 maritime cranes as their 1,300th crane has just left the Rostock premises to its destination in Ghana, and Schottel and Jan De Nul  proudly present Les Alizés, the crane vessel that will be used for the construction of offshore windfarms as well as decommissioning offshore oil & gas platforms. Other than that, the impressive workboats and tugs by Damen and Kooiman Marine Group demonstrate that there is always room to innovate. The first DP2 Shoalbuster ever has been built at Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld, while Kooiman Marine Group built two water injection dredgers for Van Oord. Of course, we could not resist spoiling our readers with some exciting ship reports on some of the most impressive vessels launched this year. The stories of Ulstein’s National Geographic Endurance and Vard’s Le Commandant-Charcot will take you on an exciting journey beyond your imagination. These and more interesting articles from the world of shipbuilding await you in this brand-new edition of ShipBuilding Industry. Enjoy the read! Daniela Markovic´ EDITOR DANIELA@YNFPUBLISHERS.COM

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ISSUE 4 | 2021



36 24





Le commandant-Charcot


National Geographic Endurance

Lifting capacity reaching new heights



Going the distance



Bigger, better, stronger


Pushing the limits


Maas & Mersey


Brutus at your service



Proactive hull optimisation


01 04 43 44 46 48

Editor’s Note News in Brief People Outfitters Yellow & Finch Pages Next issues & Colophon


Schottel prepares propulsion package for crane vessel Les Alizés. Read more on page 30. Photo courtesy of Schottel.

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26-08-2021 11:38

NEWS IN BRIEF Vard to build largest yacht in the world – Somnio Vard, one of the world’s major designers and shipbuilders of specialized vessels, is pleased to announce that it has secured the contract for the construction of Somnio, the world’s first residential ‘yacht liner’, finished to the highest possible standards. Somnio will be one of a kind and recognisable as the new standard bearer of superyacht design. The yacht liner will have a gross tonnage of 33,500GRT, a length of 222m, and a beam of 27m. Somnio has just 39 luxurious apartments onboard and will sail the world according to owners’ wishes. The yacht liner, which will comply with the highest safety, environmental and operational standards and rules, is the result of a close cooperation among Somnio, Fincantieri and Vard. Somnio has selected two of the world’s foremost architectural and design studios for the project, Tillberg Design of Sweden, and Winch Design from the United Kingdom. i.

Starnav opts for Schottel solutions


With a milestone project for South America, the Brazilian towage group Starnav is setting sails to reach the IMO 2030 goals: Starnav has contracted Detroit shipyard in Itajaí, Brazil, for equipping four newly built tugs with Schottel RudderPropellers. One of the 32m long and 11.6m wide escort tugs will feature the Schottel patented SYDRIVE-M technology right from start; the other three will be configured to be SYDRIVE-ready. As a mechanical hybrid solution without the costly complexity of common hybrid technology, SYDRIVE-M will ensure lower maintenance costs and less fuel consumption. Schottel SYDRIVE-M will enable Starnav to offer more profitable and emission-reduced towing services in Brazilian ports. Beyond this, the towage group contributes to meeting the IMO 2030 and 2050 goals initiated by the International Maritime Organization. i.


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NEWS IN BRIEF WinGD makes hybrid energy system integration debut with NYK WinGD has won a contract to integrate hybrid energy systems on four newbuild car carriers for Japanese owner NYK Line, further expanding the engine developer’s portfolio of future-ready power solutions for companies navigating shipping’s energy transition. The four pure car and truck carriers (PCTC) will run on LNG, with WinGD’s 7X62DF-2.1 two-stroke engines coupled with shaft generators, DC-links, and battery systems. Based on its in-depth knowledge of the main engine’s performance WinGD has optimized spinning reserves, peak shaving, and energy flow to run the main engine constantly at its sweet spot while avoiding inefficient generator loads. WinGD will be responsible for the system integration and system-level energy management, through WinGD’s new Hybrid Control System. Combined with other ship design enhancements, the LNG-battery configuration is expected to cut overall CO2 equivalent emissions by around 40% compared to conventionally powered vessels operating on heavy fuel oil, taking them beyond IMO’s 2030 target for cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. i.

Liebherr enhances remote service app


M  3 0 C r ia S u i m e S e i, pt s e a t Flo em G l o r a ri b b d e d a e r, a l cr 20 ui Of 21 se fs g h 26 o r lo ba  - e l.c Am  27 E n e om st Oc r g y o f er to f s da be h o m r, r e , T 20 -e h 2 ne e N 1 Eu rg e ro y. the 2  p o bi r - 5 r t z lan ds R N Ro ot ov t t te e e r E u rd m d r o am be a m p o , r, 2 r t Th 20 0 2 . n e 21 1 l AD N et IP he 15 E C rla  - 1 2 0 nd Ab 8 2 s u No 1 a d Dh ve i p ab m e c i, be . c U A r, o m E 20 21 M ET 16 S 2  - 0 2 Am 18 1 s N M ter ove et d m s t am b r a , e r, d e Th 2 . c e 02 N om N 1 or et he 10 S h rla  - 1 i p p nd O 3 in sl J g s o, an No N u a r- or ry sh w , i p ay 20 22 pi ng .c om

M E a ve rit n im Se at ts e 27 r a d - e

Liebherr enhances its existing remote service app and takes service to the next level. XpertAssist is not just an audio-video connection but combines remote service and traditional technical expertise with a number of technical tools to provide advanced support for customers. The new service is available for crawler cranes, deep foundation equipment and maritime cranes. Liebherr has further developed its remote service portfolio to provide even better support for its customers. XpertAssist is an annual subscription-based service, which combines several service tools to provide increased benefits such as reduced mean time to repair and therefore, costs. Real-time, fast and effective support is provided by Liebherr experts worldwide with second level backup support with OEM. Increased availability, longer service life, and reduced service costs are the advantages for each machine registered with XpertAssist. i.

September s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d u str

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13-09-2021 10:31

NEWS IN BRIEF Aegir-Marine opens new in office in Panama Aegir-Marine has opened a new office in Panama. In addition to reinforcing the company’s presence in Latin America, the new office represents the further expansion of Aegir-Marine’s global service network. The maritime stern tube seal and propulsion system service provider now has offices on five continents around the world (in the Netherlands, Singapore, Shanghai, Namibia, USA, UAE, and now Panama). Aegir-Marine decided to extend its geographical presence by opening an office in Panama for two main reasons. “Our business in Latin America is growing”, says Bart van den Hamer, General Manager Americas. “We want to show our commitment to our customers in the region that we are here to stay. We will achieve this by continuing to build strong relationships with new and existing clients in Central and South America. i.

Family van den Hamer after check-in.

Fjord1 contracts NES for ferry conversions and charging stations

Em i gr een ® f o r in t eg r a t e d em i s s io n c o n t r o l s o l u t i o n s We provide emission control solutions that focus on: • Soot reduction • NOx reduction • Sound reduction

Noordeinde 19 |

3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht | The Netherlands | |

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With the following products: • Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) • Integrated high-performance exhaust silencers • Catalytic converters

Norwegian ferry operator Fjord1 has contracted Norwegian Electric Systems AS (NES) to act as system integrator and deliver power control, distribution, and battery systems to three ferries that will be converted From left: SVP Sales at NES Stein Ruben Larsen, Sales manager at NES Martin Aasheim and Project and from gas and diesel Technology Manager at Fjord1 ASA, Nils Kristian Berge. propulsion to zero emission battery operation. NES will also deliver equipment and control system to four battery charging stations to Fjord1. Under the contract, NES will equip the three ferries with batteries, charging systems, new generators and upgrades of the AC circuit boards and automation systems. For the battery charging stations, the company will supply charging towers, power electronics and control systems. NES will design, assemble, and test the systems at its headquarters at Godvik outside Bergen, Norway. Going forward, NES will work closely with the chosen conversion yards to optimize the delivery for the most energy-efficient operation possible. i.

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26-08-2021 12:04

, Sales d n Berge.

NEWS IN BRIEF CMC Marine signs agreement with Saim Group CMC Marine continues to expand its distribution network and signs a partnership agreement with Saim Group, a well-established business that began life in 1951 and will soon be distributing the Waveless ultra-compact stabilization system throughout Italy, San Marino and the six Arab member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Pursuing the strategy strongly backed by Alessandro Cappiello to internationalise and strengthen CMC Marine’s distribution network, the Tuscany-based company is proud to announce the signing of an agreement with the marine division of Saim Group, covering the sale of the Waveless line of ultra-compact stabilizers in Italy, San Marino and the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar. i.

