Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

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beautybiz YEAR 15 ISSUE 02

Customised for your skin & its condition! Skincare designed, uniquely for you.

O P E N F O R EN T RY ONLINE NOW! E N T RY D E A D L I N E 2 3 / 5 / 2 2 FI N A L I ST S A NN O U N C E D 2 7 / 6 / 2 2 GALA NIGHT 21/8/22

The ABIA (Australian Beauty Industry Awards) were launched in 2011 to provide the Australian Beauty and Make Up Industry a much needed and often requested benchmark of excellence in business and creative ability on a state by state basis. These awards culminate in an annual gala event in August, following the Sydney Beauty Expo. The awards were launched due to industry demand and are judged by an independent panel of judges, media, PR and business specialists.


Best Industry Educator Individual Best Industry Educator Organisation Educator of the Year (Product/Equipment Company)


Beauty Therapist of the Year NEW! Dermal Clinician of the Year Salon/Spa Director/Owner of the Year Best Cosmetic Tattooist Sole Operator of the Year (ABN Registered)


Best Marketing Award Best Customer Care Award Salon Team of the Year Best Salon Training Award Best Business Performance of the Year (non-salon)


Best Eco Salon/Spa of the Year Best Salon Design Best Newcomer Salon of the Year


Bridal/Formal Make Up Artist of the Year Editorial/Session Make Up Artist of the Year


NSW/ACT Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 4 Treatment rooms or Less NSW/ACT Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 5 Treatments rooms or more VIC /TAS/SA Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 4 Treatment rooms or Less VIC /TAS/SA Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 5 Treatments rooms or more WA/NT Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 4 Treatment rooms or Less WA/NT Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 5 Treatments rooms or more QLD Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 4 Treatment rooms or Less QLD Beauty Salon/Spa of the Year – 5 Treatments rooms or more

NOMINATED CATEGORIES Hall of Fame Mocha Angels Humanitarian Award


State and National Wholesaler of the Year


Crystal Trophy presented on the night of the ABIA’s Use of the Title of winning category for 12 months Coveted PR in leading trade magazine Beauty Biz, PR campaign for EVERY winner Personalised press releases and special PR pack with Branding and Communication experts Lily Blue Communications Additional prizes

E NQUI RI ES : 0 7 5 580 5155



20 dermaviduals is skincare designed, uniquely for you


06 Editors Letter 14-16 Industry News 42 Beauty Shop 44 Dateline City


08 State of the Art Parisian Beauty By Louise May 10 10 Minutes with Linda Fenech By Louise May 12 Award Winning Classic Treatments & Modern Technology By Louise May 14 A Pathway To Inner Health and Vitality By Louise May


22 The Pain That Is Acne By Nancy Abdou 24 How Did IPL Get Such A Bad Rap? By Lashana Shepherd 26 Signs Of Ageing Skin Gay Wardle 28 Am I A Dermal Clinician or Not By Alanna Byriel


30 Professional Services For Profession Salons – dermalogica 32 SkinMTX Award Winning Range 34 Dermapen Treatments For Scars – Dermapenworld


36 The Ultimate Professional Beauty Event Is Back – Beauty Expo Australia


on the cover

38 Which Colour For Your Eyes By Charlotte Ravet 40 5 Ways To Maintain A Positive Mindset By Joy Crossingham


46 Building Salon Teams That Work By Elle Wilson 48 Break The Bias By Julie Cross 50 Are You Sustainable? By Paul Frasca



52 Healthy Habits By Lisa Conway 54 Getting Out Of Your Own Way By Angeli Marie Shaw 56 Self Care Isn’t Selfish By Karla McDiarmid


58 10 Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making That Stop You From Building A High Performance Salon Team By Chrissy Alger 60 How To Get $87,000 In Savings & Value When Negotiation Your New Lease By Kelly Cunningham 62 Breaking Resume Rules By Robyn McAlpine 64 Building A Resilient Business By Kara Lechmann 66 I Know You’re The Best Player On The Team – But The Team Doesn’t Play The Best When You’re On It By Gry Tomte 68 How To Prioritise & Focus On What’s Important In Your Salon Business By Rebecca Miller 70 It’s Time To Change The Way You Think About Deposits By Tamara Reid


72 Using Social Media To Grow Your Beauty Business in 2022 By Angela Sanchez 74 Pay Attention To Your Competition, But Always Stay In Your Own Lane By Hayley Mears




Change the way you treat skin. Customisable solutions for your client’s skincare needs using groundbreaking technology alongside the purest of ingredients to treat all skin types and conditions. Visit by derma aesthetics


Linda Woodhead


Louise May

Editor’s Note Editor’s Note



Kellie Woodhead


Jess Richmond

CONTRIBUTORS Louise May Nancy Abdou Lashana Shepherd Gay Wardle Alanna Byriel Charlotte Ravet Joy Crossingham Elle Wilson Julie Cross Paul Frasca Lisa Conway Angeli Marie Shaw Karla McDiarmid Chrissy Alger Kelly Cunningham Robyn McAlpine Kara Lechmann Gry Tomte Rebecca Miller Tamara Reid Angela Sanchez Hayley Mears


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PUBLISHED BY mochagroup


What a year it has been so far hey… it’s certainly the gift that keeps on giving! Firstly, I want to acknowledge and send my love to all who have been impacted by the recent floods. As if we haven’t been through enough with lockdowns, isolations, cancelled appointments, staffing issues and the like… To top it off with devastating floods, is just absolutely heartbreaking.

I would also like to make mention and honour the many business owners out there who have had to dig deep, and I mean really deep… and pivot during these unprecedented times. I am in awe of some of the business owners that I have interviewed in this issue, who have backed themselves, remained resilient and created strong businesses through this pandemic. Absolutely outstanding! In this issue of Beauty Biz, we have our cover story with Dermaviduals, I spend 10 minutes with the amazing Linda Fenech, and chat with Sia Psicharis from Beautyologist. We feature Luminary Melbourne by Nicolette Kocsi and also shine a light on the wonderful Kathy Kiedrzynsk from Belle Vous Day Spa, who created a women’s inner health product in the middle of a pandemic and has had the most unbelievable success. Lisa Conway talks about health, we have lots of great advice from our Dermal and Beauty writers, and from our business writers and bloggers some great tips and tricks for you for the business and also for self-care. Self-care is imperative. You can’t give to others if you have nothing left in you to give. If you aren’t looking after yourself first, how can you be there for others? As the owner of 2 businesses myself, a wife and Mumma to 3 children, I know how easy it is to forget about your own needs, because you are so busy looking after everyone else. I also know firsthand how detrimental it can be if you let it get away from you, it can be crippling. Schedule time for YOU. Block out time for yourself and be consistent with it, whether it be to go and have a massage, join a yoga group, soak in bath or grabbing a pen and your journal and going and sitting somewhere relaxing outside, and doing a brain dump... whatever you decide to do with that chunk of time you have put aside for yourself, it doesn’t matter, as long as it feeds your soul and fills your cup.

HAIR BIZ, Beauty Biz & Barber Shop

Don’t forget the AHIA and Beauty Squad is open for entries! and deadline is 23rd May!

Beauty Biz is published six times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189

Big love to you all and I really hope this issue inspires you and that you enjoy it.

No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Beauty Biz does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Beauty Biz are not necessarily those of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear. © 2022 mocha group All rights reserved.

Louise x Louise May, BEAUTY BIZ EDITOR


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Beautyologist is a state-of-the-art, St Kilda beauty salon, set in a luxurious environment that evokes the indulgence of a Parisian perfumery. This innovative business delivers a wide range of cutting-edge, advanced, and indulgent treatments so even the most demanding beauty aficionados are satisfied. More than just skincare, they also offer a retail experience, including their own range of products, so the clients can nurture and spoil themselves the way they deserve. Sia Psicharis

Owner and 2021 AHIA Business Director of the Year Sia Psicharis started her career studying fashion and visual merchandising at Melbourne College of Textiles before working for a few years in the fashion industry. It wasn’t until a trip to Hong Kong that she fell in love with beauty.

was hooked. I studied aromatherapy, makeup, massage, waxing and tinting. I began working in Melbourne. I always dreamt of owning my own space. I could imagine using my experience in visual merchandising to create a space that would leave clients feeling more nurtured and beautiful than when they arrived.

Beauty Biz Editor, Louise May, recently spoke with Sia, to find out more on her journey to date in the industry...

I took my first baby-steps toward this goal by renting a small room in a hairdressing salon. Then in 2007, Beautyologist was born. From humble beginnings, with a shoestring budget and a part-time staff member, we have grown to six full-time staff plus a highly skilled nurse who delivers injectables and an eyebrow tattoo specialist. Though I am salon director and spend much of my time working “on” the business rather than “in” the business, I still commit ten hours a week to working directly with clients. This not only keeps me hands on in the latest techniques, but it also lets me stay in touch with clients I have developed relationships with over many years. My job is to always listen, not just to my clients and suppliers, but also to my staff. Beautyologist is there to nurture and support people the way they need.

It was 9pm one night during my stay in Hong Kong… Said Sia, my fingers had indents from the pencils I had been sketching with for hours, my boss could see that I was in a bad way, so she booked a massage for me at the Blind Institute, in Kowloon. It was such a profound experience that it completely changed my life from that day. These women were magicians with the sense of sight shut down, the sense of touch became much sharper. I was immediately blown away with the connection and feeling of this treatment. That was 2001. The year I entered into the Natural Skincare College to be interviewed by Beverly Greenwood. From the first moment I


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

How did your business come to be?

I knew I was a talented therapist however I lacked confidence to pursue this on my own. I spent years, reading, perfecting, saving, planning, and wanting however didn’t have the courage to leap… until one day. It was a mixture of being inspired by a mentor who believed in me, a sweet little push from my clients and family and then a huge leap of faith from my own soul… I guess I was just finally ready.

How do you juggle work and personal life balance?

It is always a tough one as work can change at any given time and you need to step in to support your team. I do the best I can and therefore I am organised and have a great routine which includes lots of rest, home cooking and barre.

Are there any must haves that you love to start your day with? Barre and a Flat White!

What are your top 3 tips for managing people?

Communication - Open, fast, and clear communication is paramount to any business

this includes visual and verbal. Mentoring and Development - Having a training plan in place to inspire, motivate, excite, and energise team members so that they can constantly learn and develop their skills. Awareness - Be aware of brilliant work and praise it. Equally be aware of areas that need further development and don’t be afraid to workshop these.

How do you stay strong but agile during these times?

Share with us your philosophies around staff selection and development. How do you find, keep, and grow high performing staff?

Covid hit and hit the Beauty industry hard, you had to pivot. and pivot you did! Can you tell us about that?

Staff selection has been a tough one of late post pandemic. Generally, I do look at who moves me creatively and passionately. I put myself in the clients’ shoes and think about what they need from their therapist and by reverse engineering I choose better. I look for mindsets that are open to ongoing education and feedback. High preforming staff are not just born, they take training and development. I believe that constant training is the cornerstone of delivering the best possible service, which is one of the reasons I not only continue to grow my skills each year, but also encourage my staff to participate in courses that I cover financially. We have all just completed a Dermapen 4 Course and also a Lymphatic Face Massage Course with Beverly Greenwood and I have just been accepted into AACDS to study Dermal Science.

What do you consider your own top 3 pillars of success to be? Creativity - Excited to always try new things. Organisational - Balancing many projects at once systematically. Moving Forward - Not sweating the small stuff, always acknowledging the lessons, and moving on.

Why do you do what you do and what do you love most about it? I do what I do because everyone deserves nurture and great skin. I love that we bridge the gap between relaxation and medical, we give you both in a beautiful peaceful environment.

We really did not have a choice but to toughen up and move forward. As a leader I am responsible for my team members, suppliers, and our clients. I do not have the luxury of being bogged down in a negative mindset. It is a difficult time for small business at the moment, however it has also taught us so many lessons such as resilience.

Despite the fact that business was closed for eight months during COVID-19, it was the most profitable year I have had. During Oct 2019 - April 2021, we only endured a 19% reduction in sales, and our online sales grew by 72%. The way I managed this was to live by the mantra we can’t control everything, but we can control how well we adapt. We had to pivot! My first thought was to protect my staff. To do that meant protecting my business. I have been in the same building for 14 years. My store is like a home to me. Despite some initial heated discussions with my landlord, we reached a resolution on rent reduction that meant we could hold onto our store. That was day one. I looked around to see what else I could do. We began consulting online, setting up a virtual skin consultation room and using our back bar products to make custom home facials. We created a “Good Vibes Only Kit”, a spiritual kit with a Sage stick, crystal, and Palo Santo stick. I sold out three times, selling 172 units. I launched my very own Candle range called Ieros Sacred Candles. We have sold 862 units to date. I used my fashion & production background to develop a merino wool fitted SNOODS. We sold 1124 units and still have them in store. My Liberty of London print Australian Wheat Packs are now being wholesaled to other stores. We have just manufactured 790 and already have orders for a combined 220 units. We arranged dropoffs, set up a contactless drive-through at the back of the shop, click-and-collect, couriers

and postage. Whatever we could do it help our clients. In this way our orders to suppliers only dropped by 23% even with our doors closed. We did save on two full time wages as our team dropped from eight to six. We were helped enormously by Job Keeper. But we also saved because we didn’t need cleaners, linen, and consumables. To increase these savings, I took over all graphic design and social media. This not only saved me $38,000, but also connected me more with my clients. I have increased interaction and engagement through my content, and we managed to bring in 40% of our normal revenue through online sales alone.

You have massively given back to the industry, what have you been up to?

After ensuring my business and my staff were okay, I next looked to my industry. If there was ever a time to give back it was during a year with so much disruption. I was offered a place on the HBIA board as a beauty industry spokesperson, working under Paul Zhara. We joined forces with ARA (Australian Retail Association). The hours of work I dedicated to this each day involved: how to make clinics safer reviewing COVID plans for QLD, NSW, and VIC constant meetings with DHHS and Business Victoria researching and taking media interviews Despite the endless hours and incredibly frustrating outcomes, I didn’t give up. I became much better at saying No, that’s not acceptable. I was invited to be a board member of The Port Phillip Mayor’s Business Advisory Group. This assisted with small business recovery post-COVID. My proudest moment was watching the money flow to encourage local community support for struggling local businesses.

What is on the agenda for the future?

I am really excited about the future. We have learnt so many lessons during the pandemic and pivoted business in a way that allows up to grow outside these 4 walls. We are also growing our team and launching a new menu which is going to be our best yet.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2






Skin Fitness Hair & Beauty owner Linda Fenech, is one fierce woman running a salon of 21 employees as well as being a mum to her amazing 8-year-old daughter Lucy, who has Cerebral Palsy.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

Essentially, Linda is just an everyday woman who does amazing things daily and has her heart set out to help others. She is also the founder of the Facebook group Beauty Therapists Sharing - Learn And Grow, which is a wonderful community of over 11,000 people. Our Beauty Biz Editor Louise May spent 10 minutes with Linda to find out more!

Can you please tell us a little about yourself?

I come across strong and direct… but I love and care, and just want everyone to feel accepted and valued. I entered this industry at the age of just 15 and I have met so many kind an inspiring women. I will be forever grateful for the lessons they have taught me. Owning the salon, and as an ADHD and OCD sufferer myself, (self-diagnosis then confirmed by a therapist) I also saw a need for inclusiveness in salon life. Lobbying industry associations to include diverse education in the curriculum, particularly haircutting for special needs children i.e., sensory disorders.

Tell us how you got started in the industry?

I loved school and always wanted to be a schoolteacher. In year ten I saw an advertisement for a beauty apprenticeship, and I thought I’d go for it, for interview practice. I was asked to come back for a trial and was offered the job. I never realised how much my passion was people and caring for them, and connecting with them.

What drew you to Beauty Therapy and Hair in the first place?

After my initial job trial, it was the people. The ability to make someone feel better about themselves. Yes physically, but also emotionally.

How did your business come to be?

During my apprenticeship my employer decided to sell, I still had a year before completion, but I went to my parents and with the money I had saved and a loan from them, I was able to buy the salon.

What do you consider your own top 3 pillars of success to be? 1. Education and gaining proficiency 2. Know your numbers 3. Love what you do

What are your top 3 tips for managing a large team of people?

1. Speak to them as if it was you in their position. 2. Make sure that they are aware of their responsibilities so that they are not caught out by surprise if they’re not doing something to your level. 3. Have a salon policy and procedures manual so that you can refer back to the standards when speaking to them.

How do you juggle work and personal life balance?

I listen to, and read a lot of Mark Bouris and Gary V. And something that Gary said, always resonates with me ‘If you live for weekends and vacations, your shit is broken’. I agree with this a lot, however, I also believe and I’m grateful that my salon is closed on Sundays and public holidays, and this is something I need, and is definite ‘me time’. We also shut our salon between Christmas and New Year, so we can get that time off with our family and friends.

What’s given your business strength over the years?

My family’s strong work ethic, being strategic and common sense. I have a very good loyal clientele who even when shut during Covid, would send me messages checking in on me and ask how they could support us. This is what life is to me, connection, and care!

How do you stay strong but agile during these unprecedented times?

Strong mental health is essential, and very very hard. For me I need to go to the gym and use up my nervous energy. Walking barefoot on the grass also helps me. I also look for positive reaffirming quotes each day. I refuse to watch shows like Married at First Sight because I believe they affect mental health, yes laugh at me everybody… but how could we be so cruel to other humans and laugh about it. I also think the same politically, when I watch different leaders pick on each other, and then the next breath they’re talking about mental health… I don’t like it from either side.

Any tips to staying motivated when pivoting takes its toll?

Another quote that I live by is: ‘Get up an hour earlier to get more done’! Also plan! and plan another map if a plan fails.

What is your big “why”?

Cultivated habit, strong need to be liked in my personality, and a strong will to succeed. I also support many women and clients and I do it for them.

Do you have a motto or signature life philosophy?

Do and be what you value. Really think about this, as we live too much in the subconscious, rather than the conscious. I have two short stories written on my daughters and stepsons wall. One is the starfish story; the other is the Cherokee legend of two wolves. Google and look them up. I find them very powerful.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Never think you are better than anyone, and the harder I work the luckier I get. (From my father).

If you could leave this industry having achieved just one thing, what would that legacy be?

That each one of us in the industry can be of value, share your knowledge, help each other, and make this industry strong. We are not competing against each other, there is enough room and love for each of us.

What is on your agenda for the future?

Currently in business I have been what I classed as the treading water phase, and I’m hoping after soon that we will start to be able to get into the growth investment stage. I am also committed in helping other parents who have special needs children. I suppose my agenda is inclusion no matter who or what your needs are.




Luminary Melbourne has been designed to be a safe haven for concerning skin conditions, and with its calm and inviting environment, it is a true reflection of creator Nicolette Kocsi’s approach to treating the skins health as a whole.

Nicolette’s honest approach to maintaining and improving the skins health while providing her clients with the education and personal care they need is a passion. Personally designing each individual treatment is a system she uses combining classical treatment methods with new modern technologies. Known for her clinical experience and refined touch, she treats individual skin concerns and conditions by rebuilding the skin from within, using paramedical and dermal skin techniques, ensuring her approach is effective. Her reputation has been built on excellent levels of client care and service that has set a new benchmark for clinical dermal treatments in Melbourne, which is


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

why Nicolette was awarded Sole Operator of The Year 2021 in the Australian Beauty Industry Awards as well as being recognised a finalist in the category Best Salon Design 2021. Editor Louise May chats with Nicolette about the creation of Luminary Melbourne and her solo journey, thus far.

Tell us how you got started in the industry?

I got started in the industry by falling in love with the experience treatments give clients. I felt that as a client and wanted to be a part of it. I was very lucky to get a job at a local Day Spa as a receptionist before starting my Diploma of beauty. About three months in, I got the opportunity to work in a laser

and skin clinic and quickly feel in love with the clinical side. I am very lucky in my career to have worked across all fields of the aesthetic industry and quickly being able to specialise in skin facial treatments and management very much from the start.

What inspired you to create a solo business?

I always dreamed of owning and creating my own skin world. My inspiration for my business grew through my own frustrations working as dermal therapist in the industry. I noticed a large gap in client care, and I wanted to completely specialise in skin treatments, and give my clients the whole experience. I wanted to be honest, modern, and giving, in my approach to treating skin.

Your salon Luminary Melbourne is stunning, where did you draw inspiration from with the fit out and aesthetics?

Luminary means a natural light-giving body and a person who inspires or influences others. This really is the core foundation to Luminary Melbourne. Our fit out and aesthetics is drawn from the idea of redesigning what I believe a clinic should look like, and starting a real change in the industry, that clinical treatments do not have to be in a cold environment. I wanted to create a warm, welcoming, and luxurious environment. Our modern curved walls and archways were very important to me, and that is why I chose our space, due to its high ceilings which add a natural dramatic effect to our curves. My favourite features are our reception area with our 4-metre curved wall and 5-metre hallways with a tunnel ceiling. I wanted to keep the aesthetic light and bright and choosing grey, white, gold & light wood, which was inspired by the natural light coming through our very large shop front, which is completely glass windows. These colours make our pink and gold bathroom pop. We are modern & minimalistic to the highest standard.

