Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

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2 1 S T AUG U S T 2 0 2 2

22 PRO Restore. An Industry First! dermalogica


06 Editors Letter 18-21 Industry News 42-44 Beauty Shop 46 Dateline Imports


08 Sharing A Love of Beauty By Louise May 10 Beauty Boss By Louise May 12 10 Minutes with Deb Farnworth By Louise May 14 Mama & Bird 16 A True Champion


24 Finding Confidence in Community By Robyne McAlpine 26 Home Skin-Care Devices Can Replace Professional Devices Right? By Nancy Abdou 28 A Differentially Diagnosis By Alanna Douglas 30 The Role of Keratinocytes in Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema – Part One By Gay Wardle


32 What’s New for Beauty Expo Australia


34 The Secret to Skin Renewal


36 Celebrating A Decade of Breakthroughs By Corri Marshal


on the cover

38 Setting the Education Bar High


40 French Beauty Secrets By Charlotte Ravet


48 What Flows from You Flows To You By Julie Cross 49 How Do You See Yourself as a Person By Elle Wilson 50 Lazy Green Actions Don’t Wash with Consumers By Paul Frasca



52 Becoming Bigger Than Your Problems By Angeli Marie Shaw 54 Are You Real a Conscious Brand? By Rechelle Coombes


56 There Is Always a Message in The Mess, It’s Up To You To Find It By Lisa Conway 58 EOFY Tax Tips By Mark Chapman 60 What Role Does Your Landlord Play in Your Runway To A Covid Recovery By Kelly Cunningham 62 How to Enter the New Financial Year Ready To Grow & Expand Your Business By Andy Heyne 64 The Employee Journey By Estelle Carroll 66 Where Did All Our Workforce Go? By Gry Tomte 68 Why Core Values Are the Heartbeat Of Your Business By Rebecca Miller 70 How to Automate Your Client Experience Without Losing the Human Touch By Tamara Reid


72 Why Your Marketing May Not Be Working By Kara Lehmann 74 Increase Retail Sales With Email Marketing By Angela Sanchez





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Linda Woodhead


Louise May

Editor’s Note Editor’s Note



Kellie Woodhead


Jess Richmond

CONTRIBUTORS Louise May Robyne McAlpine Nancy Abdou Alanna Douglas Gay Wardle Corri Marshal Charlotte Ravet Julie Cross Elle Wilson Paul Frasca Angeli Marie Shaw Rechelle Coombes Lisa Conway Mark Chapman Kelly Cunningham Andy Heyne Estelle Carroll Gry Tomte Rebecca Miller Tamara Reid Kara Lehmann Angela Sanchez


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OMG Can you believe that we are halfway through the year already?? The approach of EOFY means that the Beauty Expo and the ABIA’s are just around the corner! How exciting! It’s been such a tumultuous couple of years, we can finally all come together as an industry and celebrate being able to connect with each other... Have you got your tickets yet? It’s also time to do some financial year preparation and get proactive with your new goals coming into the next 12 months so you can review how far you’ve come. Tax time can be daunting and frustrating – but so rewarding when you see growth. So many business owners set goals at the start of the year or at the start of the new financial year, but so rarely do they go back and review their progress or put actionable steps in place to achieve their goals. An action plan is the most important element to achieving these. Having a goal isn’t the same as having a plan. Having a plan is a ROAD MAP to achieving your goal. It’s your goal broken down into bite sized chunks. ACHIEVABLE CHUNKS that get you closer and closer to your big goal. When you reverse engineer your goals and break them down to small steps, the overwhelm disappears and each step makes total sense and doesn’t seem so daunting. Each month, have a meeting with yourself and analyse how much progress you have made toward achieving your goals and adjust them as necessary. Moving on to what’s inside of this issue…. I have curated some great experts for you, this issue we have 10 Minutes with the powerhouse Deb Farnworth, we celebrate Nicola Le Lievre and her amazing business intherapy Ethical Beauty, we chat with registered nurses Jess Hone & Grace Luce, and we see what one Mama has achieved after losing her business during Covid Lockdown, pivoting at its finest!


We also bring you all our business writers and bloggers, with great advice to help and guide you through this next financial year.


I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I have loved putting it together for you!

HAIR BIZ, Beauty Biz & Barber Shop Beauty Biz is published six times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189 No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Beauty Biz does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Beauty Biz are not necessarily those of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear. © 2022 mocha group All rights reserved.

Louise x Louise May, BEAUTY BIZ EDITOR

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From left Jess and Grace



Registered Nurses Jess Hone and Grace Luce are experienced in all injectable treatments including Antiwrinkle, Dermal Filler, Fat Dissolving Injections, PDO threads and Hyperhidrosis Treatment. Sharing a beautiful space, “Meridian Aesthetics” , they are both continually attending conferences and training with world leaders in the industry to ensure the best techniques and outcomes are given to patients. Working together for many years in their previous roles, their common bond is their love of making their patients feel comfortable and happy whilst in their care. “I was delighted to be able to train Nurse Grace and pass on what I had learnt over the years of injecting. She is an amazing injector who not only has great talent and an eye for beauty but also a beautiful person to be around,” says Jess. Grace continues, “When Jess started Meridian aesthetics, she had always encouraged me to come work with her as we had such a wonderful working relationship prior. I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to be mentored by.” We caught up this dynamic duo recently and got to know more about each of them and how they run their businesses collectively.

How did you both get started in your careers in the skin & aesthetics industry?

JESS: For a very long time I had a big interest in the aesthetic world which stemmed from an interest in plastic surgery. I did enjoy nursing however did not feel a huge pull to stay within the hospital system forever. I always felt deeply you should have passion for your work and do what makes you happy. For this reason, I left the hospital system and studied a diploma in cosmetic nursing through Gray Clay College. As soon as I had my first lecture with Gray Clay, I knew I was in the right place. I had such a desire to learn everything I could about the industry and in particular cosmetic injectables and the nonsurgical space. 8

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

GRACE: Prior to being a nurse I worked as a beauty therapist and dermal technician for 10 years, I had a wonderful career and always had a passion for aesthetics and skin health. I had always dreamed of being a nurse and completed my Graduate year in Darwin in surgical and paediatric units. I love the clinical side of my work, but I really missed the client interactions I had as a Beauty therapist. Jess and I were lucky enough to work together for years in this industry and she has always encouraged me to get into aesthetics as it was a natural flow of my passions combined. She has been an amazing encouragement and mentor to me getting back into the industry and I haven’t looked back.

How did you each get where you are today?

JESS: Once I completed my diploma I gained a position in a busy chain clinic as a part time injector. At this point I was nervous about leaving my secure government job as a Registered Nurse, so I continued working both in the hospital system and as an injector which was a nice balance for me at the time. I continued to work both positions for a number of years until I took the plunge and left my hospital position for full time injecting. During our first COVID

lockdown when we were unable to work for 2 months, I had a great deal of time to reflect on where I was in my career and decided it was time for a new challenge which included opening Meridian aesthetics. Melissa a friend of mine was advertising a space for rent which would involve working alongside her already successful cosmetic tattoo studio “Melissa Mayuge”. I took this as a sign and the rest is history! GRACE: A lot of hard work and determination, I always dreamt of advancing my skills further when I was a Dermal Technician but the thought of leaving a stable career and being a mature aged student to study my RNs was a hard decision. I had amazing encouragement from family, friends and colleagues and I haven’t looked back since. Being a nurse can be a very challenging and demanding career in both the hospital and aesthetic fields but is also one of the most rewarding careers I could have followed.

How do you achieve work/life balance?

JESS: It has taken time to learn. I have a 2-yearold as well as a 4-month-old and a business to run so time is extremely valuable. I am so lucky to have a supportive husband and family who make it possible for me to live this life balancing it all.

My online booking platform has certainly helped with time management. I use Timely, which has been a game changer and time saver, allowing patients to schedule their own appointments. I am always more than happy to help with scheduling appointments for those who need this assistance however a lot of our patients like the freedom of perusing availabilities when it suits them to book in. On weekends my husband and I both choose one thing we want to do which fills up our cup. For me often that might look like a spa treatment, going to the gym or going for a horse ride with my sister-in-law. We also use Sunday usually as a reset day to prepare for the week ahead. GRACE: I work really hard between both my jobs as a nurse and in the clinic, so work life balance is something this year I have been focusing on. I work out every day and do a variety of different styles to keep it interesting and fun. Living by the ocean on the Gold Coast I try and have a beach walk/dip in the ocean every morning and catch the sunrise whenever I can. Spending time with my family and friends is very important. I try and head back to my family farm and be in nature whenever I can.

What makes your business unique?

JESS: When visiting meridian aesthetics, you will feel at ease as soon as you walk in the door. The beautiful space where we work our magic is a stunning studio in Mermaid Beach. Both myself and Grace pride ourselves on being able to make even the most nervous patient feel at ease before undergoing any treatments with us. We are both extremely knowledgeable in the treatments we perform and only ever recommend what we know will help work towards our patients beauty goals.

What is your favourite treatment and why?

JESS: Fat dissolving injections to the double chin. This treatment can make such an incredible difference to the jawline. Treatments that enhance the side profile are a big winner in my eyes. A few quick injections are able to disrupt the fat cell and excrete the fat from our body from this region for good! This treatment also tightens the skin when the fat has been dissolved so

you are not left with any left-over skin laxity. I have personally had this treatment and it is my absolute favourite. GRACE: This is a hard one because I love so many treatments. I love doing PDO threads, they work to restimulate collagen production in the treated area. I find the way they work fascinating and have loved the results my patients are receiving. I also love doing lips, everyone loves having their lips done and it’s so fun to create a beautifully individualized crafted lip for our patients.

Most popular treatment?

JESS: Muscle relaxant, Lips, cheeks and PDO’s. There is nothing like a smooth forehead or freshly injected lips to boost your confidence. We do love to keep both of these treatments natural, so each patient is given a thorough assessment prior to treatment and a recommended dose given.

Can you talk to us about Facial Design and why this is a crucial part of your consultation process?

GRACE: Facial design is the entirety of our business. Each person’s face, concerns and desires for treatment outcomes differ from person to person. This is why facial mapping and treatment planning is at the forefront of our business.

Facial mapping allows us to give our patients realistic goals, it takes time, and you cannot expect to have a dramatic structural change with 1mL of filler. We spend time crafting desired outcomes and timeframes for our patients as the area they may be concerned with might need a different treatment than what they had been thinking of.

Can you tell us if there are any new innovations on the horizon. JESS: I am very excited to be attending the Non-surgical symposium this year. This space is always evolving and improving, and it is so important to keep up to date. I have also heard there may be some new muscle relaxants on the horizon where the longevity of these products maybe more than what we see with our treatments today. GRACE: Coming from such a long beauty background I would love to bring some skin treatments into our menu…you should see a few of this start to come onto our menu within the next few months.

What has been your biggest challenge you have faced in business so far?

JESS: When I left my comfortable government job in the hospital setting to begin a career as an injector and again when I opened Meridian Aesthetics of course had its challenges. Although these decisions did not come without risk, I am so blessed to have trusted the process to get to where I am today. If you are not happy in life and what you do for work, it is time for a change. GRACE: I am such a practical person so I really have to allocate time to the admin side of the business, education and practical things are so nice for me to do but admin is a drag. I just try and allocate time and learn all I can about the areas, so it is slowly becoming more streamlined.

And future plans?

JESS: Expansion to a second clinic would be my next future goal which would mean growth for the business and employing more staff. I also love training new nurses so that may also be an avenue I may explore into the future. GRACE: To keep building our brands and continue learning more skills and techniques. I love education so I would like to think I may find a role educating upcoming cosmetic injectors as well as incorporating some advanced skin treatments into our services in the future as well.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3



Beauty Boss


By Louise May

Owner and founder of Cosmetics Hub, Bell Barca has been sharing her talents and expertise in a range of advanced skin procedures for several years. She is a paramedical aesthetician who has worked with hundreds of men and women across Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. Partnering with prestigious medical clinics, such as Aspire Cosmetic Clinic, Bayside Skin and Laser Clinic, and Brisbane Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

After years of working in dermal therapeutic practices, Bell gravitated towards make up tattooing as a way to instantly achieve a desired aesthetic look. Bell has been operating as a Permanent Makeup Artist for over nine years, having trained in both Australia and Dubai to bring you the best in cosmetic tattooing techniques, industry insights, and the finest of skills from working alongside some of the world’s most elite PMU professionals. With a background in Dermal Science, Bell is also highly skilled in pigment retention methods and corrective techniques and is trusted with a wide range of remedial applications.

much it has grown over the last 12 months considering it’s more of a hobby. The Makeup label is still in her infancy stage, it’s been a dream developing this range.

This busy beauty professional runs multiple businesses across the beauty industry including the skin and cosmetics clinic in Brisbane, where Bell also runs the PMU Academy and the Cosmetic Shop – a B2B salon supplies online destination which focusses on sustainable, eco-friendly products and consumables in a bid to clean up the beauty industries reputation. “It’s no secret that we have a negative impact on the environment,” says Bell. “Our goal is to remove plastics from our day-to-day toolkits.

Who is the Cosmetic Hub for?

Finally - a project she has been working on for the last few years and one that she is very passionate about is a complete range of mineral makeup that is clean, nourishing, and gentle on skin without compromising on performance and of course bio-based packaging which fits in line with my ethical values. We can’t wait to bring Beauty Biz readers more on this launchg later this year. Editor, Louise May, chats with Bell about the creation of her businesses and her journey so far…

How did you get started in the industry?

I always knew I wanted to be a “beauty boss” I studied beauty therapy at the French Beauty Academy and then I went onto learning Dermal Science in my mid 20’s. A few years later I wanted to focus more on my creative ability, so I moved into Permanent Makeup. I trained in Australia and Dubai, I am constantly up skilling and working on my personal and professional development.

What drew you to therapy in the first place?

I think most of my fellow therapist would agree, whether you’re in the health or beauty industry you desire to be in a people-focused role. I genuinely care about the wellbeing of others and enjoy making a positive impact on someone’s life. These days I am mostly mentoring and onboarding my students into their new careers. In turn I get my own career gratification in seeing them succeed.

How did your businesses come to be?

It was always a goal of mine to open my own Cosmetic Clinic. - The cosmetic shop I felt was a necessity. I personally wanted to change to more sustainable products, but I found it difficult to find eco-friendly essentials, so I created my own store. I am pleased to see the support we have received and surprised how

Can you tell us about your makeup range and what inspired you to create this?

She truly is the goddess of Mineral Makeup. I have always had a strong propensity for innovation and developing this range allows me to utilise my artistic side while fulfilling my entrepreneurial prowess. Beauty Biz Magazine is the first to hear about the project, so I won’t say much more other than, stay tuned! We founded our business with one goal in mind - to make aesthetic treatments effective, safe, and affordable for every woman and man. Our boutique clinic offers a modern, clinical, and private setting.

What do you consider your own top 3 pillars of success to be? 1. Creative mindset 2. Be ambitious and self-motivated. 3. Grow with your business

How do you juggle work and personal life balance?

Let’s be honest, I have not mastered the work / life balancing act yet! but, I am learning to be present in the moments that I am with my son, and I have put new systems in place to be more time efficient at work. I don’t get caught up on unrealistic expectations. Some days I think I have nailed it, and other days it’s a working progress.

Are there any must haves that you love to start your day with?

Prior to my mini muse being born I would go to Pilates, make up some aromatherapy concoction and listen to podcasts. Now days, I wrestle with my 2-year-old to get dressed while watching the Wiggles. I do enjoy our morning challenge.

How do you stay strong but agile during these times?

Resilience is such a buzzword at the moment, but important because our environment has been so unpredictable the last few years. Having a strong business plan and business continuity reduces any stress that may arise when we are faced with disruptions. What challenges have you had in your business and how did you overcome them? We’ve overcome a lot of challenges like many businesses during the pandemic. We learnt to adapt to a new era of beauty, incorporating a more holistic approach to our businesses. Above all, we remain positive. challenging times are only temporary and build strength.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Take action! It’s that easy.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3






Serial entrepreneur and the founder of the world-leading medi-aesthetic franchise Australian Skin Clinics. Born in Kenya and raised in the UK, Deb’s remarkable story is one of moving to the other side of the world to retire - only to build a $70m business which she sold in 2019. Having spotted an opportunity to build a successful franchise model, Deb moved her family to the Gold Coast in 2007 and got down to work. She launched the franchise in 2011 and five years later, she had grown the business to 60 clinics across Australia and New Zealand and reshaped an ailing skincare brand, scooping up multiple awards in the process. She was named Gold Coast Woman in Business of the Year 2017, and was a finalist in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards in 2016. Deb’s career has been punctuated by ‘firsts’. She was the first non-doctor to become a partner in a UK medical practice, and her group were the first non-pharmacist to own a UK pharmacy. She also opened England’s first drive-thru pharmacy. It’s a testament to her incredible vision and passion for the aesthetics industry that she continues to push the boundaries of business to this day. In 2020, in the middle of the COVID pandemic, Deb purchased Issada Cosmetics an Australian mineral makeup company. In December 2020 she launched Issada Clinical Formula skincare range - a clean cosmeceutical range which had been in development for two years. Beauty Biz Editor, Louise May, spent time with Deb recently to find out more about how the journey with beauty and aesthetics all began.

Can you tell us how you got started in the industry?

My interest in beauty and aesthetics started in the UK. At the time, I co-owned several health businesses with my eight business partners, who were doctors. At the time, laser hair removal was relatively new, and Botox was still something only movie stars did. I was keen to add a cosmetic clinic to our portfolio, and we started a fledgling clinic in our multidisciplinary centre. However, my husband Shaun decided it was time for both he and I to “retire”. I was only 43, and him 39, but he wanted us to retire to Australia! Almost by chance, I discovered a cosmetic clinic for sale on the Gold Coast and also that the easiest way to get an Australian visa was to buy an established business. We purchased what was the original Australian Skin Clinic in Ashmore, and I planned to spend my days 12

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

on the beach while running the clinic under management. I didn’t anticipate falling in love with the industry and building a franchise of 60 clinics that I eventually sold in 2019.

What drew you to aesthetics in the first place?

After nearly 18 years working in various health businesses, I’d become weary of the UK health system, and I was attracted to the idea that therapy/aesthetics could have an uplifting effect on people at a psychological level. At the time (and still), there were so many new advances in technologies, new cosmetic ingredients and, of course, injectables. I realised that beauty therapy would not remain a predominantly home-based industry forever and that there were many more opportunities to explore. I was drawn to the belief that, eventually, high-end treatments such as laser resurfacing, Botox and fillers would eventually be just as common as having a hair colour and I wanted to be part of that growth.

How did your business Issada come to be?

Although I sold the ASC franchise, I did keep the original Ashmore clinic (now called Ultimate Skin and Body) and set about reinventing the business and changing the model again. Initially, the clinic had offered a diverse range of treatments, but to franchise it, we scaled this down to just 7. The rebrand was an opportunity to return to a more complex range of treatments. I no longer wanted to stock the ASC skincare range, so I started developing a new skincare system. By then, I’d worked with around a dozen ranges, and I had a clear idea about what I needed for my business. I had been friends with Fiona Neale, the founder of Issada Cosmetics, for around 1012 years and during that time came to know the business well. I was also a dedicated and loyal user of Issada mineral makeup, having become hooked on it when Fiona gave me a

bottle of CC8 years ago. During the time I was developing my new skincare range, Fiona asked if I would be interested in buying the Issada business and I saw the opportunity to launch the new skincare under the already well established Issada branding. By the time the purchase of Issada took place, we had 22 formulas ready to launch.

What inspired you to move into the world of Skincare products?

My first venture into owning a skincare brand was in my ASC days when I bought the majority shareholding of an existing small range of just four products. I then specified another 12 products and launched into the clinics with 16 products.

What do you consider your own top 3 pillars of success to be? Being able to spot and act on opportunities that present themselves is probably one of my key talents. However, life is full of people who will discourage you and tell you something is a bad idea and can’t be done or is not worthwhile, so having the courage to follow your own convictions is essential, surrounding yourself with people who support and cheer for you is also important. Finally, a strong work ethic, combined with lashings of tenacity and resilience, is required to get yourself out of bed on days when things are not going so well! None of what I’ve done has been “luck” or “easy”, but it is a successful formula that I have followed multiple times now.

How do you juggle a work-life balance?

Probably not very well, although I am getting better! Honestly, I love what I do, so although I work hard and I work long hours, I never feel resentful about it because I love my life. Luckily, I have a patient husband and forgiving children. I also like to travel, and I try and balance work with lots of short trips with the family - so, as you can imagine, I can’t wait for COVID to be over!

What are your top 3 tips for managing people?

