CONCLUSION As it is presented in the previous pages, the water interaction element is a crucial urban social-gathering tools. The different properties and interactions inherent to water in the multiplicity of its physical state is wide palette of components to be used for water related urban spaces. [Sanitation] 4 types of relations to water exist: Visual, Refreshment, Play, Swim could be complemented with many others. The Sanitation and hygiene related use of water are not illustrated in the precedent analysis but do play a common role in the topical contemporary society. Knowing this, those notions will be pretty much left out from the project intentions. [Research] Some interaction compounds such as Play and Refreshment and to a certain extent Visual will be more investigated by the project. The Swim and Sanitation aspects are too complex to grasp in the current design situation. The installation of a pool or water management system are indeed a real challenge made of a plethora technicalities which overcomes the scope and expertise available in this research.
[Interconnectivity] The differentiate elements of water interactions can also work together. In the exposed references, it is clearly noticeable that water interactivity compounds could also build on each others. It is as well, in the same way difficult to design a water feature for one interaction component only. It is a mix of different ways of interactive water which could enhanced certain properties due to the spatial and contextual circumstances. An abstracted visualisation of those concepts is presented on the next page.