What is unique about Luminary Melbourne?

Our client care is what makes us unique. As soon as a client walks in the door, I want them to enjoy the environment, and the experience has already started for them. My approach to skin is extremely inclusive and complete, performing dermal clinic treatments with the same fulfilment from a spa treatment. A true blend of modern technology with classic beauty techniques. Our clients are first, we offer full detailed prescriptions, recommendations to naturopaths and a full honest approach to skin. We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach, and we currently stock over 13 different brands. We like mix and match for the clients, and we find this completely effective in getting the results quicker. My goal is to ensure every client has the same personal experience, and I honestly think of my clients as family, and I think that really shows through all our details we include. Adorability is something I wanted to bring to the market. Our treatments have a lot of elements and details which others charge for, and for us its standard.

How do you juggle work and personal life balance?

I honestly do struggle with this. Owning a business especially through COVID lockdowns has meant I have had to work even harder. I usually work about

six days a week and honestly, it’s the hardest and most fulfilling thing I have ever done. My goal this year was to work on this so it is more balanced which is why I decided to hire two therapists from march this year.

What do you consider your own top 3 pillars of success to be?

My passion for my clients and wanting to help in any way I can. My unique skin clinic our environment & client care. My education, I am constantly researching, doing training, and increasing the accessibility to clients to treatments that they may have never heard of or previously where inaccessible.

What ways do you like to unwind and get out of “work mode”?

Work mode is hard for me to get out off but when I do give myself a chance a walk with the two dogs maverick and max and my fiancé are my favourite things to do. I love reading books and going out for dinner. Going outside and enjoying some fresh air is the most simply way for me to enjoy and unwind.

Are there any must haves that you love to start your day with? Water and SPF!

How do you stay strong but agile during these times?

Honestly, it’s my clients, without them I wouldn’t have a successful Luminary Melbourne. I do what I do every day to better myself and them in any way I can. I love to learn, create, and inspire. Starting a business in November 2020 I did not see 2021 going the way it did with COVID in Melbourne, but I am proud of myself to staying true to myself and continued to find growth even when the times where quite dark. I am very head strong and always have kept pushing my dream to keep it a reality that I live every day.

Do you plan to build a team in the future, or are you happy just being a solo operator?

Yes, having a team was always my plan, with COVID lockdowns it did put a delay on having a team sooner. But in March this year after searching for the perfect person for nearly five months I was lucky to have found two incredible dermal clinician & dermal therapists to my team. Both have an incredible amount of industry experience, and they complement my skills and knowledge and together we are an incredible team. I am excited to see them grow further within the business. It’s really hard to have a clinic by yourself and it’s a beginning I am very proud of.

What is on the agenda for the future?

I have some big goals I would like to achieve, and we really are only getting started! We are currently 17 months old. Now with the ability to stay open (fingers crossed) we have the opportunity to grow and develop our clinical treatments. I would love to grow my team by one more therapist in the future and add some more technologies into the business. Maybe even more clinics in the future. I am so proud of what I have achieved so quickly especially in Melbourne through these times, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings. Luminary Melbourne is only just getting started!

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





Kathy Kiedrzynski has over 20 years of Beauty and Wellness Industry knowledge and experience and is a certified Beauty Therapist & Cosmetic Tattoo Artist. She is known for her attention to detail and a perfectionist in her trade. Recognised now as the creator of excellence and finesse in beauty services, she has empowered thousands of lives by assisting them in gaining control of their wellbeing and inner beauty, helping them reignite their self-love and bring confidence back. She shares her passion and purpose through experience and her five-star rating and numerous awards reflect this. Kathy has taken her passion for helping others to new levels and created a pathway to inner health and vitality, from the inside out by launching her own brands. Recognised globally for her work, she strives to provide the daily nourishment they require to function optimally. She continuously furthers her studies and training to ensure extensive knowledge and creation can be applied in her range. She is one of the most renowned in her industry and created Belle Vous Day Spa, which too is one of the most popular visited today, to experience a peaceful and private retreat, a haven for contemplation and discovery. She has created the ultimate space for rejuvenation of mind, body & spirit.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

Her love for all things beauty, and dedication to her clients and their needs prompted her to create a daily routine and nourishment range to assist them in feeling healthier and happier within. Kiyomee Blends has been carefully designed with natural food-based ingredients to assist in various health and beauty benefits. The unique blend was created to help aid, assist, and nourish our bodies. She has included particular ingredients that complement the collagen and together create a greater health system, greater immunity and with a balanced diet and exercise program may assist with weight loss. Beauty therapist and mother of two, Kathy Kiedrzynski, launched Kiyomee Blends supplements during the COVID lockdown in Melbourne. The brand saw fast success, making six figures within the first 6 months of operation. Since launching Kiyomee Blends, Kathy and her team have sold over 10,000 products and reached an impressive revenue. The idea to create Kiyomee Blends came to Kathy when she saw a gap in the market for high quality, luxurious skin supplements. Kathy wanted to help people restore confidence in themselves by using a natural path to healing.

“One of the biggest keys to our success was creating a safe space where people could share their concerns about their skincare journey. We wanted to support them ensuring we answered any questions, giving them a good understanding of our products and how there is still hope,” says Kathy.

Kathy has held strong to her values of being authentic and transparent with her customers. Influencer marketing and no obligation gifting, paired with genuine, high-quality products has resulted in Kiyomee Blends being a trusted supplement provider. “Launching the brand during the COVID lockdown was no easy task,” says Kathy, “my family would be around the kitchen table, helping me pack orders as they came. They were amazing and stuck by me through it all.” Pretty soon Kioymee outgrew Kathy’s home and moved into its own headquarters. Kathy now has a team of 8 working on the business. When new entrepreneurs ask Kathy for business tips, she says to dream big, remain true to yourself and your purpose, “invest in yourself, as you are the driving force of your business. Knowledge is power and above all surround yourself with those who align and share your beliefs and values. We are so blessed to work with some amazing people.” Beauty Biz Editor Louise May had the pleasure of catching up with Kathy recently, to find out a little more about her journey in the industry.

Tell us a little about you and how you got started in the Beauty Industry

I was studying law after finishing year 12, my passion was always beauty therapy but that was a career my parents didn’t support. After beauty school I worked in a few highend salons and just didn’t enjoy the moral and constant need to compete with your peers. So, in 2003 I went out on my own and started Belle Vous Day Spa, it was a place where our clients would feel comfortable to return and not have products pushed on them due to staff targets, they could turn up with no makeup and feel confident, babies were welcome, and they felt safe with us knowing the extensive training and industry knowledge we had. I am a Beauty Therapist by trade and heart, 21 years later I still love seeing clients in the salon.

What do you enjoy most about your businesses?

I love the energy and vibe within our spaces, we have creative freedom and personal satisfaction in all we do. As a business owner, I get to work in a field that I really enjoy and hire staff that each bring something unique and are able to put their skills and knowledge to use. I get so much personal satisfaction from implementing my own ideas, working directly with customers, and watching my business succeed.

Share with us some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the journey and how you overcame these. What’s the most challenging aspect?

Over the last 18 months we hit many roadblocks and hurdles, from packaging to postage and more. We just take it one day at a time, learn from each issue and do it better next time. One in particular was an issue with

trademarking, so in the very early days we had to actually change our brand name which at the time felt like such an issue, however looking back now it was a blessing in disguise.

What would you say are the core values or philosophies which define your business and leadership style?

I love working with like-minded creative people, those that have our customers best interest at heart. We pride ourselves on education, transparency and creating trustworthy holistic beauty blends that taste amazing and nourish your body from within. Our Philosophy at Kiyomee Blends is selfcare and selflove should be simple, true beauty comes from within.

You have only recently launched your beauty supplement company Kiyomee Blends. Can you tell us what started you on this journey to creating inner health products?

After 21 years in the beauty industry, I’ve seen a gap in education and nurturing our bodies and simplifying self-care, that could revitalise and nourish our bodies from within. I wanted to help women restore their natural inner glow. With so many products and brands on the market, it can be confusing to choose which best suits you. Which is what inspired me to redefine the future of simple and tasty ingestible beauty.

You launched Kiyomee Blends in the middle of Covid Lockdown, can you talk to us about that and what that was like for you?

It came with its challenges and added many extra hurdles you may not usually face. Things like meetings face to face were non-existent and everything had to be corresponded via zoom, pretty much you relied on postage for samples, emails and the entire setup and running of a business had to be taken online. We couldn’t have tastings with our distributors, had to solely depend on relationships and reputation to actually get our products into the hands of people. There were postage delays, wrong products sent which in turn meant waiting again, you couldn’t set anything up direct and cross it off your list, it became quite the waiting game as 100% of the business had to be launched whilst in lockdown.

What has been your greatest lesson or piece of advice along your business journey? I’ve learnt a lot over the last 18 months and have had many lessons that have made me so much stronger. In a perfect world I would implement the things I have learnt but would I change anything, probably not as it’s made me the person I am today. In years to come I’ll be able to look back on some of the learnings I have now and be grateful for them. Some advice would be that knowledge is power, and always trust your gut feeling.

How do you balance business life and Family life?

It has come with its challenges and can become quite the juggling act, and there can be days that it all gets too much, but I remind myself that nothing great comes easy. Fitting in work commitments, kids school and activities, groceries, everyday life duties, time with our friends can be hard to fit in occasionally however we all work off a family calendar and ensure we make time for each other.

What advice would you give others who dream of building an impactful brand?

I think stepping out of your comfort zone can be daunting, however believing and backing yourself will prove positive in the long run. Invest in yourself, education is key. Also, develop close relationships with the people and companies you deal with, it’s so important to have that strong trust with each other. Believe me, you won’t always settle with the first company you meet. It’s not easy to find your team of professionals, but when you do, you’ll never work another day in your life. Understanding each other makes for an incredible result and I consider myself grateful for those I get to work with to create this amazing range from development right to the shelf.

What’s on the agenda for the future?

We have some pretty exciting new products launching soon, we’ve been working on these particular products for quite some time now and we’ll launch them at our 2nd Birthday on June 18th so watch this space!

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2



our international speaker who flew to Australia Elaine from Missy Brows and not to forget our amazing international artists that linked in via zoom such as Brow Daddy & Stefanie Toms to name a few! PCC has fought against date changes due to covid and more recently contending with the Brisbane floods over the weekend our event was on which did lead to several delegates unable to attend but it didn’t dampen our spirits for those of us who were fortunate enough to make it! The PCC brand is trusted in the industry for its inclusivity... it’s all about the education, not the click! To the point where delegates on the Sunshine Coast were unable to drive 90 minutes to Brisbane to attend the conference so they flew to Sydney, stayed the night and flew up to Brisbane early the next morning, this is how much this conference meant to our community. We thank our sponsors for trusting in this event and they have informed us that they have already signed up for 2023! We invite you to check


February 27th & 28th 2022 saw a first of its kind Australian conference combining the PMU, Beauty & Business industries coming together located at the Pullman Hotel Brisbane, Queensland. Finally, the cosmetic tattooing and beauty industries can come together in an inclusive way. PCC is all about networking, learning up to date tips and tricks for industry leaders and let’s not forget the gala night! With over 60 delegates attending we learnt from Iconic Australian leaders such as Otto Mitter from Elleebana, Tamara Reid from Timely, Dr Heidi Karimi from Queen Brows, 16

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 1

Laser Clinics, the world’s largest global cosmetic clinics company, has celebrated the opening of its first advanced beauty clinic in Canada. Laser Clinics has more than 180 clinics across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom, and this further expansion into the North American market will bring the best-in class treatments in skin, body, cosmetic injectables and laser hair removal at affordable and transparent prices to the region. Laser Clinics Group Chief Executive Officer John Veitch said the company is excited to be in a position to provide more customers with their world-leading advanced aesthetics treatments, with the opening of the first clinic in Canada and with more clinics on the way. “The Canadian beauty industry has begun to show strong signs of growth over the past two years, and Laser Clinics has been eager to seize an opportunity for a strategic move into this key North American market,” Mr Veitch said. “We are committed to expanding our high-quality cosmeceutical products and treatments to all customers – no matter their budget or location – and are thrilled to now bring our world-leading services to Canada.” Founded in Australia in 2008, Laser Clinics has experienced remarkable growth driven by the purpose of offering ‘Beauty tailored to you,’ and a commitment to offering advanced beauty treatments and products that are more affordable than others. “We are excited to expand the world’s largest brand of advanced beauty and medical aesthetics services into Canada,” said George Jeffrey, Managing Director for Laser Clinics Canada. Laser Clinics will also offer Canadian customers Skinstitut, the advanced cosmeceutical skin care brand and Dr. Roebucks – the range of clean skincare products made with Australian botanicals that enhance treatment results.


Conversations around gender identity with clients and colleagues might feel uncomfortable, but when you’re in the business of helping people express themselves, getting someone’s pronouns right can be pretty powerful. Tamara Reid, Head of Brand Timely Business Management Software shares her thoughts and expertise on this important subject. What are pronouns? Pronouns are terms we use to describe ourselves and our chosen gender. When we say ‘gender’ we’re talking about how someone feels inside, not their biological sex. While a cisgender or transgender person might use she/her and he/him, others might prefer gender neutral pronouns such as they/them/their or ze/hir/hirs (pronounced zee/here/heres) or she/they and he/they if they’re gender fluid. It’s important to note that someone’s appearance or how they dress might not necessarily pair with their pronouns. Why are they important? At some point or another we’ve all felt disrespected when someone has forgotten or mistaken our name. Pronouns are as much a part of someone’s identity as their name. Getting them right means more to people than you might think - it’s a way to help someone feel respected and seen. What role do hair and beauty professionals play? Hair and beauty professionals play a huge role in affirming someone’s gender identity and have the power to help someone express how they feel on the inside to the rest of the world. Hair and makeup are often the first port of call for someone looking to experiment with their identity. How should you discuss pronouns with clients? It sounds simple, but asking someone what their pronouns are when you say hello puts everyone at ease. Better still, Business Management Software Timely’s new pronoun selector allows clients to self-identify their personal pronouns when they make an online booking. This seemingly simple feature creates a comfortable, welcoming client experience for anyone who walks through your salon doors. “Using the pronoun selector has not only ensured my clientele to feel comfortable and safe, but it’s allowed me to charge clients based on the skill, time and product used rather than by gendered categories,” says Laura Spinney, hair stylist and owner of Mullet Mommy. Not ready to talk about pronouns with your clients? Timely’s pronoun feature is completely optional - we encourage you to do your own research before enabling it when you’re ready - Timely’s blog is a great starting point for your learning journey!

Savvy Salon & Clinic owners have boosted the sales & profit of their business by using Mayerling Professional Peels & Take Home Treatments


Skin Rejuvenation Brand of the Year 2021 (Australia & NZ)

Cosmeceutical Range of the Year 2020 (Australasia)

SHARE IN THE SUCCESS Call Amanda on 02 9874 1166 or email Toni at


PRF (Palelet-Rich Fibrin) treatments will be officially coming to Hair Skin Science clinics from March 2022. PRF is the second generation of PRP treatments giving better and longer lasting results. Popular in America, now TGA approved in Australia, Hair Skin Science will be the first cosmetic clinic in Australia to provide PRF services for hair loss & skin rejuvenation. Royce Newton, Co-Director says, ‘We are so excited to be the first in Australia to offer PRF treatments’. With traditional PRP, blood is collected and mixed with an anti-coagulant called acid citrate dextrose (ACD). The key difference with PRF is, no anticoagulant is used during the spinning of the blood. The PRF main reason gets better results than PRP is that it gives clients the same benefits as PRP, but with the added benefit of releasing more growth factors so it goes on working long after the procedure is completed. Renowned for their affordable PRP treatments for skin and hair, Hair Skin Science specialises in PRP platelet-rich plasma. PRP is a well-liked and natural treatment at our clinics which uses your body’s own cells from your blood for rejuvenation, skin maintenance, and to combat and delay ageing. PRP is a less invasive alternative to dermal fillers and the results can be better than you get with dermal filler or injectables. PRP is also known as an effective treatment for hair loss.

PRP stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin. The process creates a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, helping to minimise scarring and pigmentation while improving the overall tone and texture of the skin. Dr. Cara Ting from Hair Skin Science says: ‘PRP is an effective way to treat an array of skin concerns, including ageing and preventative ageing, uneven skin tone, pigmentation and acne scarring’. Popular treatment areas include: • Dark Under Eye Circles • Overall Face Glow • Smooth Complexion • Neck Tightening • Lines around the Mouth • Crepey Skin • Hair Loss Use PRP treatment for: • Improved Skin Tone • Rectifying UV damage • Treating General Ageing & Preventative Ageing • Acne Scarring • Uneven Skin Tone • Enlarged Pores • Fine Lines & Wrinkles • Sagging Skin • Thinning Skin • Uneven Skin tone • Pigmentation Hair Skin Science is a national company of clinics based in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, treating skin and hair loss for women and men. Free consultations are provided with a medical doctor or registered nurse based on your requirements. Hair Skin Science specialises in affordable PRP hair regrowth treatments, PRP skin treatments and injectables.


SUPPORTING & NURTURING THE AUSTRALIAN BEAUTY INDUSTRY A special competition under the umbrella of the AUSTRALIAN BEAUTY INDUSTRY AWARDS recognising rising stars of the Australian Beauty Industry with prizes and mentorship to assist beauty therapists, dermal clinicians, specialists and salon owners on their road to success.


Inskin Cosmedics


ESSENTIALS STARTER KIT - Everything you need to perform 33 Dermapen™ microneedling procedures to Protocol Valued at $4000

Gay Wardle Education

1 x FULL DAY SHADOW MENTORING - Learn one-on-one with the industry’s best in this exclusive, in person, shadowing and mentoring program designed for therapists serious about expanding their skillset, enhancing their customer experience and transforming their bottom line personally. (Flights and Accommodation not included) Valued at $2000

PROFESSIONAL FACE AND BODY CARE PACKAGE Your choice of cosmedical face and body care across the INSKIN COSMEDICS portfolio. Valued at $1000


ELLEEBANA BROW PACK A Specail ikntroductory gift pack including brow pencils, tints and a host of promo items!


FREE TRIAL AND SPECIAL GIFT 3 months free trial to the Timely salon software program plus a special surprise gift given in the Beauty Squad House!

PLUS A 3 DAY STAY IN THE BEAUTY SQUAD HOUSE!! With Linda Woodhead, Founder and Owner of Mocha Publishing, ABIA & Beauty Squad and Louise May, Editor of Beauty Biz Up Close and Personal Visits from Mentors and Icons of the Australian Beauty Industry and Sponsors of the Beauty Squad, Plus a few surprises!

OPEN FOR ENTRY NOW! Entry Deadline 23rd May ‘22 Finalists Announced 27th June ‘22 Team of 4 announced at the ABIA Gala Night 21st August ‘22 Open for entry to all Beauty Therapists and/or Dermal Clinicians aged 35 and under. Must be qualified Beauty Therapists with a minimum of 5 years activity in the Australian Beauty Industry. They may be employed or self-employed and if self-employed own a registered business. Beauty Squad Team members must have at least a Cert 3 in Beauty Services, Cert 4 in Beauty Therapy, or at a minimum diploma in Beauty Therapy. They may also have a Health Science degree in Dermal or Aesthetics.

A mochagroup initiative



is skincare designed, uniquely for you. Customised for your skin and its condition, derma aesthetics is committed to reshaping the business of skincare through science, innovative products and advanced education. THE DIFFERENCE

Each and every skin is unique and at dermaviduals we have the power to customise and create bespoke skincare solutions for each of your clients’ needs. Working with 40 actives within our range, means that we can curate the perfect formulation based on the individual skin type and condition. Not only do we have an incredible range of targeted actives, our formulations are created without some of the common ingredients that may be lurking in other formulations. dermaviduals work with pure, active and proven ingredients that are designed to strengthen and repair the skin whilst providing life-changing results. dermaviduals formulations are free from preservatives, common emulsifiers, colours and fragrances, all of which can lead to irritation and inflammation within the skin.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

Along with pure and active ingredients, the dermaviduals Derma Membrane Structure (DMS) is a unique blend of physiological ingredients that mimic the structure and function of the skin’s permeable barrier. It allows for replenishment and rebuilding of the skin’s first lines of defence, which can be damaged by a variety of internal and external challenges. A main component of our DMS is Phosphatidylcholine that contains skin repairing benefits and also allows for deeper penetration of actives, which provides the basis of our delivery system of Liposomes and Nanoparticles.


Central to the philosophy of dermaviduals is Corneotherapy – the science of maintaining and restoring healthy skin.