From the left: Marco Donà, CEO of Saim, Alessandro Cappiello, CEO of CMC Marine, and Massimo Donà, Chairman and President of Saim

Holland Shipyards Group delivers fully electric ferry to Brevik Fergeselskap On 1 July, Holland Shipyards Group officially handed over the new build, fully electric ferry Sandøy to Brevik Fergeselskap. The vessel will operate within the waters of Eidangerfjorden, Norway, connecting Brevik with Sandøya and Bjørkøya. Sandøy is a fully electric ferry measuring 42m long and 11m wide and has the capacity to transport 98 persons and 16 vehicles (cars). The vessel is completely emission-free and entirely powered by battery power with an installed capacity of 1.300kWh. Sandøy will be charged by means of a 600kW shore charging facility, mostly during night. Of all vessels, ferries do lend themselves ideally for electrification of that sort, since the operating area is extremely predictable, and charging facilities are relatively easily accessible. i.

Huisman scales up 3D printing of crane hooks Worldwide provider of step changing technical solutions, Huisman, has successfully tested four new 3D printed 350mt crane hooks according to the strictest criteria, and under the supervision of the independent certification authority Lloyd’s Register. The hooks are approx. 170 by 130cm in size, almost 9 times larger than the first Huisman 3D printed crane hook. They have a weight of 1,700kg each and a loading capacity of 350mt. Each hook exists of approx. 90km of welding wire. Huisman has been employing the 3D printing technique ‘Wire & Arc Additive Manufacturing’ (WAAM) to produce mid-size to large components with high-grade tensile steel. An important benefit of using this technique for crane hooks is the significant reduction in delivery time at a cost that competes with forgings and castings, and a more consistent quality level. Huisman has plans to expand its robotic workplace of its production facility in Sviadnov, Czech Republic, which currently holds three welding robots. i. | Read more on

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Fire protection cover for openings and fixtures

r fire Suitable fo class resistance B15

Light weight and easy to assemble

Low installation height

Cut and adapt using standard tools

Suitable for downlights, loudspeakers, hinged frames, inspection openings and more

Due to the endothermic effect of the non-organic adhesive in the product structure, VitriBond Marine is ideally suited as a fire protection cover for openings and fixtures in vertical and horizontal surfaces onboard ships.

Request your free product sample now!

Culimeta Textilglas-Technologie GmbH & Co. KG Phone: +49 54 39 94 16 - 0 • E-Mail: Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 9 • 49593 Bersenbrück Germany • Member of Cuylits Holding Group

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NEWS IN BRIEF Rolls-Royce builds new fuel cell demonstrator Another new technology – the hydrogen fuel cell – is currently making in-roads at the Friedrichshafen plant of Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems division where a 250kW demonstrator is in the process of being set up to test future zero-carbon energy systems and present these to customers. “We firmly believe that fuel cell technology is set to make a huge contribution to a successful energy turnaround. That’s why Rolls-Royce sees it as its mission to assume a pioneering role in fuel cell applications”, says Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems. “Fuel cells shall form an elementary part of our product portfolio for sustainable solutions.” Why fuel cells? Fuel cells have very high efficiency levels when generating electricity from hydrogen and oxygen. When run on pure hydrogen, they give off zero emissions – only water vapor – as well as being low-noise, lowmaintenance, and vibration-free. i.

Double milestone for Virgin Voyages The delivery of Valiant Lady took place on 1 July and Resilient Lady was floated out on 2 July at the Sestri Ponente (Genoa) shipyard, respectively the second and third of four ships which Virgin Voyages (new cruise operator and a brand part of Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group), ordered to Fincantieri. Valiant Lady and Resilient Lady, as well as their sistership Scarlet Lady delivered last year, weigh about 110,000gt, are 278m long and 38 wide. They all feature over 1,400 guest cabins designed to host more than 2,770 passengers, accompanied by 1,160 crew members on board to deliver the famed Virgin service. The quality of life on board is guaranteed by the comfort class certification, testifying minimum levels of noise and vibration, as well as by an extensive use of home automation. i.

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26-08-2021 12:04

NEWS IN BRIEF Jan De Nul Group completes installation of 21 offshore wind turbines Jan De Nul Group completed the installation of all 21 offshore wind turbines for the 109.2MW Taiwan Power Company Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project – Demonstration, including the installation of all subsea cables. The project teams of Jan De Nul and Hitachi now proceed with the termination and commissioning process of the complete offshore wind farm. The project was kicked off in September 2018 with the preparatory onshore cable works. On 12 June 2021, Jan De Nul’s Offshore Jack-Up Installation Vessel Taillevent successfully completed the installation of the last 5.2MW Hitachi wind turbine for Taiwan Power Company (TPC). The TPC Offshore Wind Farm near Fangyuan, 8km off the West coast of Taiwan, is constructed in a region where typhoons are very common. Each 5.2MW wind turbine is installed on a jacket foundation with transition piece, anchored to the seabed using four steel pin piles, and equipped with wind turbines with a downwind rotor. i.

MAN Rollo delivers first MAN Stage V generator sets for Concordia Damen Parsifal project MAN Rollo has proven to master the challenges of Stage V by successfully completing the Factory Acceptance Test of three new Stage V generator sets to be delivered. After achieving this important milestone, the three sets – two LNG and one diesel set – will soon be delivered to client Concordia Damen. The MAN engines are therefore the first certified and delivered MAN engines for the 40 LNG-powered inland shipping tankers that Concordia Damen is building for JP. Morgan Asset Management, for end-user Shell. The MAN Rollo engineering team has adapted and dynamically tested the generator sets for this Stage V application in close collaboration with engineers from MAN and engine management specialist Heinzmann. By March, the team had already successfully completed a series of dynamic tests, after which the sets on the test stand were further fine-tuned. Every generator set now meets Stage V requirements in every load step. i.

Construction walk to work ice breaker in progress At the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard, the fore ship of the world’s first shallow draft ice-breaking walk to work vessel has been transported from the construction hall to the quay side. Yard number 862 for a joint venture between Mercury Sakhalin and Pola will be delivered December 2021. The shallow draft ice-breaking walk to work vessel is specially designed and optimized for year-round operations in the challenging conditions on the east coast of Sakhalin in temperatures ranging from -30 degrees to +35 degrees. By combining a shallow draught of 3,15m, a transit draught of 4,0 m in open waters and a grounded bottom notation, the vessel can be deployed year-round. With proven Wagenborg icebreaking technology of the icebreaking hull and pulling (ice milling) Azimuth thrusters, the vessel can break through ice up to 100cm. i. | Read more on

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Liebherr Rostock has manufactured and delivered 1,300 maritime cranes since 2005

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Solutions like the Remote Service tool will certainly be part of our digitalised future.


n addition to the worldwide customer service network, it is the continuous technical development of the cranes and assistance systems that gives Liebherr’s customers the decisive edge. In the future, the mobile harbour crane series is set to run on the fossil-free HVO 100 diesel. The diesel reduces emissions by up to 90% and is derived from renewable raw materials. Liebherr is innovating in a fast pace, and developing new solutions according to current and future circumstances.

Building digital bridges

Distance doesn’t seem to be an issue for Liebherr either. Remote products are the topic of the hour and have been in greater demand than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the better that the Liebherr Group has been working on such innovative solutions for a long time and is able to offer its customers appropriate products for various applications, for remote maintenance as well as for collaboration with local technicians.

Crane number 1,300 was shipped from Rostock, Germany to Ghana in June

Remote Service App in use for remote assembly of a mobile harbour crane.

Last year’s pandemic has given the digital transformation an extraordinary impetus, demonstrating that there most certainly are solutions for performing work without being present on site. Such remote applications have many benefits and are currently experiencing a veritable boom. Liebherr has been working on various remote products for many years, now allowing the company to make use of these and to further expand its innovative technologies.

At the push of a button

Liebherr has developed a remote service tool for crawler cranes, deep foundation equipment, and maritime cranes. The app allows operators to share visual information, resulting in faster and easier troubleshooting. As part of a test, all customers had free access to the new app

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until the end of 2020. The app allows for audio and video calls and comes with features like a chat function, screen sharing, image and document exchange, and whiteboarding functions. These enable real-

time, fast and effective customer support from Liebherr experts worldwide. Last year, the enterprise tested the tool in remote locations and challenging situations

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Instead of sitting in an operator cabin, the Remote Operator Station (ROS) offers an office environment

in order to meet and adapt to customer requirements. The app can be used around the world in real time and can transmit visual information, allowing fast and efficient customer support when needed. Liebherr also offers remote diagnostics for its cranes of the latest generation. If a problem occurs, a service engineer connects to the crane control via an encrypted mobile phone connection to support the customer by troubleshooting the issue. The remote tools allow issues with the machine to be identified more quickly, avoiding unnecessary journeys for maintenance – an especially important factor in times of any travel restrictions. Precise fault diagnosis allows the correct parts to be ordered so that the crawler crane, rope excavator, maritime crane, deep foundation machine or mobile crane can quickly be put back into operation.