I enjoy seeing people develop and grow in

their roles, and every day I try to impart my skills and knowledge to my team members for their development. I can be a hard taskmaster but always comes from a good place. My top tips would be to set the right standards, be a good role model, keep the work interesting, challenge everyone to be better versions of themselves and wish them well when they learn enough to move on. Managing people really is the hardest part of any business.

In what ways do you like to unwind and get out of “work mode”?

I have very simple needs. I like to relax with friends and family over a drink or dinner. My sons are now grown up, but I still love to spend time with them. I have two cats that I cuddle every night, and there’s nothing like a good film to help me zone out from real life!

Are there any must-haves that you love to start your day with?

For over 20 years, I’ve had the same morning routine - a hot shower, a protein shake and half an hour of quality time chatting with my husband!

What’s given your business strength over the years?

Business is not easy - it is unpredictable, demanding, and forever changing. More than anything, a business owner must be tenacious, adaptable, and flexible. I long ago adopted a certain mindset not only about business but about life and people that involves acknowledging certain fundamentals. These include Nothing is forever, so don’t expect forever; Everything changes, so be ready to accept change; Perpetual learning is essential to keep pace with the world around you; and finally, slavery was abolished, so you can’t make people stay if they want to leave.

How do you stay strong but agile during these times?

I have a terrific team, and we keep each other focused. We are working hard to help our stockists through this difficult trading period, and our goal is always to go above and beyond to help. We know that some of our stockists have had to endure much worse

hardship than we have - especially those in the extended lockdown areas such as Melbourne and in Lismore and regions of Brisbane that flooded - so we are always mindful of this and help where we can.

Any tips for staying motivated when pivoting takes its toll?

To be honest I love change and I love new things, so pivoting is probably second nature to me. The biggest challenge in any business is ensuring that all team members adapt with the same urgency that a business owner relies on, and for that reason, in both of my businesses, I am implementing an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) scheme. The Employee Ownership Trust concept is new to Australia (although well established in UK). At Issada, I have chosen to pair this with in-house training and mentorship to assist the whole team to “think like an owner” and benefit financially from our business success.

What is on the agenda for the future?

Shaun has surrendered to the idea that I may never fully retire, but now that travel is becoming easier again, we are planning some bucket list trips. Issada will continue to be my main focus for some years to come. However, I’m also on the board of directors of Aurora Medical and the advisory board of AirPhysio, which are both interesting roles.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3







Carmen de Souza has a background of 17 years in the professional hair and beauty industry, in Marketing & PR. Carmen had a PR consultancy for a decade called Fox & Boy Communications, which serviced brands and professionals in our fabulous industry.

In the first Melbourne Covid lockdown, when the industry was mandated to close, Carmen lost all her clients in a matter of 72 hours. Ten years of hard work and dedication, gone just like that… says Carmen. Our office was shut, I let our staff go and we were officially closed. Like so many in our industry experienced, it was heartbreaking. A week later I found out we were expecting our third child, and because I was that bit older in this pregnancy, I began searching for suitable skincare. This is when I noticed the lack of truly beautiful skincare products specific to pregnancy. Whilst there is certainly a handful of brands offering something nice, mothers mostly have supermarket and chemist brands to select from, and I personally felt they deserved more. All too frequently we mothers put ourselves last, our busy schedules prioritising our little people and families over our personal needs. I wanted to create a brand that aligned with the beautiful beauty brands a women would normally spoil herself with, in every day non-pregnant life. A gorgeous aesthetic, coupled with all natural, effective ingredients that supported the skin as it changed throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Thankfully, as I had spent a career in the professional hair and beauty industry, I could draw on my industry contacts to help bring my vision to life. It was a two-year product development journey, that finally came to fruition mid-February, when Mama & Bird was born… a range of premium mother centred products to support women throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Offering a small daily dose of self-love to their busy lives. Mama & Bird® Skincare is an Australian made and owned skincare brand, harnessing the power of botanical ingredients to create luxurious skincare solutions that bridge the gap between a woman’s existing skincare routine and her evolving pre and postnatal needs. Choosing a pregnancy skincare routine is often a minefield of conflicting information. The list of endless do’s and don’ts can be confusing and overwhelming for expectant mothers. 14

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

Mama & Bird® Skincare are passionate about simplifying this unnecessarily complex decision, by offering mothers natural, nontoxic, results-driven skincare to support them, and their children, throughout pregnancy and into motherhood. We are dedicated to listening to expectant mother’s skin concerns, so that we can mindfully curate multi-functional body products that women love using. One of our main priorities when creating Mama & Bird® Skincare was ensuring our formulations are safe for both mother and baby. This was one of the determining factors when selecting our manufacturing partner; their depth of knowledge surrounding pregnancy and infant product and ingredient safety. Our products are created using only pregnancy and infant safe ingredients and adhere to strict formulation safety guidelines. Reviewed by Safe Cosmetics Australia, an independent Australian body that assesses to safety and toxicity of skincare and cosmetics, our products are Australian Certified Toxic-Free, Made Safe NonToxic Certified, Vegan Friendly Certified, Cruelty Free Certified, and Australian Allergy Certified.

Australian Certified Toxic-Free

The Toxic-Free Campaign aims to raise chemical awareness & provide manufacturers with a higher standard of manufacturing cosmetics than current law provides & that consumers demand. As part of this certification brands pledge to exclude & restrict potentially toxic chemicals of concern published on Safe Cosmetics Australia Hot List. Where a formulation is 100% compliant with the Safe Cosmetics Australia Toxic-Free Hotlist, the product can be endorsed with the Australian Certified Toxic-Free trademark.

Made Safe Non-Toxic Certified

Products that carry the Made Safe® trademark are committed to reducing toxicity. The Made Safe® campaign addresses an estimated 85,000 chemicals available world-wide 40,000 of these chemicals are permitted for use in Australia & over 10,000 are specifically used by the beauty industry. Consumer expectations demand the highest quality when it comes to product performance, that’s why Safe Cosmetics Australia launched the Made Safe® campaign to recognise products that are formulated free-from the chemicals that form the Toxic-Free campaign criteria.

Vegan Friendly Certified

Our vegan friendly products contain no animal or insect ingredients or animal bi-products, including Vitamin B5 which is derived from a bi-product of honey.

Cruelty Free Certified

This certification acknowledges out commitment to no animal testing on our products or ingredients. We go to great lengths to ensure that our company, skincare manufacturer and ingredient suppliers do not test on animals.

Australian Allergy Certified

Safe Cosmetics Australia Allergy Certified® campaign logo endorses brands that pledge to provide consumers with full ingredient transparency as well as specific safety advice concerning potential allergens. The response to date has been overwhelmingly positive. We have just launched our third product Mama Balm, and are midway through formulating the first two baby products set to launch later this year. @mama_and_bird Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3





From the very first moment 6-year-old Nicola Le Lievre saw a perfectly polished Estée Lauder woman proudly donning her signature red lip, she knew she’d found her people.

From her elegance, attention to detail to exceptional customer service, little did that Estée Lauder woman know, she was crafting the idea of a future business owner that would change the game. Fast forward to today and Nicola is proudly surpassing 20 years in the beauty industry and has crafted her passion into becoming a multi-award-winning industry leader featured on Channel 7, The Courier Mail, 9News and Professional Beauty Magazine (just to name a few).

It was certainly no surprise when intherapy Ethical Beauty was named Champion Beauty Services at the Australian Small Business Champion Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony that was recently held in March at The Star Sydney, with over 1,000 guests in attendance.

Inner confidence Being strong, balanced, and grounded Outer radiance Replenished, radiant, and youthful Optimal vitality Energised, nourished, and focused

Recognised as the ‘Oscars’ for small business, the Australian Small Business Champion Awards is the only national recognition program for Australian small businesses. The program aims to acknowledge outstanding Australian small businesses and encourage high standards of excellence in small business practice. “The Australian Small Business Champion Awards is a way to recognise the efforts of small businesspeople whose efforts contribute to the prosperity and vitality of communities across Australia”, said Steve Loe, Managing Director of Precedent Productions, and founder of the awards. “As a small business owner, myself, I know the vision and dedication to excellence required to succeed. These traits have been displayed in abundance by all of our 2021 Australian Small Business Champions.

From the signature “how can we make your day better?” heard as the team answers your call, embracing your rose quartz crystal provided to lift your tension to the perfectly applied red lipstick that inspired Nicola’s journey, it’s the acute attention to detail that

intherapy Ethical Beauty received an award statuette, certificate and gained national recognition as an industry leader. In addition, having their passion, dedication, commitment, and hard work celebrated amongst their peers was an experience they will never forget.

Since 2014, Nicola has been intherapy’s Chief Glow-Getter for her Red Hill community. Creating unforgettable client relationships throughout her 8 years owning intherapy, her community is what inspires her to deliver the industry’s very best each and every day. THE INTHERAPY ETHOS IS CRAFTED BY TOTAL THERAPY:


makes your visit to intherapy a total therapy experience.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

Small businesses from across Australia delivered an impressive array of entries, with winners representing a broad range of industries from all states and territories. Owner of intherapy Ethical Beauty, Nicola, did something very different when accepting the Australian Small Business Award, and asked all the finalists in the same category to join her on stage. With Nicola delivering such a beautiful acceptance speech, we thought it would be fitting to share her words with our Beauty Biz readers. Nicola says in her speech… What I really believe in, besides running an ethical and sustainable beauty salon, is giving back to my community. So tonight, as one of the biggest industries that have been affected by not only floods but Covid, and these ladies up here with me, who I love and admire, are in my category tonight. and this is testament that I believe in community over competition. I would like to thank all these ladies because our industry is so closely knit, we don’t believe in breaking each other down, we support each other. Although all these ladies are in my category, I wanted to bring them up because my team could not be here, they are absolutely wonderful, I also wanted to thank my family and my guests. I really believe as one woman we are powerful, but collectively we are unstoppable.

























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Synergie Skin official skincare partner of Afterpay Australian Fashion Week 2022 May 9-13 With the crème de la crème of fashion and beauty coming together for Afterpay Australian Fashion Week (AAFW), Melbourne made and owned Synergie Skin was honoured to be the official skincare partner of AAFW. “Seasonal styles may come and go, but radiant skin is always in,” says Terri Vinson, cosmetic chemist and founder of Synergie Skin, “We were thrilled to showcase clean Australian skincare in the spotlight as the official skincare partner of AAFW. Educating and empowering people to make informed decisions about their skin is our number one passion, and this sponsorship gave us the perfect platform to communicate this message.” As the models strut the runway wearing Synergie makeup and skincare, spectators enjoyed a range of special events - both live and over social media - including product samplings, speaking seminars, and influencer giveaways. All Synergie Skin products are cruelty-free, responsibly sourced, and produced entirely on Australian shores to support local jobs. In addition to creating clean, results-driven products, Synergie Skin is committed to keeping our planet clean by running an environmentally positive manufacturing system.

Endota expands international footprint with acquisition of New Zealand’s largest day spa group, Forme Spa Australia’s biggest and most loved spa and wellbeing brand, endota, has today completed the acquisition of New Zealand’s prestigious and largest day spa group, Forme Spa. The acquisition will see endota take over ownership of Forme Spa’s nine locations expanding endota’s reach and delivery of wellbeing services across New Zealand. The nine Forme Spa locations include Albany, Takapuna, Mt Eden, Parnell, Ponsonby, Wellington, Christchurch, Queenstown and Hamilton, and bring endota to 120 locations worldwide, 11 of which are overseas. endota Wellness College, endota’s registered training organisation, will commence training of all Forme Spa therapists in endota methods to ensure the enlarged group maintains the two brands’ high customer standards. endota and Forme Spa each have 20 years’ experience in the wellness industry with a shared vision to help people feel better, coupled with a commitment to clean beauty. Like endota, Forme Spa has become a household name, winning both the Supreme Award and Best Customer Experience award in the 2019 Retail NZ awards and securing partnerships with AIA Vitality and Air NZ. “We are excited to combine our resources with Forme Spa, a market leader in delivering consistently high-quality services in New Zealand, to build new communities of people committed to experiencing wellbeing by endota. This acquisition is the natural evolution of our founding vision – to help women feel well - and I am proud and excited to grow this commitment on a larger scale, reinforcing our position as an industry leader”, said Melanie Gleeson, founder and CEO of endota. 18

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A staple of the 1990s, permanent makeup is on the rise as a beauty go-to From micrograyling and microblading to candy lips and lip blushing, the list of permanent or semi-permanent makeup techniques seems to gain popularity on social networks. Whether it’s for eyebrows, lips or eyes, permanent makeup is in line with the quest for simplified beauty routines helping to save time and to achieve a natural look with minimal effort. The pandemic, through its lockdowns and mask wearing, disrupted the beauty routine of many women around the world. Gone are lipsticks, contouring and other techniques to achieve a perfect complexion. The focus has now shifted to skincare, which has replaced cosmetics intended to camouflage all sorts of imperfections rather than actually improving skin texture. And it’s a trend that appears to be persisting beyond the pandemic, even if mask wearing is no longer mandatory in many countries around the world. These changes have helped bring back one trend that was thought to have fallen by the wayside: permanent makeup. Very popular in the 1990s, permanent makeup techniques are once again winning over those in search of a more natural beauty look. That might sound paradoxical, but it actually makes sense. Beauty is no longer about spending hours in the bathroom plastering on layers of foundation, concealer and other correctors, but about enhancing the eyes and mouth through perfectly shaped — and subtly tinted — eyebrows and lips.

Savvy Salon & Clinic owners have boosted the sales & profit of their business by using Mayerling Professional Peels & Take Home Treatments


Dermopigmentation Actually, permanent makeup is, in fact, closer to the art of tattooing than to makeup, but with one key difference: it most often relies on dermopigmentation. In other words, it involves introducing a coloured substance — a pigment — via micro-needles into the superficial layer of the dermis (or skin) — much less deep than a tattoo, and therefore less permanent since the pigments decompose over the years. It is most often used to add colour to a specific area, whether to fill out sparse eyebrows, to redraw the contour of the lips, to add colour to pale lips, or even to enhance the eyes. If permanent makeup may have traumatized many people in the 990s, techniques have evolved in recent years to offer a more natural — and discreet — result. Gone are the days of leaving a beauty parlour with frozen-in-place eyebrows, or worse, with an ultra-contrasting lip outline. The goal today is to save time with a natural but enhanced look focusing on pale shades, allowing yourself the luxury of skipping a few steps in your daily routine, but without going overboard. This is a concept that’s well understood by today’s professionals, who now offer all these services.

Skin Rejuvenation Brand of the Year 2021 (Australia & NZ)

From fuller brows to freckles Permanent makeup techniques are many and varied, but a lot of the options involve eyebrows. Microblading (1.8 billion views on TikTok) is undoubtedly one of the most common techniques, since it can reproduce a hair-like effect using pigments and can therefore effectively reshape brows and thicken them according to the desired result. Microshading, on the other hand, uses pin-like dots to offer a more powdery finish, as if you’d used a simple eyebrow pencil. The more recent micrograyling technique works on the same principle, except that it is aimed at those with a more complex natural brow shape, and who simply want to reduce the sparse appearance. But permanent makeup is also a great ally for women whose lip contour has faded over time. Candy lips is one of the most popular techniques, which can redraw the outline of the lips through a process of micropigmentation, while also adding colour, thus creating a more voluminous effect. Some also use it to correct any potential asymmetry. And if you want to go even further, it is now possible to get an eyeliner line, or even an eyeshadow effect, applied permanently, in just a few sessions, or even to add a few freckles here and there, in line with a major trend of the moment. However, the main disadvantage of permanent makeup is that it sometimes lasts longer than trends. While permanent makeup fades with time — the duration depends on many factors such as age or sun exposure – one’s should still think carefully before taking the plunge. For example, while thick eyebrows have been all the rage for several years, there have been several attempts to bring skinny brows back into fashion in recent months.

Cosmeceutical Range of the Year 2020 (Australasia)

SHARE IN THE SUCCESS Call Amanda on 02 9874 1166 or email Toni at

INDUSTRY NEWS INDUSTRY NEWS Melanie The topGleeson fragrances of the last 30 years According to an article by Cosmetics Business, The Perfume Shop, the UK’s leading fragrance only retailer, has announced its list of the 30 most iconic fragrances of the past 30 years to mark its three-decade anniversary. The Perfume Shop has divided its list of the most iconic fragrances since 1992 into the decades they launched, with the ‘90s proving to be a boom period for “aromatic big-hitters.” “We love introducing fragrance fans to new and exclusive scents – but it’s also no surprise that many on the list have been consistent favourites throughout the last 30 years,” said The Perfume Shop managing director, Gill Smith. “A beautiful scent is timeless and we’re proud to play a part in bringing these classics to new generations of perfume fans, alongside some of the hottest new scents on the high street.”

THE TOP 30 FRAGRANCES, BY DECADE LAUNCHED 1920s Chanel No.5 EDP (1921) Guerlain Shalimar EDT (1925) 1940s Nina Ricci L’Air Du Temps EDP (1948) 1950s Estée Lauder Youth Dew EDT (1953) 1960s Brut Brut EDT (1964) Aramis Aramis EDT (1965) 1970s Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche EDT (1970) Charlie Blue EDT (1973) Yves Saint Laurent Opium EDT (1977) Cacharel Anaïs Anaïs EDT (1978) 1980s Guy Laroche Drakkar Noir EDT (1982) Guerlain Samsara EDT (1989) Joop! Homme EDT (1989) 1990s Thierry Mugler Angel EDT (1992) CK One EDT (1994) Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male EDT (1995) Hugo Boss Boss Bottled EDT (1998) 2000s DKNY Be Delicious EDP (2004) Tom Ford Orchid EDP (2006) Marc Jacobs Daisy EDT (2007) Paco Rabanne 1 Million EDT (2008) Diesel Only The Brave EDT (2009) 2010s Lancôme La Vie Est Belle EDP (2012) Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium EDP (2014) Dior Sauvage EDT (2015) Carolina Herrerra Good Girl EDP (2018) The Perfume Edit range (2019) 2020s Paco Rabanne Phantom EDT (2021) Billie Eilish Eilish Eau De Parfum (2022)


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3



Australia’s newest Mineral Makeup Range

dermaviduals announces Natalie Barr as the new brand ambassador dermaviduals is delighted to announce the signing of Sunrise Co-host and internationally acclaimed journalist, Natalie Barr, as its first Brand Ambassador for Australasia. Natalie Barr will be featured in a new integrated campaign for dermaviduals which will run across social media, the companies podcast and online channels from June to December 2022. “Relatable, open, honest, and funny, Natalie shares the same values we live by here at dermaviduals. We are honoured to have Natalie working with us as she has been a long-time supporter and advocate of the brand, having used it for several years,” said Reika Roberts – CoFounder of derma aesthetics. dermaviduals understands everyone’s skin is unique, hence their individual approach to bespoke skincare. The brand wants everyone to feel good in their skin and believes Natalie is the perfect ambassador whom many will relate to, as she openly shares her skin journey from the sensitivity, to the flareups, the simplicity and most importantly the results. Born and raised in the small West Australian city of Bunbury, Natalie Barr has led a stellar career in journalism, TV and news presenting. Natalie studied journalism at Curtin University before undertaking a cadetship with a local newspaper, but not long after took up regional opportunities in television and breakfast radio. In the following years, she was offered roles in Los Angeles at stations KABC, KTLA and KCOP where she went on to win a Golden Mic for best newscast writing and was nominated for a Los Angeles area Emmy Award for her work on the infamous OJ Simpson car chase. Since returning home to Australia, Natalie has worked for 25 years with the Seven Network as a reporter and presenter, now co-hosting Sunrise. Skincare designed, uniquely for you! Customised for all skin types and conditions, the dermaviduals range has you covered from day to night. Developed in Germany, by scientist Dr Hans Lautenschläger, the range is based on the science of ‘corneotherapy’, whereby dermaviduals products work to protect the first line of skin barrier defense, as the number one priority. Using the purest ingredients from around the world, the entire dermaviduals range is free from conventional emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, fragrances, mineral oils, silicones, colours and amines. Highly recommended by dermatologists, doctors, oncology aestheticians and skincare clinicians. We invite you to experience the dermaviduals difference by visiting one of our participating clinics.

We believe you shouldn’t have to choose between beautiful makeup and quality ingredients. Superior ingredients Treatment Colour Makeup Flawless results with 100% pigment Compact range Retail friendly Flexible opening orders Free from talc, parabens, synthetic fragrance.