Corneotherapy is aimed at the recovery of the stratum corneum, but above all it improves the function of the skin barrier and subsequently the overall homeostasis of the skin. At the core of Corneotherapy are the principles of recovery and repair. At dermaviduals, we believe that a well-functioning and intact stratum corneum provides the fundamental building blocks for a functioning and wellbalanced skin. For a long time, the stratum corneum was considered a ‘conglomeration of dead skin cells’. However, through years of tireless research, it has been proven that this functional layer of skin is ‘alive’ and able to self-renew and repair whilst communicating with the lower layers of the epidermis and dermis. So, why would one want to peel or abrade the stratum corneum? It just doesn’t make sense!

The key to repairing the skin is understanding how to perfectly maintain the health of the stratum corneum. At dermaviduals we work with every skin, including conditions such as barrier impaired and atopic skin disorders.


We know that no two skins are the same and therefore, no two formulations should be either. Partnering with dermaviduals means that you can create a truly bespoke home care and in-clinic skincare recommendation for each client. With 40 different actives to choose from, dermaviduals has an ingredient solution for every skin type and condition. The benefits of customisation are endless. Each skin has its unique set of challenges, which is why creating a bespoke skincare solution for your client can set them on the right path to achieving life changing results. Even if only a small number of products are used! Both internal and environmental factors

can change the appearance and function of the skin. By working with a customisable skincare range, you have the power to create home care prescriptions along with in- clinic treatments that adapt to the ever-changing landscape of skin. dermaviduals is the only product range on the market, which allows the skin treatment therapist to have complete control over what goes into their client’s formulation, which means lots of room for results that make a difference. The types of products you can customise include: • Cleansers • Serums • Creams • Masks • Body products • Speciality products • deco foundations Imagine customising your client’s entire range of at home and in clinic formulations! Customisation from A to Z is what sets

dermaviduals apart from other skincare ranges and keeps your clients’ skin functioning and in peak condition. A customisation example for one of dermaviduals favourite serum blends for an age management solution, is a combination of: Co-enzyme Q10, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Green Tea Extract. This blend is a sure-fire way to enhance cellular communication and energy, resulting in smooth and resilient skin. Please note: formulations can only be administered by a dermaviduals skincare consultant, measurements are determined by the requirement of the skin and are therefore not included. To discuss opportunities to partner with dermaviduals or to learn more, please email or visit Watch out too, we have a brand-new website launching towards the end of the month with some awesome new features that you will definitely want to check out!

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2




THE PAIN THAT IS ACNE! By Nancy Abdou, 2021 ABIA Best Individual Educator of the Year

Whether it be due to excess sebum, stress, medication, diet or hormones, acne is a pain! A pain to manage and to treat, not just for the client, but also for the therapist. I would have to say it is one of the most challenging skin conditions to manage because it requires a holistic approach that also heavily involves client commitment and long-term perseverance to having treatments in clinic as well as doing the right thing outside of the clinic too. Acne affects more than 85% of Australians at some stage throughout their life, with increased flare-ups and inflammation seen during the last 2 years. Possibly because of the increase in stress levels and or mask wearing, either way the problem is real and so many therapists’ want to know the best way to manage acne and the scars left, with the various aesthetic devices on the market. As I mentioned, a holistic approach is required: diet and supplements (very good idea to collaborate with a gut-health professional, or at least be aware of what your clients should look out for in their diet... something that will be covered in my upcoming Acne Workshop). High quality and active skincare is a great way to help manage acne - clean, nourish, hydrate, and protect. By using topicals that will deeply cleanse and exfoliate the skin without irritating it, (such as the Skindividual Phyto-Active Multi-action exfoliant), other active can be better absorbed and penetrate where required, in the dermis. There are so many active ingredients and topicals to help with managing acne, but one of the most important ones, apart from a good hydrator and Sun protection, is an excellent liposomally encapsulated Retinaldehyde (Vitamin A). Retinaldehyde will not only regulate the production of sebum, but will also increase cellular turnover, repair damaged DNA, strengthen capillaries and allow the skin to synthesise collagen to help with remodeling and stimulating the production of collagen especially when used prior to any aesthetic treatment, and the good news is - it doesn’t cause photosensitivity! I’m going to focus your attention on aesthetic treatments that you can provide to your clients to help manage their acne and effectively treat both superficial and deep acne scarring: Light Therapy: Blue Light LED is a brilliant for acne, it’s non-thermal and can be used on most skin types safely. Light absorption leads to photoexcitation of porphyrins and the subsequent release of singlet oxygen and reactive free radicals that have bactericidal effects on P. acnes. Longer wavelengths, such as red LED (633nm) can be used alongside other aesthetic treatments, to help enhance results by increasing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 22

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AKA cellular energy in the mitochondria. By increasing ATP - wound healing increases by 50% and fibroblast production is increased by 155%. Whereas, infra-red brings about anti-inflammatory properties by influencing cytokine release from macrophages, and for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). LED really should be a non-negotiable when performing any aesthetic treatment! On the other hand, laser therapy with 1064 Nd:YAG with the application of a carbon lotion (also known as the China Doll or Carbon Facial), infrared (IR) lasers (1320, 1450, 1540 nm) and PDT may directly cause photo-toxic and photo-thermal damage to sebaceous glands, which can reduce the gland size and production of sebum. Laser Genesis (long-pulsed lasers) is an excellent option for acne scars, as it will help promote collagen production and remodeling of scar tissue. If deeper acne scars are present, then laser treatments such as fraxel, CO2 or Erbium YAG may be recommended. Fraxel is a fractional laser that helps to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, while Erbium YAG is good for treating deep acne scars. CO2 lasers are ablative lasers that vaporise the upper layers of skin, helping to produce new, healthy tissue - although downtime is extensive. IPL (400–1200 nm), pulsed dye lasers (PDL, 585–595 nm) and potassium titanyl phosphate lasers (KTP, 532 nm) may also, similarly disrupt sebaceous gland function through direct photo-toxic and thermal damage, and/or exert bactericidal effects on P. acnes via induction of reactive free radicals. Hyperpigmentation from scarring can also be observed with these modalities, when used with the correct fluences. Radio Frequency (RF) energy has been used for many years to treat a variety of medical conditions, including acne scars. RF produces heat when applied to tissue, which causes collagen contraction and subsequent remodeling. Taking it one step further is Fractional RF, which uses small micro-needles to create micro-thermal zones in the skin. This

allows for deeper heating of the dermis while preserving the epidermis, so down time is minimal, delivering both immediate and longterm results. Micro-needling is hands down a favourite for many therapists, since it creates nonthermal, mechanical micro-wounds, which sets up a cascade of growth factors derived from platelets, particularly TGFB3, without significant inflammation, producing collagen and elastin. Needling is able to regulate abnormal pigmentation by altering the secretion pattern of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and IL-10, which is up regulated at two weeks post-procedurally. MSH appears to be down-regulated two weeks post treatment. A new kid on the block is Plasma Fibroblasting, where the fourth state of matter is utilised to create tiny micro-thermal zones to both stimulate collagen and retexturize and resurface scarring. Clients can expect about 5 days of down time, but the results are fast and impressive. Take a look at the Plaxpot Plasma Pen Instagram to check out the results! And for those new to aesthetic treatments working their way up to more invasive treatments, Microdermabrasion uses either crystals or a diamond tip, to mechanically exfoliate the skin, helping to remove the dead cells on the surface that can aggravate acne. It will also help stimulate collagen production, giving the skin a healthy glow. And of course, there are chemical and enzyme peels - but that is for another time and another cup of tea. To learn more, make sure you pre-book your Acne workshop where Skin and Gut health will be covered, along with how to combine the above treatments to get even better results and to top it all off - how to effectively market and what you have just learnt! Go to au and click on upcoming workshops to secure your spot and get $100 off your ticket. Limited spaces are available!





Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

When did IPL become such a dirty word? I hear so many in our industry say things like: “I would never use an IPL”, “IPL’s are inferior”, “Lasers are better”, or “IPL’s just burn people”. But where did this opinion stem from? And why are so many shying away from IPL devices? There is a reason why IPL is still used widely in the industry and is seen being used by some of our industry’s biggest names - and that is because it is not as terrible as some may think! Blaming the IPL machine itself is much like having a car crash and blaming the car. Machines don’t have a mind of their own, and while of course there are incidences where the machine may be to blame, more often than not it is an operator error. IPL and Laser have a lot of variables; from filters, to gauges, to pulse widths, joules, spot size; there are many parameters that need to be correctly executed in order to operate either machine safely. Intense Pulsed Light, just like a Laser, works on controlled and selective photothermolysis, meaning we are able to target a singular chromophore at one time; so provided we are selecting the correct parameters, assessing the skin and the client thoroughly beforehand and doing our due diligence, the risk of damage or trauma to healthy tissue is actually minute. In reality, both Laser and IPL have the same risk of causing burns and healthy tissue damage. IPL was originally developed to treat vascular conditions such as telangiectasia as an alternative to pulsed dye laser treatments. Even today, IPL is a gold-standard treatment for skin conditions such as sun damage and vascular lesions. It’s an IPL’s ability to scatter under the skin that often deems it ‘unsafe’ however it’s this exact ability that can be used to our advantage when treating these skin conditions. Let’s look at freckles. Starting at the base of the epidermis, these little Ephelides make their way through the layers of the skin before becoming apparent on the surface. This is why so many of our client’s freckles light up like a Christmas Tree under a woodslamp! While there may be several apparent freckles on the surface of the skin, we can almost always guarantee there is plenty of pigment hiding in those underlying layers. When treating with a Laser, being that it is a more concentrated beam, sees us treat only the apparent surface freckles and a very controlled portion underneath the skin, which can be seen as more controlled, however will often lead to more treatments needing to be performed, less targeting of any skin bronzing, and the deeper, underlying freckles can remain untouched. This can result in either a stagnation of treatment results, the need to pivot to a different treatment medium

such as needling or chemical peels to target the deeper layers, and/or more maintenance treatments required as these freckles will eventually make their way to the surface over time. Because the IPL light scatters under the skin, it is able to target not only the obvious surface pigment but also spans deeper and wider, targeting more underlying melanin, leading to a much more effective clearance of deeper pigment and bronzing, along with better longevity. This principle can be applied to vascular lesions, and even hair removal for those deemed less suitable. Then there is the quality of the equipment. With the internet at our fingertips and highlevel aesthetic devices being high cost and high maintenance, many can be forced to buy cheaper less reputable IPL devices to fit their budget; however, some still expect them to operate and have the capabilities of a 100,000-dollar Laser device. Much like trying to race a Porsche in a Toyota Corolla, it just won’t be able to keep up. High-end devices, due their components, technology, and build, will come at a higher price point, so generally speaking the more money spent on a device will often mean more power, more parameters, more treatment options, better cooling mechanisms - for both Laser and IPL. So why are IPLs able to be manufactured and purchased at such a low-cost? IPL’s main components such as wiring, flash lamp and filtration system (if any) can come in all shapes, sizes, and qualities…. and prices. While a Laser’s fiber optics system and crystal components, well, there are no real cheap alternatives for these. Now, I’m not suggesting every business owner should go out and buy an expensive, top of the range IPL device; however, it is about knowing your machine’s limitations. Finally, buying less reputable equipment, in-person or online, can often mean that no training is provided with your purchase. You might receive a training booklet and perhaps a sheet of recommended base parameters, but do you know what your desired endpoint of the treatment is? Can you manipulate the parameters or change them at all? Do you know how to troubleshoot the device? What is the required maintenance? Who can you call when there is an issue? What conditions can it treat? What are the contraindications? No training, regardless of the device, will almost always lead to more reactions, side effects and issues. So next time you are on the hunt for a new piece of technology, don’t count out an IPL device!

I myself preached the inferiority of IPL’s for years; however, it was only once I was working closely with these devices and seeing the incredible results it is able to achieve for myself that completely converted me. I can almost guarantee it will go above and beyond your expectations. As always, make sure to do your research before buying any piece of technology, and remember that training in that particular piece of equipment will always give you and your machine the best chance at delivering incredible and safe results. Lashana. x ABOUT LASHANA From your Beauty Expo keynote speaker, educational webinar host to even your aesthetic technology educator, Lashana Shepherd has no doubt been on your radar over the past few years. Lashana’s 13-year career started as a therapist working in day spas, medispas, laser clinics and with doctors before moving into the training and education space. A previous Training and Education Manager, Lashana played an integral role in developing and delivering industry-leading education programs for prominent aesthetic technology across Australia and New Zealand. Throughout her diverse career, Lashana realised that therapists were not equipped with all the tools they needed to confidently and effectively deliver treatments. Sure, there was an abundance of training available but the resources that came with them needed to be more engaging, easy to follow and exciting to learn. Lashana now pairs her clinical expertise, deep understanding of our industry and creative flair to build learning resources for therapists like never before. Known across the industry for her infectious enthusiasm and signature bold lip, Lashana shares with us her career highlights, her passion for technology and what excites her most about the future of the industry.

Lashana Shepherd

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





Many modalities including active topicals which target ageing skin are used and delivered widely throughout our industry. These treatments effectively support the delay of the signs depicting an ageing skin however the skin will age regardless. There are several tell-tale signs of an ageing skin. These include the condition of the skin, shrinking bone density, muscle deterioration as well as changes to the fat structure and cellular structures. The skin – our largest organ is constructed of the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. All of these layers are abundant with connective tissue – collagen to support and elastin to provide flexibility and strength. The epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) is made of skin cells, pigment, fat, proteins, bacteria, and extra cellular fluid. These are essential for creating a healthy barrier for the lower skin layers. The dermis which is the middle layer of the skin has nerve cells, hair follicles, blood vessels, capillary vessels, sebaceous glands, immune cells, fibroblast cells and ground substance. These all provide nutrients to the epidermis. The hypodermis or subcutaneous layer contains sweat glands, blood vessels, fat, and stem cells. When we are treating an ageing skin, it’s important that we have a thorough understanding of the different skin layers in conjunction with the described tell-tale signs. We also need to consider both intrinsic ageing and extrinsic ageing.


Intrinsic ageing is the process that takes place over the years regardless of external influences. One percent less collagen is produced in the dermis each year over the age of twenty. As we progress through the years this percentage increases. So, what happens to collagen and elastin fibers as we age? The fibers become thicker and more fiberous and we lose the thickness in the skin that we had when we were younger. As a result of this, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and it begins to become more lax. Fine lines and wrinkles are noticeable and continue to develop over time. The skin`s desquamating process declines by 25% to 28% in our late twenties which isn’t really that noticeable until we get to our thirties. In our thirties we begin to lose bone density to the malar bone, this is also known as the zygomatic bone or the cheek bone. Fat cells also begin to shrink in this area and slide downwards. We can also lose lustre to the skin due to changing moisture levels. As the skin enters its fourth decade, collagen production slows down causing a decline in quality. Expression lines become noticeable and as the malar bone decreases, the face shape starts to change. Progressing through to the fifties, hormonal 26

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changes begin to have an impact on skin density. The rete pegs begin to flatten, and the dermis thins. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels change, and the skin can become either dry or oily as a result. During this period, adult acne or rosacea can occur. The barrier function of the skin may become compromised, and the skin can become sensitive. We often see colour changes becoming more visible in the way of pigmentation or erythema. Keratinocyte and melanocyte cells become larger and are not as active in protecting the mature skin like they did for the youthful skin. In summary, intrinsic ageing skin is characterised by epidermal and dermal atrophy, the quality of keratinocyte and melanocyte cells, flattening of the epidermal/ dermal junction, a decrease in vasculature and disruption to the barrier function which increases the incidence of inflammation and skin disorders.


Extrinsic ageing of the skin can be controlled as it is a result of environmental damage. Extrinsic aging appears as a thickening of the cornified layer (outermost layer of epidermis), precancerous changes (an example is actinic keratosis), skin cancer, formation of freckles and sunspots, and huge losses of collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). As a result of these processes, the skin becomes rough, uneven in tone, and wrinkled. Free radicals are caused by atoms stealing an electron which causes chemical changes to the cells. When electrons are pulled from other molecules, chemical structures and biological functions are altered. Environmental influences, such as pollution, smoking and ultraviolet radiation generate free radicals. Antioxidant enzymes and molecules, such as

vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoid pigments can protect us from free radicals however damage will still occur. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a subset of free radicals that contain oxygen. They are unstable molecules that can easily react and impact on other molecules within a cell. If there is an increase in reactive oxygen species there will be damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins all of which will lead to atrophy of the cell.


Another threat to the skin is Glucose which is a fuel that is necessary for our bodies. It forms plastic-like molecules known as age-related glycation end-products (AGES) by crosslinking with proteins. These complexes hurt skin proteins by causing them to be more brittle and less elasticised. Due to the fact that the skin is the barrier between body and environment, ultraviolet radiation causes damage to DNA as well as molecules which results in the generation of free radicals making it the crucial factor in the acceleration of wrinkling skin. In conclusion, the features which characterise an ageing skin include wrinkles, dryness of the skin, reduced skin thickness, loss of elasticity, dermal and epidermal atrophy, reduced rate of epidermal cell proliferation and cellular senescence. External factors that mainly contribute to skin ageing include sunlight, UV radiation, chemicals, pollutants, and smoking. Understanding the layers of the skin, intrinsic and extrinsic ageing, and glycation together with the knowledge of the signs of an ageing skin can support the modalities and active topicals that will support and maintain the health of an ageing skin.

























w w w.e l l e e b a n a .c o m







By Alanna Byriel

A recent question I got asked got me thinking, thinking about a much bigger topic (we will get to that in a sec) but thinking about what I call myself and how I tell people what I do. So, the question was “what do I have to do to call myself a dermal clinician/therapist?”. Now to give you a bit of a background, because you probably have no idea who I am! I’m Alanna, a self-confessed skin freak, clinic owner and skin education provider. Now, I have never noticed this, but I honestly never introduce myself as a “Dermal Clinician” even though that would be my technical title in my professional field, it only means something to those in my professional realm and not the average human. I have so many different qualifications, I hold a diploma in Beauty Therapy, a Bachelor of Health Science (which I studied at the University of Victoria, shameless plug there if you’re looking to study), Certificate III in advanced laser and light, Cert II in nail technology, Cert III in hair styling, Certificate II in electrolysis and I could go on but it will take up this whole article and we are busy, so let’s jump to the juicy part! So, back to the question of “what do I have to do to call myself a dermal clinician/therapist?”. Let me give you my two cents. On my degree it states that I have a degree in dermal therapies and when I was at university our teachers referred to us as clinicians. So, I call myself a Dermal Clinician as I hold a degree. Now, here is where it gets murky! As it stands there is no award or specific title for us dermal gals to go by, so I suppose we are making it up as we go. Does it mean that I would be offended if someone who had done a huge amount of further study in skin that calls themselves this too? Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day it’s just a name, we all know what we can do and what reflects our skills. Any who, this got me thinking what I should be calling myself and to be honest NONE of my clients know what a Dermal Clinician is, they struggle to even 28

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understand everything we do under the beauty banner. So really if I look at what I do every day I would say I’m a skin wellness coach, because that reflects how I approach and treat skin. The reason why I do skin the way I do is because of my qualifications, but they don’t define what I do every day. I have created my own version of dermal therapies which is a blend of wellness and evidence-based treatments. Now, I teach this to budding you therapists and clinicians, whether they have completed further dermal studies or not. Now here is the other topic I said we were going to talk about “what is a Dermal Clinician?”. Here is my explanation, a Dermal Clinician is someone who has completed post graduate study in dermal therapies. They understand the anatomy and physiology of the body and cellular processes. They understand at a deeper level how the function of the body and its systems directly influence skin health and disease states. A Dermal Clinician understands how to apply research and evidence based to make informed decisions about treatment programs and homecare prescriptions. They can manage chronic skin conditions and aid in the healing process of the skin pre- and post-surgery. They have a sound knowledge of laser and light physics and know how to manipulate wavelengths and energy outputs to achieve a desired clinical end point. Finally, they are trained in disease and infection control procedures. Now, I know a lot of amazing therapists who have done extra study outside of a university who would be at this level of knowledge. So, my message to you is to call yourself what you like, at the end of the day you need to be able to communicate with your clients what you do and how you are going to be able to help them. A title means nothing at the end of the day if you don’t have the drive and determination to back it up with actions to create a real change in skin. This is why I created Skin Freak Academy, as with anything that we learn there are some

parts of courses that are valuable and others that aren’t. I am absolutely obsessed with the human body and loved everything about the Bachelor of Health Science, BUT if you aren’t into wounds, looking at dead organs and wacky diseases it just might not be your thing. I have taken the parts of my degree that I implement every day in my clinic and teach them in my academy to bridge the gap between what we get taught in college and the advanced treatments that we do in the real world. Peels, needling and laser treatments are such highrisk services and there simply isn’t enough training provided for a therapist to be able to perform these services safely and correctly. So that’s where I come in, I teach how to do dermal therapies in an evidence based and safe way. This way my students build confidence in their ability and don’t second guess themselves when they are treating a tricky skin. Let’s face it we are only going to be seeing more and more skin conditions as our industry grows, our clients’ lives are becoming more jam packed with stress and unhealthy lifestyles. We need to be equipped with as much knowledge as possible to be able to manage their skin and get some real hands-on experience in transforming their skin, health and wellbeing. To conclude, you can call yourself whatever you like! It’s the changes that you can create with skin that will speak volumes to your skill set and the more we share and grow in this dermal space the more skin and lives we change together!