Smart glasses

Smart glasses are a practical tool for providing swift assistance to customers in faraway places without having to send a

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technician around straight away. The glasses allow pictures to be easily shared and discussed. So this remote tool not only avoids the need for travel, but also saves substantial costs and makes customer service more efficient. Liebherr is also testing this capability in its internal engineering and production in the Aerospace division. Virtual and augmented reality allows final inspections to be performed on a landing gear assembly using these glasses. In this case, the 3D model is superimposed on reality, enabling the inspector to examine the machine virtually ‘live’ and to improve the quality inspection process. The company also uses smart glasses for earthmoving machines and material-handling technology, enabling digital remote support for service and maintenance cases. The customer wears the smart glasses and a live image is directly transmitted to a Liebherr service technician. They subsequently carry out a fault diagnosis and ideally find a solution to the problem.

Control from the office

Another remote innovation is Liebherr’s Remote Operator Station (ROS), which has been developed for use with all Liebherr container crane products and offers flexibility in operations. The ROS is ergonomically designed and fitted with multiple displays, allowing the operator to perform all normal driving functions from a remote office environment. Furthermore, the move to automation with remote control brings operational benefits, with a

single ROS operator being able to operate several cranes simultaneously. Additional benefits include faster and easier shift changes and a more attractive work environment for employees.

Digital troubleshooting

When asked if operations like these, in which the Remote Service App played an important role, will become more common in the future, Customer Service Manager for Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock Christian Lübke responds, “Solutions like the Remote Service tool will certainly be part of our digitalised future. That being said, we will probably be less reliant on the app for supervising commissioning. Instead, it will probably be used more often for troubleshooting machines that are already operational. The Remote Service App can be used to identify errors more quickly. Currently, if an assembly mechanic initially travels to a location and then realises a pump is damaged, he may need to make a second trip to replace that part. Digital troubleshooting allows the assembly mechanic to arrive on site and meet the client with the required part in hand, correcting the problem straight away. This not only allows us to start troubleshooting faster, it also lowers travel costs. In the end, this may also reduce the amount of time that the crane is not operational. i.

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With the christening of BN354 Muria, Barkmeijer Shipyards completed the construction of a series of three diesel-electric shallow draft pushers.



ister ships BN349 Maderas and BN350 Merapi were already transferred to Chemgas in May. The three electrically powered push boats are especially suitable for sailing when water levels are (very) low. As a result, the pushers fit in perfectly with Chemgas’ ambitious fleet replacement programme in which, in addition to strengthening the fleet, part of the fleet is also made suitable for periods with low water levels.

Unique electric propulsion

The electric propulsion system – the Eprop system – is unique to the pusher series, which was developed in close collaboration with D&A Electric. In this case, the electric drive uses four small diesel generator sets for the energy supply. The smart Power Management System efficiently manages the energy supply on board and allows an optimal distribution of the generators on both the pusher and barge, ensuring

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optimum thrust with high performance stability and low fuel consumption. The use of the Eprop propulsion also provides better sailing and manoeuvring characteristics, which means that you can also sail effectively on fewer generators. The required energy is now supplied by four Caterpillar C18 generator sets, of which three are installed on board the pusher and one set on the push barge. For example, the push boat can also sail with only the push barge’s generator set. The Power Management System also ensures that soon it will also be possible to sail on emission-free energy sources such as batteries or fuel cells. These vessels are ready for the future.

KP1250 shallow draft pushers

Chemgas has specifically chosen the KP1250 pusher type because these diesel-electric vessels have a very shallow minimum draft of just 1.20m. Low water levels on rivers are

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Muria was launched at the end of April 2021.

With the recent deliveries of Maderas, Merapi, and Muria, three futureproof pushers have been added to the Chemgas fleet. increasingly common during dry periods. In order to be able to sail at all times, it is essential for shipowners to have vessels with a shallow draft at their disposal. The Maderas, Merapi, and Muria are added to the inland shipping fleet of Chemgas, which operates with its ships from Vlissingen, Rotterdam, Antwerp to Basel.

Practical, smart, and innovative

The four shipyards of Thecla Bodewes Shipyards, Barkmeijer Shipyards being one of them, have more than 300 years of experience in developing and building ships that enable clients to successfully conduct

business. The Thecla Bodewes innovations are practical, smart, and innovative.

Fifteen ships built

The Thecla Bodewes Shipyards yards have built no fewer than fifteen ships for Chemgas in recent years. Chemgas is market leader in the transport of pressurised liquefied gases by sea and inland vessels up to 3,500m3. With the recent deliveries of Maderas, Merapi, and Muria, three futureproof pushers have been added to the Chemgas fleet.

Thecla Bodewes christened BN354 Muria together with Gunther Jägers and Jaques Naaborgh from Chemgas Shipping.



Maderas, Merapi, and Muria all have the same dimensions.

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TECHNICAL SPECS Length overall Breadth moulded Depth moulded Draft minimum manoeuvring Crew

29.5m 11.4m 2.76m 1.2m 5

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The vessel has ice breaking technology and is powered by LNG.

Le CommandantCharcot LE COMMANDANT-CHARCOT IS THE FIRST HYBRID ELECTRIC ICEBREAKER. BY NAMING THE LATEST JEWEL IN ITS FLEET AFTER HIM, PONANT WANTED TO PAY TRIBUTE TO JEAN-BAPTISTE CHARCOT, AN EMBLEMATIC FIGURE OF THE first French polar expeditions. In the name of this ‘gentleman of the poles’, this revolutionary icebreaker will push the boundaries of sailing in the Arctic and Antarctic and write new pages in the history of cruise travel. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF VARD, UNLESS MENTIONED OTHERWISE.


doctor, explorer, and exceptional sailor, Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1867-1936) launched the era of great French polar explorations. As early as 1902, he had already crossed the Arctic Circle and embarked on a long series of explorations that would take him from Greenland to Antarctica. Aboard his ship, the PourquoiPas?, Captain Charcot would expand our knowledge of the mysterious world of ice. Topographic studies, cartography, surveys of the seabed, oceanographic readings, studies of magnetism, collections of zoological and

botanical samples: the learnings from these scientific expeditions is vast. But this skilled sportsman, a rugby player and Olympic medal winner in sailing, was also a humanist, passionate about multi-cultural encounters with people of the icy North.

First of its kind

Le Commandant-Charcot is a hybrid electric polar exploration vessel with ice-breaking technology powered by LNG, a Polar Class PC2 ship that includes all the latest ‘green’ technologies such as 100% waste sorted on board and waste treatment. The vessel will be fitted with facilities and equipment for research, providing the scientific world with a platform for observation, research, and analysis to study water, air, ice, and biodiversity in extreme polar regions. Le Commandant-Charcot will be sailing in the world’s most remote regions: the Geographic North Pole, Northeast Greenland’s National Park, circumnavigation of the Svalbard archipelago, the Bellingshausen Sea, Charcot and Pierre I Islands, Weddell Sea, and the Larsen Ice Shelf.

Flag ceremony

A doctor, explorer and exceptional sailor, JeanBaptiste Charcot (1867-1936) launched the era of great French polar explorations.

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As Vard announced the delivery of Le Commandant-Charcot, a flag exchange ceremony took place on Thursday 29 July on the ship’s helideck. Attilio Dapelo, General Manager Business Unit Cruise at Vard, shares, “The delivery of this amazing vessel

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SPECS TECHNICAL SPECS Length Beam Draft Cruising speed Ice class Polar Class Classification Flag Guest decks Guest capacity Crew members Gross tonnage Electric propulsion motors Installed power Construction

Main lounge – Deck 5.

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150m 28m 10m 15 knots PC2 Bureau Veritas French 5 270 235 31,757t 34MW 42MW Sovik, Norway

From left to right: General Manager Business Unit Cruise at Vard, Attilio Dapelo, Yard Director Vard Søviknes Arnt Inge Gjerde, New Building Director at Ponant, Mathieu Petiteau, Captain Patrick Marchesseau, and Captain Etienne Garcia.

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Restaurant – Deck 5.

fantastic ship in the good spirit of Vard with excellent teamwork, dedication, and a solution-oriented mindset. We are proud to deliver this one-of-a-kind vessel to Ponant, fully tested and tuned for polar explorations.”

Pool – Deck 9.

Well-organised collaboration

This exquisite polar exploration ship is developed by Ponant, Stirling Design International, Aker Arctic, and Vard, and is built by Vard Tulcea in Romania and Vard Søviknes in Norway. The vessel features high-quality products and solutions from Vard and Fincantieri’s specialised entities.