Predicted to become the gold standard in micro-injury wound healing, Dermalogica’s new PRO Restore drastically reduces downtime for micro-injury treatments while enhancing advanced procedure results. A recovery and firming concentrate leading the way in innovation as a product used in the treatment room, but also taken home to assist further with treatment recovery. Designed to work with advanced skin treatments, this concentrate prepares the skin’s barrier, restores its condition, helps increase firmness and brightens skin. • FIRST product in the industry to address the micro-injury cycle to: 1. Reduce downtime 2. Improve skin recovery • FIRST product in the industry used in treatment room and at home for optimal client recovery

Post-microneedling treatment decrease of side effects. Straight after microneedling treatment all over face. On one side of the face, Pro Restore was applied prior to microneedling, was used during microneedling, and applied post microneedling. On the other side of the face, a control conventional Hyaluronic Acid system for microneedling was used.


Post-fibroblast skin tightening treatment reduced downtime Day 5 post treatment Subject received one fibroblast skin tightening treatment on the crow’s feet area. On one side. Pro Restore was applied from the second day post-treatment morning and evening. On the other side, nothing was used (conventional method). 22

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

The skin’s moisture barrier defends the body against environmental threats while simultaneously protecting skin’s critical water balance. It’s made up of corneocytes, which are skin cells with keratin and natural moisturisers held together by lipids that contain ceramides and fatty acids. When this barrier is compromised, either by genetics or


exposome-related factors like UV exposure or over-exfoliation, irritants can enter the skin and hydration can escape – leaving skin dehydrated, red, uncomfortable, and vulnerable. When performing an advanced treatment that leverages skin’s wound healing process, it’s best practice to start with skin that has a healthy barrier so you’re not causing uncontrolled inflammation and overloading the skin’s healing system. In other words: the skin needs to be strong to efficiently work on healing the micro-injuries from advanced treatments, with pretreatment and post-treatment care playing a crucial role. Active ingredients can optimise the results of micro-injury treatments in three phases: 1. Strengthen Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5) improves hydration and helps to decrease skin damage Mushroom Extract helps to soothe skin. Hyaluronic Acid helps hydrate the skin. 2. Restore Omega-3 from Algae helps to calm the skin to address posttreatment redness and irritation. Bacillus Ferment helps balance skin’s microbiome. Beta Glucan forms a protective film that prevents skin from dehydration and and helps restore skin back to normal. 3. Amplify Oligopeptide-1 Epidermal Growth Factor (plant derived) to improve skin’s texture and resilience. Phospholipids from Olive Stem Cells improve vitality for visibly firm and smooth skin and improves skin firmness. Niacinamide helps fade the appearance of dark spots for a more even skin tone. It is suitable for all skin conditions undergoing advanced treatments such as microneedling, RF microneedling, fibroblast skin tightening, lasers and chemical peels. PRO Restore is one product with multiple benefits and a complex of active ingredients to work with micro-injury skin treatments.


During the wound healing process, epithelial, endothelial, and inflammatory cells, along with platelets and fibroblasts, work overtime to restore the tissue’s usual structure and function. The following advanced, minimally invasive treatments all take advantage of the wound healing process to help improve hyperpigmentation, lines, wrinkles and visible pores.


As we know, microneedling uses a device with ultra-fine needles to create micro-injuries to the skin, microneedling stimulates the healthy tissue surrounding the new wounds to repair the damage. This also triggers the production of collagen and elastin – rebuilding the skin’s dermal structure and helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and texture irregularities such as acne pitting or stretch marks.


By adding radiofrequency waves - releasing radiofrequency into the channels of micro-injuries - we cause additional controlled damage to the skin for enhanced end results.


A skin rejuvenation procedure that aims short, concentrated, pulsating beams of light to the skin to reduce the appearance of skin damage such as wrinkles, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. An ablative laser uses carbon dioxide or erbium to precisely remove outside layers of skin tissue. Non-ablative lasers including pulsed light, pulsed-dye and fractional lasers don’t remove skin tissue, but do create micro-injuries in the skin that can help minimise the appearance of rosacea, spider veins and acne pitting or scars.


With this procedure we use a pen-like device that discharges a highfrequency electric current to small areas of the skin. The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but releases a targeted hot current just above the skin’s surface to create minuscule channels, or microinjuries, in the skin. Plasma fibroblast therapy helps to slough off dead skin cells, encourage tissue regeneration, stimulate fibroblast activity to enhance skin’s elasticity, and help tighten the skin.


We use chemical peels as an accelerated form of exfoliation that involves a chemical cauterant agent, ranging from very light to create faster sloughing of stratum corneum, to deeper peeling causing cell necrosis and inflammation in the epidermis, papillary or reticular dermis. A leader in the skincare sector for decades, Dermalogica is making it known they are key players in the medi-clinic arena with the launch of PRO Restore. Dermalogica is the #1 Professionals Brand training over 100,000 professional skin therapists globally with an extensive professional only product range and full back bar for advanced skin treatments. Their Mediclinic programme only further excels in the professional space - proving Dermalogica not only belongs in mediclinics - but is leading its innovations.

To learn more or to become a PRO Restore only stockist, go to




Have you ever felt a little alone in your skin therapist journey? Like everyone else seems to know what they are doing and you’re still feeling like you’re catching up and not quite doing it right? You get in the room, and you give an amazing treatment but if a client asks you to create a treatment plan, you freeze up, get clammy and you forget the names of the ingredients and cells and it all becomes a big word vomit and you leave yourself and the client more confused than when you started. I always felt like I never knew how to do a proper consultation. Yes, I’d learned all about the skin anatomy and knew what cells went where. I also knew that clients needed more than once facial but I wasn’t quite sure how to put it all together and have a client committed to a treatment plan. Asking for help felt a bit silly. I’d done the courses so I felt like I should have known. The trainers would tell me to just go and do it, that I would be fine. But do what exactly? Stepping out of a skin course classroom and talking to clients in the treatment room felt like they were worlds apart and like something was missing. I felt like I had slept through the ‘how to put it all together’ module. Like everyone else left the class knowing more than I did and that I needed a mentor to hold my hand and teach me how to integrate my newfound knowledge and be able to translate it into success in the treatment room. Being an amazing skin therapist is about so much more than the treatment we do in the room. It’s about being a well-rounded therapist but what does that look like? A successful skin therapist is able to take a client through an uncomplicated skin consultation, inspire clients with comprehensive treatment plans, retail with ease that focuses on exactly what clients need for results that will exceed expectations. Doing all of this creates a therapist that is in hot demand bother with clients and employers alike. Not to mention the career satisfaction that comes from knowing your creating a real difference in your clients lives but that you are also contributing to the success of the business you work in. But how do you get all that from a skin anatomy 24

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course and some product knowledge days?? Well, you don’t. Sure, those things are foundational to your knowledge and skill as a therapist, but the understanding skin stuff is such a small part in what we do every day. But where do you go to learn about all of these things. There’s business coaches for the business owners, trainers and educators for the skin courses and content, social media experts for bringing in the clients but where can you learn how to take everything you know and put it all together in a way that makes sense? I know too well what it’s like to be on my own, feeling like I’m not quite getting it right. I found that by building connections with like-minded therapists, no matter what field you are in. If its skin, surround yourself with skin therapists you admire. If its nails, find the artists that inspire you, if its laser, find your people! This is the fastest way to nurture your career growth and development, by surrounding yourself with a collective of close confidants you can share your ideas with, ask for advice and direction, like a mentor. Having a mentor, someone you admire to follow and seek out for advice is how you can exponentially shift through the awkward training phase, from the classroom to the treatment room and really integrate what you’ve learnt. They’ve most likely been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. This is something I was so hungry for, for so much

of my career. What I know and do know was learnt from trial and error, jumbled up words, complicated and overwhelming consultations, clients who disappeared because I was overzealous in wanting to impress. I had to learn the hard way how to create a consultation that had a purpose driven outcome and how to segue way from one skin thing to another. They say your ‘vibe attracts your tribe’, that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with and that the level of success you achieve in life is directly correlated to those you surround yourself with. You want to make sure that you’re connected to some of the best in your area of interest. It can feel a bit lonely. And our industry has traditionally been one of keeping our cards to our chest, not one for collaboration though that is definitely changing and for the better. We’re not taught how to build relationships with clients, were just expected to do it. We’re not taught how to recommend skincare, but given sales tactics and targets. We are expected to be successful and be productive therapist for our bosses or businesses but up until now there’s been a missing link. We’ve just had to leap and hope we figured it out on the way down. I’ve watched therapists fall into this gaping hole and when they do, they free fall and lose their confidence and start to wonder if they are doing it right? These therapists are passionate about making a difference in the

lives of their clients, but they feel they fall short in delivering it. This often feels like not feeling good enough, like second guessing yourself in your prescriptions and treatment plans and sometimes in your entire career choice. But I can promise you this! You are in the right place. Your heart, soul and passion for this work makes you amazing at it. You just need a mentor. Someone who has built a bridge across the gap and will show you the way. I’ve built that bridge. It was born out of a need to support the many DM’s, emails and messages from therapists across the globe who would seek out my help with tricky skin cases, advice on how to build a clientele, wanting to know how to use the knowledge they have and speak to a clients in a way that

they could understand… all the questions, I realised I had many of the answers and for those I didn’t, I knew how to find someone who did. And this is where the Skinside Out Squad was born. A community of like-minded skin therapists wanting mentorship and career guidance that I can give.

supported, and shown how to take everything you know and integrate it in the treatment room, this might just be the Squad for you. It’s exclusive to skin therapists so you won’t find sales reps or non-hands-on bosses in there and no one will be trying to convert you into their pyramid scheme (not on my watch!).

It’s the bridge across the gap between knowledge and implementation. Its helping you become a well-rounded skin therapist that not only gives amazing treatments but backs it up with skin advice, product prescriptions and treatment plans that teach skin who’s boss! It’s like having a skin ‘big sister’ to give you advice and show you the ropes.

If you’ve been searching for community, sending good vibes to the universe to send you a mentor, this might just be the sign you’ve been asking for! You can find out more about the Squad at skinsideoutsquad I’d love to see you there!

If you’re looking for a community, one where you’ll nurtured, cheered on, celebrated,





ABSOLUTELY NOT! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU HEARD THE FOLLOWING? “The Shaver Shop sell hair removal lasers” “I have a home microdermabrasion machine at home” “I just bought a needling device off the internet” “I bought an RF device off Alibaba” Thousands I bet! Clients can get confused, excited or lost with what’s hot and what’s not, and lose sight of the risks and benefits of these home-grade devices. While these trendy new devices may deliver some benefits, they’re not as impactful or safe as their clinic-grade counterparts. So, the best way to defend your business and its existence is by being factually armed with knowing the difference between the two grades. We spend not only years, but thousands of dollars on our education and knowledge, as well as tens or hundreds of thousands on these devices. Here is a quick overview of what your clients don’t have or understand: • A professional and educated assessment of the skin’s condition • A professional and educated opinion of the best treatment for their skin • An understanding of the Fitzpatrick Skin Typing and a lack of understanding of how darker Fitzpatrick’s respond to treatments and controlled trauma • An understanding of how to optimise outcomes and prepare skin appropriately – internally and topically • What the clinical end point is and when enough is enough • What the various dangers and risks are – long and short term • What UV exposure can do to freshly treated/ traumatised skin • What to do when things go wrong – and they do!


Apart from experience, knowledge and education – how do the actual devices stack up against each other? Hair removal: Both laser and IPL devices target the melanin in the hair, when the hair absorbs enough light in order for it to convert to heat, it causes destruction of the hair follicle, without overheating the surrounding skin or tissue. The darker the hair, the better the result. The darker the skin, the more risk is involved. It’s a fine balance between the two competing targets and in order to make the home device safer, power is reduced. With the reduction of power, comes a reduction of heat, thus a reduction of results. Instead of permanent hair reduction, what the client experiences is what I like to call “photo-epilation” – temporary hair reduction, since we are just gently heating the hair follicles. Not only will 26

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they need weekly treatments, as per several manufacturer guidelines, but they will also require more “maintenance” treatments, which also take longer to perform, due to the slower repetition rate and smaller spot size on these home-grade devices. Microdermabrasion: Incorrect vacuum or grit tip leads to either undertreating the skin, not really achieving anything or the opposite; over-exfoliating and creating unnecessary trauma, resulting in inflammation and possibly post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, as well as track marks. Clients also may feel that their skin is smoother, so they tend to treat more often to keep that “softness” going, without realizing that it is detrimental for the skin to be in a constant state of exfoliation and inflammation, which leads to free-radical damage and premature ageing. Micro-Needling: There is a plethora of issues arising with home needling, first of all - depth of penetration. Most at home needling is performed superficially at 0.3-0.5mm, whilst clients will experience a small positive change, its not significant enough to remove needling off your menu altogether. For collagen induction, magic begins once pinpoint bleeding occurs; releasing transforming growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factors, up-regulation of interleukin-10 and down regulation of melanocyte stimulating hormone. Most educated therapists know certain topical anesthetics cause vasoconstriction, achieving that pin-point bleeding with a roller or inferior pen at home, would be very painful and slow. Speaking of slow, most clinic-grade needling devices oscillate over 70,000rpms allowing therapists to swiftly glide over the skin in under 10 minutes, achieving the desirable clinical end point, without the need of anesthetic and extensive trauma. On the other hand, devices that oscillate slower, tend to create micro-tears within the skin, which means extended downtime, erythema, healing and possibly track marks and scarring. Not often spoken about, is the application of topical products during needling or immediately post – regardless, if needling was performed inclinic or at home, including the latest fad – “BB Glow”. Applying anything other than tested and approved products may lead to unwanted granulomas, cross-contamination, infection or discoloration (caused by titanium dioxide).

Radio Frequency (RF): RF creates bulk heating, causing denaturation of proteins, along with contraction of the collagen fibers when heated between 39 - 42 degrees. When treating within 42 - 46 degrees, lipolysis (fat destruction) can be observed – not at all desirable on the face. Not all devices are sold with either built-in or external thermometers, so how does the operator know the exact temperature of the skin at any given time? They don’t! And that’s a fairly decent problem – are they over or under treating? Epi-Blading: First of all, I don’t recommend dry-blading. Blading with a nourishing oil ensures a frictionfree treatment, reduces trans-epidermal water loss and over-exfoliation. Most home bladers, don’t use an oil, hold the scalpel incorrectly which leads to the hair growing back with a blunt end (they may as well just use a razor!) and have a tendency to over exfoliate the skin, causing more harm than good. Additionally, any good therapist typically follows Epi-Blading with LED, for its wound healing properties, or another aesthetic device to amplify results. LED Whilst home LED use is encouraged and have become highly popular lately – they certainly do not replace clinical grade devices, which is due to the fluence and dosage required (power x time). Home LED’s simply cannot generate the amount of power required, without fans to cool the LED’s. To achieve the same or similar therapeutic dosage, clients would have to be under their home LED for over 30 minutes daily, in clinic only half the time would be required, 2-3 times per week. You simply cant compare home and clinic grade devices, but for those convinced they can do it at home – let them, they’ll be back anyway and hopefully its not because they have burns, grazes, granulomas, scars, long term inflammation or the like! Always remember your “why” and why you do what you do! Nancy Abdou is the ABIA Individual Educator of the Year 2021. To learn more, visit and click on upcoming workshops and training.




Have you ever looked at a skin in consult and thought what the heck is that? Clients are coming into our treatment rooms with complex pigmentation, vascular conditions and seriously impaired barriers. So where do we start and how do we end up with a “diagnosis”. Are you ready to open a can of worms? Here we go! Let me breakdown the “diagnosis” although as skin obsessed, educated beings, we cannot officially “diagnose” a condition. We leave that part to Doctors and Dermatologists. Now here comes the tricky bit, we need to be able to differentially diagnose (that means be able to tell the difference between one condition and the other) to be able to create a treatment plan and select a homecare regimen. If we don’t do this, we are not doing our job, so no wonder why we are confused and baffled sometimes when it comes to selecting a treatment plan or recommending products. The pressure to get it right is huge! So, when do we refer and when do we use our knowledge database? That is a loaded question and there are so many ways to tackle this, here is my guide. If its raised, a different colour, has an irregular border, is oozing a weird substance, has been there for more than a few weeks or just does not look right I always send for a second opinion and if necessary, clearance to treat. Even if you are 99% sure it always a good idea to just get it checked, especially if you are going to be using light-based treatments in the future. I also have a team of other allied health professionals that I have curated relationships with, and we work well together on a referral basis. It’s like sending your clients to your favourite gym or hairdresser, except they are Doctors, Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons. Along with working interprofessional with other allied health practitioners I find tools in the treatment room super helpful. The 28

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more pictures and different types of the one condition you can get your eyeballs on the better! I have so many laminated sheets with conditions and pathophysiology so that I can easily pull up a photo and confirm my thoughts. Further to this, having information available to clients on their condition is a super powerful tool. One of the conditions I get the most questions about is pigmentation. It can be so tricky to understand what you are looking at. It looks so different in every skin tone and can be super stubborn to treat. If you’re reading this thinking this is me, don’t stress I have something for you! You need my guide to the most uncommon pigmented skin conditions and I have this sitting on my website free for you! Now I want to just touch on (as briefly as I can this might be long) the working with other allied health professionals. Don’t get me wrong I love the team I work with now although finding them was hard and most days felt utterly gutting. I have had my fair share of clients come in saying that they had been diagnosed with dermatitis when they in fact had eczema. Further to that I have also written referrals for further investigation to have my client arrive back in my treatment room with none other than our favourite cream ever cortisone! Followed closely by another crowd favourite retrieve! Now this is where we must put our thinking caps on and be very real and honest with our communication. It is our job to enable our clients to make an educated decision, all we can do is provide them with the information. If they decide not to agree that’s totally ok! You will find they will swing back into your books within the next 6 months when the quick fix has stopped working. Before we go ahead and label the medical profession as the problem let’s take a minute to understand their world. We can’t really fault the Doctor or Dermatologist if they get the diagnosis wrong or prescribe a quick fix. We are trained so completely different, and we have different levels of liability. A registered medical practitioner can only

prescribe evidence-based care, which means essential fatty acids aren’t going to be on the menu. They also have patients arriving in their offices wanting solutions yesterday and there is a huge amount of pressure to give a prescription. Not to mention they are given 15minutes with a patient (this needs to change but that’s for another day another article). Now these magic pills and creams just mask the problem, and this is where we step in. As clinicians we can work wholistically with our clients, spend time getting to know them, really understand exactly what’s happening and why their skin is showing signs of their declining health. We don’t have the power to prescribe medications, but we have things much more powerful than medication that create lifelong change! This is a skill that is rare, and our profession is teaming with magical clinicians who can wave their wand over a client and deliver them amazing outcomes and life changing results! Would I like us to have more ability to work with our clients without the need of another medical professional? Absolutely! Is it happening anytime soon? It’s not looking good. I’m going to leave you with a thought, what if we took the burden off doctors and were able to fully manage a client’s skin health? What if there was a way to recognise our higher education as clinicians, they already exist, and they are called Dermal Clinicians! Alanna Douglas

Change the way you treat skin. Customisable solutions for your client’s skincare needs using groundbreaking technology alongside the purest of ingredients to treat all skin types and conditions. Visit by derma aesthetics




Part One By Gay Wardle

Daily, the human body is being attacked by countless invaders. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, chemical, allergens, pollutants, the list is long. Remarkably the body manages all of these by physically blocking their entry inside and they are held off by the skin`s defense. This defense system is due to the function of the keratinocyte cells which forms a barrier creating the first line of defense which protects the body against these invaders. Unfortunately, there are times when this defense system is weak or weakened by either external factors or internal factors, allowing a portal of entry of any of these invaders which can cause harm and disease. Knowing that the keratinocyte is the major cell that forms the epidermis, it is therefore essential that we understand the role of keratinocytes and their relationship to the development of atopic dermatitis/eczema.

Roles in epidermal structure:

The keratinocyte is a major player in the structure of the epidermis, in fact it is 90% of the epidermis. Desmogleins and desmocollins are the intercellular proteins that are produced by the keratinocyte cell and then there are intracellular proteins, such as plakoglobin, desmoplakins, and intermediate filaments. These form the intercellular structures that we know as desmosomes which act as the bonds that hold the epidermis together. It just takes one of these intercellular structures to be weakened by either external factors such as bacteria or internal factors and the coherence of the epidermis is lost. Then we have a dysfunctional keratinocyte where they separate. The next stage from this is the formation of an intra-epidermal blister formation and a break down in the epidermis.