Alanna Byriel

pro restore recovery + firming concentrate Reduce downtime • Improve skin recovery • Amplify results •

what is it Designed to work with advanced skin treatments, this concentrate prepares the skin’s barrier, restores it’s condition, helps increase the appearance of firmness and brightens skin.

who’s it for All skin conditions undergoing advanced treatments such as microneedling, RF microneedling, fibroblast skin tightening, lasers and chemical peels.

One product with multiple benefits and a complex of active ingredients to work with micro-injury skin treatments.


Pro Restore

1. strengthen Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5) improves hydration and helps to decrease skin damage Mushroom Extract helps to soothe skin. Hyaluronic Acid helps hydrate the skin.

2. restore Omega-3 from Algae helps to calm the skin to address post-treatment redness and irritation. Bacillus Ferment helps balance skin’s microbiome. Beta Glucan forms a protective film that prevents skin from dehydration and and helps restore skin back to normal.

Post-microneedling treatment: decrease of side effects Right after microneedling at 1.25mm Subject received one microneedling treatment all over face. On one side of the face, Pro Restore was applied prior to microneedling, was used during microneedling, and applied post microneedling. On the other side of the face, a control conventional Hyaluronic Acid serum for microneedling was used.


Pro Restore

3. amplify Oligopeptide-1 Epidermal Growth Factor (plant derived) to improve skin's texture and resilience. Phospholipids from Olive Stem Cells improve vitality for visibly firm and smooth skin and improves skin firmness. Niacinamide helps fade the appearance of dark spots for a more even skin tone.

Post-fibroblast skin tightening treatment: reduced downtime Day 5 post-treatment Subject received one fibroblast skin tightening treatment on the crow's feet area. On one side, Pro Restore was applied from the second day post-treatment morning and evening. On the other side, nothing was used (conventional method).

To become a Dermalogica Stockist go to



PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SALONS Dermalogica is delighted to announce the launch of an updated collection of advanced targeted treatment services. As the Senior Director of Global Professional Innovation – Louis Chambert – mentions: “We found that a lot of people were typing in ‘treatment for acne’ – very simple actually. In fact, there are four concerns that are searched for more than anything else: acne, hyperpigmentation, ageing, and sensitivity. We knew that there was demand for treatments for these concerns, and because acne is by far the most searched concern, we created our new treatment program, PRO Clear. We give the tools to the skin therapist to tailor the treatment depending what kind of acne the client presents. Then for other concerns, we have PRO Bright, PRO Firm, and PRO Calm. We encourage all our therapists to put that on their treatment menus, especially online, because it will help their SEO and therefore attract new clients. We love promoting these services because we know it will help small business owners grow their clientele.”

Dermalogica’s newest advanced service innovation is PRO Calm, launching May 3rd, targeting a range of sensitive skin conditions. Soothing botanical actives soothe skin while lymphatic drainage and pressure point massage help to calm a stressed nervous system. Light therapy helps to further reduce redness while targeted treatments help hydrate, balance, and restore the skin barrier for reduced redness and calmer skin.

PRO Bright helps skin to fight back against uneven pigmentation. Many conventional solutions for dark spots miss the mark, through harsh ingredients, negligible results and a lack of treatment-room flexibility can all make it difficult to achieve results. PRO Bright skin treatment changes that. Utilising advanced 30

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dark spot-fading ingredients, it starts working right away to fade the appearance of uneven skin tone – and works synergistically with your client’s at-home regimen to deliver amplified results.

PRO Firm addresses skin ageing - a consequence of both intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic (applied, exposome-related) factors and forces. Many clients frequently expose the neck to the sun without SPF protection – so it often presents with significant exposome-related premature ageing resulting in hyperpigmentation, dark spots, loss of elasticity as well as fine lines and wrinkles. PRO Firm is a comprehensive workout for your neck and face. This treatment combines skin resurfacing to help revitalise and smooth the skin, while incorporating advanced techniques and modalities to firm and tone. Skin is left replenished and energised.

PRO Clear targets all ranges of acne, from small patches of red skin with tiny bumps to large, painful pustules and scarring cysts. Acne isn’t one size fits all and neither are the treatments. That’s why PRO Clear is the comprehensive treatment that works to help clear breakouts. It starts with a professional skin therapist assessing acne causes and triggers and evaluating the type of breakout to then create a bespoke, personalised treatment to help clear and brighten for more vibrantlooking skin.

PRO Microneedling starts with a chemical peel, and then uses different depths of needles depending on what concern is targeted. It matters what product you use to infuse the skin – enter PRO Restore – Dermalogica’s industry first innovation reducing microinjury downtime by up to 50% and allowing the client to continue to use the product in their home care. With skin needling there is a bit of downtime and sometimes skin can still feel dry even after ten days. With this new product, it reduces downtime and therefore make microneedling attractive to more people. Dermalogica encourages clinics to sell microneedling packages of up to six treatments for best results, and one treatment per month.

With PRO Power Peel professional skin therapists can drive powerful results by mixing, layering and customising to a client’s skin in the treatment room. With the easy additional of PRO Power Eye Peel – it is easy to level up a variety of treatments with our concentrated eye patch, specially contoured to treat the under-eye area and crow’s feet, exfoliating and hydrating in a single step. Go to to become a stockist.

ADVANCE SKIN’S HYDRATION CYCLE new circular hydration serum • Immediately hydrates to quench dehydrated skin • Provides long-lasting hydration that lasts throughout the day and beyond • Replenishes skin from within

new hyaluronic ceramide mist • Hydrates to help skin bounce back • Strengths skin’s barrier • Smooths the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

To become a Dermalogica Stockist go to


PRODUCT PROFILE AWARD WINNING RANGE Award-winning dermatological-grade skincare range, SkinMTX®, adds another feather to its cap with its latest achievement. Advanced Reconditioning Cream from its Dermat Series was recently announced, Beauty World Middle East 2021 Award Winner in the category of “Niche Product of the Year” Advanced Reconditioning Cream, developed for post-procedure use, is a remarkable protective cream that helps shield the skin from excessive dryness, visible redness, and irritation with its potent calming and reparative ingredients. Judge and Beauty World Editor, Oonagh Phillips said, “what struck me most was the fact that it’s targeting the sensitivity of the skin. It’s something that is in demand today”. Worldwide industry recognition for the brand’s cutting-edge technology and product efficacy also prevailed when SkinMTX® TeloZyme™ Youth Activator was awarded the title of 2021 Beauty Insider Best in Anti-Ageing. This multifaceted serum has been specially formulated to target the integrity of telomeres for younger looking skin. Leveraging Swiss expertise in the field of skin treatment solutions, SkinMTX®, distributed by Advanced Cosmeceuticals, features top-ofthe-range ingredients that deliver clinicallyproven results in its in-clinic treatments and home-care range. At the heart of every SkinMTX® product is years of dedicated laboratory research and testing. Solution-based In-Clinic Treatments SkinMTX® Professional Treatment Kits come in unique high potency mono-dose packs (Telomatrix comes with 2 treatments per pack) for precise dosing and results. The hermetically-sealed packaging ensures hygiene and reliability is maintained, and allows for on-demand dispensing to ensure the optimal potency and efficacy of the treatment is delivered every time without wastage. TeloMatrix Professional Based on the Nobel Prize-Winning discovery of telomeres, this 5-step luxurious skin restoring treatment helps to reduce the visible signs of the ageing process by targeting telomeres. Powered by a multitude of revolutionary actives, it is meticulously formulated to visibly rejuvenate, revitalise and restore skin’s youthful-appearance, helping visibly improve skin firmness and tautness. PuriSmart™ Professional This intensive 4-step skin purifying and decongesting treatment helps refresh and reset the complexion. Tailored to the delicate needs of blemish-prone skin, it targets congestion, helping to rebalance skin’s optimum condition. Its plethora of ultra-hydrating and antioxidating


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active ingredients provide a protective veil on skin that helps neutralise visible redness and soothes irritation, revealing a smooth and clarified appearance. RadicalBright™ Professional This 5-step transformational brightening treatment helps restore radiance and clarity to dull-looking skin. Powered by Fullerene, a Nobel Prize awarded discovery, this active provides skin with 125 times more antioxidant coverage. Potent ingredients provide antipigmentation, antioxidant, anti-ageing, antidullness, and anti-inflammatory actions enhancing luminosty while complexion appears visibly rejuvenated, with increased suppleness and a healthy-looking glow. MediFIX™ Peel System This 4-step advanced professional skin resurfacing treatment delivers reliable exfoliation compared to conventional peels. With its unique depth-control technology, it ensures even skin penetration and boosts skin renewal efficacy with minimal downtime. It works in precise synchronisation to address an array of skincare concerns from texture to tone, fine lines and wrinkles, scars, dryness, sun-damage and more. The combination of active ingredients works together to reveal a rejuvenated, glowing, radiant, smooth complexion.


SkinMTX® Anti-Ageing activates skin’s restorative ability to help preserve a youthful-looking, vibrant appearance. The range features the signature active, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, which is clinically proven to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by repeated facial contractions. It also features the revolutionary TeloZyme ComplexTM, based on the Nobel Prize-winning discovery that the ageing process is linked to telomeres. This active ingredient is specifically formulated to target telomeres for younger-looking skin. The Anti-Ageing range includes: Telozyme™ Youth Activator, TeloLift™ Neck Cream, Fine Line Eraser Serum, Ultimate Fine Line Eraser SkinMTX® Brightening helps minimise the appearance of pigmentation, dark spots and scars for luminous skin. The range features key active Alpha-Arbutin, which has been proven to have high efficacy and stability, and a similar brightening effect as hydroquinone (considered the gold standard for hyperpigmentation treatment) without the toxicity and irritation.

The Brightening range includes: Alpha Optimal Brightener, Alpha Illuminator, Radiance Cleansing Wash, Lumi Cleansing Milk SkinMTX® Anti-Acne purifies skin for refined clarity and long-lasting mattness. The range is formulated to help clear congested complexions, providing an effective solution to help treat and minimise the appearance of blemishes. The high-potency products are designed to help unclog pores and blackheads, gently cleanse and resurface skin and promote a radiant, shine-free complexion. The Anti-Acne range includes: Comedone Acti-Clear Lotion, Acti-Pure Cleansing Gel, Acti-Matte Concentrate SkinMTX® Special Care is a special repertoire of products to achieve a rigorous regimen for youthful-looking skin. It features patented key actives such as BioRenew Peptide™, PhytoActive+™ and ActiMarine Hydrator™ in the Peptide Serum+, an intense rejuvenating booster that is inspired by biomimetictechnology. The range also includes signature product, Intense RejuvorA™ Cream, a unique and vastly improved form of retinol complex that is powered by a revolutionary triple encapsulation technology. It helps overcome the downside of conventional retinol but with improved efficacy and stability. The Special Care range includes: Peptide Serum+, Intense RejuvorA™ Cream, Potent Eye Concentrate, Potent C, Supreme Eye Brightening Gel, Mineral-Rich Body Moisturizer, 3 In 1 Matt Tinted Protector, Skin Brightening Day Protector, Smart Shield Protector SkinMTX® Dermat is designed to meet the continued increase in demand for aesthetic procedures by providing essential and effective post-procedure care. It is formulated to help maximise the treatment outcome, optimise the recovery process, minimise risks of infection and scarring while providing comfort from tenderness and signs of irritation. Each product is meticulously developed with an exceptional range of actives that work in synergy for greater efficacy and provide the ideal environment to help with a smooth and speedy recovery. The Dermat range includes: Delicate Cleansing Mousse, Hydrating Mist, Advanced Restorative Serum, Advanced Reconditioning Cream Advanced Cosmeceuticals 1800 242 011



Clinically Researched Formulation

Elevate Your Aesthetic Clinic With SkinMTX


Trusted by Dermatologists, Aesthetic Doctors and Medi-Spas ®

SkinMTX offers a complete range of formulations from in-clinic solutions to post-procedure home care and special care. ®

A perfect companion to your aesthetic clinic, SkinMTX pushes the boundaries of efficacy to offer high potency products that are specially designed and formulated to penetrate optimally into skin to achieve visible results.

ANTI-AGEING Activate skin’s restorative ability for lasting youthfullooking skin and vitality

DERMAT Recommended for postlaser and post-procedure



Purify skin for long-lasting mattness and a comfortable feeling of freshness

SPECIAL CARE Boost your skincare regime to reveal flawless skin

Improve the appearance of pigmentation and even skin tone for luminosity

IN-CLINIC Professional monodose treatment kits to nurture and optimise healthy-looking skin | 1800 242 011



DERMAPEN TREATMENTS FOR SCARS HOW REGULATING COLLAGEN PRODUCTION CAN VISIBLY IMPROVE ALL TYPES OF SCARRING By Corri Marshall, Cosmeceutical Director Reducing the appearance of scars doesn’t just change your patients’ skin. It could change their life. This common skin concern can make patients feel self-conscious. Patients may come to you because they no longer wish to be defined by their scars. Fortunately, you can now provide them with a long-lasting solution. Dermapen Treatments™ trigger the body’s natural healing process to revise the look of scars. Find out more about different types of scars, the revolutionary setting that makes microneedling scars easier than ever before, and how to get the best results for your patients.

Types of Scars

Scars vary greatly in look, size, and severity. However, there are 4 main types of scars: Atrophic: sunken scars where tissue hasn’t regenerated properly. Hypertrophic: raised scars where extra tissue has formed. Keloid: sub-category of hypertrophic scars where the tissue grows beyond the wound site. Contracture: tightened patches of skin that can restrict movement. It’s possible to revise all types of scars with Dermapen Treatments. However, keloid scars must be treated with extreme caution and care. It’s recommended that only experienced practitioners work with this form of scarring.

Stretch Marks

Most people will get stretch marks at some point in their life. Growth spurts or during pregnancy are two common times for them to appear. These dark indented or ridged scars can cover large areas of the body, including the buttocks, stomach, thighs, hips and breasts. Even though they’re not painful and don’t cause harm, your patients may feel insecure about the way their stretch marks make their skin look. Many practitioners and patients have claimed that Dermapen Treatments have been far more effective than other traditional methods of reducing stretch marks.

Regulating Collagen to Improve the Look of Scars

Dermapen Treatments activate a natural healing response in the skin, which regulates collagen to flatten or plump the scarred region. Specialty Dp Dermaceuticals™ skincare products support the process and minimise redness or discolouration. Your patients enjoy noticeably smoother and more evenly toned skin. 34

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Over 3 million Dermapen Treatments have already been performed worldwide. It’s an alternate and safer option to many thermal-based therapies, suitable for all Fitzpatrick skin types.

Dermapen 4 Exclusive Scar Treatment Setting

The professional DermapenWorld device Dermapen 4™ is the only microneedling device with a dedicated Scar Treatment setting. When this setting is activated, the pen automatically calibrates to the correct depth and speed as you glide it over the skin. All our Authorised Treatment Providers get access to our in-depth and proven Protocols that outline the precise techniques, frequency, and Meso-Glides™ (active mesotherapy serums) required to successfully reduce the appearance of scars. The Dermapen 4 can create up to 1,920 microchannels a second, making the procedure extremely fast for the patient, with minimal discomfort and downtime. This speed is particularly beneficial when covering large areas.

Synergy of Solutions for Smoother Skin

Dermapen for Scars

Dermapen 4™ is the only microneedling de a dedicated Scar Treatment setting and pr revising all scar types, including acne scarr

includes natural tyrosinase-inhibiting SSOPE (Safflower Seed Oil Piperonyl Esters) which has been proven to visibly reduce pigment and post-inflammatory risks often Dermapen 4™ hyperpigmentation can reach 3mm maximum de associated with treating autocalibration of scars. speed and depth. This m

Scar Treatment (ST) Setting

reducing the appearance ofTreatments, scars faster, ea Used in combination with Dermapen predictable. itmore allows the skin’s collagen production to normalise, helping reduce the appearance of keloids and hypertrophic scars. Before


ÜBER MD Standard chemical peels improve the look of skin by removing the top layer. But this might not be effective for scars that occur at a deeper level. The ÜBER MD Peel is a professional, medical-strength peel. It’s ideal for atrophic scars or stretch marks, as of well as deep wrinkles, and can Photo courtesy iBeauty be applied immediately following a Dermapen Treatment.

DermapenWorld products all work together to get outstanding results. We’ve removed all guesswork with ten years of rigorous testing—and more testing. All our products and technology work in total synergy with each other and your patient’s skin. These are some of the non-negotiables when targeting scars.

At-home Skincare Routine While there’s a lot you can do in your clinic, patients also need to commit to a prescribed Dp Dermaceuticals routine to get the best results. The products in this range are designed to work together and within the skin to offer outstanding Photo courtesy of Dr. Hasan El-Fakahany results.

MG-R.A.S. This professional-grade MesoGlide helps normalise and regulate collagen production. Its performance ingredients include Retinaldehyde, Copper Peptides, Darutoside, Centella Asiatica, and HylaFuse. Use it during a procedure to help the Dermapen 4 glide over the skin while needling in the beneficial actives.

All corrective Dp Dermaceuticals products feature the HylaFuse Complex. This Complex is a triple-weighted, manipulated Hyaluronic Acid that not only provides moisture and restorative actives to the superficial skin layers, but also deeper in the skin. It provides hydration and nourishment up Azra to 8 Vaziri hours after application. Photo courtesyfor of Dr.

SSSCAR SSSCAR (Scar, Surgical, Striae, Contracture, Acne, Restore) contains silicone gel, which is clinically proven to reduce the texture, height, and colour of scars. Our 7-Silicone Liquid Sheeting System includes a combination of seven silicone variants—many scar creams only have one. SSSCAR also

Change the Way Patients Feel About their Skin

Whether caused by acne, surgery or injury, scars can leave feeling Scan thepatients QR code toself-conscious learn moreabout about trea the way their skin looks. Dermapen Treatments to become an A can visibly reduce the appearance of scars to help your patients feel more confident about their skin.

Dermapen Treatment™ for Scars Dermapen 4™ is the only microneedling device with a dedicated Scar Treatment setting and protocols for revising all scar types, including acne scarring.

Scar Treatment (ST) Setting Dermapen 4™ can reach 3mm maximum depth with autocalibration of speed and depth. This makes reducing the appearance of scars faster, easier, and more predictable. Before


Photo courtesy of iBeauty

Photo courtesy of Dr. Hasan El-Fakahany

Photo courtesy of Dr. Azra Vaziri

Scan the QR code to learn more about treating scars, or contact us at to become an Authorised Treatment Provider.



THE ULTIMATE PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY EVENT IS BACK! After a 3-year absence Beauty Expo Australia is scheduled to return to Sydney this August, reuniting the beauty industry in the country’s largest celebration of all things beauty. Whether you are a salon owner, aesthetics or beauty practitioner, makeup artist, or student, this year’s event is a no-brainer for your business. VENUE: ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour DATES: Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 August 2022 Following the postponement of the 2021 show, Event Director Flyn Roberts said “Although the impacts of COVID-19 have been with us for longer than anyone may have originally expected, the last few years have shown how resilient our community can be and we remain committed to work together to get Australia’s vibrant Beauty industry back to business.”. “Over the three years our team have been working hard to refresh and revitalize the Beauty Expo format. As well as extensive health and safety framework to provide a Covid-safe event in line with government and venue guidelines, we have what we believe to have all the ingredients for an amazing weekend of beauty and we are excited for attendees to experience that first hand.”

What you can expect?

A cocktail of marketplace, education and competitions, Beauty Expo Australia provides an unrivaled opportunity for networking, learning and sourcing. Meet and shop from Australia’s largest collection of professional beauty and skincare brands, equipment and products across 32 categories. Meet brands like Professional Beauty Solutions, Advanced Cosmeceuticals, Murad, Crown Brush, ClinicalPro, Inskin Cosmedics and Lash V to name just a few. And if your customers are conscious consumers, be sure to visit Spotlight – Beauty Expo’s new specially 36

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curated collection of like-minded brands, which this year will shine a light on the Natural Beauty movement. Spotlight: Natural Beauty exhibitors including Biologi and Waterlily have core values in natural, organic, vegan and cruelty free products.

Face2Face Makeup Awards is a must-enter competition for any makeup artist serious about their career. Created as a supportive and inclusive space for artists to put their skills under the pressure of competition, the awards provide a platform to grow as an artist at any level.

What’s new for 2022?

Lash-V Lash Pro Championships The Lash Pro Championships 2022 will be the biggest lash competition Australia has ever seen with the live final being exclusively hosted at Beauty Expo Australia.