Cruise voyage of tomorrow

is the true evidence of the highly technical competence in our engineering and production departments. The technical result is unique and we are proud of the job we have done together. We wish to thank

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everyone involved for the dedication and the commitment showed during the entire project.” Arnt Inge Gjerde, Yard Director Vard Søviknes, proudly states, “We have built this

With Le Commandant-Charcot, Ponant has imagined and envisaged the cruise voyage of tomorrow. The latest addition to their fleet will take you following in the footsteps of the great polar explorers in refined surroundings complete with the kind of luxury services never before offered in the farthest reaches of the southern and

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Arnt Inge Gjerde, Yard Director Vard Søviknes.

northern hemispheres. The indoor swimming pool, the conservatory, the panoramic restaurant, the Blue Lagoon outdoor restaurant, the Main Lounge, the Observation Lounge, the lobby; each of the common areas has been designed to convey both French-style discreet luxury and arouse wonder and amazement. The common thread running through all their designs is the desire to allow the light to penetrate and open everything up the extraordinary polar landscapes and scenery. Moreover, this extraordinary polar exploration ship has been designed with the greatest attention to detail in terms of safety and respect for the environment.

Le Commandant-Charcot is the first hybrid electric icebreaker.

Exceptional suites and staterooms

On board are 135 suites and staterooms, ranging in size from 20 to 115m², providing warm, understated settings that look out to the outside world. Each has a private balcony or terrace, the Le CommandantCharcot is fully in keeping with the Ponant philosophy of providing a rare and exceptional ambiance for every passenger welcomed onboard and reinforce the feeling and sense of sailing on a private yacht. At the rear of decks 6 and 7 are four stunning 94m² split-level suites equipped with private terraces and jacuzzis. The 115m² Suite de l’Armateur (Shipowner’s Suite) on deck 8 features wide sliding glass doors offering stunning panoramic views and opening out onto a 180m² private terrace. i. i.

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Massage cabin – Deck 9.

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Handles ZF


Transmissions ZF


PTIs Masson

Retractable thrusters ZF Pump drives Katsa

Carbon shafts Geislinger

Driveline specialist in conventional and hybrid solutions







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With their Magnetic Reflux Testing department, Euro Rope inspected kilometres of crane wire ropes and A&R wires.

Mark Heick, Euro Rope Operations.





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Euro Rope has worked for several large offshore contractors, reeving the crane wires for offshore cranes ranging between a capacity of 600mt and 3.000mt.


he company is driven by passion and craftsmanship, investing in its people to ensure that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to conduct their roles to the best of their ability and in a manner that is consistent with the company’s philosophy and culture. Euro Rope started under the name of Technische Handelsonderneming Vroegop in 1995. As the company started growing in the years thereafter and began securing work outside of the Netherlands, they opted for a more international sounding name, Euro Rope. To get more insight in recent and current activities of the company, we spoke to Mark Heick, who has been working at the Operations department at Euro Rope for almost five years.

What are some of the biggest projects that Euro Rope has worked on in the past year? Mr Heick: We had the pleasure of working

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Euro Rope load testing.

for several large offshore contractors, reeving the crane wires for offshore cranes ranging between 600mt and 3,000mt capacity. With our Magnetic Reflux Testing department, we inspected kilometres of crane wire ropes and A&R wires and the workshop overhauled and tested several large crane blocks. These projects always have time constraints, because the vessels need to be back in service as soon as possible and we find it very satisfying to deliver within the given timeframe. Which major developments within lifting equipment are you seeing at the moment? Mr Heick: The lifting equipment, cranes, basically everything keeps getting bigger and can operate higher working loads. As the wind turbines, jackets, and platforms are getting bigger, the crane manufacturers, lifting equipment manufacturers, vessel builders, and offshore contractors also keep pushing the boundaries forward. I find

engineering very interesting, so it’s very fascinating to see all this astonishing equipment from up close and even work on it. With bigger equipment, however, more paperwork is also involved. This is why we have worked on upgrading and expanding all of our documentation standards to fulfill the industry’s growing needs for project management. We improved traceability, procedures, our planning processes, and much more, not only to comply with all of our ISO certifications, but also to get our organisation to the next level. How is Euro Rope contributing to safety and sustainability in the marine sector? Mr Heick: Besides our inspections for lifting equipment, steel wire ropes, and the advice we offer clients, we also provide steel wire rope trainings to improve knowledge amongst vessel crews. We always transfer

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Besides our inspections for lifting equipment, steel wire ropes, and our advice to clients, we also provide steel wire rope trainings to improve knowledge amongst vessel crews.

knowledge during inspections, but the steel wire rope trainings allow us to sit down and talk in depth about the subject. This allows the vessel crew to catch and handle potential problems early on, sometimes with our assistance or advise. Our sales department also keeps expanding the eco-friendly products. We stock several VGP-compliant Rocol products, but also biodegradable degreasers which we both use for our projects. All departments work on reducing our CO2 footprint by combining transports across departments and sometimes even our sister company’s whenever possible. Our equipment department also purchased new cars, vans, forklifts, and generators with the latest technology, so they are as efficient as possible and reduce our CO2 footprint even further. i. Euro Rope load testing.

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National Geographic Endurance

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THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ENDURANCE LAUNCHED IN JULY 2021, AS HER SISTER SHIP, THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC RESOLUTION, IS SCHEDULED TO LAUNCH IN THE AUTUMN OF 2021. NAMED IN HONOUR OF polar explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship, it is designed to navigate polar passages year-round while providing exceptional comfort. The National Geographic Endurance will safely explore unchartered waters and new latitudes, including Northeast Greenland, remote Jan Mayen Island, the Northeast Passage, and more.



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riginally set to launch in April 2020, the 126-guest, state-of-the-art National Geographic Endurance sat out the pandemic in Norway and is ready to discover the wilder side of Iceland and Greenland as her maiden voyage kicked off from Reykjavik, Iceland in July and returning there 17 days later. She will explore Iceland, where her walls of gleaming glass and expansive decks will provide optimal viewing of spectacular landscapes and abundant wildlife. Then National Geographic Endurance will follow the ice edge off the east coast of Greenland, an Arctic ‘savannah’ for polar bears, walruses, and whales. Right before her maiden voyage, she was christened in a ceremony that kicked off

National Geographic Endurance is the first ship ever to be christened in Reykjavik Harbour, her first of hopefully many historymaking distinctions.

Restaurant. Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.

Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.

with a special video highlighting the making of the National Geographic Endurance, her construction to her completion in the top shipbuilding capitals of the world, and the extraordinary polar environments she will explore. National Geographic Endurance is the first ship ever to be christened in Reykjavik Harbour, her first of hopefully many history-making distinctions.

Connected to nature

The ship has been designed to access the outside environment from anywhere on the ship. With 77% of the cabins featuring balconies for private viewing, multiple observation decks inside and outside, and observation wings forward on deck 5, the surrounding environs will always be accessible. Off-ship exploring will be greatly enhanced with an innovative expedition boat boarding system aft and mid ship on


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The ice lounge is where the daily ritual of recap takes place over cocktails and canapes.

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Observation lounge.


Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.


Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.

77% of the cabins feature balconies for private viewing.

Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.

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Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.

Photo courtesy Ulstein Group/Oclin.


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> hoisting equipment > wire ropes > cranes > rigging > fall arrest equipment > hydraulic jacks

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> chains and accesoiries > inspection > certification > dynamic loadtesting

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Ulstein.indd 28

Created and produced by

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National Geographic Endurance’s most striking exterior feature is her distinctive profile, Ulstein’s patented X-Bow

TECHNICAL SPECS Vessel type Design Built by Year Designed by Ordered by PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS Length Beam Dead weight Draught (max) Speed (max) Accommodation

Cruise CX104 Ulstein Verft 2020 Ulstein Design & Solutions Lindblad Expeditions

124.4m 21m Approx. 1,250t Approx. 5.3m 17.3kn 260pob

CAPACITIES Passengers Crew Extra

both sides which will allow everyone to get ashore quickly and safely, ensuring quick access to every destination. Other than that, she provides a lab for researchers to get to key sites and do their vital work. Guests gain a front-row seat on ongoing science and are able to connect with interesting researchers.

Peaceful exploration

National Geographic Endurance is a fullystabilised vessel of the highest ice class (PC5 Category A). She will enable adventurous guests to go where few have gone or can go. The vessel’s most striking exterior feature is her distinctive profile, Ulstein’s patented X-Bow, a game-changing design that guarantees the smoothest, most comfortable ride in all kinds of conditions. Since this design eliminates bow impact, it guarantees a quieter ride as well. An equally impressive feature may well be her capacity: she carries just 126 guests, a commitment to expedition excellence over scale. Scandinavian-inflected and luxuriously appointed, her inviting interiors would be a destination in themselves. Because she is a Lindblad expedition ship, however, her attention is focused on the world outside – with acres of window glass to keep guests

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connected to the stunning views beyond the pane and a fleet of expedition tools to get them out exploring.