Roles in barrier proteins:

Keratinocyte cells produce proteins such as filaggrin, involucrin and loricrin that are proteins dominant in creating the physical barrier of the corneum layer. There are many papers and studies showing that filaggrin gene mutations have been found in patients with atopic dermatitis and eczema as well as ichthyosis. These findings have been linked to allergen polysensitivity which supports the fact where there is a defect of filaggrin there will be an easy portal of entry for allergen that will trigger allergic reaction. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus has a higher incidence of colonization in people with atopic dermatitis/eczema. Filaggrin gene expression in keratinocytes is vital to the skin barrier, without it we lose the protein filaggrin. Add to this loss of keratinocyte cell adhesion, migration and proliferation, the end result would not only be disruption to the barrier layer but to the cell cycle as well. Tight junctions are another structure that I want 30

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to mention. These are the intercellular junctions that form the assembly between adjacent keratinocytes in the stratum granulosum layer (keratinocytes create the formation of these tight junction proteins). Claudin-1 is a protein that has been identified throughout the five layers of the epidermis and is a primary protein in tight junctions. If this protein is not present in tight junctions the risk of fast trans-epidermal water lost is very high, the skin becomes dry and cracked. When we look at how the skin responds to wound healing, tight junctions and Claudin-1 proteins are a key component, without them the skin would not heal. There is a high reduction of claudin-1 protein and filaggrins found in people that have atopic dermatitis/eczema. References have been made that absence of claudin-1 proteins and filaggrins increases inflammation.

Epidermal-dermal Junction:

We have talked about the importance of the keratinocyte cell and its role in providing proteins and structure that are essential for the integrity of the epidermis. They are also hugely responsible for the proteins that are needed for adherence between the epidermis and the dermis, known as the epidermal-dermal junction. The role is accomplished through the keratinocyte’s synthesis of several important skin basement membrane anchoring proteins, which are vital connecting components for this epidermal-dermal junction. It has been studied that in genetic skin diseases and autoimmune diseases that these basement membrane structures are non-functional. If the basement membranes are weakened either by genetic defect or by assault from autoantibodies in auto-immune diseases, all the skin`s integrity is compromised. The outcome will be separation to the epidermis and the dermis. There will be subepidermal blister formation and a very weak barrier layer.

Immune regulation:

Keratinocytes are communicators with both lymphocytes and Langerhans cells. Lymphocytes are immune cells and are part of the adaptive immune system, they are responsible for immune memory and the effector cells for defense against previously recognized pathogens. It is interesting to note that there almost twice as many lymphocytes present in the skin than there are circulating. Hence the importance of

the keratinocytes and lymphocyte relationship. Langerhans cells are antigen-presenting cells, and they are responsible for immune recognition and immune activation. Add to this they are also responsible for maintaining skin homeostasis by activating the skin`s T cells. Skin-localised anti-microbial substances are produced by keratinocytes, which are is an immediate defense against invading microorganism. This is done by the ability to mount an innate immune response. When there is an injury or infection, keratinocytes produce many anti-microbial peptides which are important for the innate immune defense function. The peptides maintain a homeostasis with commensal micro-organisms in a symbiosis manner. There function is to defend against invading bacteria, viruses, fungi, and some parasites. They can also activate surrounding cells, such as keratinocytes and immune cells to regulate many functions including angiogenesis, epithelialization, and immunity. Other roles of these peptides are also implicated in allergic disease including atopic dermatitis/eczema. With atopic dermatitis people some of these peptides are not induced and this allows the start of infection. The keratinocyte is the principal cell in the epidermis and is responsible for generating and maintaining the integrity of the epidermis. Besides being the structural foundation of the epidermis, keratinocytes also possess functions capable of interacting with their environment immunologically. My journey on the topic of dermatitis will continue in part two in the next journal. A career dedicated to sharing her passion for lifelong learning, Gay Wardle has established herself as one of the beauty industry’s most respected icons. Her roles as an educator, business owner, mentor, coach, and skin expert has seen her feature as keynote speaker at industry symposiums on a global scale. Committed to the personal and professional development of the beauty & aesthetic industry at large, Gay is synonymous with supporting business owners become the very best versions of themselves.

GLOBAL LEADERS IN MICRONEEDLING CLINICALLY PROVEN TO Visibly reduce wrinkles and acne scarring to improve overall skin structure.


Adjustable needle speed and depth Low vibration and quiet running Engineered and manufactured in Germany Tilting needle plate for minimal epidermal trauma, increasing client comfort • 2 year warranty (optional extension)

GLOBAL CERTIFICATIONS • Patented safety membrane to prevent back flow of liquid and ensure no risk of contamination • Medical device certification (CEO123) according to MDD and DIN EN ICO 13485 standard • TGA listed (ARTG: 315425) • FDA approved • Medsafe listed ARTG 315425, ARTG 338345

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Scan to become a microneedling expert by derma aesthetics




Beauty Expo Australia unites the beauty industry in the country’s largest celebration of all things beauty. Be inspired with this unparalleled opportunity for connection and inspiration with a community of like-minded professionals. After three years we are delighted to be back at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour, Saturday 20 August 9am – 5pm Sunday 21 August 9am – 5pm.

Belle Pelle Body Clinic, Matt Williams – Professional Beauty Solutions, Jazz Pampling – Brow Artist, Karla McDiarmid – Macquarie Medispa, Fiona Tuck – Vita-sol, Paul Frasca – Sustainable Salons, Gay Wardle – Gay Wardle Education, Nina Gajic – Skin Virtue, Tina Viney – Aesthetic Practitioners Advisory Network, Dr Mariusz Gajewski – Star Cosmetic Medicine, Nancy Abdou – The Dermal & Laser Institue, Sarah Hudson – Skin by Sarah Hudson, Chiza Westcarr - Founder, Glow Skin & Nutrition.

With the whole industry at your fingertips, discover and experience over 200 leading brands and products, world class education, live demonstrations, and competitions across one wonderful weekend.



This year ticket options have been streamlined, meaning there is now only 3 to choose from. Whether you want to attend all sessions or just meet our incredible brands, there is a ticket option to suit you. Early bird tickets end 26 June, so make sure you book now and save.

With a vision to enlighten, inspire and motivate Australia’s professional beauty industry, the Australian Beauty & Aesthetic Conference (ABAC) is 2 days of feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, case studies and educational sessions tailored around the business of beauty, wellness and aesthetics. A platform to connect and meet with thought leaders and like-minded beauty professionals, the Australian Beauty and Aesthetics Conference allows you the flexibility to curate your own program over either 1 or 2 days, based on your personal interest and business needs.

You can expect to hear from 30+ industry experts such as Maria Thattil – Miss Universe Australia, Emma Hobson – Dermalogica, Carly Knowles –

To book your tickets for Beauty Expo, please visit


End 26 June




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Multi award-winner and Sydney-based cosmetic surgeon Dr Lawrence Ho, founded Mayerling in 1999, when his results-based research led him to develop a brand that achieves clinical results with minimal effort and without any downtime. His findings were based on first-hand research, where he followed the treatment of his patients who were undergoing peels and laser skin rejuvenation. The end results proved that resurfaced skin is the key to younger looking skin.


Through his extensive research, Dr Ho settled on some key and integral ingredients, for the Mayerling Skin Renewal System™. Relying heavily on the plant acids Glycolic and Salicylic, which are perfect for exfoliation without damage whilst stimulating production of elastin and collagen.

Tony Hasham 34

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Also, Vitamin A played a critical part facilitating skin cells to communicate and reproduce; Bearberry extract which inhibits

the production of melanin; Vitamin C for its antioxidant effects; Vitamin D and E. Formulated and tested, Dr Ho was so impressed with the results that he started to trial the range on patients who were preparing for laser therapy with incredible results so much so they didn’t require the laser surgery. He also conducted 100 punch biopsies, finding that at a cellular level the Mayerling system was mirroring what was happening on the surface of the skin. 11 years ago, Dr Ho approached Tony Hasham, a well-known expert in the hair & beauty industry for many years and owner of The Beauty Warehouse, to discuss the possibilities of distributing the brand through his wholesale company. So impressed with

the brand, Tony sought additional advice and came to the conclusion that the Mayerling Skin Renewal System™ was far too good a product to wholesale and wanted to do more. He bought the business so that he could share the secret of The Skin Renewal System with Salon Owners and Beauty Therapists directly.



The active ingredients of Skin Renewal System™, work together in a “stackable” regime of cleansers, day, night and eye creams together with serums. These work well together producing a smoother, clearer, lighter, more vibrant, even skin tone.

“Using a combination of highly active ingredients such as Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Bearberry Extract, Retinyl Palmitate and antioxidant vitamins, Mayerling formulations have been scientifically proven to resurface the appearance and texture of the skin, leading to a smoother, brighter, more even and younger-looking complexion.”


“We combine active ingredients with the latest in delivery system technology, for speedy, accurate and high local concentration, allowing effective skin resurfacing without irritation,” says Tony.

In addition, dull, lifeless skin is given a refreshing boost, with the high concentration of vitamins C and E, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide and Marine Extracts.

Mayerling is an Australian multi award winning cosmeceutical company, leaders in exfoliation, resurfacing and skin renewal and have been formulating their own clinical peels and supplying the professional beauty industry for over 20 years. “We have professional salons Australiawide offering clinical peels that are proven to substantially increase the effectiveness of our home treatments,” says Tony. “Our home treatment products work on the premise that for the skin’s texture to be improved, it must be resurfaced. The old cells need to be removed, allowing the new, young, healthy skin cells to regenerate from deep within the skin.” To achieve fast effective results Mayerling uses a highly concentrated and balanced combination of potent cosmeceutical and natural ingredients, which are supported with scientific evidence and efficacy studies. “We believe in a skincare routine that is convenient, easy to use and understand. This is why we offer fewer anti-ageing skincare products, that do more.” Mayerling is effective in reducing lines and wrinkles, fading pigmentation from ageing, sun damage, pregnancy and the contraceptive pill. The products are very effective for improving the appearance of scarring, enlarged pores and uneven skin tone.

“I simply can’t begin to describe how excited we are with the results the Mayerling Skin Renewal System™ achieves and where it will lead in the future. Literally everyone that uses it is totally satisfied and I encourage readers to find out more and take advantage on how it can make you and your clients 10 years younger!” Tony is quite passionate about the industry as evidenced by Mayerling’s Mission Statement “To recruit, train, inspire and support professional Salon partners who are dedicated to the rejuvenation of skin and to assist them in the pursuit of their goals”. He and his team are committed to the mission on a daily basis. “I am so proud that we have been able to continue the work of Dr. Ho in researching, developing and manufacturing highly effective Cosmeceuticals right here in Australia that are being recognised globally. We were thrilled to again receive the Best Rejuvenation Brand Australia NZ in the Health, Beauty & Wellness Awards 2022 from Lux Life magazine in the UK.” Mayerling won this award in 2021 and the My Face My Body Awards Cosmeceutical Range of the Year Australia 2020. Mayerling’s growth in Australia has been quite dramatic, doubling the number of Salons using Mayerling, since entering into a distribution agreement with Clive & Rita Smith who are the licensees for Payot Cosmetics in Australia. For more information

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3





CELEBRATING A DECADE OF BREAKTHROUGHS By Corri Marshall, Cosmeceutical Director

Ten years ago, we proudly something completely new.


Releasing the world’s first meso-infusion skincare range designed exclusively for microneedling changed the face of the aesthetic industry forever.

Innovative Meso-Glide Concept: Dp Dermaceuticals HYLA ACTIVE™ DermapenWorld developed the game-changing HYLA ACTIVE™ serum in collaboration with leading global R&D laboratories and clinical experts on the biological function and medical use of hyaluronan (Hyaluronic Acid). It features our revolutionary HylaFuse™ Complex, designed to enhance the delivery of biologically active Hyaluronic Acid. So why was this so revolutionary? HylaFuse also encapsulates other active ingredients to deliver them to deeper skin layers. This means your patients get the most out of their skin rejuvenating treatments. Water and active ingredients continue to be released for up to eight hours after application, even when the skin feels dry to the touch. It’s clinically proven to be absorbed 150% more effectively than other forms of Hyaluronic Acid. It creates an intensive hydration sensation. One of the secrets to its effectiveness is the astounding triple molecular structure. The smallest HA molecule (just 10kDA in size) penetrates deep, carrying other active ingredients. AND it can safely be needled topically into skin for effortless meso-infusion. HYLA ACTIVE helps the Dermapen device glide over the skin’s surface, and the needles create microchannels that deliver actives and hydration.

Safe for Infusion

Many face creams claim to boost your natural supply of Hyaluronic Acid. But in contrast to Dp Dermaceuticals, the molecules of these products can be too large to penetrate the skin effectively. HylaFuse moves freely within the skin without 36

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the risk of granuloma or nodule formation. This is how it transports additional biologically active ingredients in HYLA ACTIVE, Zinc and Vitamin Pro-B5. The skin easily absorbs this rejuvenating cocktail to achieve the highest degree of correction and recovery. Combining the right balance of actives with a safe delivery mechanism is at the core of the Dp Dermaceuticals range. HYLA ACTIVE was the first product in what has grown into a full line of skincare explicitly designed to support microneedling and other rejuvenation treatments.

The Next Evolution

A lot has happened in the ten years since. Dp Dermaceuticals HYLA ACTIVE remains a key staple in Dermapen Treatments™ used during the microneedling itself and an essential part of a daily routine that supports results. Dp Dermaceuticals HYLA ACTIVE is also one of the go-to Meso-Glides for at-home microneedling with the Dermapen HOME™ to support clinical results. But we didn’t stop there. Our range has extended to include a full suite of products from cleansers and exfoliants, serums and correctors, all the way through to lush and protective creams and SPF cover. The CLR range offers nourishing hydration with potent anti-acne actives for an effective yet gentle path to clear skin for acne patients.

Synergy of Solutions

DermapenWorld™ products are designed to support and enhance each other. That’s why we call it a synergy of solutions. Beyond the marketleading microneedling pen, Dermapen 4™, our Authorised Treatment Providers get exclusive access to Dermapen Treatment Protocols and the Dp Dermaceuticals skincare range. With this support, they can achieve incredible results for: - Acne - Pigmentation - Ageing or sun-damaged skin - Lines and wrinkles - Rosacea - Enlarged pores - Scars - Stretch marks

Non-negotiable Homecare

The impact Dp Dermaceuticals has extends outside the four walls of your clinic. You can advise patients on maximising and maintaining results with a prescribed daily Dp Dermaceuticals routine. Outstanding results equal happy patients, and that’s good for business.

Introducing the MG-Collection

The next iteration of our clinical mesotherapy solutions has been the MG-Collection featuring MG-35 and MG-35+. These formulas push the boundaries once more of what’s possible with Hyaluronic Acid by having a potent concentration of 35mg/ml x3. MG-CLR has made it possible to microneedling even inflamed acne for quicker results and clearer skin. The wins for your clinic, patients, and the industry keep rolling in, and we’re just getting warmed up.

Offer Patients Breakthrough Results

We’re proud to remain the market leader in the microneedling industry and will never stop pushing the boundaries to help you get the best results for your patients. Don’t let another ten years go by. Find out how you can turn your patients’ skin (and lives) around with the very best microneedling solutions and skincare at

10th Anniversary of the World’s First Meso-Glide™ Celebrating a Decade of Breakthrough Microneedling Results

2012: Release of HYLA ACTIVE™ The World’s first Meso-Glide™, exclusively designed for Dermapen™ Microneedling. It features our revolutionary HylaFuse™ Complex, designed to enhance the delivery of biologically-active Hyaluronic Acid and other rejuvenating actives.


10 Years of Innovation Dp Dermaceuticals™ family grows as part of DermapenWorld’s Synergy of Solutions. • Designed to enhance microneedling procedures

• Tailored products for every step of a daily routine

• Proven effectiveness for a range of skin concerns

• Used in thousands of clinics all around the world

Ready to offer your patients outstanding microneedling results? For more information about Dp Dermaceuticals™, scan the QR code or contact your Authorised DermapenWorld™ Distributor.




EDUCATION BAR HIGH! Established in 2012 with offices in the Australia and UK, SEIR Beauty School is an award-winning beauty academy with fully Nationally Recognised courses and Diplomas. With 10 years of educational excellence, they are a leading academy with exclusive personalised training and world class educators. SEIR is sponsored by Nova FM and has been featured in Spa+Clinic Magazine, Beaute Industrie Magazine, and The Telegraph. They are Educator of the Year Finalists 3-times at the Australian Beauty Industry Awards for 2018, 2019 and 2021, and are also Bronze Winner for Women In Business for the 2021 Stevie International Awards, and Finalist for Excellence in Business at the NSW Business Awards 2021. CEO and founder of SEIR Beauty School, Samantha Elliott is UK-born and built this academy from the ground up whilst pregnant! She now has 2 beautiful babes and knows all about successfully juggling family life and career ambition in the beauty industry, and this has inspired so many of the graduates! As a Celebrity Therapist, International Trainer and Expert consultant, Samantha has looked after Ada Nicodemou, Sandra Sully, Judith Neilson, Sarah Jayne Dunn to name a few and retains passion, knowledge and vast industry experience. “Our team is 100% female led,” says Samantha, “with 6 strong ladies coming together to help make the dreams of MORE ladies come true in the beauty industry! We have always supported the journeys of our students as well as for ladies in our local community.” “We created the Beauty Bravehearts Campaign in 2021 which is a free beauty and hair workshop for ladies dealing with cancer.” This meant a lot to Samantha, in particular as her mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Then more recently, they created the “Love Does Not Hurt’ campaign which aimed to raise money for the Women & Girls Emergency Centre in Redfern. This is an organisation who assists ladies dealing with domestic violence, get the crucial support, housing options, clothing, and counselling services to get back on their feet. For 2 weeks in May from 16th May - 27th 38

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May 2022, SEIR Beauty School offered beauty treatments at our SEIR Aesthetics & Beauty Clinic for new customers for as little as $1 or as much as they wanted to donate. Every dollar went toward the Women and Girls Emergency Centre for their important cause in the prevention of violence against women. “Our Bronze Award for Women in Business at the 2021 Stevie International Awards was so meaningful because we know how hard it is to strive for your dreams as a female - with the added responsibilities of bearing children, raising children, gender prejudice and high domestic violence figures against women to name just a few obstacles. However, we do believe in the unique capabilities and strength of women, and we aim to inspire the young ladies that walk through our doors to be the best that can be and create their own independence and boss mentality. Our graduates have a 98% success rate in gaining employment in the industry and opening their own salons and clinic. This kind of financial autonomy in the current climate is beyond measure and we are extremely proud of the impact we have made with our graduates, and we hope to do so for years to come.” SEIR Beauty School gives you a training experience that is second to none with hands-on training experience that is second to none! Theory, Practical and Assessments all in the one location. Small class sizes for the ultimate 1 on 1 tailored Training. Flexible course dates and times to suit you. Face to Face Training with our Industry Leading Trainers, sharing their wealth of experience for you to succeed. Brush up your skills at anytime with our lifetime guarantee. Competitive Pricing with on going support. “We see ourselves as a support structure, like a cushion to lean on for Beauty professionals in this industry,” says Samantha. “It is our job

to look after you, to help you then do your job, to look after your clients. We are here to nurture and help you grow into achieving your goals and dreams, our goal is to give you the tools and support you need to succeed!”




BEAUTY SECRETS By Charlotte Ravet

Having lived in Australia for eight years and becoming an Australian citizen, I consider myself an Australian makeup artist, and I feel privileged to be a part of this fantastic community. Living in different countries has helped me embrace and learn from each culture, and to develop my knowledge of beauty as an international artist. It is daily for me to be asked about my background and for French beauty tips! I decided to write an article about the French myths of beauty and share some more information about the French philosophy of beauty and fashion.


The French approach to skincare is, before all, to protect the skin and keep a simple routine with a few products: cleanser, toner, serum, and cream. In France, women use skincare brands they can find in a pharmacy that their mothers or grandmothers already used. Natural and clean formulas are used to protect the skin barrier while also protecting it against environmental factors. Natural ingredients have become increasingly popular in recent years. The French use an app called Yuka to scan cosmetic tags. This app provides information and ratings about the ingredients in each product. Home-made recipes are also trendy for creating masks and creams. Aromazone, a store located in Paris that sells all-natural ingredients to create skincare and cosmetic products, has become so popular that there is often a line to get in! The good news is they now deliver to Australia. The online store Frenchbeautyco also provides a selection of the best French beauty brands and has a beauty box option that delivers a selection of products accordingly to the season.


French women love new trends! And this is often how we buy new makeup products. If you live in a city like Paris, fashion is everywhere, and style and makeup are often influenced directly by fashion week. French women do not wear much makeup on the skin. BB or CC cream with a bit of concealer and powder are the usual steps to create the base. The classic French look is a red lipstick with natural complexion and a touch of mascara on the lashes. For going out, 40

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most of French women will create their own makeup. Calling a makeup artist is reserved to special events and wedding. A soft smokey eyes is always on trend for the evening and nails are often short and painted. I have also noticed a difference between the preference for foundations shades, French and European brands will prefer a complexion pink or peach based when in Australia I am using more yellow undertones to enhance a bronzy look. The key to a French makeup look is to give the illusion that it was effortless, even if you spent hours in the bathroom! Even if French love to follow trends for nail polish, lipstick, and eyeshadow colours, it is often applied with subtle touches of colours.