The Australian Beauty & Aesthetics Conference (ABAC) With a vision to enlighten, inspire and motivate Australia’s professional beauty industry, the ABAC is 2 days of over 30 presentations, panel discussions, case studies and educational sessions tailored across 3 streams: The Business of Beauty, Dermal Health & Wellness and The Art of Aesthetics. The Afterpay Main Stage Watch exciting demonstrations, tutorials and performances, live and free right in the heart of the show floor. From makeup to brows and cosmetic tattooing watch and learn practical skills from some of Australia’s leading experts. The Business Couch Need some one on one time with the industry experts? Book a complimentary half hour consultation with a line-up of specialists in Salon Management, Sales and Marketing, Training & Development at the Business Couch. This new feature area allows you to get personalised advice and help with your specific needs. Face2Face Makeup Awards Recognizing extraordinary makeup artists for their craft, creativity and passion the

With the whole industry at your fingertips, Beauty Expo Australia 2022 is set to reconnect the community and as the post pandemic world begins to open up again, so do all the possibilities for growth, connection and a bright new future for the Australian beauty industry. So if you’ve got digital fatigue and itching to get back to physical events visit to subscribe and be notified of when tickets go live in late May and make the most of the early bird pricing. Plus follow along on Instagram and Facebook for event updates and announcements. Or if you are a beauty brand thinking about exhibiting at this year’s event, visit beautyexpoaustralia. for information and speak to our team.

GLOBAL LEADERS IN MICRONEEDLING CLINICALLY PROVEN TO Visibly reduce wrinkles and acne scarring to improve overall skin structure.


Adjustable needle speed and depth Low vibration and quiet running Engineered and manufactured in Germany Tilting needle plate for minimal epidermal trauma, increasing client comfort • 2 year warranty (optional extension)

GLOBAL CERTIFICATIONS • Patented safety membrane to prevent back flow of liquid and ensure no risk of contamination • Medical device certification (CEO123) according to MDD and DIN EN ICO 13485 standard • TGA listed (ARTG: 315425) • FDA approved • Medsafe listed ARTG 315425, ARTG 338345

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Scan to become a microneedling expert by derma aesthetics




Selecting colours for the eyes is often a real challenge. Our choices can be influenced by the colour we wear, the fashions trends, new product launches, and the colour of the eyes themselves.

When choosing our shades for makeup, a consideration that is important to make is to remember that all colours should work together and complement our natural skin tone, hair colour, and eyes colour. We often refer to colours in makeup according to palettes or seasonal palettes. These palettes can be split into three main categories: neutral, warm, and cool. Warm colours refer to warmth, fire and are all the colours that tend to be yellow, orange and red. Cool colours refer to cold; green, blue, and purple shades are cool colours. Neutral shades are in between, for example, peach, a soft green, or mauve and neutral shades of brown. The real challenge when selecting colours for the lips, cheeks and eyes is the undertone of the colour itself. You might have heard ‘cool red’ to name ‘a lipstick’ or ‘warm brown’ to name an eyeshadow. It is the temperature of the colour. Colours can have an underlying undertone. Red is the overtone of the colours, and yellow or blue are undertones and refers to the temperature of the colour. A cool red will have a bit of blue in it, creating a slightly purple shade instead of a warm red with more yellow being a bit more orange. The underlying are easier to identify when placing the colours next to each other. Some shades will appear cooler or warmer when placed next to another colour. When selecting colours for eyes, it is essential to identify if cool tones or warm tones generally suit you better and which colours to choose to enhance your natural eye colour. As a general guide, colours that are opposite in the colour wheel, complementary colours are great to create contrast and grab attention when looking at them. 38

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

Complementary colours can be identified as follow: -Green-red -Blue-orange -Purple- yellow BLUE EYES: Blue eyes can be enhanced by blue shades and peach and orange tones. If you have a cool complexion, prefer peach shades and pastel blue. If your skin tone is warm or olive, bronze, orange, warm brown can be beautiful to enhance the iris. Burgundy is also a great shade to use on blue eyes for any complexion, and purple suits a cool complexion. GREEN EYES: Green eyes can be enhanced by burgundy, bronze, and a hue of green. Purple used to be the recommended shade, but it can be dangerous when used on a warm skin tone. HAZEL EYES: Hazel eyes suit any colour but are usually enhanced with peach, pink and green. When selecting your colours, consider your skin tone to choose the appropriate shades. BROWN AND BLACK EYES: Deep brown and black eyes suit any colour but can be brightened when using blue. A blue pencil applied in the waterline will open the eyes and create a softer look. If you want to create a deep black Smokey and have a fair complexion, enhance the tan, and keep the lips natural. Charlotte Ravet Senior Makeup Artist and Educator AMIA Best Educator 2018


Elevate Skin A P R I L



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W W W . G A Y W A R D L E . C O M




If you have worked in the beauty/aesthetics industry for even a short time, I’m sure you will agree with me when I say that working with clients can sometimes be quite draining mentally and emotionally. If you are good at making your clients feel comfortable, you’ll often find yourself listening to all of their latest drama and problems. As one of my lash & brow stylists used to say, “my clients close their eyes and open their mouths”, and this is so true. Please don’t get me wrong, I actually really love this part of working with clients because I feel very honoured and grateful that my clients are so comfortable and have that much trust in me. But listening to people unload on you day after day can be draining, and it can be tough to maintain a positive mind and attitude. You deserve peace of mind too, and you don’t need to carry around the burden of your clients’ problems for the rest of your day. The following are some of my favourite techniques to help maintain your positive mindset, both in salon and in your own time, too.

1: Practice Meditation

Even just for 10 minutes a day, practising meditation can give you the skills to see your thoughts like passing clouds in the sky: acknowledge that they’re there, and then let them pass on by. The ability to, in the words 40

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of Queen Elsa, let it go, will give you the power to not dwell on dark or difficult thoughts that may occur to you in any part of your day. You may like to include some breathing techniques as part of your daily meditation practice. These can be hugely beneficial for your health in many aspects. To help you meditate, try listening to some guided meditation podcasts on Spotify, or even some sound healing tracks, such as those using Tibetan Singing Bowls, or, my personal favourite - healing HZ frequencies on YouTube.

2: Allow Enough Time to Refresh

We all know the importance of cleaning your space between clients for hygiene purposes, but I think it’s also important to clean and reset the energy of your space as well, both for your next client but also yourself. Make sure you are allowing yourself enough time for this practice between clients – you might need five, ten or even fifteen minutes. I like to complete my cleaning tasks and then give my space a little spray with some energy clearing room mist, which I can breathe in and use to re-centre myself while I set up for my next treatment. It only takes a moment to stop and take three deep breaths, and that

moment can make a big, positive difference to how to respond in your next interactions. My current go-to misting spray duo is an Activation Mist + a Sanitise Shield produced by a local Australian brand called “Shemana Crystalline Elixirs”. We also stock these in our salon and they’ve become quite popular with our clients, too! For those of you who are into burning essential oils or sage, make sure you research very thoroughly as some of these oils and herbs can be contraindications for pregnancy or health concerns.

3: Plan your Day

If you see mostly regular clients, you will already know which clients take more from you mentally, and which clients fill your cup. If you manage your own bookings, try your best to guide your clients into times that work for you – the last thing you want is to accidentally book yourself a whole day of energy-zapping clients. I like to try to start and finish my day with my cup-filling clients. This really helps me stay balanced. You can also make notes on your clients’ profiles – as long as they can’t see them. Some clients might need more ‘Refresh’ time afterwards than others, to give you more space to re-centre. You could even book these clients immediately before or after a break. For all my scheduling needs I use BookJoy, an online scheduling app which I designed from the ground up (with the help of a super talented team of software developers, of course) to specifically to meet the unique needs of beauty professionals worldwide. Stay tuned as we plan to launch BookJoy to the public later this year!

4: Take Charge of the Conversation

I wrote an article for this magazine last year, in which I spoke about the art of client conversation. In the article, I discussed the importance of choosing appropriate topics for conversation with your clients, and how to redirect the conversation back to these safe topics when necessary. If you can feel that the conversation is going down a path that isn’t serving you, it’s totally ok to try to change the subject. Don’t feel bad if you don’t want to talk about the C-word for the tenth time today – we all get it! Try to start the appointment with some exciting news from your life, or maybe an update on something new in the salon, or even your favourite TV show. Bridgerton Season 2 has just been released on Netflix – that should keep us all talking for a while!

5: Schedule in Your Own Appointments We spend so much of our time treating and looking after others, but it’s so important that we find the time to look after ourselves, too. Whether it’s massage, floating, acupuncture or even therapy, make sure that you are regularly giving yourself the opportunity to relax and release any negativity that might

be lingering. It’s absolutely essential that you allow time in your busy life for this kind of self-care, where we actually let someone else care for us for even just a short time. I love my regular acupuncture sessions, which help keep me healthy in body and mind. When you feel happy and well, it is so much easier to care for others. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and I really believe in this. Take the time to fill your own cup, and you will likely find that your interactions with clients are overall more positive and more fulfilling, too. Joy Crossingham. Lashjoy CEO + Lead Educator. Founded in 2015 by Lash Industry pioneer, Joy Crossingham, the LashJoy Professional Beauty Group is a provider of the highest quality lash products, educational courses and business solutions to more than 12,000 lash professionals worldwide and growing. Learn more about LashJoy at

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2


MAYERLING Detoxification Mask 250gm

Perfect post peel/dermabrasion. Mayerling Detoxification Mask is a gentle cleansing and calming clay mask which unblocks pores drawing out deep seated sebum and environmental impurities, oil and other contaminants. Ideal for use after facial peel procedures and for improving dull, tough and blotchy skin. Kaolin provides excellent absorbent qualities, drawing out impurities and toxins. It cleans the skin of excess oil, dirt and pollutants whilst soothing and purifying. Soybean Sterols enhance the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness. Glycerin - hydrates skin and helps it hold on to moisture. Works with emollients and oils to make dry skin feel amazingly soft and supple. Essential Oils – Rose Geranium, Lavender and Ylang Ylang provide a powerful mix of antiinflammatory, anti-microbial and relaxation properties.

MAYERLING DeAgeing Complex Forte Face & Neck 50ml

Ideal DeAgeing home treatment for Face & Neck All In One Skin Regenerating Formula Mayerling Vitamin C 15% This unique, synergistic combination of prime ingredients will help face and neck skin renew its vibrancy, appear more youthful, and exhibit a more even complexion and skin tone. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids provide a double action exfoliation & collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and pores whilst smoothing a rough complexion. The skin brightening action of Bearberry Extract and Retinly Palmitate help improve the look of age spots and other pigmentation. The complex formula is enhanced by free radical fighting antioxidants chondrus crispus extract together with pore reducing Niacinamide. The de ageing is further enhanced with moisturising hyaluronic acid.


A serum-infused sheet mask formulated with AC.NETTM, Witch Hazel and Hyaluronic Acid to effectively diminish blemishes and impurities for a clear, healthy complexion. The treatment formula assists to regulate sebum activity, reduce bacteria and minimise redness and inflammation while providing long-lasting hydration. Ideal for oily, combination, blemish prone and acne skin types. Benefits: Helps regulate sebumnactivity, Treats and minimises blemishes, Anti-inflammatory, reduces skin redness and Provides immediate and long-lasting hydration

COSMEDIX® Skin Thirst - Moisturizing

Hyaluronic Acid Cream Boost hydration and mattify the look of skin with Cosmedix Skin Thirst! This unique gel-to-cream moisturizer is infused with Hyaluronic Acid and Witch Hazel to help lock in moisture and protect the skin from environmental stressors while its plant-based extract Lecithin helps deeply conditions skin. With a blend of micro fine powders that help blur the appearance of fine lines and pores, Cosmedix Skin Thirst helps promote an overall softer, smoother and more balanced and hydrated complexion. Key Ingredients: • Sodium Hyaluronate Acid: Helps hydrate and plump the look of skin • Witch Hazel: Mild astringent helps to condition and balance the look of skin Lecithin: A conditioning plant-based extract that helps restore

COSMEDIX® BrillanCy - Vitamin C Brightening

Face Oil Help brighten the look of the complexion while quenching the skin with lasting hydration using Cosmedix BrillanCy Vitamin C Brightening Face Oil. Formulated with a concentrated Vitamin C derivative, this lightweight face oil helps illuminate the look of dull skin for a radiantlooking appearance. Formulated with age-defying plant extracts and oils to help boost skin moisture, improve the look of dark spots and protect the skin from environmental stressors, BrillanCy helps to improve the overall appearance of skin tone and texture. Key Ingredients: • Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate: A potent Vitamin C derivative which helps brighten the look of skin • Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract: An age-defying flowering plant that helps improve the appearance of an uneven complexion and dark spots while helping protect skin from environmental stressors • Sclareolide: A natural, plant-based ingredient that helps brighten the appearance of skin

MAYERLING Dermal Transfer Serum Vitamin C 30ml

The Perfect AntiAgeing Serum Double Action Anti Oxidant Mayerling Vitamin C 15% Dermal Transfer Serum 30ml Mayerling Vitamin C – 15%. Breakthrough Stable Formula. This new generation cosmeceutical formulation is a combination of pure Vitamin C (15%) and another powerful antioxidant Lipochroman. Together with Marine extracts and botanical emollients they deliver a better and more effective transdermal absorption of Vitamin C. Micro-sized particles of Vitamin C are ‘”wrapped” by silicone gel and thus stay stable longer. When Vitamin C penetrates through the stratum corneum via sweat glands it has anti-aging effects via continuous cell renewal and collagen growth. It also reduces and fades discolouration and hyper-pigmentation (age spots, freckles, sunspots). It reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improves elasticity and minimisation of dry and damaged skin. This excellent delivery matrix improves skin sensory feel and allows easy spreading whilst delivering a soft-focus matte appearance.

NEW RECEPTION DESKS BY COMFORTEL Meet Presley… Not your average reception desk, Presley is a rebel compared to the rest. The epitome contemporary design, this compact reception desk boasts structural brass metal, look finish and a contrasting white gloss top adding a sophisticated touch. It features cupboards full of shelves, plus a handy shelf to hide the cash drawers or all those messy pieces that come with a busy salon. The best thing about Presley? It’s neat compact so makes it’s the perfect standing desk.

of marble two bits and design,

Meet Marley… for the modern muse. Designed in-house by our talented Comfortel team, the Marley Reception desk fuses a cool, curved aesthetic with functional design features. Introducing arched shapes for a clean and contemporary decorative detail front, the gloss cream pink finish completes the look. With ample storage space including cupboard with movable shelves, cash drawer shelf and front privacy panel, it’s perfect for keeping essentials at hand. And the extra bonus is that it is compact size, which makes it the ideal salon front counter for smaller spaces.



A new concept in “smart” products, this lightweight serum provides additional hydration as needed, while adjusting to the climate! It knows what your skin needs, when it needs it and is suitable for chronically dry or normal skin types.

Introductory Kit This system contains the TOP 7 products we can’t and won’t live without! Perfect for anyone who is new to GlyMed or wanting to see what the fuss is all about with our amazing products. A combination of purifying, strengthening and protecting ingredients will leave you wanting more, some might even say.. addicted! Post Procedural Kit Repairing and healing skin is essential after moderate treatments. Treatments like Chemical peels, Microdermabrasion and Cavitation leave skin lacking the nutrients it needs to actively heal. This system is designed to help boost the healing and repairing process for faster and better results post treatment.



Everything and anything you need to customise your waxing services. BeautyPRO waxing accessories include wax strips and rolls, wooden spatulas, protective collars, waxing table paper and more.


BeautyPRO Essential 500cc Wax Heater is a seamless blend of form and function. With rapid heat-up and removable non-stick insert, this sleek design suits both strip and hard wax. Wide temperature range with easyto-use temperature control.


On-the-go convenience with BeautyPRO Petite 200cc Wax Heater. This perfectly compact wax heater offers ultimate portability for use anywhere. No inserts needed – simply heat wax directly in the well.


Maximum performance without the maximum price tag. BeautyPRO Elite 1000cc Wax Heater features incredibly fast heat-up and variable heat control. Designed without a handle to save precious space.


Optimise bench space with BeautyPRO 450cc Wax Genie Wax Heater. This lightweight, portable wax heater heats all types of hair removal products, sugar or waxbased. Super quick heat-up, of course!


Two wax wells, one super compact design. BeautyPRO Twin 1000cc Professional Wax Heater is a dynamic duo featuring twin wax wells with separate temperature controls. Each removable insert features a spatula bar to remove any excess wax. Saves time, space and money.


BeautyPRO 1000cc Wax Heater is the all-time bestseller with the convenience of a handle. Great for all wax types, this no-mess wax heater features ultra-fast heat-up, adjustable temperature settings, and a removable insert with scraper bar. FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL DATELINE IMPORTS P/L ON (02) 9666 3611 OR VISIT DATELINECITY.COM

BLOG spot Building Salon Teams That Work By Elle Wilson

Building a team requires a whole new level of development and willingness from you as a human being, and not just as an entrepreneur. Why? Because you will attract many of your subconscious beliefs. That’s what building a team is fundamentally all about: an opportunity for you to unify the inside with the outside. This is the true, compelling meaning of manifestation: to attract what you desire. As you begin to understand this, everything will be a movement forward and you will leave behind the perspectives of polarization. In other words, events will happen and you will not judge them, but simply move through them. Together with the policies and procedures that will govern your salon, you will set up your team to deeply reflect your understanding of the way life truly moves. Hint: It doesn’t move for you. And when you let go of that idea is when your entire life undergoes a transformation. It’s when building a successful team becomes a joy, an exploration of other human beings and how to reach them, inspire them and watch them grow. The fear that often rises up when building a team happens because ultimately, we know we have no control over the behavior of others. We cannot foresee the outcomes. Salon owners building a team will often arrive at a space of inauthenticity because every decision and action they make is based on a preferred outcome. The solutions are so simple: - Be aware of the pitfalls. - Always move in the direction of your clarity. - Find professionals that are aligned with your values and the values of your brand. When building teams, most people will focus on the applicants sending in their resumes. That’s wrong. I know, it’s a bold statement. But in order to build a powerful inner circle for your salon, you must let your inner world lead and manifest a movement that everyone will join. You are the leader, after all. Notice I didn’t say boss or employer. To lead is to know oneself and have the sincerity and honesty to grow as a human being. As the team leader, your role has to be clearly defined within you before you begin looking outwards. Reflecting on this will make you deeply question your own values and your own beliefs. When you’ve built a team that’s like a well-oiled machine, where all the parts are aligned and move in perfect synchronicity, then it will produce powerful results for your salon: - Increased profits - Decreased client attrition - Inspired and happy team members - Clients raving about your brand in testimonials and reviews Do you want to know more about building an amazing team for your salon? Send me an email at and I’ll send you an invite to my upcoming FREE webinar.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

The SteamOff Nail Steamer is perfect for removing all nail products such as Acrylics, Gels, Gel Polish, Mani’s, Dip and Polygel.

The SteamOff remover warms up Pure Acetone speeding up your Soak Off processes, delivering an easier better result. By heating up pure acetone and keeping it at a constant temperature, the moisture and steam work to remove the products that are on your nails.

The heat activates the Pure Acetone to perform more efficiently giving you results you could only have dreamed in less time. Transform your nail removal methods with this revolutionary break though device .

AAB Fashion Pty Ltd 2 Ardena Crt Bentleigh East VIC 3165 Australia Phone: +61 3 9575 0600 Fax: +61 3 9575 0699 Web:

BLOG spot


By Julie Cross

As we celebrated the week of International Women’s Day, and being an industry that is predominantly female, I thought it only fitting we take a moment to celebrate us, and all those that continue to break the bias! So, we celebrate all of you, no matter how you identify… because that truly is what breaking the bias is all about, and that is the theme for this year. #breakthebais. And breaking the bias happens on all kinds of stages in all kinds of ways … especially in the way women can judge other women, so let’s not do that. Every bias broken creates a momentum that will give power to the good, the growth and the loving and that will create a change in all kinds of ways and all kinds of areas of bias. More loving, less judging, so with that in mind … To all the wonderful women that have chosen to be stay at home mums, homemakers and nurturers… I salute and applaud you. Congratulations for following your heart and calling and resisting the pressure in society that is increasingly trying to convince us that out title, our paycheck, the car we drive and the labels we wear define us. Thank you for staying true to what calls you, and I know it is often you that will be our unsung sheroes, caring for the more vulnerable in our communities, fostering and caring for the children that need it the most and spending your time volunteering. No fame, often little thanks, and sometimes criticism to bare… even from the sisterhood but know that you are so often the foundation and backbone of what keeps a society emotionally healthy and strong. Thank you! To the amazing women who choose to serve their communities in the corporate world, in government, as entrepreneurs, and on all kinds of stages in the workforce, sometimes choosing not to have a family (and getting some criticism from the sisterhood along


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the way), and sometimes juggling both. You continue to have the courage to step out and into your dreams, you risk failure, criticism and yet you still go on, you pave the way for future generations, empowering our young girls to know that they have choices, and they can achieve their dreams and goals and they need not let their music die in them, but instead they can stand proudly and sing loudly! And to those women doing a bit of all of the above (which is probably most of us), always juggling the stuff, your time, your emotions and feelings… always trying to get the perfect balance and doing the delicate dance between family, work, health and wealth… and often laying there at night wondering if we got it right today… (and how on earth we will find the energy for sex!) ... keep on! You are stronger than you know and more often than not you will be doing better than you give yourself credit for. And to all women, let us never stop ‘growing through’ the marketing and media campaigns that will coerce you into thinking that you are not enough unless… unless you wear this, have legs like that, have lips like this… we are much more emotionally intelligent that that! Let us continue to stand proudly and confidently in our space starting with our physical space. Let us let go of perfection so we may relax into the amazing and unique women we are, and let us look into our souls and our achievements and remember to love the body that this soul chose to move through the world in and to express herself in. To the men that support us, stand beside us and are prepared to lift us to success treating us with the love and respect we deserve, I thank you. So, to all my beautiful female friends and those women I am yet to meet, let us face into the breeze, leap into the future with courage and the freedom that says that we know the best gift we can give to this life and to each other is to be ‘Fearless and free, and unapologetically me!’ #breakthebias Julie x Julie Cross is a mulit-award winning speaker and author.