Never get bored

The ship carries a fleet of Zodiac motorised landing craft, kayaks, snowshoes, and crosscountry skis, as well as sophisticated equipment that allows our undersea specialist unique access and ability to share the underwater world. Public areas include a lounge with bar, a gym, a yoga studio, infinity-style outdoor hot tubs, saunas with ocean views, a library and a spa. Other features include state-of-the-art facilities for films, slideshows and presentations, a photo workshop area, and two restaurants offering local, sustainable cuisine, plus a Chef’s table for intimate, small group dining. Services include a full-time doctor, a National Geographic photographer, a LindbladNational Geographic certified photo instructor and video chronicler, a wellness specialist, laundry service, and an internet café.

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polar art exhibit Change, installed onboard) to the sleek lines and calming neutrals, guests can feel the rigors of travel drop away. Only supreme comfort and the exhilaration of discovery lies ahead. The observation deck is replete with inviting places such as the den, the library with its electronic navigation chart, the science hub, C. Green’s bistro and bar, and Charlie’s table where small, invitational, expeditionary dinner parties take place during the voyage. The ice lounge, with its signature Lindblad Circle of Truth at the centre, is where the daily ritual of recap – convening, sharing knowledge, and anticipating tomorrow – happens over cocktails and canapes, with engaging presentations or undersea videos lighting the screens. i.

Supreme comfort

From the first sight of the art to the left of the reception desk (part of the pioneering

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Lifting capacity reaching new heights AT THE END OF 2019, JAN DE NUL GROUP ORDERED THE FLOATING INSTALLATION CRANE VESSEL LES ALIZÉS. TOGETHER WITH THE OFFSHORE INSTALLATION VESSEL VOLTAIRE, THIS NEW VESSEL WILL BE IN A SUPER-SIZE CLASS OF ITS OWN, CAPABLE of building the newest generation of offshore windfarms. Les Alizés, which will be ready in 2022, is equipped with a crane with a lifting capacity of 5,000t and equally impressive lifting heights. ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF JAN DE NUL GROUP, UNLESS MENTIONED OTHERWISE.

The shipyard of China Merchants Heavy Industry, located in Haimen, Nantong City, China.

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es Alizés will be mainly used for the construction of offshore windfarms, but with her impressive crane she is also extremely suitable for decommissioning offshore oil & gas platforms. Thanks to her dimensions and impressive lifting and loading capacities, Les Alizés will be able to load out, transport, and install multiple units of the largest and heaviest wind turbine foundations. In addition, as a crane vessel that floats, she will be able to install heavier and larger foundations into deeper waters and in more challenging seabed conditions.

Purpose and Location

This vessel investment is a response to the global trend within the offshore wind energy sector to design and install increasingly larger wind turbines. This new generation of turbines can be more than 270m high, with blades up to 120m long, sitting on foundations of up to 2,500t. The offshore installation vessels currently available on the market are experiencing great difficulties in installing these new turbines and their heavier foundations, with their enormous dimensions and installation weights. The vessel will be built at a shipyard of China Merchants Heavy Industry (CMHI), located in Haimen, Nantong City, China. As a subsidiary of China Merchants Group, this shipyard has a proven track record in supplying marine and offshore facilities, which gives Jan De Nul Group sufficient confidence in awarding this contract to CMHI.

Impressive lifting and loading capacity Les Alizés is capable of building the newest generation of offshore windfarms.

Les Alizés is specifically designed for loading, transporting, lifting, and installing offshore wind turbine foundations. The main features include a main crane of 5,000t, a deck loading capacity of 61,000t, and a deck space of 9,300m². With these characteristics, Les Alizés can easily transport the heavier future foundations, several in one trip, to the offshore installation site, with direct benefits in planning, fuel consumption, and emissions reduction. Unlike Voltaire, Les Alizés does not have four legs to lift itself above the sea surface. It is a crane vessel for floating installation, which means that the vessel is not dependent on water depths and seabed conditions. Les Alizés is equipped with a high-performance DP2 system.


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The main propulsion system of the crane vessel consists of four electrically driven Schottel Rudder Propellers type SRP 610. Photo courtesy of Schottel.

As one of the world’s leading players in hydraulic engineering, Jan De Nul Group is pioneering in the field of such an emission treatment. Green technology and innovations on board

When designing the vessel, Jan De Nul Group took into account the environmental impact. Jan De Nul tackles environmental challenges by focusing on reducing the footprint of its activities, particularly on water and air quality, and on climate. Air

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pollution is one of the greatest threats to public health. Construction activities at sea are usually located close to coastlines, large and small ports, and densely populated areas. Jan De Nul Group is aware that, regardless of the choice of fuel or engine technology, the exhaust gases must always be filtered. As one of the world’s leading players in hydraulic engineering, Jan De Nul Group is pioneering in the field of such an emission treatment. The latest generation of its vessels is equipped with an exhaust gas filtering technology that complies with the strict European EURO STAGE V guidelines for emissions on land and inland waterways, and so will Les Alizés. Les Alizés and Voltaire will be the first seaworthy installation vessels in the world with extremely low emissions (Ultra-Low Emission Vessel, or ULEv for short) and they will also have a Cleanship NDO7 label and a Green Passport EU label. The Cleanship label confirms that the vessel checks and minimises wastewater and all other residual

waste. The second Green Passport label means that all materials and hazardous substances are mapped out during the construction phase, in order to facilitate the recycling of the vessel when decommissioning.


In July of this year, the main propulsion package for Les Alizés left the German production plant in Wismar to reach the CMHI shipyard in China. The full Schottel propulsion package consists of four rudder propellers, two retractable rudder propellers, and two transverse thrusters to ensure optimal propulsion efficiency as well as maximum manoeuvrability. The main propulsion system of the crane vessel consists of four electrically driven Schottel Rudder Propellers type SRP 610 – each with an input power of 3,000kW and a propeller diameter of 3.3m – installed at the stern. With this setup, Les Alizés will achieve a maximum speed of 13kn.

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HEAVY LIFT VESSELS To ensure precise positioning in DP mode, two Schottel Retractable Rudder Propellers type SRP 610 R (3,250kW each with a propeller diameter of 3.0m) and two Schottel Transverse Thrusters type STT 7 (2,600kW each with a propeller diameter of 2.79m) are installed in the bow. The retractable units are fitted with an 8° downwards-tilted propeller shaft to reduce thruster-thruster and thruster-hull interactions and increase propulsion efficiency.

Innovative monopile gripper

Another milestone that was reached in July of this year is that Jan De Nul Group has selected Imeca for the delivery of a highly advanced electrical Motion-Compensated Pile Gripper for Les Alizés. The tailor-made gripper, with an integrated X-Laboratory guidance and survey system, will allow safe and efficient installation of next-generation monopiles with pin-point accuracy. Gripper delivery is planned for the second half of 2022, and this new mission equipment helps to future proof Jan De Nul Group’s foundation installation capability. With the construction of both Les Alizés and the JackUp Installation Vessel Voltaire well underway, Jan De Nul Group will shortly have the capability to not only safely and efficiently install next-generation foundations, but also wind turbines (WTGs).

Photo courtesy of Schottel.

The main propulsion package for Les Alizés left the German production plant to reach the CMHI shipyard in China.

i. i.

Les Alizés will be ready in 2022.

Les Alizés and Voltaire will be the first seaworthy installation vessels in the world with extremely low emissions.

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Proactive hull optimisation JOTUN MARINE COATINGS IS MARKET LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE HULL COATINGS FOR THE MARITIME INDUSTRY, DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY coatings for sea stock, newbuilding, tanks, cargo holds, and drydocking projects, as well as for mega yachts and leisure yachts. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOTUN.

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ollowing an extensive development process, Jotun is proud to introduce HullKeeper, a proactive hull optimisation programme. HullKeeper combines Jotun’s extensive digital capabilities, ROV inspections, and trusted analytical and technical expertise to help operators keep fuel, inspection, and cleaning costs under control. Designed by Jotun’s team of hull performance experts, the four-part programme optimises hull performance, regardless of the chosen coating. Ship operators can take full control of their operations through hull monitoring, fouling risk alerts, inspections, and advisory services. Operators can benefit from the complete package or select only the parts that work for them.

Proactive fouling control and efficiency

The HullKeeper programme is grounded in Jotun’s proprietary fouling risk algorithm, supported by data from different sources to make fouling control and efficiency more predictable. By providing insight into issues before they occur, ship operators can take planned corrective actions. And as more data and information accumulate, best practices can be identified and implemented across the whole fleet. Stein Kjølberg, Jotun’s Global Category Director Hull Performance, shares, “More ship operators have recognised that proactive fouling control and hull efficiency are critical for managing increasingly strict regulations, rising fuel costs, and environmental performance. Jotun has a proven record of developing products and

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Ship operators that use HullKeeper will be able to identify potential problems long before fouling impacts vessel speed, allowing them to make better decisions, faster services that help customers meet the demands of a changing industry. HullKeeper extends the range of our services, helping operators to make well-informed and proactive decisions to improve hull efficiency as they push for optimal performance, efficiency, and regulatory compliance.”