Long layers and natural colours are preferred; French women are not very adventurous when it comes to changing the hair colour. To add a rock’n’roll touch, a long fringe is always in style. Some classic hairstyles you can wear to going out include braids, slick chignons, and high ponytails.


The most popular French designers that you can also find in Australia include the Kooples, Maje and Sandro. I personally love going on eBay to find some pieces at discounted price,

be careful with the sizing that is often small. In Paris you often walk a lot, so it is essential to wear shoes that are comfortable. Back a few years ago, Ugg boots were a trend. I was surprised that it was considered appropriate at home in Australia! Hair accessories and fashion jewellery are also part of the French style. I recently found a French label I love in Australia, Zag jewellery, who creates beautiful and affordable pieces. To conclude a few places to see in Paris for all beauty lovers! Sephora Champs Elysees: A huge and busy store with a selection of the best fragrances and cosmetics brands. Fragonard: A perfume brands with a selection of homewares and accessories at affordable pricing, the perfect place to find a nice present. Maqpro: For professional makeup artists, Maqpro is a family-owned brand that manufacture makeup in France with high quality pigments and selected ingredients. Arlettie: A website where you can subscribe to receive invitation to exclusive sales. Granado: Granado is the oldest Brazilian pharmacy in Paris. I have recently discovered this place and their amazing perfumes. It is located just next door to Laduree rue du four. The perfect place to enjoy a classic macaroon and a hot chocolate after a shopping trip.



Mayerling ADEC Moisturiser 50ml. Easily absorbed moisturiser with multi antioxidant vitamins.

Suitable for normal to dry skin, especially effective for sensitive skins.ADEC Vitamin Facial Moisturiser provides steady, timereleased moisture to help smooth, nourish and retexturise the skin’s appearance, for a flawless, more radiant finish. Contains a full range of antioxidant vitamins A, C, E & D to protect the skin cells against free radicals. ADEC Vitamin Facial Moisturiser can be used on its own or under Day or Night Creams for extra moisture and hydration.

Mayerling Eye Cream 15gm. Effective treatment to firm skin, reduce fine lines, dark circles & puffiness.

Suitable for normal to dry skin, especially effective for sensitive skins.ADEC Vitamin Facial Moisturis


MODELROCK Lashes has just launched their new #GETSNATCHED Lash collection - an inspired collaboration with Makeup Artist & Social Media darling, Krystal K. Always ahead of the trends, MODELROCK x KRYSTAL K #GETSNATCHED lashes have been hand-crafted to ensure each individual lash hair is positioned at a 45-degree angle to the lash band, allowing it to give you the perfect cat eye effect! Girly yet fierce, flirty yet sophisticated, the outer-end lash hairs have an accentuated curl to further lift your eyes up and outwards, leaving you feeling so snatched! The #GETSNATCHED collection is available EXCLUSIVELY through MODELROCK AMR HAIR & BEAUTY

SNATCHED 1.0 - On the shorter side gradually increasing in length, giving you a natural and soft lift to your eyes. SNATCHED 2.0 - Thinner & wispier with a gorgeous outer angle, 2.0 is longer in length to really open your eyes and to snatch your outer ends! SNATCHED 3.0 - Thin & wispy, with a longer length to really open your eyes and snatch your outer ends! SNATCHED 4.0 - A medium to thicker lash, starting off really short on the inner corner with the curl of each lash hair lifting gradually throughout the lash band. SNATCHED 5.0 - More on the thicker side, with lash hairs layered in bundles close together, gradually thickening on the outer ends SNATCHED 6.0 - More on the thicker side, with such a soft curl to the lash hairs to give you that effortless lift to your eyes.

SkinMTX Telomatrix Professional

SkinMTX® TeloMatrix Professional is inspired by the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of telomeres where scientists have found that the ageing process is linked to telomeres, end caps of DNA that protects the chromosomes. Harnessing this key finding. Telomatrix Professional is a 5-step intensive in-clinic treatment that effectively triggers micro-transformations in the skin by targeting telomeres to help rejuvenate and restore skin’s youthful-appearance, helping improve skin firmness, skin density and volume while smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. SkinMTX® TeloMatrix Professional also comes in unique high potency monodose form (2 treatments per pack) for precise on-demand dosing, optimal potency and efficacy with no wastage. Its hermetically-sealed packaging also ensures maximum hygiene and reliability is maintained.



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Bio Renewal Serum - 59 mL. Professional ONLY - All Skin Types Very Superficial Peel | Gentle Exfoliation Activate protein turnover through proteasome stimulation to help maintain the regeneration, proliferation and migration of skin. An advanced peptide formula that helps prevent DNA oxidation and lights environmental aging. 5% Mandelic Acid - 5% Malic Acid - 5% Lactic Acid Signal, Neuro & Copper Peptides - Micro Silver


Age Delay Cream - 49 mL. Step 3 Balance - All Skin Types. Moisturiser | Skin Revitaliser An advanced, biologically active pentapeptide that stimulates the skin. Inspired by nature, backed by science, this innovative peptide mimics the royal jelly from majestic honeybees. Daily use stimulates cell detoxification, delays cellular aging, and boosts skin cell energy for skin that’s left smooth, radiant and glowing. Royal, Signal & Neuro Peptides – Micro Silver

Natural Anti-Aging Oil By Yaffa Zhav

Yaffa CEO, Beauty Legend, and Entrepreneur is a woman of passion has creating her very own Natural Anti-Aging Oil. This powerhouse Anti-Aging Oil penetrates deeper than moisturisers or serums for superior hydration that lasts up to 24 hours and is also CHEMICAL Free. Packed with anti-aging vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids it heals and soothes making it suitable for all skin especially those with sensitive skin. Dermatologists say this combination of minerals and antioxidants makes this oil a superhero in skincare. Why this miracle oil is a MUST have product in your clinic? It’s ideal to use after: Skin Needling, ILP Laser, Microdermabrasion, or Peel Treatments plus: • MADE IN AUSTRALIA • BLEND OF NATURAL INGREDIENTS • UNIVERSAL SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES • PACKED WITH ANTI-AGING INGREDIENTS



Cellular communication is vital to skin health. Optimise cell to cell communication with this lightweight serum. Containing a blend of peptides, botanicals and amino acids, the Cyto-Comm Serum by CIRCADIA® reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves cellular communication and detoxifies the skin.

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Easy-to-use, durable and designed to suit all waxing needs. BeautyPRO Essential 500cc Wax Heater features fast heat-up and removable, non-stick insert for strip and hard wax. No mess, no fuss!


70+ years of Swiss precision. Available in three tip types, Slant, Point and Evolution, Rubis tweezers are the perfect blend of luxury and quality. Cult favourites of the beauty industry.


Quality, precision and control – it’s all here. Tweezerman Slant Tweezer features perfectly aligned tips to grab even the finest of hair every time. Awardwinning precision with calibrated tension.


The lash curler which needs no introduction. Tweezerman Deluxe Eyelash Curler creates an effortlessly intense curl. Sleek, ergonomic design with ultra-smooth opening mechanism. Every lash curled every time.


Calm and soothe with Apraise Cooling Aloe Vera Gel. Ideal for after waxing and tweezing, as well as after eyelash and eyebrow tints, to soothe, restore and nurture skin.


More pigmented, creamier and longer-lasting eyelash and eyebrow tints. Made in Germany, Hairwell are the eyelash and eyebrow tint experts. Non-drip formulas with incredible results lasting 4-6 weeks. For more information: call Dateline Imports on (02) 9666 3611 or visit



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W W W . G A Y W A R D L E . C O M

BLOG spot

What flows from you flows to you! By Julie Cross

As we continue to come through this pandemic, I feel like we are most definitely feeling the ‘aftershocks’… The aftershocks with regards to staffing, which affects customer service and then the fear we have all felt that is impacting the way we are all treating each other. So just like we need to go back to some basics of hygiene and handwashing maybe we need to re visit some other basics, basics that form a foundation of positive human interaction that will influence everybody around us, and most importantly have a profound effect on ourselves and our lives. Because you see what flows from us, flows back to us and whatever we want more of we must give more of. We are hearing a lot of people say things like this, ‘Everyone should just be kinder’ So who is everyone? You see everyone is us, so let’s get it started. And let’s do it in a very aware and conscious way. Let’s take the very basic but powerful gift we can give each other that costs nothing but gives so much and that is the gift of ‘praise’. It seems that as we increase in age we decrease in the praise we both give and are comfortable receiving. I was walking into my sons school one morning just before the start of the day and this young lady, about 6 years old, wandered up the street and started walking in beside me... out of the corner of my eye I could see her very purposefully looking me up and down and then I glanced down at her, a tad amused at her very direct and obvious scrutiny. She then very directly looked at me and very confidently gave me the gift of some praise, she said, “You dress is gorgeous, you look so beautiful!” Now I didn’t throw the compliment back at her, I took it gracefully and gratefully and thanked her for saying so. And of course, it made me smile and feel good. And then I started thinking about the bigger gift in that compliment which is this... When we are five or six we still say exactly what we feel... we feel it in our heart and it just comes straight out of our mouths and we share it with the world and the people in it. However, as adults what often happens is we feel the praise/compliment in our hearts and then it goes straight up to our heads and we analyse it first, that may go something like this... well she looks nice but I am not going to say anything, I mean I don’t even know her and if I say something she might think I am kind of weird or maybe she will think I am coming on to her or something... or... well she looks nice and I wish I had a nice dress like that, in fact I wish I looked half as good as her and I am sure I don’t, and she makes me feel insecure about myself so I am not saying anything to her, she will get enough compliments. Or well they did do good job with that, but last week they messed up that sale and I don’t want them getting to big for their boots, so instead I don’t give them the praise. 48

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Yes, so we say nothing! There is a great gift for others and also for ourselves when we share what is in our heart before we run it through our heads and through the lens of our own insecurities. And we will notice that as we give the gift of praise freely we will invite more of the same into our world and that is how we all can make a difference. I feel so grateful to receive the most beautiful soul filling messages of praise, gratitude and affirmation of my ‘making a difference’ in the world, in my small circle of influence... never underestimate the power of praise. We even see a ‘holding back on it’ on social media like Facebook... Na, I am not ‘liking’ he post, she gets enough likes. I mean we don’t want him to get a big head...really? I had a conversation with my 17 year old son and he expressed that attitude, that they hold back on giving ‘likes’ to people that already had a lot, and instead gave it to the ones that didn’t, it is like we only have a certain amount of ‘likes’, smiles and compliments to give out in a certain day and that the ‘Tall Poppy’ syndrome demands that we give it to the underdog and not the one achieving success, weird huh? When we go deeper we will realise that the only reason we hold back on praise it is saying something about us and our own insecurities so that should be a flag for us to say to ourselves, “What does this say about me?” Life will keep us grounded all on its own with, grief, challenges and struggles, our job is to lift each other up, now not just for the sake of it, I do see a movement towards setting up processes and systems to dish out positive affirmation or ribbons and winning medals, just because, and that is not real, genuine praise. So, I am not talking about giving out praise just for the sake of it and or when it is not deserved or not how you truly feel, often we in fact, do more harm, because the person receiving it will know that it is either not deserved or not true and fair. So especially in your workplaces and within your teams, when somebody has made a difference, or you notice something nice about somebody, please let them know, it just may be the most important message they get that day and sometimes you will never know the difference you made in that person’s life, and don’t underestimate the ripple effect, the power of praise doesn’t just affect the person you have directly given it too but that person will also go on and make a positive impact on the people they affect that day too. I hear people saying all the time that they want to make a difference; well making a difference every day is so much easier than we think, and the world needs it right now more than ever! And remember what flows from you flows back to you, and whatever you want more of you must give more of. Simple!

BLOG spot How Do You See Yourself as a Person? By Elle Wilson

Do you see yourself as believable, trustworthy or, better still, authoritative?

industry and for the women and men who seek out our services are needed more than ever.

As an entrepreneur, are you always selling yourself?

More often than not, authenticity is not developmental. We have to sift through the inner dialogue that has plagued our minds for decades. Face it and what it’s telling you and decide what is real and true.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOU? You may think you’re selling products and services, yet this isn’t quite true. People do not buy from you because of what you’re selling, regardless of your skills and knowledge. People are actually buying from you because they trust you. Your clients know you as the professional that solves their beauty problems. What makes them trust you is the impactful solutions you come up with to achieve this. Believability earns you trust. Trust is earned. Authenticity is your fastest path. So it makes sense that as an entrepreneur, the way you perceive yourself matters. It is the root system of any strong and powerful business. You are the root system. As an industry, we have been through so much. As a result, we are not the same. If we continue with surface conversations, it would be like sticking our head in the sand. I’m not in any way suggesting that surface conversations have no value. However, the state of the beauty industry right now does not favor the faint-hearted. It’s no longer about “doing” but rather what we are “being.” I challenge you to try to fake authenticity at a time like this and see how you go. Most importantly, see how you feel. “Ew, David,” as Alexis from Schitt’s Creek would say, am I right? The key word AUTHENTICITY.





We have all been dragged through some very uncertain and uncomfortable conditions. Those who are not afraid to take a real stand for our

Unexamined inner dialogue is like believing something just because someone shared it with you. Inner dialogue left unexamined separates you from being your authentic self. Your authentic self has purpose, clarity and lives for the extension of kindness and contribution. Authenticity flows and reaches as it extends outwardly into your world. It is like a fresh breath of air and your ideal clients will respond directly to it. Some people in business spend their entire careers trying to influence and convince the marketplace of their worth. It’s exhausting and unfulfilling. More often than not, they don’t believe in themselves to start with. They haven’t yet begun the path towards authenticity. Authenticity is like a magnet for loyal, fabulous clients who are seeking a trustworthy beauty advisor. Your inner dialogue which churns and churns day-in and day-out is not YOU. I know it sounds crazy, but so does believing that you do not have access to the most beautiful potential imaginable or believing you don’t have goodness and value to share. Living from our inner dialogue is like the movie “Groundhog Day.” Watch it, you’ll know exactly what I mean. I’m not suggesting for a minute that you need to change or fix your inner dialogue. I’m so glad I didn’t leave this out because there are billions of personal development junkies out there that will churn up their entire lives hoping one day to become a good person, a successful person. It’s a big waste of a life. There is a far simpler way.

If there’s one thing you take from this article, I hope it’s this: STOP TRYING TO FIX YOURSELF. There is nothing wrong with you. You are the most beautiful potential imaginable. You have so much goodness and value to share. Repeat this mantra over and over. Why? Because it is 100% true. There is nothing wrong with you, nothing that needs fixing. Here is where you begin to develop your authenticity. As your inner dialogue churns, observe it. With a kind and open heart, stop believing it. Instead, realize your heart is filled with goodness and let that goodness reveal itself and take over your mind. Beneath your inner dialogue is unlimited beauty, potential and love. Imagine the decision you will make as you listen deeply and access your potential that is quiet, clear and impactful. Imagine your pricing, your training choices, the mentors you will choose. Your destiny will change. Most importantly, your heart will lead and you will be deeply committed to your clients -- no fads, trends, shortcuts for your success. You will lead with authority and authenticity. What will that look like? An abundance of high quality clients, a decrease in client attrition, an increase in referrals, fulfillment and profits. A beautiful life ensues… and it goes on. You will be a trustworthy beauty authority and you will deeply know this. That confidence will impact your whole life, not just your business. The time has come for a whole new type of industry professional. One who reclaims their industry with their simple clarity.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3


BLOG spot Lazy Green Actions Don’t Wash with Consumers By Paul Frasca Greenwashing is a serious problem facing many B2C businesses. It can be tempting to oversell just how sustainable your business is, but don’t fall into the trap! Your consumers won’t thank you for it and you’ll lose credibility. Instead, take the time to investigate what sustainable practices will work best for your business and make real, lasting change. We’ve all seen it, we’ve all fallen for it, and we’ve all sniffed it out. Greenwashing. The dubious practice of misleading customers and clients about a business’ sustainable practices. At best, it’s done out of naivety and a lack of understanding of the complexity of sustainability. At worst, it’s an outright lie. If you’re not entirely sure what I’m talking about, here’s an example: John owns a beauty salon. He has a sign out the front of his business proclaiming that his salon is eco-friendly. This gets people who want to spend their money somewhere that aligns with their values through the door. There are certain assumptions made about what it means to be eco-friendly. The reality? John throws all his empty bottles into the curb side recycling without checking whether his local council actually recycle them. Not very eco-friendly after all, is it? This is greenwashing 101. It’s a fundamental mismatch between the expectations the customer has based on the marketing they’ve seen, and the actions of the business. In this example, John understands that his customers want to spend their money at a ‘green’ business, but he doesn’t want to invest in genuinely sustainable practices. It’s not technically a lie, but it’s pretty far from what his customers assume he is doing to help the environment and his community. Unfortunately, buzzwords like ‘green’, ‘natural’, and ‘organic’ are not helping this situation. Who defines these words? What do they really mean? While they’re open to interpretation, they are vulnerable to becoming part of greenwashing campaigns. There are two types of businesses that engage in greenwashing. Those, like John in the example above, who knowingly mislead customers about their business practices, and those who actually do make environmentally conscious changes to their business practices but don’t want to spend time and effort researching how to do so effectively. do so with as loweffort as possible. Neither is truly acceptable, especially when there are easy, cost-effective ways to make a business more sustainable. Of course, that’s not to say that there aren’t many businesses doing the right thing. There are, and we’re fortunate enough here at Sustainable Salons to have them in our program and see the difference they’re making. You’ll likely have seen plenty of greenwashing in the lead up to Earth Day in April. As Earth Day approached, we saw brands spruik their ecocredentials to no end, and unfortunately, a lot of it is greenwashing. So many brands brought out ‘sustainable’ or ‘recycled’ options into an already oversaturated market. The truth (which many brands don’t like to hear) is 50

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that sometimes the most sustainable thing to do is adopt a ‘less is more’ ethos. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you need to offer sustainable services on top of your existing services. All that’s needed is for businesses to start transitioning the services and products they already offer over into greener options. The world doesn’t need another sustainable skincare line. It needs existing skincare brands to commit to sustainability and work towards ambitious goals to minimise waste. The truth is that there is no one-stop solution that will make your salon eco-friendly overnight. It takes time, research, and dedication to become a truly Sustainable Salon. Find suppliers that align with the values you’re moving towards, join a program like Sustainable Salons and eliminate waste wherever possible and you’ll be on your way. As service providers, we’re primed to give our customers and clients want they want, but this shouldn’t come at the expense of our integrity. Greenwashing will leave you feeling icky, and it’s a significant reputational risk. Your customers weren’t born yesterday, and they can and will work it out when eco-marketing doesn’t match up with the reality they see instore. Instead, show up for the planet and think about how your business can become more sustainable. Becoming a Sustainable Salon is a good start, and once you’ve got the sustainability bug you won’t be able to go back. It’s like putting on x-ray glasses and suddenly seeing all the wasteful practices and unsustainable actions taking place around you. You’ll want to change for the better and live the values your customers expect from you. And if you’re reading this as a customer, be aware of what kind of messaging is around you. Double-check what businesses are really doing behind the scenes if you feel their marketing doesn’t pass the sniff test. When you do see greenwashing, remember that it may not be intentional. You, too, have a role in educating and changing the face of consumerism for the better. Keen to join the movement? Scan the QR Code



BECOMING BIGGER THAN YOUR PROBLEMS By Angeli Marie Shaw For most of us, the problems we encounter day to day can seem huge, daunting, unsolvable, even frightening. We create drama around the challenges we face and start making mountains out of molehills. Unconsciously, we are giving power to our external world of persons and events, but this hardly grows us on our journey to becoming stronger and wiser. Have you ever found yourself sizing up a problem, then trying to come up with a solution just as BIG as that problem? That there is the issue. We need to come up with solutions BIGGER than the problem! When it comes to problems, I like to think of myself as a pioneer, not just a fixer. By this I mean not just trying to solve the issue at hand, but work out how I can use it to generate more of what I’m after down the road. This could be success, happiness, even just some peace of mind. I want to find solutions that don’t just fix the issue and return things to what they were, but keep the ball rolling so I can continue to grow and evolve, basically, I’m not just content with making up for lost ground, I want progress! I want to grow! We have all been given the beautiful gift of creativity and this allows us to dream, imagine and design. To have the opportunity to implement amazing future realities for ourselves is most often inspired by our challenges. Like with so many things, it’s easier said than done, so let me share with you some starting points on how you too can progress and become bigger than the problems you have 1. Let’s start off with a simple one, THINK BIGGER. Depending on the problem you may find yourself intimidated by the situation and you can only think in terms of fixing. Think in terms of growing! Don’t let the size of your problem dictate how big you think. 2. Remove the head chatter. And by this, I mean overthinking. If you find your head full of unwanted thoughts, storytelling, and assumptions, get it out and write it down! I find it helpful to just free write, and by this I mean whatever thought comes into your mind at that moment, write it down, even if it doesn’t make sense. Now it may be tempting to read over once you’ve emptied your head out but in this case DON’T. Once you’ve finished writing, get rid of it and throw it out! 52