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BLOG spot Are you sustainable? It’s time to start shouting it from the rooftops! By Paul Frasca If there’s anything I’ve learnt in the years since I co-founded Sustainable Salons, it’s that companies that embed sustainability in their business practices win big. This is because today’s consumer understands the value of sustainability, and their values inform their behaviour. You might still associate reducing, reusing, and recycling with the daggy, rinsed out Ziplock bags of your childhood, but it’s having a renaissance in the most significant way possible. Thankfully, sustainability’s glow up means it’s no longer incompatible with the glitz and glamour of a beauty salon. As part of its glow up, sustainability has gained in popularity, and, in my opinion, it should be the number one thing you advertise to your customers. The same way your marketing focuses on the big results you get your clients when it comes to their skin, you should also be focusing on the big results your sustainability initiatives have for the planet. And if you’re not engaged in any sustainability initiatives? Well, it’s time to get on board. Your clients have changed. Maybe you’ve noticed it, perhaps it’s slipped under your radar, but your clients are certainly picking up on what you’re saying about yourself, and your salon’s business practices. An excellent place to start is with your website. Given that this is where new clients will come to find out more about your services and to get in touch with you, it’s the perfect place to start telling the story of your salon and using your eco-credentials to stand out from the crowd. If you’re already a Sustainable Salon, your salon is already listed in Australia’s biggest directory for hair and beauty salons. But even if a customer has found you through that database, they want to see you walking the walk when they come in. And if you’re not already a Sustainable Salon? Well, what are you waiting for? You can do good for your local community, for our shared planet AND your bottom line. More customers will find you; they’ll appreciate that you’re about more than skin deep beauty, and they’ll come back again and again (and again). Even if you’re not ready to become a Sustainable Salon, I’m sure you’re doing something good for the planet and your community. Whether it’s phasing out plastic or recycling, these are all things your community and your clients want to know. In the 1980s, the United Nations defined sustainability as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It’s not just about environmentalism but also social and economic needs. That’s why at Sustainable Salons, we’re not just keen to get people recycling. We partner with hair and beauty salons to offer free services to people experiencing job loss and homelessness. We employ people of all abilities or those who are otherwise underserved by traditional 50

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employment structures. Think about what you already do and what changes you can make to boost your credibility in the sustainability space: Do you get your electricity from a renewable provider? Do you support a local charity? Do your staff participate in an annual fun run for a good cause? Do you stock carbon-neutral skincare brands? Do you partner with charities to provide free consultations, advice or treatments for people going through cancer treatment? This list is far from comprehensive, but if you stop and have a think, I’m sure you’re engaged in community-building or environmental initiatives of some sort. Sustainability is no longer the domain of the ultra-crunchy; everyone is getting into it, from family-owned grocery stores to multinational companies. The beauty industry has been on a bit of a journey recently. Where brands used to get away with making vague claims about anti-ageing or skinclearing benefits, today’s beauty aficionados want the cold hard science behind those claims. The same goes for sustainability. Clients aren’t interested in slogans and greenwashing; they want to know precisely what the businesses they support are doing. Your clients understand that every single one of their actions has an environmental consequence, right down to the beauty salon they choose. Effectively communicating your dedication to keeping the planet habitable will put your clients’ minds at ease. They’ll know you’re the real deal, and you know they’ll come back next time they’re in need of a peel. You don’t have to start washing out your used Ziplock bags, but you do have to start talking to your clients about what’s important to them. Keen to join the movement? Find out more at!



HEALTHY HABITS By Lisa Conway. The Zing Project

It seems the older I get the more attention I require to maintain a standard of good health. I have always been very in tune with my body and the connection of mind and body fascinates me. My highest personal value is health so it makes sense that I would be a serial searcher to find and maintain the best version of self. Recently I decided to eliminate alcohol completely, I was a few glasses of red on the weekend’s kind of gal and although that might not seem like a lot to some that next day, I found it was seriously slowing me down. Six months in, I must say I don’t miss the sluggishness of the way the wine left me feeling, however I did miss the ritual of setting time aside at the end of the day. The making time to stop, to unwind and reflect left a void. The act of holding a long stem wine glass in hand had a lot more to do with the ritual than what was in the glass. I decided to find an alcohol-free wine, it took a few tries, but I found one that I really enjoyed so I was back having an evening red on the balcony. Then a few nights of alcohol-free wine I found myself back experiencing all of the yukky puffiness, the sludge that I thought


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was the alcohol, it has to be the sugar? My conclusion is that drinking non-alcoholic wine was just as bad. I was shocked to find that the puffiness along with all of the heavy sluggishness I was feeling had returned. I felt as bad from drinking the alcohol free one as I did the real one. The penny dropped! It’s the sugar, it must be that and probably the preservatives too. I was blaming the wrong thing. I had suspected sugar wasn’t helping but I had no idea just how much it was affecting my moods. The transformation I felt without sugar really had to be experienced to be believed. “I think the worst type of sugar is liquid sugar loaded with preservatives too as it finds its way into your system even faster. Soft drink is at the top of the list. Our bodies are incredible machines and mine

was screaming ‘DON’T DO THAT “I can’t process that, anymore. I could years ago but now it’s almost impossible. The body’s ability to heal, stay alive is remarkable but like all things struggle with age. Anyone who has watched a loved one suffer through palliative care to their final death would understand a saying my mother often used” you got to be very sick to die” What you got away with once will change as it did for me. The standard seventies breakfast of a tablespoon of white sugar on your Weetbix is unheard of today. However, I think the product companies are just way better at hiding sugar from us. Many fancy titles such as dextrose, fructose, glucose, and lactose! Sugar has been described as addictive as cocaine. A rather large statement however one worth exploring.

I think we need to go back a bit and consider the introduction of sugar. We wouldn’t have to “GET OFF IT“ If we weren’t on it in the first place

Lisa Conway

I think we need to hold off the introduction if we can. I will give you an example of the standard. A woman ahead of me in the coffee queue the other morning would be about 34- 35 perhaps? Beautifully dressed the whole family was. So lovely to see people taking such pride in their appearance. The wife was using all her eight arms keeping their two little ones in line and a very handsome designer dog, something cross poodle. The husband, let’s be honest, no octopus skills, just the standard two arms. What I could not help but notice was her order, she had some rather large drinks, some double mocha with a shot of vanilla syrup. As she pointed to the size, I thought it looked like the size of a milkshake container to be honest, and she also asked for two baby chinos, her husband had the same super-sized drink as she did, only he had two sugars whacked into his. We chatted, while we waited for our orders to come and when they did one of the kids was not happy, that’s a little of an understatement the little minx was super pissed! Apparently, there had been a terrible mistake with the order and the marshmallow wasn’t on top of the baby Chino. And off course she let her parents know that this was simply not acceptable, I guess you have already imagined that she didn’t say ‘excuse me mum but my marshmallow is missing do you think it would be too much trouble to ask the barista if she could get me one please’ No f#*ing way, this little tot grew another head, she let loose with a performance a drama teacher would be proud of, a 10 out a 10 performance. I watched on with an internal grin because I have been there and it’s so embarrassing you just want to hide. It is a time of social judgment from the audience around you. She was probably 3? And she carried on like it was life or a torchieres slow death. I don’t care about the drama performance; however I care about the sugar and I think it’s time that we have an open discussion about what is going on when it comes to kids’ diets. I’m all for kids having fun. I’m all for parents taking their children to public places and enjoying the fruits of the hard work that parents put in to provide such lovely experiences but a couple of things I’m worried about how desperate she was to get that sugar fix, that’s what I think the problem was. You might think it was her parenting techniques, I don’t. All kids can be little shits. We all know that I did feel this was more than just’ I want my own way ‘. I think it’s more about being addicted to the UPF we are all consuming today. The 50 years or more now that has had our diet change and I think it is taking its toll. I believe that this tot is addicted to sugar.

Our diet today is so different from the diet our grandparents ate I think that it’s almost unrecognisable. This little girl is sure she might be overtired. She may even be a bit spoiled or indulgent, but I think the problem here is sugar or what I call legal crack. Our diets have changed a lot and I think the same could be said whether your grandparents came from Germany, Greece, Italy or the fifth generation Australians. I think what we eat today needs to be looked at. Apart from the tantrum which let’s be honest all kids try it on, it’s in the brief they get when they arrive. The food we consume has a lot to answer for, it concerns me. Poor gut health is affecting our quality of life. I think it is an epidemic. There is no way that the little one would have behaved like she did for anything else than an over processed sugary treat. The Mountain I have had to climb from books, podcasts, doctors, naturopaths all with the aim to repair my gut health has left me somewhat scarred. My mother pickled herself in sugar and I really want to break that cycle of ignorance when it comes to nutrition. As you age your body just can’t handle the same amount of abuse it did when it was new. The way I feel about myself when I look in the mirror comes from the fuel that I put or don’t put in my body, this is true. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. What we eat, its quantity and the quantity does affect our physical appearance, how heavy, how fit, our posture and so on. All can be changed over time; it will require some lifestyle changes and it is a long-term strategy. You will need to enrol a fair amount of patience to succeed and maintain. A much shorter-term strategy is how we feel emotionally about ourselves. This also is connected to what we eat, I am certain of that. We have probably all noticed it in the extreme.

Think about how you have felt after eating something like greasy fish and chips. They sit in your gut like a big heavy weight, and you often can’t be bothered even moving for the next few hours? The truth is probably only a few 100 grams; however, you feel like you are 5 kilograms heavier, so the heavy feeling is a mental feeling yeah? Exactly. A lot of food today is full of chemicals that really do not earn the right to be called food. How you feel about yourself is connected to what we eat, often instantly, not anymore because I’ve spent thousands of dollars and hours of my time rebuilding my gut health, but there was a time that I could send a funeral procession up a back alley with a fart. The bloating and pain I would feel after eating some foods was horrible. I would be literally rolling around groaning in pain. The single word that describes a lot of what goes on in our bodies that is driven by our food choices is’ inflammation’ In the same way I can tell a smoker by the appearance of their skin I can also see a poor diet on a person’s skin. There is a puffiness in a person’s appearance. I know there is for me the cleaner I eat the clearer my skin is, my joints stop aching and I look at myself through a lens of kindness. I like the way that feels. The human skin is an organ, one of 78, it’s the largest and the most versatile of all the organs. Its main function is to protect us from chemicals, bacteria, and temperature, so it all seems a bit backward to be eating the thing our skin is protecting us from. When you think about it, our skin does things or changes to get our attention, things like hives, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, the way our skin appears tells the medical profession clues about what’s going on internally. Our skin is a bit like the notice board in the school canteen, anything that’s going in and around the school is pinned to that board. Consider what you and your family eat today, you can thank me later.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2




GETTING OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY By Angeli Marie Shaw The Bliss Coach

When it comes to getting things done, there are absolutely valid reasons why you can’t, however, there are certainly times when it turns out that YOU are your own biggest obstacle. This can also be called self-sabotage, and honestly, can be brutal when it comes to productivity as well as our own wellbeing. But there is good news! And we can conquer this by learning to get out of our own way. Sure, we can grit our teeth and push through, but our minds breed resistance through repetition, and honestly, if doesn’t have to be that hard. Time to relax that jaw and start getting out of your own way with my 10 suggested techniques: 1. Just do it: The first steps are always the hardest, but until they are taken, the idea of progress remains just that; an idea. If you’re lacking self-confidence, focus on just getting started. Use your calendar to schedule priorities, break larger tasks into small, more manageable pieces and don’t worry about being perfect, after all, perfection is in the mind. Whilst sometimes difficult to get the ball rolling, once it does, you’ll find momentum to keep going. 2. Tackle negative self-talk and confront it: We all know that voice, the one we’ve had to silent and whose only purpose is to hold us back. Remember that for every negative message, there’s a positive truth that will override it. These truths always exist, you just have to keep looking until you find it. Just don’t give up if you don’t find them quickly. 3. Acknowledge your strengths: “a strength is more appetite than ability, and it’s that appetite that drives us to want to do it again… the appetite leads to the practice, which leads to performance” – author and researcher Marcus Buckingham. Contribute the best of yourself everyday into what you do, after all, a strength is an activity that strengthens you. 4. Stop comparing: In the words of Mark Twain “comparison is the death of joy” and research backs this statement up. When you compare yourself to others, it can lead to low selfconfidence and depression as well as actually deplete motivation. This certainly won’t lead you closer to your goals. The reality is, if you constantly measure yourself against others, you’re always going to come short. Instead, try tracking your progress and celebrating what you have accomplished. 5. Ruminating, avoid it! This is the cycle of repeating thoughts that you just can’t shake. This cycle can impair your thinking and ability to problem solve. It can cause you to get stuck in your own head! How can we break free of these thoughts? Distract yourself! Try calling a friend, do some reading or even some chores. 54

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6. Discover the joy of your own company: In the experience of solitude are gems of wisdom waiting to be discovered. This is something I personally experienced during our many lockdowns in Melbourne. Over the lengthy periods of isolation and restriction, I was able to rediscover myself, and like exploring a longlost treasure chest, I found displaced dreams, forgotten goals and lost ambitions, waiting to be roused again. Solitude doesn’t have to mean being or feeling alone, if anything, our companion is ourselves, and there’s lots there discover and learn from. 7. Remove unnecessary pressure: Really, life is hectic enough and by adding pressure through over-commitment or setting unrealistic expectations just makes things worse. Make sure you’re being realistic about what you can accomplish and if something exceeds your skill set, just say ‘no’ to it. An example could be saying no to an unnecessary meeting or phone call, especially if your schedule is already full. Don’t underestimate these actions as being small or insignificant! They make all the difference. 8. You are who you hang with: Be mindful and aware of who you keep company with because those that you interact with regularly have a direct influence on who you are and what you do. Try ad surround yourself with people who encourage you and hold you accountable. People who you can learn positive habits from. Even the interactions you have online can have a direct impact on you. Have you ever noticed, on Facebook for example, when someone asks a question regarding an issue they are having, more often than not, people actually don’t answer the question or offer help, they simply just tell of their experience and how they feel. Then you see the snowball effect of numerous people telling their stories, but the initial poster doesn’t actually get the help they were seeking. Again, run with the right crowd and be mindful who you hang with, online and in real life.

9. Remember your WHY: It’s so important to constantly reconnect with your purpose! And if you can’t connect the dots between the activity and the big picture, then stop doing it! This will help stop you from going through the motions of doing something for no reason, or not knowing the reason why you’re doing it. 10. Familiarise yourself with your inner world: Believe it or not, you can press pause in any moment and step back, observing any repeating patterns or old recycled habits that don’t serve you. When you do this, you begin to see what is actually happening. Feelings that may be ruling your actions, old resentment that has been dragging you down or the constricting effect of believing your own thoughts. When you discover what you do that makes you suffer, you can begin to instead choose what brings you peace. What remains when you are no longer hooked by your thoughts and feelings… I’ll let you discover that magic for yourself! Now you probably have plenty of reasons why you don’t get things done, and many of them may be outside of your control, however one thing you can focus on is the biggest barrier, the one which you have the most control over, YOU. If you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re not capable of having what you truly want, unconsciously, you will make it true. Remind yourself that you are worthy of your desires and start working towards reinforcing those positive inner narratives. Who doesn’t love a feel good story! Off you go! Love & Bliss, Angeli xxoo Angeli is a Holistic Empowerment Coach, Mindset Mentor and founder of The Bliss Coach. To work with me in 2022, get in touch by visiting au or follow us on our socials @theblisscoach to find out more.











natural, greenery with a beachy feel. COLOUR PALETTE

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GET THE LOOK FROM COMFORTEL 1.LARA WHITE Reclining Salon Chair 2.CIRCA LED Salon Mirror 3.QUATTRO II Treatment Table 4.SOLA Magazine Rack 5.SALON STOOL SAGE GREEN 6.INGRID II Beauty Trolley





It sure has been a crazy whirlwind few years for the entire world, so my question to you all is... When was the last time you took time out for you and actually 100% switched off from the outside world? It’s a very sad reality that more than 90% of business owners rarely get a holiday let alone a holiday where they can switch off completely from running their business. Exercise and our general health also greatly suffers, with so many in our industry working 12 hour + shifts to try to look after customers, cover sick days and staff shortages. Supposedly business owners have all of the freedoms in the world, endless money, and no bills but we know this is simply not reality. Not looking after yourself affects everyone around you especially your family who rely on you the most. The reality is the past few years most business owners tanks are beyond empty, sadly we are running on the daily wheel and there just isn’t a break where you can even jump off for air. The bills are never ending, the staff shortages are so widespread into almost every industry that it truly will take many many years to catch up if we even can! Guilt from not being able to pay your bills, guilt for not being able to fit clients in when they want or cancelling guests due to unexpected sick days is real and this stress does add up and will affect your health. Most of us will all know fellow business owners who are unwell, unhappy, and not coping. Right now, it is more important than ever before to reach out to one another and offer support as we see more salons and clinics up for sale or closing down then we have ever witnessed before. There are many ways in which we can look after ourselves better including: Book your next holiday – TODAY! Life is short and you have worked so hard the past few years have been exhausting mentally and physically – it’s time to enjoy some time just for you or with your loved ones. Ensure your social media and marketing is being looked after so you can switch off completely from social and just take time out for you. Book a retreat or time at a health spa. Australia has some fabulous health retreats with some of my personal favourites Elysia in the Hunter Valley NSW, Peninsula Hot Springs in Victoria, and Gwinganna in Queensland. I know our Western Australians love going to Bali in particular for retreats, but 56

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this is the perfect time to try the locations on our doorstep and a great referral to give to your own customers in your business too as our customers are also running on empty and may need some time out. Yoga & Pilates The power of breath is incredible for wellbeing. I certainly have noticed a HUGE increase in Pilates studios across Australia. If you are feeling stressed, tired or rundown Pilates , yoga or stretch classes will be perfect for you and it’s fabulous for fitness too for all levels! Yoga for stiffies in my town is a hoot for the over 50’s and lets them use a chair so no matter how flexible you are there is also options. Don’t forget to contact and partner with your local Pilates / yoga studio and even do a contra for facials or if you have a team and the Pilates studio does as well, they might book some group sessions or one on ones for some relax time for all of you as a team to enjoy. Never forget the power of networking and building relationships with others whilst at the same time looking after yourself care. Visit a fellow local salon / spa / clinic: When did you last have a facial? Are you using the same skincare for years now – maybe you need a new skin consult and homecare prescription for yourself and again support other local business in your area – talk to your accountant on how these could be part of your training programs and incentives not just for you but your entire team and at the same time you are focused on self-care. Maybe

it’s a pedicure night or you all get your nails done – it’s amazing how good you feel after leaving work and being pampered outside of your work. Start a new hobby: Get creative to de-stress. Have you ever tried painting, ceramics, or floral design? Many people are taking up new hobbies that help them to relax and also help them to make new friends but give them time to unwind and be in the moment and just do their own thing at their own pace. Many of these hobbies have business’s that host retreats too – I know in my local area the scrapbooking retreat is a waitlist only affair each year it’s so popular! There are many ways in which we can look after ourselves and each other but the toughest part is recognising we aren’t ok and saying it out aloud that we need to stop, rest and recharge. I often say to my own team – how can we be recommending treatment plans for customers if we aren’t receiving a treatment plan for our own skin. Once we get past this hurdle and allow ourselves time to breath, refresh and rejuvenate our entire body you will physically, mentally and spiritually thrive again but it can take time and it starts with you. You’ve got this Karla x





Once you have an understanding of these 10 pitfalls, only then can you develop the dream team you have been so desperate to build. You have done all the training. You have had all the conversations with your team members. But nothing is changing. You find yourself frustrated. You say things to your team that seem to be creating more tension instead of motivating and inspiring them to perform. You feel like your team are “working against you”. Anything you propose is resisted. You are on a hamster wheel of “trying” but getting nowhere fast. You find yourself just keeping the peace. Not wanting to rock the boat. But at the same time the bills are mounting. You struggle to pay the wages, but your team members don’t seem to care. They want more hours, more Saturdays off, more “time” to get things done that you feel could be done in half the time… You feel like your Team is holding you to ransom. Your back is against the wall. You have lost all control and you are deflated. You fantasise about the days when business was easy, when it was just you. When you could take a wage quite comfortably, and your clients were more than happy with your service. There was no stress. Life seemed simple. I know all of these feelings, because I have felt them. I have been there. I have helped


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

hundreds of Salon Owners who have been in EXACTLY the same position. I’m here to tell you that things can be different, but first you need to understand what is happening. You need to develop an awareness of WHY these problems seem to exist before you can even start to make a change. I am Chrissy Alger - Senior Coach at The ZING Project. We have a saying at Zing, that “You are the problem, and You are also the Solution”. Change starts with you. As a Salon Owner myself, and a Psychologist, I can bring you some interesting insights from both of these perspectives that will help you think differently and hopefully inspire you to make change. This 10 point article is going to help you address the psychological and systemic bottlenecks you are experiencing in building a high performance team. But like most business owners or entrepreneurs, you are likely to read it, and do nothing about it. You then will continue to do business in the most painstakingly difficult way that you can, because change is hard. But, change is no more painful than what you are feeling now, however you get a positive outcome at the end. So my only advice in reading this is…. Make The Change... Do the work… And your business and you will reap the rewards.