Enabling better decisions, faster

Jotun’s Global Digital & Data Director Andreas Krapp explains, “Controlling the condition of a ship’s hull is the key to lowering fuel consumption and corresponding emissions. HullKeeper is a market differentiator in the sense that it offers unique support that both adds value and meets the needs of customers. Ship operators that use HullKeeper will be able to identify potential problems long before fouling impacts vessel speed, allowing them to make better decisions, faster.” Mr Krapp continues, “Increased fuel consumption related to biofouling accounts for about nine per cent of the 919 million tonnes of CO₂ and 21 million tonnes of other greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by shipping annually. While he acknowledges that it is unlikely that the industry will reach the full potential reduction of 85 million tonnes of GHGs, HullKeeper represents a genuine opportunity to help the industry to make significant emissions reductions. In addition to offering ship operators a costeffective programme that can reduce GHG emissions, HullKeeper helps them to save on bunkering costs. In this way, HullKeeper incentivises improved environmental performance.”

HullKeeper helps operators keep fuel, inspection, and cleaning costs under control. Stein Kjølberg, Jotun’s Global Category Director Hull Performance: “More ship operators have recognised that proactive fouling control and hull efficiency are critical to managing increasingly strict regulations, rising fuel costs and environmental performance.”

solutions, the company continues to invest in innovative digital solutions to support customers. HullKeeper complements Jotun’s core hull performance offering and is consistent with the company’s focus on providing products and services to make shipping more sustainable. i.

More sustainable shipping

As the world’s leading provider of marine coatings, Jotun recognises its role in helping the industry to improve its environmental footprint. In addition to products and

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Stein Kjølberg.

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Maas & Mersey


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ater injection dredging is an efficient and environmentally friendly way of maintaining the depth of navigation channels, ports, marinas, and rivers. Hybrid vessels Maas and Mersey were developed by Kooiman Engineering in close cooperation with Van Oord. Two electrically driven pumps deliver water under high pressure or with a lot of volume through the U-shaped water injection pipe located at the rear of the ship. With this pipe, water is injected into the soil, releasing sediment

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Thanks to the manoeuvrability and very limited draught, the vessels are perfectly suitable for maintenance dredging in shallow harbor.

The traditional bottle of champagne for good luck.

The christening ceremony of the Water Injection Dredgers Maas and Mersey took place on 30 June.

which is flushed away by the current. Multiple injection methods are possible, giving the vessel optimal usability. The vessels measure (length and width including the water injection pipe) 43.07 x 12.4m with a depth of 3.4m.

Successful collaboration

In a recent interview, Kooiman Marine Group and Van Oord shared their experience in working together on the two vessels. Project Manager at Van Oord Rick

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Jansen explains, “Van Oord has a fleet of ten to twelve water injection vessels, however we started to see new opportunities for water injection dredging and our fleet started to get outdated. It was time for renovation, so we shifted our focus to building two new future-proof vessels which can deploy the latest water injection technologies and are a lot more sustainable.” With their extensive knowledge and skills, Kooiman Marine Group showed Van Oord that they were able

to adhere to the wishes of the envisioned new WIDs. Project Manager at Kooiman Marine Group, Maarten Kooiman shares, “Van Oord wanted the depth of the ships to be as short as possible so they could enter shallow rivers in the smaller harbours. This, in combination with all the technology systems on board and the limited measurements, made it quite a challenge.” After spending many hours together to discuss the ship’s details, the result showed how much effort both parties put in. It was


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3 8 | S B I  2 0 2 1 | Volum e 15 | Issue 4

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1 12:16


SPECS GENERAL PROPERTIES Vessel type Flag Manager Built in Shipyard Length (OA) Width Depth Total power Dredging depth

WID NL Koninklijke Van Oord NV 2021 Scheepswerf Gebr. Kooiman 43.07m 12.4m 3.4m 2,044kW 24m

The vessels measure (length and width including the water injection pipe) 43.07 x 12.4m with a depth of 3.4m.

an open and constructive collaboration in which both Kooiman Marine Group and Van Oord had the same goal; a goal that was successfully achieved.

Hydrodynamic optimisation

The latest technological developments have been applied to both vessels, such as active heave compensation and dynamic positioning, which means that the dredging can be pre-programmed to a great extent and performed more efficiently. This new generation of vessels is versatile and has water injection dredging, mass flowing and power jetting systems. Mr Kooiman explains, “The first sea trial with Maas was performed some time ago. The sea trials were very intensive. The vessel is equipped with many systems that reduce emissions and increase employability. We tested these extensively. The vessel has a battery-hybrid energy management and with the flexibility of one or two diesel generators which meet the IMO TIER 3 and Stage V emission requirements, the on-board network is powered. In addition, heat from the exhaust

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Within the length, width, and draught restrictions, the design has been hydrodynamically optimised and the resistance has been minimised. gases is converted into electrical power which is fed back into the grid.”

electrically driven bow thruster. Thanks to the very low draught, these vessels are particularly suitable for maintenance dredging in shallow ports.” Mr Kooiman goes on, “We looked at the shape of the underwater vessel in detail. Within the length, width, and draught restrictions, the design has been hydrodynamically optimised and the resistance has been minimised. This allows for less power to be installed, which directly results in a reduction in fuel consumption and even less CO2 emissions. In addition, the noise level of the vessel is extremely low, resulting in maximum comfort for the crew.” i. i.

Mr Jansen notes, “In addition to the development of a sustainable ship, we have also chosen to optimise the dredging process. The vessel is equipped with Dynamic Positioning and it is very manoeuvrable because of the two electrically driven rudder propellers and the

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With 60t of bollard pull, Brutus will be a powerful and effective towage asset. Photo courtesy of Damen.


ith 35m in length, nearly 14m in width, and a free deck space of 150m2, the Shoalbuster 3514 has a substantial working platform. Her shallow draft notation is derived from her exceptionally shallow draft of 2.7m at full tank capacity and just 2.4m at 50%. Among the many roles that this first DP2 Shoalbuster will be capable of fulfilling will be anchor handling, for which she will have an open stern complete with roller, and towage. With 60t of bollard pull she is a powerful and effective towage asset.

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Fierce shallow-waters arrangement

Four Caterpillar C32 ACERT engines deliver a total of 3,879bkW to four 1,900mm nozzles, an arrangement that contributes significantly to her shallow-waters capability. The vessel carries a crew of five to six mariners, but she has accommodation for up to 22 personnel, allowing her to support projects both ship-based and elsewhere. Herman Sr. intends to use its Shoalbuster 3514 for windfarm support and

maintenance, where her shallow draft allows her to work both near as well as offshore. The vessel has a DP2 Kongsberg dynamic positioning system including ancillary thrusters to ensure precision position-holding on the open sea as well in the vicinity of turbines and other structures. Its open stern makes the vessel suitable for cable-laying operations and a sturdy aft deck knuckle boom crane is capable of lifting a wide assortment of cargo and equipment.

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SPECS Yard no 1570 (Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld) Delivery date June 2020 Type Damen Shoalbuster 3514SD DP2 Length Width Depth at sides Draught GT

35.55m 14.37m 3.60m 2.40m 499GT

Basic functions Towing, anchor handling, dredge support, offshore wind support, oil & gas support Classification Bureau Veritas I 3/3 {E} * Offshore support, Hull *MACH, Auth UMS, Cleanship, Green Nat. Authoritities Dutch flag, unrestricted navigation

Photo courtesy Herman Sr.

Four Caterpillar C32 ACERT engines will deliver a total of 3,879bkW to four 1,900mm nozzles.

Photo courtesy Herman Sr.

The vessel will have a DP2 Kongsberg dynamic positioning system including ancillary thrusters. DP2 Shoalbuster Brutus was built at Damen Hardinxveld.

Image courtesy of Damen.

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The new Shoalbuster 3514 is the first DP2 vessel in the fleet and is named Brutus. With a bollard pull of 60 tonnes, Herman Sr. aimed for a versatile, dynamically positioned vessel, suitable for performing a wide range of works in shallow waters. These will include PLGR, ROV surveys, mass flow, UXO

surveys, windfarm support and all the other services that clients are used to receiving from Herman Sr. With accommodation for more than 20 people, she can also work for extended periods offshore. And of course, she can undertake many other functions such as towage, anchor handling and rig relocations. In addition, the vessel can dry out completely for cable handling and other works. Brutus was launched in Gdansk Poland. In June 2020, the vessel was towed towards the Netherlands where the


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Photo courtesy Herman Sr.

outfitting phase started at Damen Gorinchem.