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3. This one may be a tough pill to swallow, but guess what? Panic, self-pity, complaining and drama are totally OPTIONAL! It’s the challenges and problems that arise in life that are inevitable; change your perspective! If you think your problems are devastating, they will be and if you think they are solvable, THEY WILL BE. 4. Don’t confuse a growth mindset with toxic positivity. Sure, you can tell yourself ‘stay positive’ but without the all-important explanation and strategies on how to achieve this, it’s just a phrase. Growth mindset is more than just telling yourself a few positive words. It’s a mental shift away from a defeatist perspective and holding the belief that your own basic abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. And if you do find yourself unable to rise above your problem and saying things like ‘I can’t do this’, realise you’re missing a word, you can’t do this ‘YET’! 5. Shift your perspective. Challenging situations and problems can affect our perspective. For example, ever had one of those days where first thing in the morning you wake up to a text, let’s say a staff member calls in sick, and immediately you feel under the pump. You go to get dressed and the jeans you’re planning on wearing are dirty. You’re annoyed. You get to the salon and go to make a coffee only to realise the milk is out of date, and then your first client walks in with a latte, grrrrr! Apparently, it seems your entire day has gone in the wrong direction. However, the issue isn’t that your day has gone wrong, instead, it’s your perspective. From the moment you got that text, you put a negative twist on everything. You knew your jeans needed washing and you knew the salon was out of milk. And that client walking in with a latte probably tipped you over the edge. Breathe! Don’t let your energy go to waste on small matters; you’ll be drained before you

even begin to figure out how to overcome your challenges 6. And now for an obvious one, figure out the SOLUTION! There’s a solution to every problem, but if you can’t find a solution, was it really a problem in the first place? If there really is no solution to what is challenging you, then it’s likely what you’re faced with is a REALITY, that is to say, life. And those perceived ‘problems’ can only be solved through acceptance. If there is a solution, by simply thinking of ways to solve your problem means you’re on the right track. If you want to overcome an issue, you can, so focus on what you can do and keep it realistic. Take on ‘bigger picture’ thinking and those minor challenges along the way won’t seem so prevalent. Think of a beautiful, serene landscape. There’s a glowing sunset with fluffy clouds, natural beauty, and a gentle warm breeze. If you know the final destination is worth it, you won’t mind walking that narrow and bumpy path to get to it. Problems, setbacks, and challenges ARE part of life. You’re not being singled out, it’s a normal part of life, like it or not. And what happens if you treat problems as a normal part of life? You’ll realise that being solution-minded is normal too! Overcome your challenges in a balanced way without letting it affect the healthy parts of your life and remember, no obstacle can stop you from living your life to the fullest, even the biggest problems; BE BIGGER! You’ve got this! Love & Bliss, Angeli xxoo Angeli is a Holistic Empowerment Coach, Mindset Mentor and founder of The Bliss Coach. To work with me in 2022, get in touch by visiting or follow us on our socials @theblisscoach to find out more.











natural, greenery with a beachy feel. COLOUR PALETTE

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GET THE LOOK FROM COMFORTEL 1.LARA WHITE Reclining Salon Chair 2.CIRCA LED Salon Mirror 3.QUATTRO II Treatment Table 4.SOLA Magazine Rack 5.SALON STOOL SAGE GREEN 6.INGRID II Beauty Trolley





In a 2017 the Green barometer survey saw 75% of millennials say purchasing green beauty products is important to them. Since then we’ve seen hundreds of small and large beauty brands jump on the green bandwagon to capture the hearts (and wallets) of consumers industry demanding more sustainable beauty products. But how many of these beauty brands claiming to be ‘ethical’ and ‘sustainable’ actually are? Simply scroll through the bios of many beauty brands on Instagram and you will see them littered with phrases like “Eco-friendly” “Vegan” Cruelty free” “Sustainable” Recyclable” “Natural” amongst a range of other catchy alternatives. Brands know that customers are loyal to their favourite brands and getting them to switch is hard without a solid reason to - cue the start of the clean, sustainable and ethical beauty phenomenon. The problem with this is that while most brands are genuinely trying to do the right thing; there are a number of brands out there that haven’t done the proper research, received the proper certifications or even worse are knowingly deceptive. For brands that do want to jump on the “green bandwagon” for the right reasons; it’s important they invest time and money into ensuring the labels they use are accurate. If not, they risk huge brand damage and a long term loss of trust from their customers. Back in 2013 a number of beauty brands were exposed for claiming to not have tested on animals however their products were sold in mainland China which required testing of cosmetics on animals by law (this law was partially amended in 2019). Now we’re seeing some brands use tiny loopholes to make believe they are “cruelty free” or just don’t have the knowledge or experience to know what it takes to claim an ethical or sustainable status. Here are a few examples I’ve observed that should be avoided if you really want to do sustainable beauty authentically: 1. Faking certifications - this includes using visual cues like a bunny icon when claiming to be ‘cruelty free’ without acquiring the official certification. 2. Using words like ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ which naturally consumers think means products and/ 54

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or ingredients are certified organic but are not. 3. Claiming bottles are made from recycled products however they are only partially recycled e.g. 10% made from recycled goods. 4. Changing words around - some good examples of this include saying ‘a product is not tested on animals’ however the ingredients were. 5. Made local - the product is often put together or packaged locally but the ingredients are sourced offshore. 6. Vegan - some products may be claimed as being vegan but may have additives or other ingredients used to stabilise them that means they are not entirely vegan. 7. Sustainably sourced - this is a hard one as people may think they know their full supply chain but it is important they know end to end where it has been travelled and the labour, resources, transport and wastage that has gone into the products full development and delivery. 8. Waterless - is often water responsible but not entirely waterless given the farming and sourcing of core products, the supply chain and more. So what is the path forward if you think you might be making a few mistakes. Well for starters it begins with the owners and founders having a sustainable and ethical mindset and committing to transparency and authenticity in their business and brand values. These should be shared and reflected with staff and be a part of the hiring and training process. Then it’s about ensuring the whole product development and supply chain is assessed (a Life Cycle Assessment or LCA); this may mean hiring outside assessors and contractors to help assess key areas. Things that businesses should be thinking about include can their entire production process be carbon neutral using offset tools and calculators. Asking questions of your suppliers and your suppliers’ suppliers. Many people are afraid to just ask given some manufacturers are so difficult to acquire and hold onto and don’t want to tarnish the relationship. The best way to ask is to be frank about how and why you want to know and that you want your customers to have complete trust in you and your manufacturers. Going through the BCorp assessment pre certification even just to see your current rating can be an eye opening exercise to help move you in the right direction. When it comes to packaging and shipping

consider everything you can even down to the labels. Some brands are now taking advantage of refill options as an alternative to simply having recycled packaging. Also asking what the % of contents in your packaging purposes are recycled. Look at your shipping providers; are they carbon neutral or do they allow you to offset the carbon. Even better can you source locally to reduce the total impact of travel. Then it comes down to your communication practices with customers; be transparent about changes or findings you have and how you’re working to address them. Don’t use catchy words or language until you have proper certifications or have completed the work on analysis your supply chain end to end. You also have the opportunity to educate your customers about how they too can recycle or do better when they buy from you like rinsing out the containers; knowing what types of containers or packaging can be recycled and where (for example soft plastics often can not be recycled in domestic waste but can be recycled at a special facility), turning the tap off while they are washing their face and even using special brush cleaners instead of using tens of litres of tap water trying to clean them. Lastly you should be choosing responsible partners and influencers to promote your brand. Choosing an ethical beauty influencer is going to increase the trust that you are committed to ethical and sustainable practices rather than partnering with others who simply have a big following but probably waste their products and couldn’t care less about recycling or sustainability. Using social impact led creators from purpose built ethical platforms like unitely can help you pair with diverse and ethical creators ensuring you are fully committed across your supply chain and marketing funnel in being committed to ethical suppliers. The time for a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices is here. Beauty is a $532bn industry that contributes 120 billion units of mostly non recyclable packaging waste per year plus huge CO2 emissions associated with the shipping of products - the time is now for brands and business owners to not just “jump on the bandwagon” but to systematically create real change. Your brand is no longer solely about the products you create or the service you provide but the causes you stand for and the legacy you will leave.







Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

I remember the second phone call like it was yesterday, and it was some ten or more years ago. I was in the supermarket choosing apples that were small enough to go in the kid’s lunch boxes. I saw the number on my screen, it was one of my senior team members. I thought, perfect I’m going to tell her that I had spoken to the other team member, the one she wasn’t getting along with, and let her know she would be pleased to know she had resigned. I answered the call wanting to share the good news, but after just a word I knew something was up. She began “The reason for my call is to tell you I am handing in my resignation” ……. silence from my end. I was stunned, not to mention immediately filled with emotion, anger, frustration, but mostly I felt embarrassed. WTF!! This is shit, fair dinkum there is no pleasing some of them! I hang up the phone and headed out of the store without the apples. I couldn’t think straight. That was two out of my four seniors gone, in less than 24 hours. I felt like giving up. I replayed what I said, what she said, over and over in my head. All I could think of was “how selfish they were, only thinking of themselves”, every time I thought about it the worse my thinking got. My first thought was “This is shit, who signed me up for this? I f*#cking hate that they get to walk off into the sunset and I can’t!” I am not sure if you have ever felt like the world is out to get you. Serious on ruining your plans, well that was me right then in that moment. When I eventually calmed down because that’s what you do after you blow a gasket like I did. I rang my business coach to share my “just how shit my life is right now” to share my shit news. Knowing what I know now, I was not surprised at his response. He did not see it like I did and he didn’t think it was the end of the world. He agreed that things needed to change and that it was going to come to a head at some point. Losing two at once was a bit inconvenient, however he reminded me that there is a message to be learnt here, if we can find it sooner rather than later, we should avoid a repeat. At the time I thought he was a bit too calm, I thought he could have used at least 14 swear words like I did. Instead, he said well “It’s one of the joys of being the owner of a business” Yes yes yes. He let me “empty my cup” a term we use in coaching that we refer to as having your say, letting it all out. Emptying your cup is necessary. If you don’t let the person who is frustrated do this, they can’t take on any of the education you need then to. The person has to move past it and accept the situation they find themselves in before they can even think about a solution. It’s exactly like a cup. If the cup is full, it can’t take on anymore, we are the same if we are full with emotion, frustration, anger whatever emotion you are experiencing, just like the cup we cannot take on or process any more, we need to empty first, hence the reference. Tipping half of the cups contents out first makes room for the new information. Our

heads are the same. “It needed to happen, they needed to move on’, was the first thing he said. I thought he can’t have heard me, why would me losing two seniors that were good earners a good thing? My thoughts were all very short-term things like “who will look after the clients?” I don’t want to go back to working 40 hours a week. We went on to unpack what had happened. The conversation went in many directions however the conclusion was, neither of them liked the changes I was implementing. The rebuilding of the salons culture and values really didn’t interest them. They didn’t want to look at their behaviours, they wanted things to stay as they were. They didn’t want to learn the numbers, to be accountable to the new transparent way I was restructuring the business. In simple terms they were fighting for their right to keep things exactly the way they were. Me introducing new ways for everyone on the team to be accountable was not what they signed up for or wanted. Although both girls were in their late twenties, they were in my words “old dogs” not the least bit interested in learning any new tricks. Looking back now he was right. Neither of them loved what they did for a living. They did it because they were basically too lazy to find another way to earn a living. Hairdressing was what they always did. They had been getting away with doing the bare minimum and that was all about to change. They didn’t want to do any extra training. They didn’t want to go to any functions outside of working hours. They didn’t see why they had to learn to recommend retail to their clients, in simple terms they were fighting for their right to stay the same. They didn’t want to change, improve or grow. They wanted to deliver the same lack lustre service that had always been delivering. My coach pointed out to me that if I was honest with myself, I could see that too. He was right, I knew that, but I was quietly shitting myself. I was already holding up a mirror to everything I was doing, and it wasn’t easy. It was the best thing I ever did even though at the time it certainly didn’t feel that way. I was outside my comfort zone by ten Kilometres. I wondered if it was going to work out. My coach reminded me that the “Mess” is where the message is. I was settling for less from both girls, I didn’t tolerate it from the juniors the ones I hired without any skill and was training from

scratch. What I expected from them was very different. For some reason the fully qualified team members got a different version of me. It was as though I was always trying to keep the peace. Turning a blind eye to some of the things I witnessed. Punctuality for one, if they were a few minutes late I didn’t say anything yet if the juniors were late, I was right there wanting to know why and making it crystal clear that it wasn’t good enough. I wonder if you are like I was and hold back from saying what’s necessary for fear they won’t like what you have to say? I didn’t want to upset them, I didn’t need the drama, I liked the peace that came from looking the other way. I was a peace maker doing my best to keep the peace. Here’s the thing with peace makers, they don’t ever get peace because it is impossible to keep the peace, eventually it will come crashing down, I had firsthand proof of that. Without me knowing I thought of my seniors differently. I thought I was lucky to have them, I was more concerned about if they are leaving. How I would struggle to replace them. This inside thinking had me tip toeing around things that mattered to me. This fear of speaking my truth was what was holding me back. It was not in the best interest of my clients or my business growth. I was operating out of fear, not joy. The holding back was because I didn’t want to make a mess, a mess that I would be responsible for and that I would be the one picking up the pieces. The message became very clear to me. I wasn’t being a leader, not in the slightest, I was just one of them, the difference was I got to pay the bills I got to do the worrying I got to do the shitty jobs and do them on repeat. This was a pivotal day for me because it was the day, I realised that you get the team you deserve. I wasn’t thinking about the clients I wasn’t thinking about the other team members I was only thinking about myself and only short term. Short term I was keeping the peace but long term I wasn’t moving forward I was taking one step forward and one step back. My old way of thinking would have employed yet another senior that lacked lustre and the pattern would have continued. My learning that day was to question “why” to ask myself why is this happening? What is the message in this mess. I believe the universe will keep throwing the lesson at you until you get it. The massage is in the MESS every single time. Guaranteed.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3




EOFY TAX TIPS FOR HAIR AND BEAUTY By Mark Chapman, Director of Tax Communications for H&R Block Australia.

Nobody wants to pay more tax that they have to and the key to minimising your taxes is to ensure that you claim all the tax deductions you’re entitled to. If you’re a hairdresser, there’s a long list of potential tax claims that might apply to you. Not all of them will apply to everyone but it will pay to spend a bit of time running your eyes down this list to see which of them apply to you. THE GOLDEN RULES OF TAX DEDUCTIONS If you want to make a claim for work-related expenses, you need to follow the three golden rules: • The expense must relate to your work • You mustn’t have been reimbursed by your employer • You must be able to prove that you spent the money. That means that you must keep receipts, invoices, or statements to demonstrate that you actually incurred the expense. H&R Block’s tip is to keep electronic copies of all documentation relating to expenses. Paper receipts get lost or fade, so keeping everything together on your phone or computer will save time and effort when you come to complete next year’s tax return.


There’s a reason why nearly 74% of people use a tax agent to help them do their taxes. Tax is complicated and stressful and if you do it yourself, you’re likely to make a mistake. You might claim something you weren’t entitled to and find yourself audited by the ATO or you might miss out on a deduction you could have claimed but didn’t realise was available to you; the result is a lower refund than you could have got. Using a tax agent like H&R Block takes away the stress and opens up a whole world of expertise to guide you through the process, so you can be sure you’re claiming everything you’re entitled to. You wouldn’t generally choose to treat a medical condition yourself; you’d see a doctor so why should tax be different? Get expert advice and the fee will generally be more than covered by the bigger refund, and the peace of mind.


If you use your car as part of your work, for instance to travel to clients, between jobs, to expos or to collect supplies, you can claim the costs of your work-related journeys. If you use your own car, either claim 72 cents per kilometre up to a maximum 5,000 kms or keep 58

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a logbook and claim your actual expenses. You can also claim for parking, tolls, and public transport if you don’t use your car. You can’t claim the costs of traveling to and from work (the daily commute) though you might be able to make a claim if you’re required to transport bulky equipment, which you can’t safely store at work (TIP: the ATO checks such claims closely so make sure you can prove your claim).


You can claim the cost of buying tools and equipment that you use in your job or business. If the item costs $300 or less, you can claim it straight away and if the cost is more than $300, the cost is depreciated over several years. If you’re in business on your own account, rather than being employed by someone else, you can immediately write off all items of equipment whatever the cost. This could include makeup brushes and applicators, waxing kits, mobile phones, laptops and bags or briefcases. You can also claim the cost of insuring workrelated equipment.


You can claim the cost of any work-related courses that you undertake, provided that they relate directly to your current role and aren’t intended to boost your skills into a promotion or another role entirely. That could include courses on makeup techniques, massage, and nails. It could also include management training if you supervise staff. Courses run by a university or TAFE such as Cert IV in Beauty Therapy or Diploma in Salon Management could also be relevant. In addition to the cost of the course, you can claim travel costs to and from the course, accommodation, and meals if you’re required to sleep away from home, books, stationery, and depreciation on computer equipment used in your study.


If you’re required to wear a uniform at your workplace, the cost of purchasing the uniform is claimable and you can also claim for the cost of cleaning the uniform. Conventional clothing doesn’t count as a uniform so ideally any garment you claim for should have the business logo on it. You can also claim for protective items such as gloves, aprons, hats or hair nets, goggles, and non-slip shoes.


If you are in an occupation that requires physical contact or proximity with customers or clients during the COVID-19 period, like the beauty industry, you can claim a deduction for items such as: • Gloves • Face masks • Sanitiser • Antibacterial spray. In relation to COVID-19 tests, the government has announced that it’s making COVID-19 tests tax-deductible for Australian individuals when they are purchased for work-related purposes from 1 July 2021. However, the cost of the tests may already be tax deductible. Under the existing general deduction provisions, an individual may qualify for a tax deduction for the cost of a COVID-19 test (either PCR or RAT) where they are taken for work-related purposes, e.g., where there is a mandatory requirement under your employer’s COVID-19 policy. A COVID-19 test may also be required by certain countries and states in order for an employee to enter that territory or return to their home state. This too is tax deductible where the test is required for a work-related trip. RAT kits purchased by individuals for private purposes (e.g., personal travel, convenience, no access to PCR testing) will not be tax deductible, either under existing law or under the government’s proposals. If you incur transport expenses to get to and from the site of a COVID-19 PCR test (or expenses in traveling to the chemist or supermarket to acquire an RAT), these will not be tax deductible as they are regarded as private expenses, even if the test is a condition of your employment.


As a result of COVID-19, you have probably had to relocate your working activity from business premises to your home. If so, you can claim a rate of 80 cents per work hour, so you will need to keep a record of the number of hours you have worked from home as a result of COVID-19. This will apply until at least 30 June 2022. If you use the 80 cents per hour method, you can make no other claims in relation to working from home. So, items like mobile phone and internet usage are included in the 80-cent rate. The alternative rate of 52 cents per hour may be more appropriate. This doesn’t include phone costs, home internet or the cost of writing off home IT equipment so when you

make separate claims for those expenses, you may find that your total claim is higher. Your tax agent will be able to advise on which method produces the best results. If you run you own business from home, you can also claim occupancy expenses. These include the work-related portions of expenses such as mortgage interest (if you’re a homeowner) and rent (if you’re a tenant), as well as rates and home insurance. Remember, if you own your home and claim expenses such as these, you’ll lose the Capital Gain Tax main residence exemption on the same proportion of your home that you’ve claimed expenses for.


