Relevant Standards for PLC System Users Introduction The following standards are a selection of the most important European and international standards which are relevant for PLC system users. Product Standards NOTE: Standards can often provide security concerning product liability, but they are not legal standards. Standardization organizations are not liable for the suitability of the standards. Only the regulations in each individual country are binding. The following European and international standards define safety and EMC requirements for PLC system users. The selection has been purposefully kept small and mainly contains product standards. Within each individual standard, you will find a list of other standards which refer to certain products and may be valid for your application: EN-No.
Corresponding IEC No.
EN 61131-4
IEC 61131 -4
Programmable logic controllers – part 4: Guidelines for users
EN 50178
IEC 62103
Electronic equipment for use in power installations
EN 60439 - 1
IEC 60439 -1
Low voltage switching device combinations
EN 60950
IEC 950
Safety of IT equipment
General standards The following European and international standards define safety and EMC requirements which do not refer to certain products and may be valid for your application: EN-No.
Corresponding IEC No.
HD 384.4.41
IEC 60364-4-41
Electrical Installations of Buildings Part 4: Safety measures Chapter 41: Protection against electrical shock
EN 61140
IEC 61140
Protection against electric shock. Common requirements for systems and equipment
EN 60204 -1
IEC 60204 -1
Safety of machines - electrical equipment of machines
EN 50310
Use of measures for equipotential bonding and grounding in buildings with IT equipment
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