Naming ceremony

In May of this year, a ceremony was held at Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld, to mark the naming of the first of this new model in the Damen Shoalbuster range. The ultra shallow, Shoalbuster 3514 SD was officially christened Brutus by Mrs Mandy Heere-van Eijk, on behalf of the leading tug and workboat company, Herman Sr. As part of the ceremony Mr Jack van Dodewaard, director of Herman Sr, thanked the team at the yard for the great job that they did and for their achievements despite having to battle against the headwinds of the COVID-19 pandemic. To mark the occasion, Mr Van Dodewaard was presented with a scale model of Brutus by Director of Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld, Jos van Woerkum, after which the latter also presented a gift to Mrs Heere-van Eijk.

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Collaboration across three generations

“The Van Dodewaard family is still very happy with the good and long-term cooperation with Damen Shipyards”, says Mr Van Dodewaard. “For nearly 75 years, and across three generations, they have been our vessel supplier and we hope it will last for many more years. The fourth generation of the Van Dodewaards is taking over this year, with Erwin and Chris carrying on with the family business. I wish them good fortune and a healthy business for the coming years and hopefully they will also find their children willing to continue the cooperation with Damen and extend our fleet of Damen Workboats.”

Shoalbuster with hybrid propulsion in the range, with a shallow draft, dynamic positioning 2 and compliant with the latest IMO Tier III requirements following installation of a treatment system to reduce its emissions. These features are in line with current developments within the Damen organisation that aim to make us the most sustainable shipbuilder in the world.” i. i.

Mr Van Woerkum adds, “We are proud to have built our fourteenth Damen vessel for Herman Sr. since we began our mutual cooperation more than 70 years ago in 1947. Brutus is the first diesel-electric

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26-08-2021 11:32

PEOPLE Agnes Mathiesen

Anders Hård

Dominique Philibert

Nick Confuorto

Healthcare Solutions Integrator

Vice-President Global Services

President & COO

Retirement (Advising role)

appointment at

appointment at


appointment at



On 22 June, Vikand Solutions announces the appointment of Agnes Mathiesen as Healthcare Solutions Integrator of Vikand Direct for commercial shipping, effective immediately. Ms Mathiesen will be responsible for engaging, explaining, and representing the Vikand Direct solution in the commercial maritime industry, a one-of-a-kind proactive and comprehensive program that addresses the need for proactive healthcare for commercial shipping crews.

Torqeedo announces the appointment of Anders Hård as Vice-President Global Services. Mr Hård will be responsible for developing Torqeedo’s international service and aftermarket sales and support strategy. In addition, his team develops tools, processes, and standards to ensure that Torqeedo customers have the best owner experience possible, whether inhouse or with our service partners around the world.

In July of this year, Dominique Philibert has become President and COO, and Nick Confuorto, CR Ocean Engineering’s former President and COO, has retired and remains with the firm in an advisory capacity. Mr Philibert has been the Technology Director at CROE since 2013. Working closely with Mr Confuorto, he developed CROE’s exhaust gas cleaning designs. He was directly involved in all aspects of management from marketing and sales to certification, participating in

John Claybrooks

Daniel McCarthy

Helen Polychronpoulou

Rikke Olsen

Chief Marketing Officer

Strategic Proposals Director

Vice-Chair of SEA Europe

Business Development Director


appointment at

Crowley Maritime Corporation has appointed John Claybrooks to the position of Chief Marketing Officer, leading the company’s strategic marketing and communications to enhance and differentiate the Crowley brand across its worldwide services. Mr Claybrooks leads all marketing and communications functions for the global enterprise, including the harmonization of integrated marketing and communications for all business units and geographies.

EnerMech has announced that Daniel McCarthy has joined the company as its Strategic Proposals Director to help accelerate its planned growth across the business. Mr McCarthy started his 18-year career in the oil and gas, engineering, and construction sector at Kentz. In his most recent role, he was responsible for overseeing the company’s pursuit of large-scale projects in the Americas, as well as leading all its major global construction proposals.

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People SBI 15-3.indd 43


appointment at

conferences and seminars, issuing proposals, meeting with clients for sales and contract negotiations. Mr Philibert currently oversees CROE’s research team as it develops designs in response to the environmental challenges facing the commercial shipping industry. With more than 25 years of experience in Process Engineering and Project Management, his primary goal has been to provide CROE’s clients in the maritime sector with the best available technical solutions.

appointment at



HEMEXPO President, Helen Polychronpoulou has vowed to redouble efforts for the voice of Europe’s shipbuilding and marine equipment to be heard, following her election as a Vice-Chair of SEA Europe at an Annual General Meeting held on 10 June. Ms Polychronpoulou has dedicated her career to the growth and development of the Greek marine equipment manufacturing industry.

Seably welcomes Rikke Louise Haugen Olsen in her new role as Seably Business Development Director for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. Ms Olsen is a strong champion for technology and the empowerment of seafarers through accessible personal development and training. Her unique commercial, digital and maritime background will strengthen and enrich the growing, diverse and accomplished Seably leadership team.

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26-08-2021 09:30

OUTFITTERS Trumpet horns produce volume while adding style Whistles may satisfy regulatory requirements and function as sound-producing devices, but they pale in comparison to a true horn. Not only do Deluxe All Stainless Steel Trumpet Horns from Schmitt & Ongaro Marine Products produce a serious, attention-grabbing tone, but they also add a luxurious nautical appearance to any boat style. Deluxe All Stainless Steel Trumpet Horns are available in single and dual versions. Engineered for continual exposure to the elements, the 304 stainless steel components inside and out are backed by a five-year no-rust warranty. i.

Helm Operations Launches New Work Rest Product

Alfa Laval creates new possibilities for safer tap water systems

Leading marine operations software provider, Helm Operations, is looking to make waves in the crew management and compliance space with the launch of Helm Connect Work Rest, a new set of tools to help companies combat crew fatigue and ensure rest time compliance across their fleets by allowing them to efficiently manage onboard work schedules from a single screen. Focused on freeing busy crews from unnecessary paperwork and overly complex Excel sheets, Helm promises the new tool will let companies plan, forecast, and manage their work rest easily, guaranteeing their crew rest times are compliant with STCW rules or their own corporate standards – all in just three clicks. i.

Around the world, the need to prevent contamination in drinking water systems continues to gain greater focus. Last year, Alfa Laval introduced AlfaNovaTW: the first range of heat exchangers optimized specifically to provide safe and reliable performance in tap water duties, thanks to a unique, 100% stainless steel construction. Today the company is expanding the range with the launch of AlfaNovaTW 66, a model that will create new possibilities for domestic tap water systems with higher capacities. i.

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26-08-2021 10:03

OUTFITTERS Stauff cone-gauges for assembly studs identify wear in good time When it comes to leak-free connections on hydraulic tubes, precision is required and reliable assembly is a crucial aspect. The risk of excessive or insufficient assembly due to inaccurate tightening angles is often pointed out in this respect. The issue of checking assembly tools is not talked about as much, but is equally important. A wear check on the assembly stud during the final assembly of 24° cutting ring fittings after 50 assembly processes, for example, is even stipulated in DIN 3859-2. To exclude incorrect assembly, Stauff recommends checking the 24° inner taper of the assembly stud with cone-gauges. This allows users to precisely determine the accurate dimension with precision and to also identify minimal deviations faster than during a visual check. i.

Chugoku launches new antifouling paint Selektope®, the barnacle repelling active antifouling agent widely used in commercial coatings for ocean going vessels, has been integrated into a brand new antifouling paint for worldwide trading vessels. Ship operators are increasingly demanding antifouling paints that are both well-suited to specific ship trading patterns and varying activity levels, in addition to protecting against both soft and hard fouling. In order to meet the growing demand of efficient hull fouling protection with lesser environmental impact, I-Tech’s long-term partner, CMP, has integrated Selektope® into their latest expansion of the SEAFLO NEO series. The new low friction, hydrolysis antifouling coating, SEAFLO NEO M1 PLUS, will be available for worldwide trading vessels from July 2021. i.

New OpenBridge conning library in Lynx by JRC/Alphatron Marine

JRC/Alphatron Marine has recently launched their in-house developed automation and connecting platform Lynx for monitoring and control of all kinds of ship systems. The new Lynx OpenBridge module makes it possible for any project design engineers to freely compose multiple conning pages according to the Norwegian OpenBridge design guidelines. The Lynx conning module is part of the JRC/Alphatron Marine’s software suite MINDS (Multifunctional Information Navigation & Docking System). The conning screen contains all standard presentations to show the usual ships navigation, engine and propulsion data, such as heading indicator, rudder angle indicator, rate-of-turn indicator, speed indicator, RPM and much more. i.

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26-08-2021 10:03

THE YELLOW & FINCH PAGES sea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market

ANCOFERWALDRAM STEELPLATES BV P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491500 F +31 (0)162 429806 E I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

ART4 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS BV Nieuwegracht 9-11 3763 LP Soest The Netherlands T +31 (0)35 582 2468 F +31 (0)35 642 4860 E I Contact: Mr Paul Schraven Art4 Technical Systems BV is an independent Dutch company. We design, build and deliver fully turnkey solutions for hydraulic and electrical systems for customers worldwide. Our clients use the hydraulic and electrical systems for various end products such as:Mobile drives, transport conveyers, winch drivers, jack up platforms, cranes, both onshore and off shore, a-frames, special equipment, fairground attractions.The systems can be custom built to fit the specifications of the product they are used for.