Don’t forget to claim these costs if they are relevant to you: • Claim for professional subscriptions, whether to a professional body or to a trade union. • The cost of work-related magazines and journals • The cost of work-related books (for instance, books focussing on styling, colour, beauty, or management) • If you’re required to work overtime, you can claim for the cost of buying meals provided you have been paid an allowance by your employer. • Agency costs: if you get your work through an agency, the cost is claimable. • The cost of using a tax agent is itself tax deductible, including costs incurred in travelling to see the tax agent. • If you use your mobile phone for work purposes, you can claim a proportion of both the cost of the phone and the monthly bill, to the extent that the costs relate to work or business. • If you attend exhibitions, competitions or other events in a professional capacity, the costs are claimable. • Claim for conference expenses. As well as the cost of the conference itself, that can also include travel, meals, and accommodation costs – even where the conference is overseas, though you might need to apportion the costs (and disallow the private bit) if you spent some downtime on the beach afterwards! • You can claim a deduction for charitable donations provided the amount is $2 or more and you have a receipt. Head to to book a consultation with your local agent; they can identify exactly what you need to do, and claim, to get into shape for the 2022 tax season and maximise your deductions. Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3






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COVID has changed the commercial leasing landscape for Tenants as well as Landlords. No one could have predicted the financial impact of the pandemic and the resultant pressures on Tenants and Landlords alike. So, what are some of the initiatives that are helping Tenants and Landlords to work together on the path to recovery and get back to business as usual? A TENANTS STORY OF HOW SHE WORKED WITH THE LANDLORD TO BUILD A BUSINESS RECOVERY PLAN Prior to COVID Michelle is the owner of a hairdressing and beauty salon located on the Gold Coast. She is a confident business owner who has organically grown her business over the past 15 years. Starting with one tenancy and expanding into the adjacent tenancy when it became available. Michelle invests in all areas of marketing to drive traffic to her salon and as a result, the other retailers in the complex also benefit from the foot traffic that she drives. Michelle is highly regarded in her industry and has always been a good tenant, paying her rent on time and never needing to ask the Landlord for assistance. Pre-COVID Rent and Sales Prior to COVID, Michelle was paying $62,000 rent per year, which represented approximately 15% of her annual revenue which is in the “acceptable” band for occupancy costs for her industry. She was excited about the future of the business and had every intention of renewing her lease when it expired in October 2022. COVID Hits in March 2020 In late March 2020, the federal government mandated that all hair and beauty businesses needed to close. We all have our own memories of that week and Michelle was no different. A single Mum to a young daughter and a small business owner with the responsibility of putting food on the table. She was devastated, scared, and had no idea how she was going to be able to stay in business and look after her family. Revenue Shock Prior to COVID Michelle’s average monthly income was approximately $40,000. Revenue for April 2020 was $0, and May was $9,000, some 22% of her regular monthly income and the following months didn’t perform much better. What did this mean? How long was she going to be closed for? What would happen to her staff? How would she pay her rent? Business Reopens with Substantial Limitations As the very strict restrictions on business were gradually relaxed, this meant that Michelle could reopen her business. However, her ability to generate revenue was significantly reduced to approximately 50% and her PPE and related costs increased as a result of

time required to sterilise equipment, sanitise work areas and of course the closing of every second seat to meet square metre rules. The Challenge - Income Reduced by 50%. What about the Rent? With the onerous restrictions now in place, if Michelle was to pay full rent whilst only turning over half of her pre-COVID income, her occupancy costs would skyrocket to 30%+, which left the business in an unprofitable position and the only option would be to close the salon. A Chance Beauty Appointment with a Retail Leasing Expert It seemed to Michelle that she had no way out. As luck would have it, she had a coincidental beauty appointment with Kelly, who turned out to be a Tenant Representative who specialises in negotiating lease renewals and new leases on behalf of Tenants. Through a casual conversation and a few tears, Michelle confided her dilemma to Kelly. Kelly had already looked after a number of Tenants in similar positions to Michelle and had a pretty good idea of what needed to be done to keep the business viable. A Conversation with the Landlord… Kelly stepped in to communicate and negotiate on behalf of Michelle. The Landlord was grateful for the feedback on the National Code of Conduct and was very interested in doing what he could to help, as he knew that if Michelle had to close the business, the tenancy may sit vacant for months. Rent Reduced to Reflect the Reduced Percentage of Sales Using the National Code of Conduct as a base to work from, Kelly was able to agree an outcome on behalf of Michelle and come up with the following revised arrangement with the Landlord. • Rent payable was calculated based the monthly difference in sales prior to COVID. So, if revenue was down by 50% for a particular month compared to the same month prior to COVID, the rent would also be reduced by 50%. As revenue gets back to normal, the rent returns to normal as well. • The enforced rent relief ordered for Queensland was only available for a few months, but the Landlord agreed to extend the relief for a further two years past this date, up until the lease expiry date, to give Michelle the best possible chance of surviving. • No deferred rent liability would apply. Under the code, any rent waived by the

Landlord would be shared 50% with the Tenant, who then had to pay it off over 24 months on top of their normal rent. Michelle didn’t need to worry about this. • At the point of negotiating this arrangement, it was hoped that sales would return to normal within a few months. It is now April 2022 and sales are still between 30 – 40% down on 2019 / 2020, due to a number of factors outside of Michelle’s control, but stemming from COVID. What’s in it for the Landlord? The Landlord was aware that failure to reach an agreement with Michelle would have most likely resulted in the business needing to close. Michelle would walk away from her security deposit and lose her livelihood, her only source of income, as a single parent. However, the Landlord would then have a vacancy for several months, would need to cover the holding costs, potentially drop the rent substantially to attract another good quality tenant, provide a rent-free period, would probably need to pay for the fit out, all before he actually started to see any rent coming in. From April 2020 to February 2022, the Landlord has received circa $80K in rent, when under the Lease he would have received around $130K, so $50K less than he would have under Michelle’s normal lease. The Landlord will continue to see growth over time as income returns to normal operating levels, as opposed to not receiving any rent for a long time. The Wrap Up… The Landlord keeps his prime Tenant, received reduced rent for a period until business returns back to normal, saves the expensive costs of securing a new tenant and keeps his other Tenants happy at the same time. Michelle gets to keep her business and some income for herself. She has a runway to build her business back to where it was pre-COVID and return to paying full rent as her revenue returns to normal. Your Leasing Co. specialises in being a Tenant Representative and negotiating with Landlords, so if you have any questions about how to achieve the best outcome and what a runway for you might look like, you can call Kelly Cunningham for a free, no obligation conversation on 0419 001 093.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3




As this current financial year comes to an end, and we enter a new financial year! There is always questions in the back of our minds, right? How can I do better this year around? How can I pay less tax? What do I need to do differently? I don’t understand how I can reduce my taxes? What can I do so my salon will generate more revenue? I want to achieve xyz, but I have no idea how? I know we all work hard all year, but I cannot really see the results WHY!!? Let’s first start by saying that. You are perfectly normal, and all these thoughts are not original so you are not alone. Almost 99.9% of business owners have these thoughts or have had these thoughts! Just be ok with being human and going through the thoughts and cycles of a Business owner. Even if you have a 7 figure Salon but are wanting to break through to multiple 7 figures or you are a Home-based Salon looking to expand and get a bigger Salon, this is for you! Tip: We must first be ok with failure. We must first forgive ourselves for what we have not achieved. We first must take a minute and be aware of what we have achieved! As they say, “Stop to smell the roses, but then keep going” well the first part they say, I


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added the second part just now (I think it will stick too)! I have reached many a financial year ends in my career as an Entrepreneur in the Australian Beauty Industry, with the thoughts of ok will I be able to survive the next financial year? Will I be able to sustain these businesses for my family, my clients & my community? I am Grateful to say that ‘YES’ we have survived but not only that we have ‘THRIVED’!! How do we enter the new FY from either last year’s Highs or lows? Here are some suggestions & strategies that will set you up to Grow, Expand, Transform, Inspire. Whatever it is you want to achieve this coming Financial year, here at Millionaire Salon Coach will help!


This here is a big one and can be the topic or situation that makes and breaks a small business. How you are structured from day one is Vital. Always with a re-structure it is best to ‘Start with the end in mind”. That means when you do a re-structure what is your Vision for where you want to go? How big do you want to take this thing called Salon Owning? How much annual revenue would you love to make? These are all vital questions you should ask yourself and have answered when talking to your Accountant or financial Expert Regarding your Salon’s structure. I have resourced information from the account we use in our Company to provide a more detailed & clear description of what will best suit for you. It includes

It includes descriptions of A Company, Sole Trader and Partnership, although you will notice there are some structures missing such as a Trust, SMSF etc. A ‘company’ structure has been the best option for us with our companies.

GROWTH & EXPANSION STRATEGIES Understand & Know your numbers! It is wild how often I speak to Salon owners & Small business owners and they have not a clear understanding of their numbers! Without knowing your numbers, you cannot possibly hope or wish to success. That is like ‘Going to a foreign place for holidays, driving and you turn your gps but don’t actually enter the address you want to go’. Chances of you finding your hotel will be purely by luck and chance if you find it all. Knowing your numbers is absolutely vital. Your numbers will tell you exactly the health of your Salon/Business. When you have room to grow, when you will be able to Buy a new machine, do renovations, employ new staff, expand to a new location etc. Numbers you must know: • What your Salon needs to generate Per Hour to break even. Then add to that number depending on the impact you want to have or the life you want to live. • Snapshot at your Weekly, Monthly expenses VS your Revenue. Then figure out if you need to be wiser with wastage (because we know wastage is massive) we suffered with this for like 6 Years in our Salon! • What you would love to pay yourself from your Salon, you should aim to pay yourself a minimum 6 Figure Salary purely from your Salon. Literally because you deserve it! To do that you need to know your numbers tight so you can make informed decisions around what needs to happen in your Salon so you can live that 6 Figure Salon owner Lifestyle! Saying ok I turnover $1m and I have a nice car, nice home & some fancy accessories (WHICH IS GREAT BY THE WAY) don’t get me wrong. But after all that you need to ask yourself this, Confidently. Do I have the cash flow and the annual revenue to open two more clinics? Or expand? Am I recession safe, do I have a cushion of money to survive another covid or recession? These sound negative I know, but these questions will hopefully spark

inspiration for you to Grow & Expand! Ascension, Training Plan, Mission – Vision & Core Values These are generally 3 different subjects completely, but because your time is valuable, I have compressed this so you can get enough information to go and implement immediately without feeling overwhelmed. All the above mentioned are based around how you can build the most effective & Highest Performing Team in your Salon possible. Without a team our success as Owners and leaders is limited! Ascension Plan is a POWER MOVE: It is a Tier pay rate level. The more revenue your Staff Earn annually the higher they go up in Tiers of salary (knowing your numbers will build this out too) Training Plan: Everyone loves education, improving them selves personally and professionally right! If you have a training plan you can predict what your training costs will be, when you can start in increase revenue in your salon from the training provided that I assume has improved your Teams Skills in Skin Science, Attitude mindset, Sales Training, Communication etc. Here at Millionaire Salon Coach we offer extensive custom packages for all these. Mission, Vision & Core Values: DO NOT OPEN ANOTHER DAY until you have these three dialled in. Harsh I know, but I say that because I know the transformation it will have on your life and your Salon once completed. Mission: Why you do what you do every day Vision: What is the big picture goal for your Salon Core Values: What you value in terms of actions, beliefs etc. Business Structure Expensive to register Difficult to set up Complete control over decision-making Limited Liability Easy to raise capital Easy to dissolve or sell Tax benefits Can I retain all profits made? Can I change structures easily?

Here is a link to ours at Millionaire Salon Coach: why-we-exist Personal & Professional Development THIS SHOULD BE #1 actually above all else. As the aeroplane companies say “Put your mask on before assisting others”. Perfectly said, we must first feed our own minds, bodies & spirits before we can begin to help others. Align yourself with mentors & coaches that have been where you want to go. People that can help you and understand you and your journey! Here is a saying I live by. “If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room”. Find New ways to add revenue: Look at how besides increasing prices you can increase your salons revenue! I have a post about the 5 ways to increase your salons revenue on my Instagram: Look at who you can collaborate with in the industry or outside industries that will help you grow and expand your vision! People are more than willing to help more often than not if we just ask.


1. Reach out to us here at Millionaire Salon Coach 2. Get clear on your Mission, Vision & Core Values. Your ‘WHY’ 3. Invest in Personal & Professional Development TODAY 4. Look at your Business structure 5. Know your numbers like you know your Kids Birthday. Or your own Birthday

For more information please visit

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Company Yes Yes

Trust Yes Yes

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Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3





What are people who work for you saying about your Business? What are you doing to attract the right people? Let me share with you the Employee Journey so you can uncover why things may not be as you hoped. The Employee journey is a series of experiences that each employee will encounter during their time with you. It can begin with the first time an applicant responds to your job post and says - “That’s me! That is the place I want to work” - “they are talking to me”, “That sounds like my kind of place.” As an Industry right now, there is a lot of conversation about ‘Advertising for Team’ and ‘lack of Applicants’. If you were to know ‘Why’ employees are leaving the industry or their employment to work somewhere else wouldn’t that information be GOLD? Well thanks to a review from the Australian Hairdressing Council we do know. And these results I believe are relevant to all salons in the hair, and beauty industry. So, what does an Employee want? The three main pain points of a team member were. 1) Culture - bad 2) Communication - inconsistent, not feeling heard, not appreciated 3) Training - it’s over promised and not delivered, inconsistent So, as I go through the employee journey 64

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this will give you insights to the areas of your business where your Culture, Communication and Training might have slipped and what you can do about it.


The Timeline of their journey is first their awareness, It’s possible that when a team member looked at coming to work for you, they saw something on social media. They might have heard things also, from friends or on insta stories -things that have painted a picture of what it’s like to work in your business. The photos are telling them a story - is this place action packed, tranquil, busy, fun?


They make a decision - that your salon is where they want to work - I can see myself working there and I want to be part of it. I want to be like them.


This is what I thought it would be like. I’m getting into the groove of things here.


They are happy and stay. The relationship is built on honesty, trust, and commitment


When they are an advocate of the business they love to come to work, and they attract new team members too. Often, we take our team members though awareness, decision and stumble in security and satisfaction - often not getting loyal team members or advocates, There are three areas a team member will go through and whilst we want to ensure we are making this journey memorable in a good way for our team members, we also want to make sure it’s memorable for the team members who didn’t get the job. Why? Because they could be your next hire and they are also potential clients. Pre-Employment - Do you respond to all applicants with a letter to say ‘unfortunately you were not successful at this time? Do you acknowledge that they have put in the effort to apply for your job? How can we acknowledge them - thank them? Especially if no one else in your town does. These unsuccessful applicants might be a client, they are certainly a potential client, and what if they might be successful later on - but you left a bad taste in their mouth.

- The Interview. Are you disorganised, scratching around at your desk for papers, no prepared interview questions, you haven’t even read their resume properly? - Are the images portrayed for your positions vacant and your salon - congruent? Do you follow through with your promises of commitment to fun and training? Employment - Do you have an induction procedure that if you were sick, another team member could follow to ensure a smooth process and welcoming start for the new team member? You have an opportunity to create a welcoming environment, that it’s set up for them so that there are always things there that they might need. - That could be a ‘go to folder’ a guide of contacts, technician phone numbers, educational books - Training and development - Reviews Post-Employment - Separation - Connection - Re-Employment: Would you ever reemploy someone My most favourite is The Grass roots of the Employee journey. This is explained best by Abraham Maslow - An American Psychologist who created a motivational theory in psychology. He believed that we have 5 different needs. And in order to reach our full potential we need to have the primary needs met first. The Hierarchy of needs goes like this. 1) Physiological Needs. Foundations - How Supported are they 2) Safety Needs. Money - Consistency Messaging 3) Belonging and loved needs. Relationships - Culture - Trust 4) Esteem Needs. Happiness - Fulfillment Confidence 5) Self-actualization. Inspired - Intrinsically motivated A team member must have their lower needs met in order for the ones proceeding them to be met. For example, a Physiological need met before

the ‘Safety’ needs are met. Then they must have their Safety needs met before they can have Belonging and so on. Let’s look at how this can appear in your salon.


Do your team members have a support network around them? I’m sure you like me have considered this when we hired an apprentice. Who will drive them to and from work? Be the listening ear when things get tough for them? Are they looking after themselves, health, nutrition, rest?


What makes your team feel secure? Let’s look at what makes them feel insecure and often gets overlooked and we wonder why our team members are not reaching their potential. One of the things that would have tested their feelings of being safe would be Covid-19. To create a sense of safety we all uplevelled our high cleaning standards, wore masks and had distancing of clients etc. And we needed to do those things to ensure our team felt and continued to feel that the standards we keep are high, to protect our team’s wellbeing - we care. But what are some things we are slipping on? Messaging. Money for example - “I don’t know if we are going to pull through this” “things are really tight, someone might have to go” How would that make someone feel? There might be some truth in this - but how is it delivered? You are their leader - their rock. And if you’re saying “If you’re not as good as ‘Sally’- who is smashing her targets, banging clients in, outperforming everybody… I just think you’re not going to hit the mustard’. Will they feel their job is safe? Will they feel that their leader has confidence in them? It’s like your team member is a plant - growing, and when you do this - you have pulled them out of the ground, got them by your hands, shaken their foundations. They need to feel secure and safe in their work - and that comes from you, Spend time on this and the rest is easier. If you are whining about - “Why are you not

inspired and motivated” are you pointing the finger at your team when the solution is in, you. What’s the inconsistency of your messaging? Are you saying the salon has plenty of clients, we just need you! Things are amazing. We do this and that… but you don’t.


Do they feel connected with you? Do they feel you give a damn about them? Do they trust your heart is in the right place? You actually care about them personally and professionally. Is It fun in your workplace? Do they team appreciate you all have your differences and get along?


The feeling of accomplishment. Seeing the training, the things they have learnt create happy experiences for them and the clients. The clients ask to see them again - their clientele builds. The Team asks them for help? Admire them - respect them.

SELF ACTUALISATION NEEDS Achieving one’s full potential I think we should do this or that. How can I learn more?

So - Where do you start? Consider what your original promises are. If you promised all those wonderful things make sure you follow through. Make them feel secure in the trust that you do what you say you are going to do. Your employee journey deserves critical thinking to ensure you have created a space where people are drawn to work with you. At the heart of it all is your desire to ensure everyone reaches their full potential, the client in their service, the team on their journey and your business success. To develop your strength and understanding of the Language of Leadership connect with Estelle Carroll on socials Instagram: @estellecarrollzingcoach Facebook: Estelle Carroll-Zing and email Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3






In the past two years the world has been turned upside down. For everyone; business owners AND our teams.. Priorities have shifted, right? Have you felt it? I definitely have! So now that living with covid is the new normal and we’re ready to rebuild, we need the staff to do just that. Well, I’m not sure about you, but I’ve NEVER seen the job market this empty. It’s as if our workforce has shaved off two thirds overnight... So, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that one of the most important considerations in running a business in the post covid world is staff retention. But what does that actually mean? Why do people leave in the first place? There are two general types of resignations: leaving the industry all together - and leaving for another business similar to yours. Maybe even a competitor. Or working for themselves.


Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

Post Covid we are seeing more people reconsidering their work life balance, their distance to and from work, their purpose and also the environment they spend their days in. Some things you can control (culture, communication, training and development opportunities, growth opportunities, alignment to purpose, alignment to values, how you drive performance etc). And then there are some things we can’t control. But today, let’s focus on the things that are in our control. 1. Lack of job security. During the pandemic many employers’ first knee jerk reaction was to stand their team down instead of utilising them to grow the business and grow themselves. Some hard truths: if you get stood down 7 times in the past 18 months, you’d probably reconsider your career too.

And it’s not that I don’t understand it! Trust me, I do. But it’s a very valid reason why a lot of our workforce either started looking for different careers or started working for themselves. Whether we feel we were right in that decision or not. What I WILL say, is that being a people first business isn’t a short-term game. So, in the short term it was scary for us to keep everyone on. But in the long term it helped us stay in touch with clients, provide them with remote services and ultimately, generate a lot more income had we stood the team down and I had to do it myself! AND of course, it helped the team stay connected and in touch with their purpose and their value in driving the business forward. 2. Lack of contact/ 1-1’s I’ve spoken to a heap of therapists who from the moment they were placed in lockdown, didn’t hear anything from their workplace until they were back again. Imagine experiencing

that 7 times!! In Victoria that was reality for a lot of our workforce. But it wasn’t just the lockdowns that saw our teams left without regular contact. I’m still surprised how many employers or managers don’t have regular 1-1’s. In my opinion, regular 1-1’s are the foundation of the connected relationship it takes for our teams to feel like they matter. And that connected relationship - getting to REALLY know the person who works for us, is also the foundation for being able to hold people to account. 3. Lack of leadership (or micromanaging) No one likes to be told what to do constantly. With no input in how it can be done, and no freedom to impact change. Being in a position where you never have a chance to feel the satisfaction of mastery is a recipe for disdain, feelings of failure and feelings of unworthiness. Not exactly the best way to retain your team... Leadership isn’t about managing performance. It’s about creating an inspiring environment where people can grow into the best version of themselves. 4 years ago, I had a sliding door moment. I could continue to be a manager - managing numbers and performance and controlling the group of people on my team - or I could own it and admit that I didn’t know how to be a leader, and go learn how to. I chose the latter. Today both my manager and I take a leadership approach; inspiring our people to achieve more than they ever thought possible by using motivation over instruction. Of course, some situations need to be managed. But they’re much less common. The result is an inspired team who love coming to work (Literally! Last week, two of my team exclaimed “I can’t wait to come to work! It’s just so awesome!”)... *Melt. 4. Unrealistic performance pressures In the past few months of coaching and mentoring clinic owners one thing I see VERY often is a) way too low pricing, and b) an expectation of staff to perform without having given them the tools and motivation to do so. If your treatment menu allows for $80 an hour in revenue, then it’s pretty unrealistic to expect your team to make $200 an hour. And another thing, the good old KPI scoreboard in the kitchen - the one that tracks everyone’s performance in dollars and cents please get rid of it... It leads to so many negative behaviours in a workplace and has no positives at all. I know that’s pretty strong, but I think it’s time we hammer this home. A Key Performance Index is only a measurement of outcomes. It doesn’t address the input. And the input is where you need to focus; the behaviours that lead to higher revenue. Are you happy with a staff member stealing sales from someone else or selling products a client doesn’t need, just to hit their target? Do you celebrate that as a win? Hopefully not. 5. Lack of clear expectations You can’t hold people accountable without clear expectations. And as an employee, not having clear expectations is really unsettling.