Addressing performance issues with team members can be anxiety provoking. We fear how they will react, we worry about “saying things in the right way”. As humans, we often don’t like “confrontations” but even worse, we don’t like feeling any sort of emotional discomfort whatsoever. So, we avoid it, and ultimately it perpetuates our problems. But in reality, we have to get uncomfortable in life to get what we need, it is part of life. They say, “a comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there” and that, is ultimately a very true statement. Building tolerance to emotional discomfort and accepting that leadership requires you to feel uncomfortable is the only way you are going to be a better leader.

2. You Do Not Have Any Form of Communication Rhythm

How often do you meet with your Team? Not “have a chat”, like really connect with each team member and understand what is going on for them? Most Salon Owners have 1:1 meetings on the fly, or only when there is a problem. Often these meetings are also de-prioritised, booked over with client appointments, or forgotten about. Even when you do meet, the communication dances

around the issues, or does not unpack the real performance issues. You need to have a regular weekly meeting with every single team member that is structured in a way that allows for meaningful conversations. It does not have to be for hours. A short, sharp 15-minute session every week, in a café or some other neutral territory will open up connection and communication that you never thought was possible.

3. Your ‘Transactional Leadership Style” is destroying the trust of your team and driving you insane.

Are you constantly having to tell your team members what to do and how to do things? I get it, most of the time if you did not do this, everything that you needed done would just not happen. Also, if you stopped interacting like this, it would be similar to taking your hands off the car steering wheel and watching the car drive into the bushes. But this way of leading a team is literally making a rod for your own back. It also fuels your high levels of burnout and stress. The team does not develop any sort of autonomy or learn how to think for themselves when you keep putting on the “Superman Cape” and thinking on behalf of everyone. The other downfall, is that this style of leadership can also create a form of “vigilantism” in your team. They actually start fighting against you, as they feel like they are constantly “hen pecked” with something else that needs to be done or wasn’t done right in the first place. This style of leadership needs to stop, as it is getting you nowhere…

4. You are a Martyr

Being in victim mode is destroying your ability to take control. Commonly this takes the form of blaming any sort of circumstance, situation, or person for what you are currently experiencing. I love the Buddhism philosophy that prescribes you to “seek nothing outside of yourself”, which is basically referring to the fact that everything you need to be successful can be fulfilled by looking inside of yourself and by developing your own internal resources to be able to facilitate the changes you are seeking in your team.

5. You Don’t have the Structure and Process You Need To Create Consistent Outcomes

Process will set you free. But often Salon Owners have a 3432 page Policies and Procedures manual that has not been looked at in 5 years and is therefore outdated. Or even worse, you do not have any sort of procedural resource to guide and support your team. Therefore, everyone is running their own race or interpreting how they “think” things should be done which creates an inconsistent client journey and creates loads of stress for your team. A good procedural resource is a “moving feast”, it should be constantly growing and

developing to cater to the ever-changing needs of your team, clientele, and your business. It should be consistently reviewed and re-visited by your team and should be open to everyone in terms of feedback and contribution.

6. You have kept a toxic team member employed for too long

We have all done it. Held onto that team member who has impacted negatively on the team dynamics, throws tantrums, resists change and basically “cock blocks” our every attempt to improve the business. He/she may be a top performer, or have a stable clientele, otherwise you fear not being able to find another team member. Whatever the reason, the other team members are looking to you to take charge and either eliminate the problem or fix it. The longer you leave it, the more your team’s trust and respect for you drifts away.

7. You have no “whys” evident in your business being a shared Mission, Vision, and Values…

Not being clear or connected to ‘purpose’ is a sure-fire way for everyone to get off track or unmotivated. Often, we lose sight of the big picture and forget why we are even there in the first place. There was a strong internal “driver” as to why you started doing what you are doing. It will also be the same for each one of your team members. Your job is to align this shared purpose and also dig out what is important for your team members and how this can contribute to shared success. Creating a win/ win will keep everyone happy, inspired, and motivated.

8. You don’t “show up” for your team and you are a poor role model Leadership is like parenting. Monkey see, monkey do. You cannot expect things from your team when you cannot deliver on such things yourself. Now I am a Salon Business owner with absolutely no technical capacity to perform what my team do day to day, as I am a psychologist by profession.

But by golly do I make sure I can walk the talk. I educate with them; I know everything there is to know about a certain treatment or service. I can help them treatment plan or understand the ingredients of the products we are using. I can successfully facilitate sales conversations and ensure clients take the retail they need. I am always 10 minutes early and my commitment and enthusiasm to my team, what we do, and our business success is unwavering. I don’t give up; I don’t make excuses. And I’ll always find a way to get what we need as a business. I “Show Up” every single day psychologically, emotionally, and physically for my team because they need me. Therefore, I expect the same in return. Can you put your hand on your heart and say you “Show Up” like this for your team? If not, you may need to think about what this means for you and how you can do it better.

9. You are inconsistent or dominating? The way you interact and behave with your team is going to dictate for the most part how they interact with you. Creating one set of rules for one person and different rules for another. Or if there is any sort of inconsistency within your leadership style, it will slowly but surely erode any respect or trust that your team have.

In addition to that, if you communicate in a manner that induces fear or creates excessive degrees of power imbalance between you and your team, you are likely to suffer the same fate. Learning how to communicate effectively and act in a consistent manner can be difficult when these skills do not come naturally to you. But I would suggest that upskilling in these areas will pay dividends if you recognise that this area needs improvement.

10. There is no accountability.

The main symptom I observe when I see Salon Owners struggling with this, is they come to me having done “all of the things”, having put in place “all of the procedures” and nothing seems to be having an impact in terms of ensuring the team are doing what they are supposed to be doing in a consistent manner. The trouble is, you can put these structures in place, but if you do not have a means for auditing, follow up and appraisal, your system is not worth the paper it is written on. It is a common misconception that individuals will do what they are asked and continue to do this in a consistent manner. The reality is, they don’t. They naturally become complacent, as humans are constantly seeking to simplify our learnings, or make things easier for ourselves. The downside of this for business life is that eventually procedures and processes become morphed into something that does not even remotely resemble your operating manual or initial training sessions. So, you cannot just create a system, you have to also develop a range of accountability measures to ensure that the system remains intact. At this stage, you may be wondering HOW am I going to develop the skills and structures Chrissy just mentioned to cultivate high performance in my Salon Team? Or you might also be saying, “but I do all that”. Well, I am here to tell you that you are not. You might think you are, but if you do not have the business or the team you desire, it will be because you are failing to execute on one or many more of these 10 things. I am also here to tell you that you CAN develop these skills and structures to build the business you want, but it won’t be easy. Coach Chrissy ;) For more salon strategy, email me at, listen to ‘The Salon Hustler” podcast on all your major podcast platforms and follow me on Instagram; @chrissyalger_zing and Facebook: @chrissyzing

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





Quite simply, a lease negotiation isn’t a negotiation when the Landlord feels as though they are in a more informed position and holds all the cards! They assume a position of authority in the transaction and just don’t engage in the negotiation, assuming that the Tenant will just agree to whatever terms are presented to them. Amanda found a new location for her hairdressing salon in a popular regional shopping centre in Melbourne that was owned by a listed institutional shopping centre owner. Amanda was very excited about the new opportunity for her business and had experience negotiating on her three other salons. Amanda had received an offer from the Landlords leasing executive along with the message that he had two other parties that were interested and if she was serious that she should simply sign the Letter of Offer and pay a deposit with the terms as they had been presented. Sound familiar so far? …. Amanda was excited by the location of the tenancy, but thought that the rent was a bit expensive and also felt uncomfortable about the way the deal was being presented by the leasing executive, but she didn’t want to lose the location. Amanda called the CEO of her industry body for help and guidance, who put Amanda in touch with a Tenant Representative that specialises in commercial lease negotiation and who also has access to the same market information as the Landlord, taking away any advantage the Landlord had over the prospective Tenant. After a phone call with Amanda, the Tenant Representative had a detailed understanding of the situation and Amanda’s objectives. Tenant Representatives act on behalf of the Tenant and after an initial conversation with the Landlords leasing executive, at a peer to peer level, had established that there weren’t two other parties waiting to snap up this tenancy and that it had in fact been vacant for some time. At this point, the Tenant Representative began the negotiation process. Amanda was quite emotionally invested in the idea of leasing this new tenancy for her business and relied on the Tenant Representative to provide objectivity, a commercial focus and allow the appropriate strategic time frame for the negotiation to run its course. Amanda was grateful to have an expert on her team and be able to rely on someone acting with her best interests in the transaction. Amanda’s Tenant Representative was successful in negotiating a commercial outcome. 60

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Amanda’s Starting Position Amanda’s starting position was that the rent wasn’t negotiable and to hurry up and sign, as there were other parties ready to move.

Amanda’s Final Position Amanda’s Tenant Representative was able to negotiate the following deal … • A rent saving of $73,960 over the 5-year term of the lease • A resultant saving of $3,697 in the Promotions Levy • A $70,000 Cash Incentive, $10,000 above the amount originally offered • Total Savings and Value of $87,657 over the term of the lease

Additional Benefits and Value Other elements of the leasing process that were successfully negotiated by the Tenant Representative were ... • No Personal Guarantee and a Reduced Bank Guarantee. Without a personal guarantee attached to the lease, it is normally a prerequisite for most commercial leases to then include a six-month Bank Guarantee. Negotiating a four-month Bank Guarantee instead means that the funds required to provide security over the premises is limited to a much lower amount, whilst still enjoying the fact that the directors of the company do not have any personal exposure to risk over the premises. • Reduced Fit out Works and No Site Hoarding. In most retail leases, the Landlord expects the incoming Tenant to complete a full fit out of the tenancy, irrespective of the condition of the tenancy at handover, as well as install a full hoarding around the tenancy at their own cost. Negotiating that the works required were a refurbishment of the existing fit out, rather than a whole new fit out, significantly reduced the start-up investment and entry costs and means that the Landlords cash contribution will cover a significant portion

of those costs. It was also negotiated that if the Landlord required a hoarding to be installed around the tenancy, that it was at the Landlord’s cost, amounting to further savings for Amanda. • Reduced Make Good. Most Tenants forget about this when entering into a new lease. Generally, at the end of the lease term, Tenants are required to return the tenancy to a bare shell, irrespective of the condition and configuration at handover. Negotiating that at the end of the lease term, no make good is required for the existing fit out, means that Amanda is able to return the tenancy at the end of the lease exactly as she found it, significantly reducing the exit costs. Make goods can range from $30,000 upwards to $100,000 plus. • Reduced Percentage Rent. In most retail leases, the percentage rent is set at 10%, so that the Landlord can enjoy the success of your business, if you pass a certain threshold in sales. In Amanda’s case, having percentage rent set at 10% would have meant that the threshold for paying additional rent to the Landlord would have been $700,000. Negotiating this down to 7% means that the threshold for Amanda has been increased to $1,000,000, meaning that not only does she need to reach $1,000,000 in sales before percentage rent is payable, but if it is payable, it is only calculated at a rate of 7%, rather than 10% of the sales over the threshold. Amanda was thrilled with the savings and was relieved to be able to hand over the stress of negotiating to a professional who knows the market, is able to unemotionally and commercially assess the deal, and match the Landlords leasing executive in experience, providing confidence for the Tenant. Your Leasing Co. specialises in being a Tenant Representative and negotiating lease terms for Tenants. If you have any questions about negotiating the best outcome for your new lease or renewal, you can call Kelly Cunningham for a free, no obligation conversation on 0419 001 093.




How to pimp your resume and get away with it! It’s the talk of all the industry forums, the gaping hole and significant lack of therapists in our industry and whilst I don’t doubt that great skin therapists are thinner on the ground, what If it’s not so much a lack of good therapists but a lack of good applications? I’m about to teach you how to turn heads with your job application that will guarantee you an interview and hopefully have you elbows deep in the best job opportunities that our industry has to offer! It’s no secret that our industry is always looking for great therapists. We’re notorious for the feast and famine of job openings where there’s either all or nothing. Right not, the opportunities are HUGE with the last two years really levelling the playing field and right now, it a therapist’s dream market with some of the most lucrative salons opening their doors to new team members. But what if the phone isn’t ringing and you’re not getting call backs? There are jobs a plenty so why are you not getting any bites? Now, I’m the first to admit that I am no HR Expert. I don’t know the latest resume trends or what font and format you should be typesetting. But as an employer how received hundreds of applications, I have discovered key things that really turn the heads of those who do the hiring and firing and am about to spill it all here. I have seen too many great therapists let down by poor quality applications. So, I’m letting you in on a few little secrets. I’m here to tell you it’s time to break these three golden rules and get yourself noticed! 1: forget everything you know about a cover letter. We’ve been told to keep it short and sweet but I can assure you, we want way more than a single paragraph introduction. We want to get to know you and the cover letter is your chance! The most successful applicants in my business have been the ones who didn’t stick to the recommended two paragraph cover letter. They are the ones who broke the rules and used the cover letter to tell me who they are, why they love our industry and what they love about life.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

I am hiring someone who I want my clients to connect with. I can’t figure that out from a one-page formal resume and cover letter. Instead, use the entre page to tell me what you’re passionate about. Not a professional writer? Don’t worry, speak (or type) from the heart, run it through spellcheck and hit send! We want the authentic you and most of the time it takes more than a basic paragraph!

What part of the industry they wanted to focus their career on. Why they want to work here and what drew them to apply. What they could bring to the team Their experience with clients/product range/ treatments that will be of benefit to the role. What they love to do outside of work, what they are passionate about.

Not sure what to write? Some of my favorite rule breakers have covered topics like:

If I get a glimpse into who you are, in your cover letter, you can guarantee I’ll be picking up the phone and inviting you to an interview before I even look at your resume qualifications.

What drew them to the beauty industry and how they came to enroll in a beauty diploma.

More technology doesn’t have to mean more hassle. 2: Your resume doesn’t matter as much as you think it does. Just because you don’t have a long list of qualifications, and industry experience doesn’t mean you won’t be successful. I’m not talking about lying about your qualifications, we’ll see right through that, what I am saying is don’t let a lack of experience stop you for applying. A great employer will see the diamond in the rough and if you’ve really made a connection with your cover letter, they will see you are worth the investment of extra training on the job. Many of my hires have been from fresh graduates who haven’t set foot in a salon and it all came down to passion. Don’t underestimate non- industry experience. Customer service is a translatable skill that a great employer will look for if there are gaps in your resume. 3: Ignore the minimum experience requirement. One of my first industry roles required me to have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a salon environment. Straight away I skimmed past the ad as I had just graduated and assumed that I wouldn’t be accepted or make it past the first round.

But then I realized that I was the perfect candidate for the job, and the only thing getting in the way of them finding the perfect employee was their criteria. I applied, got the role and worked in the position until I eventually opened my own business. Right now, salon owners are open to applicants they may have never considered in the past. If you have nailed your cover letter and put your best foot forward, it would definitely help you get past not having the desired length of experience. Right now, there are some incredible jobs and the competition pool is the emptiest it will ever be. Now is the perfect time to get into the beauty industry or make your comeback. Dust off our resume, pour yourself into your cover letter and don’t let the old resume rules get in the way of your dream job!

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Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





Over the last 2 years, small businesses in Australia have gone through some of the biggest challenges they have ever faced, especially in the beauty industry. If you have navigated through these times and are still standing strong, I want you to pause for a moment and just congratulate yourself on this achievement. You’ve been on the business battlefield. Many of us have been living in a constant state of fight or flight during this time and that in itself can have a huge impact on our business and wellbeing. It’s important to take some time to reflect on the challenges and the triumphs of the last two years and give ourselves time to breathe and nurture our souls. For many beauty business owners, you have had to fight for your business just to stay open. You have pivoted, reinvented the wheel and dived deep to find ways to stay open and generate new revenue streams. You may have used this time to re-evaluate what’s important to you, to rest and grow into a new version of yourself. Taking the opportunity to learn, dive deep into personal development and look for new opportunities to thrive, not just in business but life too! Some of you may be thinking, but Kara, I can’t do that! I am so busy trying to stay afloat right now, taking time to pause and care for myself is impossible. And you know what? I completely understand, because I have been there too! Business can often feel like a rollercoaster, one minute you’re on your highest of highs 64

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and next, you are in the lowest of lows. I recently had a beautiful reminder of my 22-year-old self and the determination I had to grow my business during the 2007/2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC). I am sure you all remember the GFC if you were in business or even working during this time. The world as we knew it was crashing around us. There was panic, fear and so much uncertainty. I started my salon in 2007, just before the GFC hit. I was 20 turning 21 and I had so much ambition and drive. Nothing was going to stop me from reaching my goals and dreams of a successful business. Everywhere I looked and turned, there was negative talk about the economy and business. I was constantly told I needed to prepare for the worst. After all, I was only 21. How was I going to get my business through this tough time? Here’s what I did. I chose to believe in myself and my business’s success. I had no doubt whatsoever in my mind that we were going to struggle. In fact, I was the polar opposite. I’m sure many thought I was crazy at the time. I knew that even though times were tough,

people wanted and craved connection and selfcare. I knew that if it was important to them, they would find a way to prioritise it in their budget. I had energetically committed to the belief that my business was going to grow and succeed during this time, and we did! We began to grow faster at an outstanding rate. We hired more employees when everyone else was laying them off. We were selling out products and booking out services well in advance. We had people raving about us to their friends and family. That year we won 3 business achievement awards. We smashed our financial goals, and I was only 12-18months into my business. I was interviewed by the local newspaper and invited to networking events. The town was talking about the new kid on the block who was making a mark on the business world. As I sit and reflect on this time now as my 35-year-old self, I can see why I was so successful during such an expected hard time. I chose that the only option was going to be success and I didn’t stop learning and reinventing my strategies until I got it right.

Now business wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine, we still had our days of challenges, however we never let them interfere with the end goal. We had a few good years and then in 2011 our local community was hit with the worst flooding in 100years. Our business shopping centre was flooded, and we couldn’t trade for a week. Thankfully we didn’t have the salon flooded, but it still was a challenging time. When we did open back up after it was safe to operate again, we felt guilty for doing so. How could we trade when everyone had lost everything? But as each day passed, we started to hear how our salon was a sanctuary amongst the heartache. It was a place people could go to feel a sense of joy when the world felt heavy. We banded together and put on a free pampering day for flood victims in our community. Our team donated their skills and time to people who had lost everything, and it was such a beautiful thing to experience. It was our way to give back to a community that gave so much to us. So today I want to share with you some of my top tips and tools that I have found helpful in navigating tough times in business, both in my past salon business and in my current business too!

1. Mindset

Your mindset is everything. One thing I know for sure is that when your mindset and energetic state is in a negative place, your business and life will be too. I know it sounds cliche, but every time I have been through challenges in my business, I have had one common theme. I had stopped taking care of myself. I stopped prioritising self-care and nurturing my mindset.

2. Connection & Community

When you are faced with challenges, one thing that I have witnessed and experienced firsthand is that you will always have the ability to strengthen your connection with your local community. Business is built on relationships and when people are going through tough times, having someone reach out to them just to show they care, can be one of the strongest things you can do. Genuinely caring about your community and the people who support your business can be so powerful. Even after 5 years have passed since I sold my business, people stop me in the streets to tell me that they miss the personal connection & relationships I had when I owned the salon. I think this speaks so much about the impact you can have on someone’s life just through your business.