4 6 | S B I  2 0 2 1 | Volum e 15 | Issue 4

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BACHMANN ELECTRONIC GMBH Office Veenendaal: Vendelier 65-69 3905 PD Veenendaal The Netherlands T +31 (0)85 210 0550 E I Contact: R. Epskamp Bachmann hardware matches the harsh conditions in the maritime and offshore industry. We take pride of extremely high availability using stateof-the-art technologies. Integration of AMS, PMS, CMS, etc. in a Redundant solution is realized with our modular and marine certified PLCbased product range. The group of companies includes the CMS specialist Bachmann Monitoring and Certec EDV, the developers of the 1st fully web enabled SCADA software atvise®

BREMAN MACHINERY B.V. Sasdijk 20, 8281 BM Genemuiden, The Netherlands P.O.Box 135, 8280 AC Genemuiden, The Netherlands T +31 (0)88-27 36 200 E I Great challenges need sophisticated solutions, the work of a specialist. Breman Machinery fabricates critical steel components with exceptional dimensions and extreme accuracy. This is the daily job of our craftsmen. Through our unique capabilities regarding machining, welding, conservation and assembling we serve our customers to make their ambitions reality. The welders of high-quality steel are qualified by Lloyd’s Register or DNV for all welding positions. With 30 milling, boring and turning machines we have the possibility to offer unique services. Our preservation department can protect your projects. Our location is beside open water, we have a direct connection to the international ports. High quality is one of our most important standards!

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 NL-3364 AH Sliedrecht P.O. Box 1039 NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

EMIGREEN B.V. Noordeinde 19 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 415 317 F +31 (0)184 415 582 E I Contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specification, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot filter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen solutions are highly efficient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, short-

HEINEN & HOPMAN Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

KLAY INSTRUMENTS B.V. P.O. Box 13 7990 AA Dwingeloo The Netherlands T +31 (0)521 591 550 E I Klay Instruments is a Dutch manufacturer of ‘All Stainless Steel’ Pressure- and Level transmitters for the Marine & shipbuilding. All our transmitters are ATEX and IECEx Ex ia certified and have five different Marine Type Approvals. Our Pressure transmitters are available in threaded and Flanged process connections with flush diaphragm for all pressure applications. The available accuracies are 0.2% (series 8000) or 0.1% (series 2000). For Level measurement we manufacture Compact transmitters s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

26-08-2021 09:28

YELLOW & FINCH PAGES (series 8000 and 2000) and submersible level transmitters (series Hydrobar). Typical applications: – Ballast Level – Oil / HFO and (waste) water level – Manifold pressure More than 30 years experience in the Marine and shipbuilding industry!

MEN TECHNIEK BV Caïrostraat 55 3047 BB Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 820 8717 E I Contact: Lucien Tuinfort Safety, quality and innovative entrepreneurship. Men Techniek BV is a company with a very broad field of activities. We are specialised in general repair on and offsite and have a lot of experience in welding, fire work and mechanical and electrical work. We can also offer a full NDT examination.

NICOVERKEN MARINE SERVICES BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS  Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

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PIENING PROPELLER Am Altendeich 83 D-25348 Glueckstadt Germany T +49 4124 9168-0 F +49 4124 3716 E I Contact: Mathias Pein Noise reduction relies upon the quiet operation of a yacht´s propulsion system. Piening Propeller fulfils its briefs in: Consideration of all hydrodynamic aspects during the design and an accurate manufacturing of propellers and shafts according to highest ISO classes.The company is approved by all common classification societies. Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new buildings. Piening Propellers scope of supply includes: Propellers FPP > 800mm Ø CPP > 1.100mm Ø Shafts up to a several length of 16,000mm Sterntubes with sealings and bearings Shaft brackets complete Gearboxes Brand ZF

RBI MARINE CONSULTANCY De Ruyterstraat 62 4335 GN Middelburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)6 190 358 20 E I Contact: Ruud Bimmel RBi Marine Consultancy provides full-service 24/7 worldwide. This is the core of our business. We advise, manage and carry out projects with expertise and experience; a result of years in supporting the Marine industry both locally and internationally. Our business conduct inspection, surveying, new-build, repairs, refurbishment, regular maintenance, fleet management, site management, owner representative, and of course project management. Our network contains more than just that. Together with established partners we provide delivery of genuine marine parts, blasting and painting, welders, fitters and sorts of craftsmen. For more details please call us or view our website.

SSC STEEL SHAPE CUTTERS BV ‘s-Gravendeelsedijk 200 3316 AZ Dordrecht The Netherlands T +31 (0)85 760 3226 E I Contact: Peter Staat SSC Steel Shape Cutters BV is a new, competent provider of 3D-profiling: computer-controlled machine cutting of tubes, beams, hollow sections and plate. Subcontracting does not have to cost a lot, and it will bring substantial savings! With two state-of-the-art machines, we offer a huge range, superb accuracy, and great efficiency. Round tubes up to Ø 2,500mm OD, with thicknesses of up to 150mm (oxyfuel and plasma), and robot cutting of beams and sections up to 1,200mm wide, plate up to 1,200mm wide and 3,000mm long. Fast, accurate, and cost effective.

SUHBO INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 6, Mipyeong-ro, 106 beon-gil, Wonsam-Myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea T +82 31 334 6979 F +82 31 334 1789 M +82 10 4999 6979 (Korea), +61 434 509 501 (Australia) E I​ Contact: Joey Kim, Export Sales Manager Established in 1985, Suhbo Industrial Co., Ltd is the major leading Korean manufacturer and supplier of high performance roundsling for heavy & shipping building industries. We have been supplying high performance roundslings to major heavy industries companies and projects in Korea and Asia. Our Suprime roundsling with Ultrapowerful Poly Arylate fiber is highly recognized from many customers due to its excellent performance, the maximum lightening, the optimum handing efficiency (slim in size) and optional functions such as anti-cutting, anti-flame and multi-checking.

WINEL B.V. P.O. Box 70, 9400 AB Assen The Netherlands T +31 (0)592 366 060 F +31 (0)592 312 392 E I Contact: Bert Knijp Since its foundation in 1956, Winel has grown into a leading global supplier of high quality products and services tot the world’s maritime industry. An experienced team of specialists offer a wide range of doors, hatches, platforms, tank venting systems and special engineered products. Winel’s strength is offering a complete in-house service package which includes 3D design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, assembly, project management, support & logistic services.

G.J.WORTELBOER JR. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 – The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.

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26-08-2021 12:44

NEXT ISSUES We have already started preparing our upcoming issues of ShipBuilding Industry. Below, you will find some of the main topics we are planning to cover. Please feel free to provide our editorial staff with any relevant information, so they can take your input into consideration for publication. Our commercial department will be happy to assist you with your marketing needs.

ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 5 EUROPORT 2021 ADIPEC 2021 Focus on the Netherlands Dredging vessels & equipment Big data Copy deadline | 1 September 2021 Advertisement deadline | 22 September 2021 Release date | 26 October 2021

Photo courtesy of Europort.

ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 1 2022 Refit & Conversions Marine propulsion & power generation Cruise vessels / river cruise vessels NAVCOM Copy deadline | 27 January 2022 Advertisement deadline | 22 February 2022 Release date | 22 March 2022

Photo courtesy of Royal Wagenborg. Subjects can be changed without prior notice.


COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER ShipBuilding Industry is owned and published by Yellow & Finch Publishers.


ROB DE KERF | Account Manager



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4 8 | S B I  2 0 2 1 | Volum e 15 | Issue 4

Next Issue.indd 48

Boulevard Bankert 290 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands T: +31 118 473 398 | E: | I:

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26-08-2021 10:04










Excellent value propulsion and marine genset power Extensive range of low HP application engines Available now from your trusted Baudouin partners across Europe Discover the full range at

Photo: Vaan

SBI 2021 | VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 4



i n d u s t r y


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Innovation happens when experts unite

SB I VOL. 15 ISSUE 4 | 2021

Luxury made from scrap

Visit to learn more.


We both share an ambition to make products that are designed for circularity with low emissions. Of 80,000 boats that are scrapped yearly only a few are properly dismantled and most burned, causing massive CO2 emissions. Vaan believes that this must and can be changed for the better. The solution is building luxury yachts from old window frames, pineapple leaves and wind energy and constructed for recycling. We are proud to work with a visionary company like Vaan to address these challenges, and to contribute to the first fully recyclable yacht. The yacht is built with Hydro CIRCAL, aluminium made with at least 75 percent post-consumer scrap.

Crane vessel Les Alizés




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