If the goal post keeps shifting and changing and expectations aren’t aligned, then it makes for a rocky relationship. Clear expectations start with a well drafted Position Description. I always encourage managers or owners go through each point in the PD and talk about them in depth and invite questions. And revisit it frequently. 6. The right person but in the wrong position. If you have a top therapist who lives and breathes skin - would you book them every day doing nails and waxing? If the answer is yes, then you might be fast tracking an exit sooner than you think. Our people need to feel a sense of achievement and motivation in order to feel fulfilled. Ask your team what they’re really passionate about and utilise that as a guide to create the role that brings out the best in them 7. Lack of growth opportunities. It’s interesting to me that the only way to climb a ladder within our industry is to become manager. On paper that all seems great - BUT are we really promoting excellent therapists to a whole different career? We just hired a therapist who was pushed into a manager role in her last clinic because she felt it was the only way to grow. After 4 months she had grown to hate her job. The truth about therapists is that the purpose that drives them to become therapists isn’t always applicable in the role as a manager and a leader. Being a manager means being of service to the rest of the team. Putting them over you. Paperwork and admin tasks. So, let’s find other growth opportunities for our therapists! The best way to keep therapists growing is constant up skilling, personal development, regular goal setting and KPI’s and also potentially unidentified new roles within the workplace. We have created several roles around the strengths and goals some of our team have had. And it’s a great way to keep them constantly challenged. 8. Lack of balance in care and accountability. Gone are the days when we used to think everyone must be treated the same. The truth is people want to be treated as THEY like to be treated. So holding people accountable means first of all getting to know them as individuals. What motivates them? What’s their background like? What are their fears and limitations? What past experiences might be colouring the way they show up today? Care without accountability is a recipe for chaos and standards and culture slipping. Accountability without care is a recipe for disrespect and a non-inspiring environment. A careful balance of both is the goldilocks moment...Just right. 9. No connection to the purpose or vision of the business. A recent survey by Korn Ferry found that 90% of people who worked in a purpose driven organisations reported feeling engaged in their work.

In companies that aren’t as focused on purpose, only 32 percent of employees reported feelings of engagement and connectedness with the work they were doing. Also, they found that teams focused on purpose had an annual growth rate of 3x the annual rate for their industry. If this isn’t proof that we need to connect our people with WHY they do what they do, and how they contribute to the business achieving its goals, I don’t know what is. Purpose driven environment = high engagement = high satisfaction = high employee retention. 10. Work/life balance or distance to work Of course, you can’t move your clinic closer to someone’s house. And you may or may not be able to change rosters around to accommodate better work life balance. We did in fact change our operating hours to try our best to achieve this - but it may not be possible for everyone, depending on where you’re located and the needs your demographic has. And the reality is, unless you’re open 9-5 there’s always a chance that The truth of it all is that our people are only with us for a certain amount of time. Our job is to know that, and give them as many opportunities to grow and have impact while they’re with us. And by balancing care and accountability, and creating an inspired place to work, hopefully you can retain them for as long as possible, Control the controllable. The rest, well there are many reasons why people leave that are completely out of your control. So why dwell on them?

After opening Melbourne’s first Scandinavian inspired skin clinic 8 years ago and turning it into a multi 7 figure success, Gry is now spending her days coaching and mentoring other business leaders in the beauty and aesthetic industry via her new initiative, Profit + Purpose. Gry’s mission is helping business owners and managers lead with purpose, create a people first culture - and help them achieve more profit and joy in the process. Gry’s approach is tailored to each individual, as no two businesses or leaders are the same. For more info or to enquire about Gry’s limited coaching availabilities follow her instagram @grytomte

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3





Your company’s values are the overarching fundamental beliefs that your team, as a whole, holds – it’s what guides them to do what they do. These beliefs dictate the way your team works, the decisions they make and how they interact with each other & your clients. Company values (also referred to as corporate values or core values) bind your team together with a common business goal. Company values play a powerful role in any business’ culture and should not be overlooked in the salon setting. They illustrate what your salon believes to potential employees & customers, as well as influencing & reminding your current team of the accepted way of working, behaving, and accomplishing outcomes. It’s important that your values are carefully considered and that your salon can stay true to them, despite changes in the market or in your business priorities. Successful businesses have a strong set of values that remain fixed, even as their business strategies and tactics shift to adapt to changes in the industry or new levels of growth. In fact, company values should be leant on in times of change.


Countless studies have shown that businesses with strong company values have greater customer & team satisfaction, faster growth, and better financial performance. These favourable outcomes are a result of a united team. Team alignment and unity is one of the ways company values can assist your salon. Your salon’s bigger purpose and goals are easily communicated when your team understands and lives your company values. Team and individual performance are enhanced when a team is united in their common goal, understands the why behind decisions, and sees their leaders & peers consistently acting with their company values front of mind. Your company values should also influence your recruitment process greatly: hire and fire by them. Having clear values will not only help you hire new team members that will be a good cultural fit but will also help you attract the right team members for your salon. Most salon owners can think back to a time when one team member’s attitude, lack of productivity or negativity brought the whole team down, costing valuable time, resources, and energy. When recruiting, outline your values to appeal to like-minded candidates. This is great for team retention as well, as individuals who hold 68

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the same values as your salon will fit into your existing team easily. When inducting new team members, ensure your company values are explicitly explained, with context and examples. Revisit these in one-on-one meetings and help your team to evaluate their behaviour based on company values. Good values will lead your team’s behaviour and their decision making within the business. Your company’s values are ideally ingrained in each team member. If your team is inconsistent with values-led behaviour, support your team to constantly question if their actions and choices pass your company’s ‘values test’. This will help to align your team more closely with your company’s values and make decisions that support your salon and its goals. Ultimately, it creates accountability for each team member and your customers will see this at every appointment and in every interaction, they have with your salon. When your team understands your company values, they understand clearly what is expected of them. This understanding is incredibly motivating for performance, as individuals that know what’s expected feel more confident in their work and contribution to common goals. A great way to further motivate your team is to recognise examples of values-led behaviour. If you then choose to reward it, you’ll see it repeated. Publicly

sharing ways that team members have put company values into action will motivate the rest of your team to do the same. Your culture is your brand. Your company’s values will not only attract customers, but your ideal clients. People choose brands and businesses that reflect their own values and belief systems. Your company’s values tell the world what’s important to your business and why you do what you do. The clients that choose your salon based on your values will be loyal and enthusiastic about sharing their experience by telling others. As a salon coach and business owner, I see the real importance of company values and the way they can impact a salon business. When you and your team can stay true to your company’s values, your salon business will be stronger and more resilient. The ‘right’ decision will be clear, as it will be the one that aligns with your company values, without compromise. Companies with strong values stand out from the crowd, as well as enjoying the myriad of benefits that valuesled behaviour provides. If you need help establishing or refreshing your salon’s values, contact me to book in a FREE Turbo Discovery Coaching Call and let’s make it happen! Rebecca Miller







HOW TO AUTOMATE YOUR CLIENT EXPERIENCE WITHOUT LOSING THE HUMAN TOUCH! By Tamara Reid, Head of Partnerships for Timely Business Management Software

Want to nurture client relationships and grow your business while you sleep? With the help of Timely Business Management Software, you can. Here’s how salons are doing it. Most of us beauty professionals find our way into the industry because we want to learn and grow while connecting with others. As many small business owners can attest, over time, clients become family – and it’s these bonds that make working in the beauty industry so special. In years gone past, maintaining client relationships meant picking up the phone to book in new appointments and provide reminders. But now, thanks to business management software such as Timely, these manual phone calls are being replaced by automated text messages and emails, meaning you can spend more time doing what you love: connecting with clients in salon. Concerned that by using automated messages in your salon, you could lose the human touch? You shouldn’t be, says Steve Moore, Small Business Consultant for Timely, who also co-owns a lash and brow salon in Darwin, Australia. “Using automation will take some of your work away, which will give you time to make more money,” he says. By automating your admin, you can be more specific about your communications and still “make those phone calls and connect with the clients who need it”. Here, how to embrace technology so you can work smarter not harder. Let clients book themselves in Did you know that 22 per cent of clients say that the ability to book online is the main reason they return to a business? For the relationship-minded business owner, missing out on the opportunity to have a chat by allowing clients to book themselves in might feel counterintuitive; however, taking your booking system online could lead to an uptick in appointments. Timely is the world’s smartest business management software. By rolling out the software’s online booking feature, you can fill your calendar, maximise your appointment time and appeal to new and existing clients who stumble on your business during a latenight Instagram scroll. “By switching to an online booking system, 70

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you can make money while you’re sleeping,” Steve explains. “Nothing feels better than waking up with 10 new appointments booked overnight.” “I can also oversee and manage my bookings from anywhere. I’ve been able to travel to Canada or Europe and still manage and support my team because of our automated booking system.” Take your forms online ‘I love doing paperwork’, said no one ever. Ever reviewed a client form filled out by hand and had to guess whether they put down a ‘G’ or a ‘7’? Going digital takes out the guesswork and cuts down on precious admin hours. Using Timely to automate your consultation process means your clients can work their way through screening checks and complete pre-appointment information in their own time. When they walk through the doors, you can spend a few minutes getting up to speed, ensuring that they qualify for the treatment, and then get straight to the important bit: the appointment.

we’ve reduced our last-minute no-show rate to less than two per cent – and that’s for over 150 bookings per month. Now, we get one or two no-shows a month and that’s purely through SMS reminders.”

“I used to have a four-drawer filing cabinet filled with nothing but consent forms,” Steve says, reflecting on when he used to run his salon without Timely. “Going online has been life changing. I used to have to manually scan consent forms and add them to client files – now, they go out with appointment reminders and the client fills them in beforehand.”

Make the most of reports

Automate your reminders and follow ups

“You can see all sorts of things, like best performing treatments and products, along with how much money you’ve made through EFTPOS versus online payments. There’s a myriad of knowledge you can extract from the Timely system to manage and run your business.”

If you’re not using automated appointment reminders and follow ups, you’re missing out. Automated text messages and emails are easy to set up, totally customisable, and have been proven to reduce no-shows. There’s also the option to automate aftercare reminders, referrals, rebooking reminders, and special offers, too. “Reminder messages reduce your number of no-shows,” Steve shares. “In my own salon,

Want to know what’s happening in your business at a glance? Timely’s dashboard feature shows your business goals and targets in a simple visual way – from staff sales to client retention and rebooking metrics – to help you make informed decisions.

The real question is: what are you waiting for? By going digital, you could cut down on admin, reduce no-shows, make the most of reports and, most importantly, give yourself the gift of time, so you can be more present on the salon floor.

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Many of us begin our journey running a beauty business with a beat to our step, a heart full of hope and a beautiful vision for living the life of our dreams.

And while being a Beauty Business Owner is one of the most incredible career paths you can take, it also comes with its challenges. One of the top challenges I hear from within my community is the overwhelm that comes with Marketing. To be honest, marketing can seem like one of those things you know you *should* be doing, but often, we don’t find the time to make it a priority. Or we wing it and stick to what has been working for years! Then all of a sudden a staff member might leave, a change might occur to the economy, and suddenly we can be faced with a downturn in bookings, a drop in sales and our growth plateaus. So how do you know if your marketing strategies are working? Well for one, are your social media posts, email campaigns or google ads bringing people in through your door? If you actively have people engaging, making bookings, or mentioning how they found you, you’ve most likely got a killer marketing strategy in place! Well done! If it’s working, then you are doing something right! If it’s not bringing people through the door or increasing your average client spend, then it may be time to refresh your marketing strategy and give it a little refresh. Many of the Beauty Business Owners I speak to will have automations or systems in place for 72

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their marketing, but they often get busy, so it can stay the same for years on end! Worst of all, their profits aren’t moving upwards because the strategies are stagnant, and the client has lost the personal connection with your business. So, what are some key steps you can take to audit your marketing and make sure it’s working well for your business growth?

If you aren’t excited about what you see here’s a few small ways you can make a start on improving your marketing to increase your results. My first step is to remove yourself as the position of the owner of the business and look at your content and campaigns from the eyes of the potential customer. Are you communicating your mission and vision to your audience well?

The first place to start is to set aside some time to go over your current systems that you have in place and audit them. What are your insights, open rates, click throughs and average sales from the marketing that you are currently doing?

Do they know exactly what you do and why you do it?

Break it down into your Social Media Channels, SMS, Email, Web, Local Area Advertising, and any other methods of marketing that you are using.

Are you encouraging them to engage and interact with you?

Once you have this information, you can make note of what is working well and making you money, but also what is not working, and create an action plan to improve the results of the campaigns and turn them around! When you have completed your audit, you might be a little surprised by the results. If they are working well, Congratulations! Don’t change the strategy! You can, however, make sure you keep them up to date and relevant to the current seasons, trends, and services you have available.

Do you touch on their problems they want solved or their pain and pleasure points?

Do they know anything about the people behind the brand? Are you building authentic relationships and connections with them? Something I see many salons struggling with is engagement from their marketing and one of the biggest tips I can give you is to stop pushing sales on them and start listening to their concerns and help them through genuine connection. When you engage with a social media post, receive an email or SMS what makes you want to respond? Is it the promotion or is it the feeling of wanting the result?

When we put ourselves in the shoes of the customer and how it feels to be a valued client of your business, I can guarantee you that your marketing will explode! I want this success and joy for you. So, let’s with some examples of how you can do this. ● Get to know your customers. What are their biggest pain points? What do they love to experience? What results are they drawn to? This will ultimately allow you to build stronger relationships with your customers. ● Use descriptive words in your messages and captions. Make your customer feel something when they are reading your content. ● Stop making it all about just the sale or the service ● Simplify your messaging. Simply reach out and ask your customers and talk with them. ● Make them feel valued and appreciated. ● Share tips and tricks that are going to serve them in their day-to-day life. ● Envision yourself speaking with them 1:1 when you’re creating your content or campaigns. When you simplify your strategies and create campaigns and content that speaks directly to your audience, the results will naturally drive sales.

So, I encourage you today to go and book some time into your calendar with the New Financial Year approaching, to go and audit your business marketing strategies and make sure they are bringing your business abundance.

More technology doesn’t have to mean more hassle.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and haven’t even made a start with some of the marketing strategies you know you need, but just don’t seem to have the time. Start small. With one marketing channel and make yourself a list of tasks that will help implement your new marketing channel.

Our business management software is seamless, super-easy to set up and simple to use.

If you’re struggling with the ‘how to’ when it comes to marketing, look at some free resources on places such as YouTube or invest in a course that will help you learn more about the strategies you need to create. And if all else fails, look to a mentor or expert to help create the systems for you. There’s lots of service providers from Virtual Assistants, Marketing Agencies, Strategists and Coaches who can help you if you just can’t do it yourself.

Which means you’ll have more work time for your clients – and more free time for yourself.

I hope you have found this helpful and it inspires you to take action for the new financial year, to have a strong marketing system in place to allow you to keep growing and smashing your business goals! Visit today for more details about our services.




By Angela Sanchez

With the Fast Pace of the digital world, it is important to make sure you are building an email list of raving fans that your social media followers are sent to sign up to so they can become part of your VIP LIST. I’m a social media guru for beauty business owners and have been for the last 4 years, but one thing that hasn’t changed since social media started is that YOU DONT OWN YOUR FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. In fact, it could disappear in an instant. Speaking from experience here but more on that another time. The fact that you spend countless hours posting content, creating reels, educating through Facebook live and you are not converting that viewer or follower into a paying customer, then you need to think smarter in a way that you can nurture them through email marketing. I know you have a client list that you may be sending your monthly newsletter to BUT, you are limiting yourself by only emailing those that have already become a client and are in your local community. It’s time to speak to the opportunity of selling retail Australia Wide!!! It’s not hard to set up.

Step 6. Don’t just post once about joining and then think your list will grow organically, you need to be using all the tools within social media to DRIVE TRAFFIC TO THIS LIST. Use Reels, Posts, Go Live and share the link in a call to action each time. Where do they go and what do they get!

Step 1: Choose an email software provider. An easy one that is widely used in our industry in Mailchimp.

Step 7. Add the sign-up form to your website as a pop up, that way when people find you on google you are already gaining their email before becoming a customer.

Step 2: Create an INVITATION TO SIGN UP. This way you have a place to have them write their first name and email address.

Now I have their email - Now What?

Step 3. Create an Automated welcome email. This will be sent every single time someone signs up to your list, introduce yourself and let them get to know you. Now remember this list is separate to the salon client list so you want those clients to opt in for VIP bonuses and Secret Discount Codes for your online store. Step 4. Invite your client list that you have collected from your salon software, with an email for them to sign up. There will be a unique link from your sign-up form for you to copy and paste into your email. Step 5. Share with your social media followers that you would love them to JOIN... (Insert community name) For example you could use beauty sisters, The Beauty Society, Your clinic name Lovers. Get Creative and make 74

it an exciting reason for them to click and subscribe.

Beauty Biz Year 15 Issue 3

We’ll have a think about the emails that you love to receive and hate to receive. You want to use your brand voice so that you are building a connection with your audience via email. Try to focus on retail, remember that this list will now be a combination of clients that come to you for treatments but ALSO those who may be out of reach to get to appointments, but value your knowledge and want to buy from YOU!

5 EMAILS YOU CAN CREATE FOR YOUR GROWING LIST. 1. Let them know how much you appreciate them being on your list and want to offer them a Welcome Discount code off anything from your online store. Share a bit about you and your business. 2. Share a recent or old blog post with them. This helps drive traffic from your emails to

your website and get them browsing other things you offer. I always recommend adding segments in your blog that promotes your products. clickable links and images that take them to the actual product in the online store. 3. Share the product of the month, you can insert video links as well, so for example if you have done a Facebook live speaking about the product of the month you can link them back to that to and try to get them engaging in your socials to. 4. Ask Them a question, short sharp and really powerful for your emails to end up in their inbox instead of spam when you are getting clicks and replies. 5. Share 5 ways they can get started on a glowing skin journey. (Kind of like these 5 step email tips) Ok now it’s over to you.... this may sound scary for you to dip your toes into or feel like another thing added to the plate of your already overwhelming list of content creation but it’s important as the buying pattern of the beauty and wellness consumer is changing and I don’t want you being left behind. Now I always like to lead by example so go and head to freebies and get on our list so we can send you more beauty business tips like this in between magazine articles. Stay Gorgeous Inside and Out. Angela Sanchez is the Beauty Business Mentor

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Articles inside


page 74


pages 72-73


page 70


page 68


pages 66-67


pages 64-65


pages 62-63


pages 60-61

EOFY TAX TIPS FOR HAIR AND BEAUTYBy Mark Chapman, Director of Tax Communications for H&R Block Australia.

pages 58-59


pages 56-57


page 54

Becoming Bigger than Your Problems By Angeli Marie Shaw

page 52

BLOG Spot. Paul Frasca

page 50

BLOG Spot. Elle Wilson

page 49

BLOG SPOT. Julie Cross

page 48

French Beauty Secrets By Charlotte Ravet

page 40

Setting the Education Bar High

page 38

10th Anniversary of the World's First Meso-Infusion Skincare Range

page 36


pages 34-35

What's NEW for Beauty Expo

page 32

The role of Keratinocytes in Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema By Gay Wardle

page 30

A Differentially Diagnosis By Alanna Douglas

page 28

Home Skin Decives Can replace Professional Devices Right? By Nancy Abdou

page 26

Finding Confidence in Community By Robyn McAlpine

pages 24-25

PRO restore - An Industry First

pages 22-23

A True Champion

page 16

Mama & Bird

pages 14-15

10 Minutes with Deb Farnworth-Wood by Louise May

pages 12-13

Beauty Boss By Louise May

pages 10-11

Sharing A Love of Beauty by Louise May

pages 8-9

Editor's Note 

page 6
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