3. Evaluate

When was the last time you took a step back and really evaluated how you do business? Now I’m not just talking about your finances and yes, those are extremely important and need to be top of the priority list, but it’s also important to evaluate everything you do in business. From your recruitment processes to your marketing strategy, there’s always something that can be tweaked, improved or removed to enhance your business. From the products and services to the salon equipment and furnishing, what is working well and what

can be improved on?

4. Get your team involved

One of the most important things I did when we found ourselves in challenging times in my salon was to come together as a team and brainstorm ideas. When you involve your team and ask for their ideas and input, it can have a positive impact on your business. They can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table which may not have been thought of without their experience.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it. Sometimes I think we feel we have to struggle and hide in shame, when in fact, sometimes one of the best things we can do is ask for help. Whether that be through a mentor, government agency, peers, friends or industry leaders, there’s always a safe place to find the support you need. I have failed and struggled in many ways through both of my business journeys. It’s what we do in those times of discomfort that will ultimately determine our success. Our business will always go through seasons of change. How we show up and work through those seasons are what ultimately determines our success and the legacy we leave. How we treat our customers, our staff and ourselves will leave a long-lasting impression on this

world. My goal is to always lead with a good heart and work hard to build strong, resilient men and women in and surrounding my business. I hope by sharing some of my story, I have inspired you to not feel alone in your challenges. I am always here to be an ear for anyone who needs it. May this be the inspiration you need to go within and work towards reaching your goals and dreams. Get Unstuck from the Overwhelm with Beauty Boss VA. Are there administrative or marketing tasks that you need to take off your workload? Beauty Boss VA can help. Our virtual assistants and business branding specialists can offer the support you need to move your goals forward without the overwhelm.

Visit today for more details about our services. Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





I posted this quote on my Instagram not too long ago - and had a flood of messages from business owners who have experienced - or are experiencing - a “star player” who just isn’t good for the rest of the team. You know the one. The high performer who smashes their targets every week but is always at the centre of confrontation and bad vibes. The “I’m a high performer so I’m the boss” kind of player. The one people get along with only because they’re scared not to. But you put off having that accountability conversation because you don’t want to “rock the boat”. After all, she’s just so damn profitable! Well, hate to break it to you but the boat is already swinging already. And the only thing that will create equilibrium is to set clear boundaries and paint a clear picture of what makes a successful team member. Which means first YOU have to know how success is measured. Is it measured in dollars and cents? In client feedback? In retail sales vs service sales? Rebooking? Does being a good team player come into the equation at all? Or is it an “every player for themselves” kind of situation? A while back I had a “star player”. High performer in all ways except when it comes to being a team player. She consistently had higher numbers than the rest of the team. When she was good, everything was good. When she was faced with a challenge she was like a tornado! Everyone was on edge. We were starting to get feedback from the team that they felt like she just wasn’t fitting into our culture anymore and that the once positive vibe had started to shift. Morale was going down instead of up. Time to intervene.


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Now, this is in a time where finding therapists is like winning the golden ticket to Wilily Wonka! I met with my manager and had a conversation about the approach. Our approach is always “we want you to succeed. This is how you succeed around here. It wasn’t the first time we’d had conversations about behaviour. So, when she yet again came into work in a bad mood and let everyone know it, it was time for “The Limit Conversation”. You know, we’ve reached the limit and here’s what needs to change in order for you to be a successful member of the team. This is the amount of time you have to demonstrate a change, and this is what happens if you don’t. Two weeks later she resigned. So, what do I want you to take away from my short story? 1. A team contains many positions. All just as valuable as each other. Think of a football team where there’s always a star kicker who kicks the goals. The one person who gets all of the glory. But a great player will always shout out the player who passed the ball and set him or her up for success. No individual on the team can succeed in isolation. It’s all about each player playing their position to the best of their ability so the entire team can win. 2. To enable a winning team, you need to make it clear what winning means in your business. And yes, I know we have financial targets to meet so we can pay the bills. But it also matters HOW we reach those targets. So, when you measure success for your team, don’t forget to measure how they behave off the field. Which means, how do they support the rest of the team.

3. Values are symbols of what’s appreciated around here. Without clearly articulated values it’s actually pretty hard to hold people to account for behaviours that don’t align with them. Obvious? Maybe not. Often, I ask business owners about their values and how those values are demonstrated. I have yet to get a proper answer. Imagine for instance two team members who have their own values one values honesty and one values loyalty. Now imagine if someone was stealing. One person might tell someone (honesty) but the other might not (in order to stay loyal). Are they both good people? Yes. But unless clearly defined behaviours that demonstrate the values are talked about and made clear, you might have uncertainty and conflict. 4. Your team is only as strong as the poorest behaviour you tolerate. Meaning, if you have ONE team member who is not aligned and not a team player the rest of your team will become resentful and think “that’s just how it’s done around here.” 5. If someone leaves because you hold them accountable to being an uplifting, values driven team player, let them be happy in an environment less focused on having a winning team culture...

For more leadership and team culture conversations please follow @grytomte







A lot of our productivity comes down to our ability to focus. The bad news is focus is not something we’re born with. The good news is focus is just like a muscle and the more we work and flex it, the stronger it becomes.


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We live in a world full of distractions Facebook, Instagram, text messages, phone calls, and the other thousands of notifications beckoning for our attention. And I get it. I’ve found myself checking out Instagram and an hour later I’ve come to realise I’ve wasted an hour of my precious time. Time I could have spent with my family, time I could have used to complete some needle moving goals in my business, time I could have trained my team. Time is a gift; we can’t stop or slow time down, but we can choose how we use it. Time, if utilised correctly, is the vital ingredient to success, happiness, growth, and fulfilment. Throughout my many years of learning time management and focus, I’ve learned that if time is mastered it’s the gateway to freedom, flow instead of force and a more fulfilled & balanced life along. The key element of focus is motivation. If something doesn’t motivate you, it’s unlikely you will muster up the energy to focus on it and you certainly won’t put it to the top of your priority list. That’s why it is so important that the goals and tasks we set ourselves have a higher meaning and purpose, to give us the motivation, drive and focus to push through on the days we think we can’t.


Understanding and living your purpose will drive you from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed; no matter how much money you make or what challenges you face you are able to live your purpose without restriction and conviction.


Right now, you’re either playing above the line, or you’re playing below the line. People who play above the line are accountable, responsible and take ownership of their results in business and the life they have created. People who play below the line have been convinced that in order to be successful they have to work extremely hard and do long hours, even if there is no real return on their time and effort. Playing below the line usually means: • Your addicted to activities • You’re someone who always needs to be busy • You never have any free time

• You’re probably not the best at planning and managing your time • You’re reactive to your environment, not proactive • You’re often stressed and feel overwhelmed with how much you have to do Now, unfortunately if you’re one of these people, chances are you focus on the things that scream the loudest. And often the things that scream the loudest are not the most important things. So, how do we play above the line? Firstly, you need a have a kick-arse plan so you know always what you’re working on next, which will always be your next most important thing. These are the tasks that will bring you one step closer to what you have set out to achieve in your Mission (we like to call them BHAGs - Big Hairy Audacious Goals). Having a plan and sticking to it is key; that’s why we plan our future in advance. As part of your plan, a default diary will keep you on course. This will outline all your team one-on-one meetings, team training and your holidays & downtime all scheduled for the whole year (yep, the whole year!). Believe me when I tell you that your team will love the forethought, planning and transparency of this. Make sure you have allocated time for personal growth throughout the year and of course your coaching times. Plus, the time you work on your business, not just in it. Once you’ve got this in place, you’ll find prepping for the week ahead a breeze, but make sure you don’t skip this step! Sunday nights are a great time to look at your diary to see what your week ahead looks like and to allocate time in your diary each day to work on high value activities. Each day ask yourself the question: what are the highest value activities for me to complete today to have the greatest impact? Choose two to three 30-minute goals from your plan each day to work on without distractions. Then, you have time to do the other tasks that go with running a business. Aim to work in your zone of genius AKA the things that light you up, the things you’re good at, the things that empower your team, the things that will financially grow your business and the things that make your customer experience world class.

Whether you’re planning your week or day, consider the following and act accordingly: • What needs actioning • What needs scheduling • What needs delegating • What needs deleting Delegate, delegate, delegate Involve your team in your planning process and give them an opportunity to help build your business by delegating appropriate tasks (with training if necessary). If this is financially viable, stop doing the things that you could hire someone else to do, such as cleaning, bookkeeping, etc. This will free you up to spend time on wealth creation, team development and customer retention & journey.


Science has proven without a shadow of a doubt that multitaskers are far less effective than those who focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking, for most, is a highly sophisticated model of distraction. Learn to remove all distractions so you can be focused on one thing at a time. This is especially important when you are working on your business and its success. With these tips you’ll be able to prioritise and keep focused like a pro! I guarantee if you follow these guidelines, you will see your productivity skyrocket. We all have the same 168 hours in a week. We sleep for around 50 hours, so that leaves more than 110 hours to work on your business, develop & build your team/culture, spend time with the people you love and of course spend time investing & caring for yourself. Time is not the problem; it’s having the discipline to use your time wisely… Master your time and you will master your life. Rebecca is a coach, speaker, multi beauty business owner, and entrepreneur who has not only built three successful medispas, but educated herself to become a Skin Expert. Rebecca’s zone of genius lies within empowering and mentoring teams to maximise performance and team fulfilment. Rebecca has a keen interest in human behaviour and psychology. Learn more about developing your business future with Rebecca at www. and can contact her direct at

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2




IT’S TIME TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT DEPOSITS! By Tamara Reid, Head of Brand for Timely Business Management Software.

Once upon a time, businesses shied away from taking deposits for fear of upsetting their clients. But times are a-changing and now, salons are turning the deposit-taking process into a positive one for everyone involved. Here’s how they’re doing it. When it comes to deposits, the theory is this: that by asking a client to put down a deposit on booking (somewhere between 10 and 70 per cent of the total price) you’re protecting your cash flow in case they don’t show up. At face value, deposits sound great (and that’s because they are great, but more on that later); yet many business owners feel anxious about introducing a deposit policy because they don’t want to a) create more work or b) upset their clients. Truth is, these scenarios are usually avoidable! Now is the perfect time to reframe the way we approach deposits.

Revisiting your deposit policy

Requesting a deposit can reduce no shows by weeding out clients who aren’t committed to their booking. “I like taking a deposit because it protects my income,” says Emily 70

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Harper, founder of Brows by Emily Harper, who introduced a deposit policy and hasn’t looked back. “I’ve found that people only pay the deposit if they are serious about coming. Since implementing deposits, I hardly get cancellations and when I do it’s always for a legitimate reason.”

Communicating your new policy

Communication is key as you’ll need to let your regulars know that your policy has changed. You could do this via your website, social media or at the time of booking. If you don’t like the word ‘deposit’, try flipping the script by labeling this payment as a ‘reservation fee’ instead. Steve Moore, business coach at BOSS - Bring on Salon Success and co-founder of Moore Beautiful, reassures clients by telling them that the fee will be deducted from the total cost: “Most clients love this as it means they have to pay less on the day!”

Setting yourself up for success

Use business management software, such as Timely, to automate your deposit policy. Timely allows salons to take online bookings from either their website or social media (Instagram and Facebook). Businesses with TimelyPay have complete control over how they take deposits. They can choose which services require deposits, set flat booking fees, charge a percentage, or require full payment up front; they can even ask clients to save cards securely into their Timely account - there are a range of flexible options to suit any type of deposit policy! The client will be prompted to make a payment to secure their appointment, then they’ll pay any outstanding balance on the day of their service. With more technology at our fingertips than ever, is it time to revisit the deposit policy for your business?

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When Social Media first popped up onto the scene back in 2004, it was all about friendships for Facebook and selfies, pets and pictures of food for Instagram. Fast Forward to 2022 they have gone from a simple photo sharing app to transforming into a full-on marketing channel business. Taking a look at Instagram and Facebook and some of their platforms newest features… In the last year alone there have been advancements In analytics, shoppable posts and new ways to drive Traffic from stores, plus the evolution of IGTV and Live video options. If you just take some time to go on your desktop and look at the functions of live streaming before you hit the red button, and afterwards with embedding your video into your newsletters, website, or placing on a you tube channel to be repurposed, it’s quite fascinating and heavily underutilised in our industry!!! Whether you are scaling for rapid growth In your beauty business or still getting your head around how it all works, it pays off if you are building a presence on Social Media and I mean in dollar form to. Social media has evolved. We’ve said goodbye to simple status updates (we miss you!) and hello to selling products and growing digital communities outside the 72

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treatment room doors. And while new social media features and trends can feel never-ending, they also give you the opportunity to experiment and connect with your audience in a different way. The big question Beauty bosses ask me, is can I really make sales on social media? The answer is 110% yes!! Just because you are a service based clinic, doesn’t mean you are limited to your local surrounding suburbs either - you have an Australia Wide Market that are watching you, and discovering your content and waiting for you to offer them a solution for their skin concerns. The other way making sales via social media works is not always instant either - you might be thinking your are not getting any ROI from time and ad spend or reels creation and planning out your posts , but you would be surprised who actually sees your posts and never ever likes or comments on anything but ends up booking with you or buying the promotion because they saw it on social media - but why didn’t they comment or like my post then!!! Well the fact is that majority of (non-business clients) that are on social media have no idea what to do with your posts unless you have a

strong call to action. They do not have the slightest clue how hard you worked behind the scenes to create that reel or have the courage to do that live . NOT A CLUE . So it takes your constant consistency with feeding the message of what you do, who you serve , what is that promotion, and how it will benefit your ideal client over and over and over . This is what will take them from discovering who you are on social media into awareness of how you can help them, into then considering to buy from you , to then finally deciding, ‘I want that Now’ and paying and booking with you right there with the click of their thumb. This requires some strategy otherwise it can become very overwhelming. The members within Beauty Boss Pro, my community where I Mentor in social media growth tips, Confidence and Mindset and helping you Unleash Your BeautyPreneur are supported in this type of strategy and with the constant changes of social media it’s important to be a part of a community that is helping you speed track in this area instead of staying stuck or left behind! Don’t be shy to reach out if you need help.

In planning your social media in 2022 these are the elements that can help you get started and execute a promotion successfully . I always like to plan around Education, Story Telling , and Showcasing . 1. WHAT IS THE PROMOTION, have your graphics created and, in your caption, writing what is your Hook to stop them in their scroll, who are you speaking to, and what will buying this help them with in their life. Then finish with a CTA (call to action ) you have to tell them what to do. Think of 2-3 graphics for the promotion . 2. WHAT ARE SOME QUOTES related to the promotion for example if it is Mother’s Day what are some Self Care Tips Mumma’s need to hear , what are some facts around how mums are known for not putting themselves first and tell them in your caption how you can relate and that’s why you are so passionate in helping more women realise that self-care is necessary not a luxury. 3. WHAT REELS can you create around your promotion , 1 showing your face, 1 showing your treatment or gift packs . Don’t forget your caption writing skills for your reels and hashtags as well!

4. GO LIVE. Video is such a favourable form to get your message out to your customers . You can do this via Facebook and Instagram at the same time if you are feeling savvy and share what your promotion is, who is it for, how can it help and how limited it is! This always helps create urgency when you put a number on how many are available. 5. COLLABORATE. Who has your audience but is not in direct competition with you. For example, the yoga studio down the road has probably a lot of clients that would love to know more about your business and likewise your clients may be interested in yoga - how can you collaborate and share what each other are doing so you can spread your message. You can do this in a joint live , a joint reel, a joint event even but keep it on social there is so many things you can be doing that doesn’t require a lot of time but can expedite the growth of your business! Stories Stories Stories - you have these 15 second clips that are a golden opportunity to speak to your audience in short form every day - are you sharing what your promotion is daily? Are you sharing how many you have left and creating urgency ? Are you speaking to the camera and using CTA’s and links to buy and book in your stories or just putting up your pretty graphic and not explaining what it is and why they should book.

6. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS. I won’t spend too much time here except if you don’t know how to do ads don’t spend any money on them and instead invest in someone who is an expert in this area or can teach you. Ads a fabulous way to generate income via social media though so if you are thinking of dabbling your fingers into them in 2022 you should, and my advice once again is via video and even via reels. The truth is I scroll past pretty pictures, but I stop in my scroll when you speak because people buy from people , we don’t buy the product we buy into the person selling the product and if you can build trust in this way, you will fast track your sales via social media, I promise you .

Angela Sanchez is the Beauty Business Mentor Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2





Ever since I launched my business 12 years ago, I have always had the age-old question from clients “Our competitors are doing this… Does that mean we should be doing it too?” My instinctive answer is always NO! Why? Because your marketing and strategies should be built around YOUR business ethos, your team, the clients and the culture you’re wanting to cultivate for everyone who has an experience with your brand. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than replicating the idea of someone else, for the sake of FOMO. This doesn’t mean you stand still and never evolve, if there are new platforms to play with, jump in! If there are new content concepts to explore, then make them your own. But replicating or for lack of a better word “copying” is really uncool. The reason I am asked this question so frequently… “Should we be doing that too”, is because brands don’t really understand their own core values and brand principles. If you take the time to consider or perhaps even reconsider what your brand represents and what you want people to experience, your answers become clearer and your path to create that brand experience unfolds. For example, think of how your brand values reflect in varying aspects of your business: 1. Client Facing: How do you want clients to describe your brand to others? 2. Salon Culture: What do you want your team to say about the culture you have curated in the workplace? 74

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 2

3. Brand Values: What are the most important business messages for both staff and clients? Is it sustainability, is it the internal workspace and environment, is it education? Years ago, I heard the quote “Comparison is the thief of joy”. It has always stuck with me. Every time I have felt disappointed, disillusioned or unmotivated Its because I have created a comparison it has led to a place of emotional fatigue. When the narrative becomes about what you DON’T have you move away from all the amazing things that you DO have.

branding questions we have created in the Brand Considerations Workbook, just scan the QR and download the eBook. Download the free eBook HERE https://sixunderground.

My friend Mia De Vries said to me a few years ago, “I just stay in my own lane” and I thought, YEP! That’s what I need to do. Just focus on me, my business and what’s important. What my competitors do and what my client’s competitors do isn’t on my radar. It’s not that I am ignoring what’s going on around me, but rather I’m sticking to a formula I’ve developed for each business that is completely bespoke and curated based on THEIR needs. If your marketing and social media are getting left behind, the answer isn’t to look to your neighbours and replicate what they’re doing. The better strategic angle is to redefine your needs, wants and culture and make changes and amendments to what you do based on that. Of course, this can be super overwhelming, so strip back the task to a simple question and answer format. To review the concepts and

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Articles inside

5 Ways to maintain a Positive Mindset by Joy Crossingham

pages 40-41

Am I a Dermal Clinician or Not? By Alanna Byriel

page 28

A Pathway to Inner Health and Vitality By Louise May

pages 14-15

Award Winning Classic Treatments & Modern Technology By Louise May

pages 12-13

Pay Attention To Your Competition, But Always Stay In Your Own Lane By Hayley Mears

pages 74-76

Using Social Media To Grow Your Beauty Business in 2022 By Angela Sanchez

pages 72-73

It’s Time To Change The Way You Think About Deposits

pages 70-71

How To Prioritise & Focus On What’s Important In Your Salon Business By Rebecca Miller

pages 68-69

I Know You’re The Best Player On The Team – But....

pages 66-67

Building A Resilient Business By Kara Lehmann

pages 64-65

How To Get $87,000 In Savings & Value When Negotiating Your own Lease

pages 60-61

Breaking Resume Rules By Robyn McAlpine

pages 62-63

Self Care Isn’t Selfish By Karla McDiarmid

pages 56-57

Getting Out Of Your Own Way By Angeli Marie Shaw

pages 54-55

10 Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making That Stop

pages 58-59

Are You Sustainable? By Paul Frasca

pages 50-51

Healthy Habits By Lisa Conway

pages 52-53

Break The Bias By Julie Cross

pages 48-49

Building Salon Teams That Work By Elle Wilson

pages 46-47

Which Colour For Your Eyes By Charlotte Ravet

pages 38-39

The Ultimate Professional Beauty Event Is Back – Beauty Expo Australia

pages 36-37

SkinMTX Award Winning Range

pages 32-33

10 Minutes with Linda Fenech By Louise May

pages 10-11

The Pain That Is Acne By Nancy Abdou

pages 22-23

State of the Art Parisian Beauty By Louise May

pages 8-9

How Did IPL Get Such A Bad Rap? By Lashana Shepherd

pages 24-25

Signs Of Ageing Skin Gay Wardle

pages 26-27

dermaviduals is skincare designed, uniquely for you

pages 20-21

Editors Letter

pages 6-7
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